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Aims: To investigate the long-term efficacy and safety of denosumab (DMAb) for the treatment of postmenopausal women with osteoporosis in an open-label extension to the 3-year FREEDOM study.1Methods: All women who completed the FREEDOM study were eligible to enter a long-term open-label extension (up to 10 years). After providing informed consent, participants received 6-monthly subcutaneous injections of DMAb (60 mg). Here we report data from the first year of followup. For women randomized to DMAb in the FREEDOM study ('long-term group'), this represents up to 48 months of DMAb exposure (eight 6-monthly injections). For those randomized to placebo ('de novo group') the data are from up to 12 months of exposure (two injections). All participants continued to take calcium (1 g) and vitamin D (≥400 IU) supplements daily. Changes in bone mineral density (BMD) and bone turnover markers (BTM) are reported for subjects enrolled in the extension. No formal statistical testing was planned for this interim report. P-values are descriptive.Results: Overall, 4,550 eligible women (70.2%) who completed the FREEDOM study entered the open-label extension study (long-term, n=2,343; de novo, n=2,207). During the first year of the extension, lumbar spine (LS) BMD in the long-term group further increased by 2.0% (12.1% increase vs. FREEDOM baseline at 48 months), and total hip (TH) BMD further increased by 0.8% (6.5% increase at 48 months) (p<0.0001 for both BMD gains during year 4; Fig. 1). During the first year of the extension, LS and TH BMD increased by 5.4% and 3.0%, respectively in the de novo group (both p<0.0001). After DMAb initiation, serum C-telopeptide (CTX) in the de novo group decreased rapidly and similarly to the long-term group (Fig. 2). Reductions in BTMs continue to attenuate at the end of the dosing interval as previously reported. Adverse event (AE) rates were similar (70.4% of women in the longterm group and 67.9% in the de novo group). Serious Aes were also similar (9.8% and 11.2% of women, respectively). During year 4, osteoporotic nonvertebral fractures were reported in 31 women in the long-term group and 51 in the denovo group.Fig. 1. Percentage change in BMD with denosumab for4 years (long-term) or 1 year (de novo)Fig. 2. Percentage change in sCTX over timeConclusions: These interim results suggest that continuation of DMAb treatment through 48 months is associated with further significant increases in spine and hip BMD with sustained reduction of bone turnover. The de-novo treatment group results confirm the first year active treatment findings previously reported1.Acknowledgements: Amgen Inc. sponsored this study. Figure ©2010, American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, used by permission, all rights reserved. Disclosure of Interest: H. Bone Grant/Research Support from: Amgen, Eli Lilly, Merck, Nordic Bioscience, Novartis, Takeda Pharmaceuticals, Consultant/Speaker's bureau/ Advisory activities with: Amgen, Merck, Takeda Pharmaceuticals, Zelos, S. Papapoulos Consultant/Speaker's bureau/ Advisory activities with: Amgen, Merck, Novartis, Lilly, Procter and Gamble, GSK, M.-L. Brandi Grant/Research Support from: MSD, GSK, Nycomed, NPS, Amgen, J. Brown Grant/Research Support from: Abbott, Amgen, Bristol Myers Squibb, Eli Lilly, Pfizer, Roche, Consultant/ Speaker's bureau/Advisory activities with: Abbott, Amgen, Eli Lilly, Novartis, Merck, Warner Chilcott,, R. Chapurlat Grant/Research Support from: Servier, Sanofi-Aventis, Warner-Chilcott, Novartis, Merck, Consultant/Speaker's bureau/Advisory activities with: Servier, Novartis, Amgen, E. Czerwinski: None Declared, N. Daizadeh Employee of: Amgen Inc., Stock ownership or royalties of: Amgen Inc., A. Grauer Employee of: Amgen Inc., Stock ownership or royalties of: Amgen Inc., C. Haller Employee of: Amgen Inc., Stock ownership or royalties of: Amgen Inc., M.-A. Krieg: None Declared, C. Libanati Employee of: Amgen Inc., Stock ownership or royalties of: Amgen Inc., Z. Man Grant/Research Support from: Amgen, D. Mellström: None Declared, S. Radominski Grant/Research Support from: Amgen, Pfizer, Roche, BMS, J.-Y. Reginster Grant/Research Support from: Bristol Myers Squibb, Merck Sharp & Dohme, Rottapharm, Teva, Lilly, Novartis, Roche, GlaxoSmithKline, Amgen, Servier, Consultant/Speaker's bureau/ Advisory activities with: Servier, Novartis, Negma, Lilly,Wyeth, Amgen, GlaxoSmithKline, Roche, Merckle, Nycomed, NPS, Theramex, UCB, Merck, Sharpe & Dohme, Rottapharm, IBSA, Genvrier, Teijin, Teva, Ebewee Pharma, Zodiac, Analis, Theramex, Novo-Nordisk, H. Resch: None Declared, J. A. Román Grant/Research Support from: Roche, Pharma, C. Roux Grant/Research Support from: Amgen, MSD, Novartis, Servier, Roche, Consultant/ Speaker's bureau/Advisory activities with: Amgen, MSD, Novartis, Servier, Roche, S. Cummings Grant/ Research Support from: Amgen, Lilly, Consultant/Speaker's bureau/Advisory activities with: Amgen, Lilly, Novartis, Merck
Objectives : The FREEDOM trial1 open-label extension is designed to evaluate the long-term efficacy and safety of denosumab for up to 10 years. We report the results from the first 2 years of the extension, representing up to 5 years of denosumab exposure.Materials/Methods : Postmenopausal women enrolled in the extension previously completed FREEDOM. During the extension, all women receive denosumab (60 mg) every 6 months and calcium and vitamin D daily. For the FREEDOM denosumab group, the data reflect 5 years of denosumab treatment (long-term group). For the FREEDOM placebo group, the data reflect 2 years of denosumab treatment (de novo group). P-values are descriptive.Results : There were 4550 (70.2%) FREEDOM women enrolled in the extension (2343 long-term; 2207 de novo). During the 4th and 5th years of denosumab treatment, the long-term group had further 1.9% and 1.7% increases in lumbar spine BMD and further 0.7% and 0.6% increases in total hip BMD (all P<0.0001 compared with extension baseline). Total BMD increases with 5-year denosumab treatment were 13.7% (lumbar spine) and 7.0% (total hip). In the de novo group, BMD increased during the first 2 years of denosumab treatment by 7.9% (lumbar spine) and 4.1% (total hip) (all P<0.0001 compared with extension baseline). After denosumab administration, serum CTX was rapidly and maximally reduced in both groups with the characteristic attenuation observed at the end of the dosing interval, as previously reported.2 Incidences of new vertebral and nonvertebral fractures were low and below rates observed in the FREEDOM placebo group. Adverse event reports were similar for both groups: in the long-term group, 83.4% reported AEs and 18.9% were serious. In the de novo group, the percentages were 82.8% and 19.4%, respectively. In FREEDOM, the respective percentages were 92.8% and 25.8% in the denosumab group and 93.1% and 25.1% in the placebo group. Two subjects in the de novo group had AEs adjudicated to ONJ which healed without further complications ; one resolved within the 6-month dosing interval and denosumab was continued. There were no atypical femoral fractures.Conclusions : Denosumab treatment for 5 years was well-tolerated and continued to significantly reduce CTX and significantly increase BMD. Reference: 1)Cummings;NEJM;2009;361:756, 2)Eastell;JBMR;2010; doi-10.1002/jbmr.251 Disclosure of Interest: This study was funded by Amgen; S Papapoulos: Consulting fees from Amgen, Merck, Novartis, Procter & Gamble, GSK, and Wyeth; R Chapurlat: Research grants and/or consulting fees from Amgen, Merck, Novartis, sanofi-aventis, Roche, Servier, and Warner Chilcott;ML Brandi: Research grants and/or consulting fees from Amgen, Eli Lily, GSK, MSD, NPS, Nycomed, Roche, Servier, and Stroder; JP Brown: Research grants and/or consulting or speaking fees from Abott, Amgen, Bristol Myers Squibb, Eli Lilly, Pfizer, Roche, Novartis, Merck, and Warner Chilcott; E Czerwinski: Research grants from Amgen, Astrazeneca, Danone Research, Eli Lilly, Merck Sharp & Dohme, Merck Serono, Novartis, Pfizer, Roche, SantoSolve AS, and Servier; N Daizadeh, A Grauer, C Libanati: Employed by Amgen and own Amgen stocks or stock options; M-A Krieg, D Mellstrom, H Resch: None; S Radominski: Research grants from Amgen, Pfizer, Novartis, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Roche, and Aventis; Z Man: Lecture fees and/or consulting fees from Merck, Novartis, Roche, and sanofi-aventis. Novartis steering committee member; JA Roman: Research grants from Roche; J-Y Reginster: Research grants, consulting fees, and/or lecture fees from Amgen, Analis, Bristol Myers Squibb, Ebewee Pharma, Genevrier, GSK, IBSA, Lilly, Merck Sharp & Dhome, Negma, Novartis, Novo-Nordisk, Nycomed, NPS, Roche, Rottapharm, Servier, Teijin, Teva, Theramex, UCB, Wyeth, and Zodiac; C Roux: Research grants and/or consulting fees from Amgen, MSD, Novartis, Servier, and Roche; SR Cummings: Research grants and/or consulting fees from Amgen, Eli Lilly, Novartis, and Merck; HG Bone: Research grants and/or consulting or speaking fees from Amgen, Eli Lilly, Merck, Nordic Bioscience, Novartis, Takeda, and Zelos
Background/Purpose: Denosumab (DMAb) is an approved therapy for the treatment of postmenopausal women with osteoporosis at increased risk for fracture. A favorable risk/benefit profile was demonstrated in the pivotal, 3-year FREEDOM trial (Cummings et al NEJM 2009). The open-label, active-treatment FREEDOM Extension study is investigating the efficacy and safety of DMAb for up to 10 years. The Extension trial enrolled women who had received DMAb or placebo in FREEDOM and provides an opportunity to evaluate the long-term efficacy and safety of continuous DMAb treatment (long-term group), and to replicate the DMAb findings observed in FREEDOM (cross-over group). Here, we report the results from the first 3 years of the Extension, representing up to 6 continuous years of DMAb exposure. Methods: During the Extension, each woman is scheduled to receive 60 mg DMAb every 6 months and supplemental calcium and vitamin D daily. For the analyses reported here, women from the FREEDOM DMAb group received 3 more years of DMAb for a total of 6 years of exposure (long-term group) and women from the FREEDOM placebo group received 3 years of DMAb exposure (cross-over group). Results: Of the 5928 women eligible for the Extension, 4550 (77%) enrolled (N_2343 long-term; N_2207 cross-over). In the long-term group, further significant mean increases in bone mineral density (BMD) occurred 4044 for cumulative 6-year gains of 15.2% at the lumbar spine and 7.5% at the total hip (Figure). During the first 3 years of DMAb treatment during the Extension, the cross-over group had significant mean gains in BMD at the lumbar spine (9.4%) and total hip (4.8%), similar to those observed in the long-term DMAb group during the first 3 years of FREEDOM (lumbar spine, 10.1%; total hip, 5.7%). Serum CTX was rapidly and similarly reduced after the 1st (cross-over) or 7th (long-term) DMAb dose with the characteristic attenuation observed at the end of the dosing period. In the cross-over group, yearly incidences of new vertebral and nonvertebral fractures were lower than in the FREEDOM placebo group. Fracture incidence remained low in the long-term group. Incidences of adverse events (AEs) and serious AEs did not increase over time with DMAb treatment. There were 2 subjects with AEs adjudicated to ONJ in the cross-over group and 2 in the long-term group. Both cases in the cross-over group healed completely and without further complications; 1 of these subjects continues to receive DMAb. Both women in the long-term group continue to be followed. No atypical femur fractures have been observed to date. Figure. Percent changes in bone mineral density during FREEDOM and the Extension Conclusion: DMAb treatment for 6 continuous years (long-term group) remained well tolerated, maintained reduced bone turnover, and continued to significantly increase BMD. Fracture incidence remained low. DMAb treatment for 3 years in the cross-over group reproduced the original observations in FREEDOM
We consider systems that can be described in terms of two kinds of degree of freedom. The corresponding ordering modes may, under certain conditions, be coupled to each other. We may thus assume that the primary ordering mode gives rise to a diffusionless first-order phase transition. The change of its thermodynamic properties as a function of the secondary-ordering-mode state is then analyzed. Two specific examples are discussed. First, we study a three-state Potts model in a binary system. Using mean-field techniques, we obtain the phase diagram and different properties of the system as a function of the distribution of atoms on the different lattice sites. In the second case, the properties of a displacive structural phase transition of martensitic type in a binary alloy are studied as a function of atomic order. Because of the directional character of the martensitic-transition mechanism, we find only a very weak dependence of the entropy on atomic order. Experimental results are found to be in quite good agreement with theoretical predictions.
The critical behavior of a system constituted by molecules with a preferred symmetry axis is studied by means of a Monte Carlo simulation of a simplified two-dimensional model. The system exhibits two phase transitions, associated with the vanishing of the positional order of the center of mass of the molecules and with the orientational order of the symmetry axis. The evolution of the order parameters and the specific heat is also studied. The transition associated with the positional degrees of freedom is found to change from a second-order to a first-order behavior when the two phase transitions are close enough, due to the coupling with the orientational degrees of freedom. This fact is qualitatively compared with similar results found in pure liquid crystals and liquid-crystal mixtures.
We consider a lattice-gas model of particles with internal orientational degrees of freedom. In addition to antiferromagnetic nearest-neighbor (NN) and next-nearest-neighbor (NNN) positional interactions we also consider NN and NNN interactions arising from the internal state of the particles. The system then shows positional and orientational ordering modes with associated phase transitions at Tp and To temperatures at which long-range positional and orientational ordering are, respectively, lost. We use mean-field techniques to obtain a general approach to the study of these systems. By considering particular forms of the orientational interaction function we study coupling effects between both phase transitions arising from the interplay between orientational and positional degrees of freedom. In mean-field approximation coupling effects appear only for the phase transition taking place at lower temperatures. The strength of the coupling depends on the value of the long-range order parameter that remains finite at that temperature.
CONTEXT: The Fracture Reduction Evaluation of Denosumab in Osteoporosis Every 6 Months (FREEDOM) extension is evaluating the long-term efficacy and safety of denosumab for up to 10 years. OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study was to report results from the first 3 years of the extension, representing up to 6 years of denosumab exposure. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: This was a multicenter, international, open-label study of 4550 women. INTERVENTION: Women from the FREEDOM denosumab group received 3 more years of denosumab for a total of 6 years (long-term) and women from the FREEDOM placebo group received 3 years of denosumab (crossover). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Bone turnover markers (BTMs), bone mineral density (BMD), fracture, and safety data are reported. RESULTS: Reductions in BTMs were maintained (long-term) or achieved rapidly (crossover) after denosumab administration. In the long-term group, BMD further increased for cumulative 6-year gains of 15.2% (lumbar spine) and 7.5% (total hip). During the first 3 years of denosumab treatment, the crossover group had significant gains in lumbar spine (9.4%) and total hip (4.8%) BMD, similar to the long-term group during the 3-year FREEDOM trial. In the long-term group, fracture incidences remained low and below the rates projected for a virtual placebo cohort. In the crossover group, 3-year incidences of new vertebral and nonvertebral fractures were similar to those of the FREEDOM denosumab group. Incidence rates of adverse events did not increase over time. Six participants had events of osteonecrosis of the jaw confirmed by adjudication. One participant had a fracture adjudicated as consistent with atypical femoral fracture. CONCLUSION: Denosumab treatment for 6 years remained well tolerated, maintained reduced bone turnover, and continued to increase BMD. Fracture incidence remained low.
The 3-year FREEDOM trial assessed the efficacy and safety of 60 mg denosumab every 6 months for the treatment of postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. Participants who completed the FREEDOM trial were eligible to enter an extension to continue the evaluation of denosumab efficacy and safety for up to 10 years. For the extension results presented here, women from the FREEDOM denosumab group had 2 more years of denosumab treatment (long-term group) and those from the FREEDOM placebo group had 2 years of denosumab exposure (cross-over group). We report results for bone turnover markers (BTMs), bone mineral density (BMD), fracture rates, and safety. A total of 4550 women enrolled in the extension (2343 long-term; 2207 cross-over). Reductions in BTMs were maintained (long-term group) or occurred rapidly (cross-over group) following denosumab administration. In the long-term group, lumbar spine and total hip BMD increased further, resulting in 5-year gains of 13.7% and 7.0%, respectively. In the cross-over group, BMD increased at the lumbar spine (7.7%) and total hip (4.0%) during the 2-year denosumab treatment. Yearly fracture incidences for both groups were below rates observed in the FREEDOM placebo group and below rates projected for a "virtual untreated twin" cohort. Adverse events did not increase with long-term denosumab administration. Two adverse events in the cross-over group were adjudicated as consistent with osteonecrosis of the jaw. Five-year denosumab treatment of women with postmenopausal osteoporosis maintained BTM reduction and increased BMD, and was associated with low fracture rates and a favorable risk/benefit profile.
Réponse au commentaire de: Gnädinger M. Freedom of choice. Swiss Med Wkly. 2012 Mar 22;142:0. doi:10.4414/smw.2012.13527. PMID: 22441992.