877 resultados para Freshwater Turtle
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The Yellow-spotted River Turtle (Podocnemis unifilis Troschel, 1848) and the South American River Turtle (Podocnemis expansa (Schweigger, 1812)) are two turtles species that are widely distributed and have ecological, economic, and cultural importance in the Amazon basin. Although sympatric regarding most of their distribution, few studies have addressed the coexistence of these two species. To examine this, we analyzed the trophic level and the primary carbon source from the diets of both species in Baixo Araguaia, Tocantins, Brazil, using stable isotope analyses of carbon (delta C-13) and nitrogen (delta N-15). We also verified possible intraspecific variations (related to sex and body mass) in the trophic levels and primary carbon sources of their diets. Podocnemis unifilis had higher values of delta N-15 than P. expansa, averaging 7.59 parts per thousand and 5.06 parts per thousand, respectively, a difference which may indicate a possible trophic change owing to exploiting different food resources. No differences were found between the two species in relation to delta C-13 (mean values of -26.2 parts per thousand and -26.1 parts per thousand, respectively). The similarity between delta C-13 values suggests that the sources of their basal feeding are the same, consisting mainly of C-3 plants. There was no intraspecific variation in the values of delta C-13 and delta N-15.
The growth dynamics of green sea turtles resident in four separate foraging grounds of the southern Great Barrier Reef genetic stock were assessed using a nonparametric regression modeling approach. Juveniles recruit to these grounds at the same size, but grow at foraging-ground-dependent rates that result in significant differences in expected size- or age-at-maturity. Mean age-at-maturity was estimated to vary from 25-50 years depending on the ground. This stock comprises mainly the same mtDNA haplotype, so geographic variability might be due to local environmental conditions rather than genetic factors, although the variability was not a function of latitudinal variation in environmental conditions or whether the food stock was seagrass or algae. Temporal variability in growth rates was evident in response to local environmental stochasticity, so geographic variability might be due to local food stock dynamics. Despite such variability, the expected size-specific growth rate function at all grounds displayed a similar nonmonotonic growth pattern with a juvenile growth spurt at 60-70 cm curved carapace length, (CCL) or 15-20 years of age. Sex-specific growth differences were also evident with females tending to grow faster than similar-sized males after the Juvenile growth spurt. It is clear that slow sex-specific growth displaying both spatial and temporal variability and a juvenile growth spurt are distinct growth behaviors of green turtles from this stock.
Sex- and age-class-specific survival probabilities of a southern Great Barrier Reef green sea turtle population were estimated using a capture - mark - recapture (CMR) study and a Cormack - Jolly - Seber (CJS) modelling approach. The CMR history profiles for 954 individual turtles tagged over a 9-year period ( 1984 - 1992) were classified into three age classes ( adult, subadult, juvenile) based on somatic growth and reproductive traits. Reduced-parameter CJS models, accounting for constant survival and time-specific recapture, fitted best for all age classes. There were no significant sex-specific differences in either survival or recapture probabilities for any age class. Mean annual adult survival was estimated at 0.9482 (95% CI: 0.92 - 0.98) and was significantly higher than survival for either subadults or juveniles. Mean annual subadult survival was 0.8474 ( 95% CI: 0.79 - 0.91), which was not significantly different from mean annual juvenile survival estimated at 0.8804 ( 95% CI: 0.84 - 0.93). The time-specific adult recapture probabilities were a function of sampling effort but this was not the case for either juveniles or subadults. The sampling effort effect was accounted for explicitly in the estimation of adult survival and recapture probabilities. These are the first comprehensive sex- and age-class-specific survival and recapture probability estimates for a green sea turtle population derived from a long-term CMR program.
Harmful algal blooms (HABs) have increased in abundance and severity in recent decades. Whereas the implications for human impacts and intoxication resulting from blooms have been extensively studied, the ecological implications of these microalgae are less well understood. Many HAB species produce biologically active, secondary metabolites and the fate of these toxins through the foodweb is generally not well understood unless it culminates in extensive fish mortalities or human poisonings. This review focusses on one HAB species, the cyanobacterium Lyngbya majuscula, and presents a hypothetical role for its involvement in fibro-papillornatosis (FP), a neoplastic disease of marine turtles. FP is expressed as benign tumours that grow both internally and externally on marine turtles, preventing vision, movement and organ function. The aetiology of FP is currently not conclusively understood, but virus material has been associated with tumours and previous studies have suggested a role for naturally produced tumour promoters. In this review, we present a hypothesis regarding the involvement of L. majuscula in FP, either through direct intoxication and action of tumour-promoting compounds or indirectly by causing seagrass loss and compromised immune function, thus leaving the turtles more susceptible to disease.
Lyngbya majuscula, a toxic cyanobacterium, was observed blooming during June-July (winter) 2002 in Shoalwater Bay, Queensland, Australia, an important feeding area for a large population of green turtles (Chelonia mydas). The bloom was mapped and extensive mats of L majuscula were observed overgrowing seagrass beds along at least 18 km of coast, and covering a surface area of more than I I km(2). Higher than average rainfall preceded the bloom and high water temperatures in the preceding summer may have contributed to the bloom. In bloom samples, lyngbyatoxin A (LA) was found to be present in low concentration (26 mu g kg(-1) (dry weight)), but debromoaplysiatoxin (DAT) was not detected. The diet of 46 green turtles was assessed during the bloom and L. majuscula was found in 51% of the samples, however, overall it contributed only 2% of the animals' diets. L. majuscula contribution to turtle diet was found to increase as the availability of the cyanobacterium increased. The bloom appeared to have no immediate impact on turtle body condition, however, the presence of a greater proportion of damaged seagrass leaves in diet in conjunction with decreases in plasma concentrations of sodium and glucose could suggest that the turtles may have been exposed to a Substandard diet as a result of the bloom. This is the first confirmed report of L. majuscula blooming in winter in Shoalwater Bay, Queensland, Australia and demonstrates that turtles consume the toxic cyanobacterium in the wild, and that they are potentially exposed to tumour promoting compounds produced by this organism. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Sand and nest temperatures were monitored during the 2002-2003 nesting season of the green turtle, Chelonia mydas, at Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Sand temperatures increased from similar to 24 degrees C early in the season to 27-29 degrees C in the middle, before decreasing again. Beach orientation affected sand temperature at nest depth throughout the season; the north facing beach remained 0.7 degrees C warmer than the east, which was 0.9 degrees C warmer than the south, but monitored nest temperatures were similar across all beaches. Sand temperature at 100 cm depth was cooler than at 40 cm early in the season, but this reversed at the end. Nest temperatures increased 2-4 degrees C above sand temperatures during the later half of incubation due to metabolic heating. Hatchling sex ratio inferred from nest temperature profiles indicated a strong female bias.
The interactions of carbon nanotubes with pesticides, such as carbofuran, classical contaminants (e.g., pesticides, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, heavy metals, and dyes) and emerging contaminants, including endocrine disruptors, are critical components of the environmental risks of this important class of carbon-based nanomaterials. In this work, we studied the modulation of acute carbofuran toxicity to the freshwater fish Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) by nitric acid treated multiwalled carbon nanotubes, termed HNO3-MWCNT. Nitric acid oxidation is a common chemical method employed for the purification, functionalisation and aqueous dispersion of carbon nanotubes. HNO3-MWCNT were not toxic to Nile tilapia at concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 3.0 mg/L for exposure times of up to 96 h. After 24, 48, 72 and 96 h, the LC50 values of carbofuran were 4.0, 3.2, 3.0 and 2.4 mg/mL, respectively. To evaluate the influence of carbofuran-nanotube interactions on ecotoxicity, we exposed the Nile tilapia to different concentrations of carbofuran mixed together with a non-toxic concentration of HNO3-MWCNT (1.0 mg/L). After 24, 48, 72, and 96 h of exposure, the LC50 values of carbofuran plus nanotubes were 3.7, 1.6, 0.7 and 0.5 mg/L, respectively. These results demonstrate that HNO3-MWCNT potentiate the acute toxicity of carbofuran, leading to a more than five-fold increase in the LC50 values. Furthermore, the exposure of Nile tilapia to carbofuran plus nanotubes led to decreases in both oxygen consumption and swimming capacity compared to the control. These findings indicate that carbon nanotubes could act as pesticide carriers affecting fish survival, metabolism and behaviour.
A new species of the relatively poorly known Neotropical freshwater stingray genus Plesiotrygon Rosa, Castello & Thorson, 1987 is described from the main channel and smaller tributaries (Ríos Itaya and Pachitea) of the upper Amazon basin in Peru. The first specimen to be collected, however, was from much farther east in Rio Solimões in 1996, just down-river from Rio Purus (specimen unavailable for this study). Plesiotrygon nana sp. nov., is a very distinctive and unusually small species of freshwater stingray (Potamotrygonidae), described here mostly from three specimens representing different size classes and stages of sexual maturity. Plesiotrygon nana sp. nov., is distinguished from its only congener, P. iwamae Rosa, Castello & Thorson, 1987, by numerous unique features, including: dorsal coloration composed of very fine rosettes or a combination of spots and irregular ocelli; very circular disc and snout; very small and less rhomboidal spiracles; short snout and anterior disc region; narrow mouth and nostrils; denticles on dorsal tail small, scattered, not forming row of enlarged spines; adult and preadult specimens with significantly fewer tooth rows; fewer caudal vertebrae; higher total pectoral radials; very small size, probably not surpassing 250 mm disc length or width, males maturing sexually at around 180 mm disc length and 175 mm disc width; distal coloration of tail posterior to caudal stings usually dark purplish-brown; and features of the ventral lateral-line canals (hyomandibular canal very narrow, infraorbital and supraorbital canals not undulated, supraorbital and infraorbital loops small and narrow, supraorbital loop very short, not extending posteriorly to level of mouth, jugular and posterior infraorbital canals short, not extending caudally to first gill slits, subpleural loop very narrow posteriorly; absence of anterior and posterior subpleural tubules). To provide a foundation for the description of P. nana sp. nov., morphological variation in P. iwamae was examined based on all type specimens as well as newly collected and previously unreported material. Two specimens topotypic with the male paratype of P. nana sp. nov., referred to here as Plesiotrygon cf. iwamae, are also reported. Relationships of the new species to P. iwamae are discussed; further characters indicative of Plesiotrygon monophyly are proposed, but the genus may still not be valid. Plesiotrygon nana sp. nov., is commercialized with some regularity in the international aquarium trade from Iquitos (Peru), an alarming circumstance because nothing is known of its biology or conservation requirements.
Potamotrygon tatianae sp. nov., is described from Río Madre de Díos, Peru, upper Rio Madeira basin. The new species is distinguished from all congeners by a unique combination of characters, including its dorsal color pattern formed by a relatively slender, highly convoluted, beige to dark brown vermicular pattern, a single row of dorsal tail spines, and a relatively longer tail posterior to caudal stings. Potamotrygon tatianae sp. nov., occurs sympatrically with other species of Potamotrygon (P. falkneri, P. orbignyi and P. motoro). From the similar species P. falkneri, P. tatianae sp. nov., is further distinguished by the absence of circular, reniform, and oval spots, by its proportionally much longer tail, by having dorsal tail spines in one irregular row, and by features of the ventral lateral-line canal, dermal denticles and neurocranium. From P. orbignyi, the new species is distinct by lacking a reticulate pattern on dorsal disc and by the presence of two angular cartilages. From P. motoro, P. tatianae sp. nov., is further separated by the lack of ocelli formed by strong black concentric rings, by the more flattened aspect of its head and disc, and by having smaller and more numerous teeth. The discovery of a new species that so closely resembles a congeneric form in color pattern, a feature highly variable within the latter, highlights the importance of examining large series of individuals and of detailed morphological analyses in revealing the potentially highly cryptic nature of the diversity within the family.
Potamotrygon boesemani, new species, is described from the Corantijn river drainage in Surinam. The species has a diagnostic dorsal color pattern formed by deep orange to red ocellated spots of irregular form, encircled by relatively broad black rings. Potamotrygon boesemani is distinguished from other ocellated congeners (P. motoro, P. henlei and P. leopoldi) by the more intensely colored ocelli, which are usually yellow in the latter species. From P. motoro it is also distinguished by the darker dorsal background coloration, by the broader black contour of the dorsal ocelli, and by the irregular form of the ocelli as compared to the more rounded shape in the latter species. From P. henlei and P. leopoldi, it is distinguished by the lack of ocelli on tail. From the tentatively identified specimen of P. ocellata, which also has dark orange ocelli, the irregular contour of the ocelli in the new species is also distinctive. The teeth are relatively smaller and in greater number than in P. motoro and P. ocellata, with up to 45 rows in the upper jaw.
We have adapted an actin-mosin motility assay to examine the interactions in vitro between actin cables isolated from the giant internodal cells of the freshwater alga, Nitella, and pigment granules extracted from red ovarian chromatophores of the freshwater palaemonid shrimp, Macrobrachium olfersi. The chromatophore pigment mass consists of large (0.5-1.0-mu m diameter) membrane-bounded granules, and small (140-nm diameter), a membranous granules, both structurally continuous with the abundant smooth endoplasmic reticulum. Our previous immunocytochemical studies show a myosin motor to be stably associated with the pigment mass; however, to which granule type or membrane the myosin motor is attached is unclear. Here, we show that sodium vanadate, a myosin ATPase inhibitor, markedly increases the affinity of isolated, large, membrane-bounded granules for Nitella actin cables to which they become permanently attached. This interaction does not occur in granule preparations containing ATP with uninhibited, active myosin without vanadate. We propose that a stable state of elevated affinity is established between the granule-located myosin motor and the Nitella actin cables, resulting from a vanadate-inhibited acto-myosin-ADP complex. This finding provides further evidence for a myosin motor positioned on the surface of the membrane-bounded pigment granules in shrimp ovarian chromatophores.
Background: Neotropical freshwater stingrays (Batoidea: Potamotrygonidae) host a diverse parasite fauna, including cestodes. Both cestodes and their stingray hosts are marine-derived, but the taxonomy of this host/parasite system is poorly understood. Methodology: Morphological and molecular (Cytochrome oxidase I) data were used to investigate diversity in freshwater lineages of the cestode genus Rhinebothrium Linton, 1890. Results were based on a phylogenetic hypothesis for 74 COI sequences and morphological analysis of over 400 specimens. Cestodes studied were obtained from 888 individual potamotrygonids, representing 14 recognized and 18 potentially undescribed species from most river systems of South America. Results: Morphological species boundaries were based mainly on microthrix characters observed with scanning electron microscopy, and were supported by COI data. Four species were recognized, including two redescribed (Rhinebothrium copianullum and R. paratrygoni), and two newly described (R. brooksi n. sp. and R. fulbrighti n. sp.). Rhinebothrium paranaensis Menoret & Ivanov, 2009 is considered a junior synonym of R. paratrygoni because the morphological features of the two species overlap substantially. The diagnosis of Rhinebothrium Linton, 1890 is emended to accommodate the presence of marginal longitudinal septa observed in R. copianullum and R. brooksi n. sp. Patterns of host specificity and distribution ranged from use of few host species in few river basins, to use of as many as eight host species in multiple river basins. Significance: The level of intra-specific morphological variation observed in features such as total length and number of proglottids is unparalleled among other elasmobranch cestodes. This is attributed to the large representation of host and biogeographical samples. It is unclear whether the intra-specific morphological variation observed is unique to this freshwater system. Nonetheless, caution is urged when using morphological discontinuities to delimit elasmobranch cestode species because the amount of variation encountered is highly dependent on sample size and/or biogeographical representation.
The accumulation of saxitoxins (STXs) in fish from freshwater aquaculture was investigated for the first time in the present study. Cyanotoxins have been monitored in liver and muscle samples of Oreochromis miloticus by chromatographic methods, both before and after the deputation process. The results show that tilapia can accumulate STXs. Our findings suggest that deputation with clean water is an alternative process to eliminate STXs from fish and, therefore, improve the safety of tilapia for consumers. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Information on nutritional requirement of some Brazilian farmed fish species, especially essential amino acids (EAA) requirements, is scarce. The estimation of amino acids requirements based on amino acid composition of fish is a fast and reliable alternative. Matrinxa, Brycon amazonicus, and curimbata, Prochilodus lineatus, are two important Brazilian fish with potential for aquaculture. The objective of the present study was to estimate amino acid requirements of these species and analyze similarities among amino acid composition of different fish species by cluster analysis. To estimate amino acid requirement, the following formula was used: amino acid requirement = [(amount of an individual amino acid in fish muscle tissue) x (average totalEAA requirement among channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, and common carp, Cyprinus carpio)]/(average fish muscle totalEAA). Most values found lie within the range of requirements determined for other omnivorous fish species, in exception of leucine requirement estimated for both species, and arginine requirement estimated for matrinxa alone. Rather than writing off the need for regular dose-response assays under the ideal protein concept to determine EAA requirements of curimbata and matrinxa, results set solid base for the study of tropical species dietary amino acids requirements.