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Graceville and District Peace Committee members with banner during Hiroshima Day 1964, Brisbane, Australia.
Aldermaston Peace March participants 1965, Brisbane. The march covered the distance between Ipswich and Brisbane, Australia. Marchers walked in relays covering approximately two miles each. Most relay sections were sponsored by one or more individual organisations.
Holden utility carrying members of the Federated Ship Painters and Dockers Union during the Labour Day march in 1965, Brisbane, Australia. Anti conscription banners can be seen in the background, and the facade of the Pearl Assurance Building.
People listening to speakers during the Union for Civil Liberties Demonstration September 1967 in Brisbane. The demonstration was called by the Trades and Labour Council of Queensland to protest against police treatment of university students and staff in Roma Street, Brisbane during a protest march. The march, from the University of Queensland to the city, had been held a few days earlier.
Young Labor Association float during the Labour Day procession in Brisbane, Australia 1965. Placards call for voting rights for Aborigines, more education facilities and award wages.
Boys with placard during the Labour Day procession in Brisbane, 1965.
Demonstrators in Brisbane with banners and flags during Moratorium in Brisbane 1970. Cameraman can be seen filming the march.
Woman and children inside a tram during No War Toys Christmas party in Brisbane, Australia.
Three men inspecting tram at South Brisbane station, Brisbane Australia, during No War Toys outing. WILPF (Womens International League for Peace and Freedom) banner can be seen on the front of the tram. The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom was founded in 1915. It works towards disarmament, political solutions to international conflicts, equal participation of women in activities, economic justice and the elimination of racism and discrimination. To achieve these goals, the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom organises meetings, conferences and campaigns.
Tram leaving South Brisbane Station, Brisbane, Australia during "No war toys" outing.
Claude Jones addressing a Communist Party of Australia meeting in Brisbane, Australia. Ted Bacon can be seen at the table.
Bernie Taft speaking at a Communist Party of Australia meeting, Brisbane, Australia. Claude Jones can be seen at the table.
Vic Slater and police during the Youth Campaign against Conscription, Brisbane, Australia in 1965. Victor Charles Slater (now retired) was born in Queensland in March 1944 the only child of Jim and Joyce Slater, card carrying members of the Communist Party of Australia. Vic's mother, Joyce, joined up in Great Britain. Vic too joined the party in 1962 after a stint as president of the Eureka Youth League. He stayed with the more broad left CPA when it split from the hardline Stalinists after the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968. Vic joined the Waterside Workers' Federation before his 21st birthday in January 1965, one of 300 casual workers recruited to the Port of Brisbane that year. On the wharves he soon earned the nickname 'the Professor' arriving on the job each day bespectacled and carrying a briefcase heavy with reading matter on world politics and economics - a walking encyclopaedia of information. [information kindly provided by Peter Gray]
Patrick Rooke being bundled into the police wagon during the Youth Campaign against Conscription, cnr Queen and Albert Streets Brisbane, Australia, 1965.
Brian Laver speaking at the demonstration to protest the visit of President Lyndon Johnson to Brisbane during the Vietnam War in January 1966. Jack Sherrington can be seen on extreme right of photograph.