997 resultados para Free gas
Activity of radon gas in natural soils is commonly low (in the order of few thousands of Bq·m-3) due to the fast decay (half-life= 3.8 days in the case of 222Rn) that prevents accumulation in soil pores. Exceptionally, high Rn soil activity (up to 430 KBq·m-3) is found around point sources of deep CO2 fluxes. These fluxes allow the transport of trace gases (including Rn) to long distances in the geosphere leading to a potential hazard as Rn accumulation in buildings. CO2 degassing is common in active or ancient volcanic fields and occurs as free gas fluxes or dissolved in groundwater. In this work, the occurrence of Rnbearing, CO2 fluxes from the Campo de Calatrava region in Central Spain has been studied in order to determine their (1) magnitude, (2) migration paths and (3) potential impact on the environment, and (4) methodologies to best detection and measurement.
The microbially mediated anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) is the major biological sink of the greenhouse gas methane in marine sediments (doi:10.1007/978-94-009-0213-8_44) and serves as an important control for emission of methane into the hydrosphere. The AOM metabolic process is assumed to be a reversal of methanogenesis coupled to the reduction of sulfate to sulfide involving methanotrophic archaea (ANME) and sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) as syntrophic partners which were describes amongst others in Boetius et al. (2000; doi:10.1038/35036572). In this study, 16S rRNA-based methods were used to investigate the distribution and biomass of archaea in samples from sediments above outcropping methane hydrate at Hydrate Ridge (Cascadia margin off Oregon) and (ii) massive microbial mats enclosing carbonate reefs (Crimea area, Black Sea). Sediment samples from Hydrate Ridge were obtained during R/V SONNE cruises SO143-2 in August 1999 and SO148-1 in August 2000 at the crest of southern Hydrate Ridge at the Cascadia convergent margin off the coast of Oregon. The second study area is located in the Black Sea and represents a field in which there is active seepage of free gas on the slope of the northwestern Crimea area. Here, a field of conspicuous microbial reefs forming chimney-like structures was discovered at a water depth of 230 m in anoxic waters. The microbial mats were sampled by using the manned submersible JAGO during the R/V Prof. LOGACHEV cruise in July 2001. At Hydrate Ridge the surface sediments were dominated by aggregates consisting of ANME-2 and members of the Desulfosarcina-Desulfococcus branch (DSS) (ANME-2/DSS aggregates), which accounted for >90% of the total cell biomass. The numbers of ANME-1 cells increased strongly with depth; these cells accounted 1% of all single cells at the surface and more than 30% of all single cells (5% of the total cells) in 7- to 10-cm sediment horizons that were directly above layers of gas hydrate. In the Black Sea microbial mats ANME-1 accounted for about 50% of all cells. ANME-2/DSS aggregates occurred in microenvironments within the mat but accounted for only 1% of the total cells. FISH probes for the ANME-2a and ANME-2c subclusters were designed based on a comparative 16S rRNA analysis. In Hydrate Ridge sediments ANME-2a/DSS and ANME-2c/DSS aggregates differed significantly in morphology and abundance. The relative abundance values for these subgroups were remarkably different at Beggiatoa sites (80% ANME-2a, 20% ANME-2c) and Calyptogena sites (20% ANME-2a, 80% ANME-2c), indicating that there was preferential selection of the groups in the two habitats.
In the landslide-prone area near the Nice international airport, southeastern France, an interdisciplinary approach is applied to develop realistic lithological/geometrical profiles and geotechnical/strength sub-seafloor models. Such models are indispensable for slope stability assessments using limit equilibrium or finite element methods. Regression analyses, based on the undrained shear strength (su) of intact gassy sediments are used to generate a sub-seafloor strength model based on 37 short dynamic and eight long static piezocone penetration tests, and laboratory experiments on one Calypso piston and 10 gravity cores. Significant strength variations were detected when comparing measurements from the shelf and the shelf break, with a significant drop in su to 5.5 kPa being interpreted as a weak zone at a depth between 6.5 and 8.5 m below seafloor (mbsf). Here, a 10% reduction of the in situ total unit weight compared to the surrounding sediments is found to coincide with coarse-grained layers that turn into a weak zone and detachment plane for former and present-day gravitational, retrogressive slide events, as seen in 2D chirp profiles. The combination of high-resolution chirp profiles and comprehensive geotechnical information allows us to compute enhanced 2D finite element slope stability analysis with undrained sediment response compared to previous 2D numerical and 3D limit equilibrium assessments. Those models suggest that significant portions (detachment planes at 20 m or even 55 mbsf) of the Quaternary delta and slope apron deposits may be mobilized. Given that factors of safety are equal or less than 1 when further considering the effect of free gas, a high risk for a landslide event of considerable size off Nice international airport is identified
We acquired coincident marine controlled-source electromagnetic (CSEM), high-resolution seismic reflection and ocean-bottom seismometer (OBS) data over an active pockmark in the crest of the southern part of the Vestnesa Ridge, to estimate fluid composition within an underlying fluid-migration chimney. Synthetic model studies suggest resistivity obtained from CSEM data can resolve gas or hydrate saturation greater than 5% within the chimney. Acoustic chimneys imaged by seismic reflection data beneath the pockmark and on the ridge flanks, were found to be associated with high-resistivity anomalies (+2-4 m). High-velocity anomalies (+0.3 km/s), within the gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ) and low-velocity anomalies (-0.2 km/s) underlying the GHSZ, were also observed. Joint analysis of the resistivity and velocity anomaly indicates pore saturation of up to 52% hydrate with 28% free gas, or up to 73% hydrate with 4% free gas, within the chimney beneath the pockmark assuming a non-uniform and uniform fluid distribution respectively. Similarly, we estimate up to 30% hydrate with 4% free gas or 30% hydrate with 2% free gas within the pore space of the GHSZ outside the central chimney assuming a non-uniform and uniform fluid distribution respectively. High levels of free-gas saturation in the top part of the chimney are consistent with episodic gas venting from the pockmark.
The Arctic continental margin contains large amounts of methane in the form of methane hydrates. The west Svalbard continental slope is an area where active methane seeps have been reported near the landward limit of the hydrate stability zone. The presence of bottom simulating reflectors (BSR) on seismic reflection data in water depths greater than 600 m suggests the presence of free gas beneath gas hydrates in the area. Resistivity obtained from marine controlled source electromagnetic (CSEM) data provides a useful complement to seismic methods for detecting shallow hydrate and gas as they are more resistive than surrounding water saturated sediments. We acquired two CSEM lines in the west Svalbard continental slope, extending from the edge of the continental shelf (250 m water depth) to water depths of around 800 m. High resistivities (5-12 Ωm) observed above the BSR support the presence of gas hydrate in water depths greater than 600 m. High resistivities (3-4 Ωm) at 390-600 m water depth also suggest possible hydrate occurrence within the gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ) of the continental slope. In addition, high resistivities (4-8 Ωm) landward of the GHSZ are coincident with high-amplitude reflectors and low velocities reported in seismic data that indicate the likely presence of free gas. Pore space saturation estimates using a connectivity equation suggest 20-50% hydrate within the lower slope sediments and less than 12% within the upper slope sediments. A free gas zone beneath the GHSZ (10-20% gas saturation) is connected to the high free gas saturated (10-45%) area at the edge of the continental shelf, where most of the seeps are observed. This evidence supports the presence of lateral free gas migration beneath the GHSZ towards the continental shelf.
Sensitive headspace gas chromatography analysis of free and conjugated 1-methoxy-2-propanol in urine
Glycol ethers still continue to be a workplace hazard due to their important use on an industrial scale. Currently, chronic occupational exposures to low levels of xenobiotics become increasingly relevant. Thus, sensitive analytical methods for detecting biomarkers of exposure are of interest in the field of occupational exposure assessment. 1-Methoxy-2-propanol (1M2P) is one of the dominant glycol ethers and the unmetabolized urinary fraction has been identified to be a good biological indicator of exposure. An existing analytical method including a solid-phase extraction and derivatization before GC/FID analysis is available but presents some disadvantages. We present here an alternative method for the determination of urinary 1M2P based on the headspace gas chromatography technique. We determined the 1M2P values by the direct headspace method for 47 samples that had previously been assayed by the solid-phase extraction and derivatization gas chromatography procedure. An inter-method comparison based on a Bland-Altman analysis showed that both techniques can be used interchangeably. The alternative method showed a tenfold lower limit of detection (0.1 mg/L) as well as good accuracy and precision which were determined by several urinary 1M2P analyses carried out on a series of urine samples obtained from a human volunteer study. The within- and between-run precisions were generally about 10%, which corresponds to the usual injection variability. We observed that the differences between the results obtained with both methods are not clinically relevant in comparison to the current biological exposure index of urinary 1M2P. Accordingly, the headspace gas chromatography technique turned out to be a more sensitive, accurate, and simple method for the determination of urinary 1M2P.[Authors]
Free radicals in cigarette smoke have been studied using spin trapping EPR techniques. 2R4F reference cigarettes were smoked using 35 ml puff volumes of 2 seconds duration, once every 60 seconds. The particulate phase of the smoke was separated from the gas phase by passing the smoke through a Cambridge filter pad. For both phases, free radicals were measured and identified. A range of spin-traps was employed: PBN, DMPO, DEPMPO, and DPPH-PBN. In the gas-phase, short-lived carbon- and oxygen- centered radicals were identified; the ratios between them changed during the smoking runs. For the first puffs, C-centered radicals predominated while for the later puffs, O-centered radicals were mainly observed. The particulate phase and the ‘tar’ were studied as well.
The pulmonary crackling and the formation of liquid bridges are problems that for centuries have been attracting the attention of scientists. In order to study these phenomena, it was developed a canonical cubic lattice-gas like model to explain the rupture of liquid bridges in lung airways [A. Alencar et al., 2006, PRE]. Here, we further develop this model and add entropy analysis to study thermodynamic properties, such as free energy and force. The simulations were performed using the Monte Carlo method with Metropolis algorithm. The exchange between gas and liquid particles were performed randomly according to the Kawasaki dynamics and weighted by the Boltzmann factor. Each particle, which can be solid (s), liquid (l) or gas (g), has 26 neighbors: 6 + 12 + 8, with distances 1, √2 and √3, respectively. The energy of a lattice's site m is calculated by the following expression: Em = ∑k=126 Ji(m)j(k) in witch (i, j) = g, l or s. Specifically, it was studied the surface free energy of the liquid bridge, trapped between two planes, when its height is changed. For that, was considered two methods. First, just the internal energy was calculated. Then was considered the entropy. It was fond no difference in the surface free energy between this two methods. We calculate the liquid bridge force between the two planes using the numerical surface free energy. This force is strong for small height, and decreases as the distance between the two planes, height, is increased. The liquid-gas system was also characterized studying the variation of internal energy and heat capacity with the temperature. For that, was performed simulation with the same proportion of liquid and gas particle, but different lattice size. The scale of the liquid-gas system was also studied, for low temperature, using different values to the interaction Jij.
We have discovered using Pan-STARRS1 an extremely red late-L dwarf, which has (J - K)(MKO) = 2.78 and (J - K) (2MASS) = 2.84, making it the reddest known field dwarf and second only to 2MASS J1207-39b among substellar companions. Near-IR spectroscopy shows a spectral type of L7 +/- 1 and reveals a triangular H-band continuum and weak alkali (K I and Na I) lines, hallmarks of low surface gravity. Near-IR astrometry from the Hawaii Infrared Parallax Program gives a distance of 24.6 +/- 1.4 pc and indicates a much fainter J-band absolute magnitude than field L dwarfs. The position and kinematics of PSO J318.5-22 point to membership in the beta Pic moving group. Evolutionary models give a temperature of 1160(-40)(+30) K and a mass of 6.5(-1.0)(+1.3) M-Jup, making PSO J318.5-22 one of the lowest mass free-floating objects in the solar neighborhood. This object adds to the growing list of low-gravity field L dwarfs and is the first to be strongly deficient in methane relative to its estimated temperature. Comparing their spectra suggests that young L dwarfs with similar ages and temperatures can have different spectral signatures of youth. For the two objects with well constrained ages (PSO J318.5-22 and 2MASS J0355+11), we find their temperatures are approximate to 400 K cooler than field objects of similar spectral type but their luminosities are similar, i.e., these young L dwarfs are very red and unusually cool but not "underluminous." Altogether, PSO J318.5-22 is the first free-floating object with the colors, magnitudes, spectrum, luminosity, and mass that overlap the young dusty planets around HR 8799 and 2MASS J1207-39
We tested a set of surface common mid-point (CMP) ground penetrating radar (GPR) surveys combined with elevation rods ( to monitor surface deformation) and gas flux measurements to investigate in-situ biogenic gas dynamics and ebullition events in a northern peatland ( raised bog). The main findings are: ( 1) changes in the two-way travel time from the surface to prominent reflectors allow estimation of average gas contents and evolution of free-phase gas (FPG); ( 2) peat surface deformation and gas flux measurements are strongly consistent with GPR estimated changes in FPG content over time; ( 3) rapid decreases in atmospheric pressure are associated with increased gas flux; and ( 4) single ebullition events can induce releases of methane much larger ( up to 192 g/m(2)) than fluxes reported by others. These results indicate that GPR is a useful tool for assessing the spatial distribution, temporal variation, and volume of biogenic gas deposits in peatlands.
A set of high resolution surface ground penetrating radar (GPR) surveys, combined with elevation rod ( to monitor surface deformation) and gas flux measurements, were used to investigate in situ biogenic gas dynamics within a northern peatland (Caribou Bog, Maine). Gas production rates were directly estimated from the time series of GPR measurements. Spatial variability in gas production was also investigated by comparing two sites with different geological and ecological attributes, showing differences and/or similarities depending on season. One site characterized by thick highly humified peat deposits (5-6 m), wooded heath vegetation and open pools showed large ebullition events during the summer season, with estimated emissions (based on an assumed range of CH(4) concentration) between 100 and 172 g CH(4) m(-2) during a single event. The other site characterized by thinner less humified peat deposits (2-3 m) and shrub vegetation showed much smaller ebullition events during the same season (between 13 and 23 g CH(4) m(-2)). A consistent period of free-phase gas (FPG) accumulation during the fall and winter, enhanced by the frozen surficial peat acting as a confining layer, was followed by a decrease in FPG after the snow/ice melt that released estimated fluxes between 100 and 200 g CH(4) m(-2) from both sites. Estimated FPG production rates during periods of biogenic gas accumulation ranged between 0.22 and 2.00 g CH(4) m(3) d(-1) and reflected strong seasonal and spatial variability associated with differences in temperature, peat soil properties, and/or depositional attributes (e. g., stratigraphy). Periods of decreased atmospheric pressure coincided with short-period increases in biogenic gas flux, including a very rapid decrease in FPG content associated with an ebullition event that released an estimated 39 and 67 g CH(4) m(-2) in less than 3.5 hours. These results provide insights into the spatial and seasonal variability in production and emission of biogenic gases from northern peatlands.
A catalytic reactor for the trapping of free radicals originating from gas phase catalytic reactions is described and discussed. Radical trapping and identification were initially carried out using a known radical generator such as dicumyl peroxide. The trapping of radicals was further demonstrated by investigating genuine radical oxidation processes, e.g., benzaldehyde oxidation over manganese and cobalt salts. The efficiency of the reactor was finally proven by the partial oxidation of cyclohexane over MoO3, Cr2O3, and WO3, which allowed the identification of all the radical intermediates responsible for the formation of the products cyclohexanol and cyclohexanone. Assignment of the trapped radicals was carried out using spin trapping technique and X -band electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.
The essential oil from the leaves of Ocimum kilimandscharicum (EOOK), collected in Dourados-MS, was investigated for anticancer, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity and chemical composition. The essential oil was extracted by hydrodistillation, and the chemical composition was performed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The essential oil was evaluated for free radical-scavenging activity using the DPPH assay and was tested in an anticancer assay against ten human cancer cell lines. The response parameter (GI50) was calculated for the cell lines tested. The anti-inflammatory activity was evaluated using carrageenan-induced pleurisy in mice. The chemical composition showed 45 components with a predominance of monoterpenes, such as camphor (51.81%), 1,8 cineole (20.13%) and limonene (11.23%). The EOOK exhibited potent free radical-scavenging activity by the DPPH assay with a GI50 of 8.31 μg/ml. The major constituents, pure camphor (IC50=12.56 μg/ml) and mixture of the limonene: 1, 8 cineole (IC50=23.25 μg/ml) displayed a potent activity. The oral administration of EOOK (at 30 and 100 mg kg(-1)), as well as the pure camphor or a mixture of 1,8 cineole with limonene, significantly inhibited the carrageenan (Cg) induced pleurisy, reducing the migration of total leukocytes in mice by 82 ± 4% (30 mg kg(-1) of EOOK), 95 ± 4% (100 mg kg(-1) of EOOK), 83 ± 9% (camphor) and 80 ± 5% (mixture of 1,8 cineole:limonene 1:1). In vitro cytotoxicity screening against a human ovarian cancer cell line displayed high selectivity and potent anticancer activity with GI50=31.90 mg ml(-1). This work describes the anti-inflammatory, anticancer and antioxidant effects of EOOK for the first time. The essential oil exhibited marked anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anticancer effects, an effect that can be attributed the presence of majorital compounds, and the response profiles from chemical composition differed from other oils collected in different locales.