596 resultados para Fratura zigomática
Relata-se um caso de fratura de tíbia em uma bezerra de sete meses de idade, 200kg de peso, apresentando fratura fechada, cominutiva em diáfise. A fixação externa foi preferida como método de imobilização óssea, utilizando-se pinos transcorticais e gesso sintético. Obteve-se eficiente imobilização da fratura, com rápida recuperação do animal, dispendendo-se pouco tempo para o pós-operatório (52 dias). A técnica demonstrou ser de fácil realização e passível de ser executada a campo.
The application of composite materials and in particular the fiber-reinforced plastics (FRP) has gradually conquered space from the so called conventional materials. However, challenges have arisen when their application occurs in equipment and mechanical structures which will be exposed to harsh environmental conditions, especially when there is the influence of environmental degradation due to temperature, UV radiation and moisture in the mechanical performance of these structures, causing irreversible structural damage such as loss of dimensional stability, interfacial degradation, loss of mass, loss of structural properties and changes in the damage mechanism. In this context, the objective of this thesis is the development of a process for monitoring and modeling structural degradation, and the study of the physical and mechanical properties in FRP when in the presence of adverse environmental conditions (ageing). The mechanism of ageing is characterized by controlled environmental conditions of heated steam and ultraviolet radiation. For the research, it was necessary to develop three polymer composites. The first was a lamina of polyester resin reinforced with a short glass-E fiber mat (representing the layer exposed to ageing), and the other two were laminates, both of seven layers of reinforcement, one being made up only of short fibers of glass-E, and the other a hybrid type reinforced with fibers of glass-E/ fibers of curaua. It should be noted that the two laminates have the lamina of short glass-E fibers as a layer of the ageing process incidence. The specimens were removed from the composites mentioned and submitted to environmental ageing accelerated by an ageing chamber. To study the monitoring and modeling of degradation, the ageing cycles to which the lamina was exposed were: alternating cycles of UV radiation and heated steam, a cycle only of UV radiation and a cycle only of heated steam, for a period defined by norm. The laminates have already undergone only the alternating cycle of UV and heated steam. At the end of the exposure period the specimens were subjected to a structural stability assessment by means of the developed measurement of thickness variation technique (MTVT) and the measurement of mass variation technique (MMVT). Then they were subjected to the mechanical tests of uniaxial tension for the lamina and all the laminates, besides the bending test on three points for the laminates. This study was followed by characterization of the fracture and the surface degradation. Finally, a model was developed for the composites called Ageing Zone Diagram (AZD) for monitoring and predicting the tensile strength after the ageing processes. From the results it was observed that the process of degradation occurs Abstract Raimundo Nonato Barbosa Felipe xiv differently for each composite studied, although all were affected in certain way and that the most aggressive ageing process was that of UV radiation, and that the hybrid laminated fibers of glass-E/curaua composite was most affected in its mechanical properties
The competitiveness of the trade generated by the higher availability of products with lower quality and cost promoted a new reality of industrial production with small clearances. Track deviations at the production are not discarded, uncertainties can statistically occur. The world consumer and the Brazilian one are supported by the consumer protection code, in lawsuits against the products poor quality. An automobile is composed of various systems and thousands of constituent parts, increasing the likelihood of failure. The dynamic and security systems are critical in relation to the consequences of possible failures. The investigation of the failure gives us the possibility of learning and contributing to various improvements. Our main purpose in this work is to develop a systematic, specific methodology by investigating the root cause of the flaw occurred on an axle end of the front suspension of an automobile, and to perform comparative data analyses between the fractured part and the project information. Our research was based on a flaw generated in an automotive suspension system involved in a mechanical judicial cause, resulting in property and personal damages. In the investigations concerning the analysis of mechanical flaws, knowledge on materials engineering plays a crucial role in the process, since it enables applying techniques for characterizing materials, relating the technical attributes required from a respective part with its structure of manufacturing material, thus providing a greater scientific contribution to the work. The specific methodology developed follows its own flowchart. In the early phase, the data in the records and information on the involved ones were collected. The following laboratory analyses were performed: macrography of the fracture, micrography with SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) of the initial and final fracture, phase analysis with optical microscopy, Brinell hardness and Vickers microhardness analyses, quantitative and qualitative chemical analysis, by using X-ray fluorescence and optical spectroscopy for carbon analysis, qualitative study on the state of tension was done. Field data were also collected. In the analyses data of the values resulting from the fractured stock parts and the design values were compared. After the investigation, one concluded that: the developed methodology systematized the investigation and enabled crossing data, thus minimizing diagnostic error probability, the morphology of the fracture indicates failure by the fatigue mechanism in a geometrically propitious location, a tension hub, the part was subjected to low tensions by the sectional area of the final fracture, the manufacturing material of the fractured part has low ductility, the component fractured in an earlier moment than the one recommended by the manufacturer, the percentages of C, Si, Mn and Cr of the fractured part present values which differ from the design ones, the hardness value of the superior limit of the fractured part is higher than that of the design, and there is no manufacturing uniformity between stock and fractured part. The work will contribute to optimizing the guidance of the actions in a mechanical engineering judicial expertise
All around the world, naturally occurring hydrocarbon deposits, consisting of oil and gas contained within rocks called reservoir rocks , generally sandstone or carbonate exists. These deposits are in varying conditions of pressure and depth from a few hundred to several thousand meters. In general, shallow reservoirs have greater tendency to fracture, since they have low fracture gradient, ie fractures are formed even with relatively low hydrostatic columns of fluid. These low fracture gradient areas are particularly common in onshore areas, like the Rio Grande do Norte basin. During a well drilling, one of the most favorable phases for the occurrence of fractures is during cementing, since the cement slurry used can have greater densities than the maximum allowed by the rock structure. Furthermore, in areas which are already naturally fractured, the use of regular cement slurries causes fluid loss into the formation, which may give rise to failures cementations and formation damages. Commercially, there are alternatives to the development of lightweight cement slurries, but these fail either because of their enormous cost, or because the cement properties were not good enough for most general applications, being restricted to each transaction for which the cement paste was made, or both reasons. In this work a statistical design was made to determine the influence of three variables, defined as the calcium chloride concentration, vermiculite concentration and nanosilica concentration in the various properties of the cement. The use of vermiculite, a low density ore present in large amounts in northeastern Brazil, as extensor for cementing slurries, enabled the production of stable cements, with high water/cement ratio, excellent rheological properties and low densities, which were set at 12.5 lb / gal, despite the fact that lower densities could be achieved. It is also seen that the calcium chloride is very useful as gelling and thickening agent, and their use in combination with nanosilica has a great effect on gel strength of the cement. Hydrothermal Stability studies showed that the pastes were stable in these conditions, and mechanical resistance tests showed values of the order of up to 10 MPa
Os AINH (Antiinflamatórios não hormonais) são agentes utilizados na prática clínica que interferem no processo inflamatório pela inibição da síntese de prostaglandinas e tromboxanos. Alguns trabalhos experimentais investigaram sua ação no processo de consolidação de fraturas, por meio de estudos clínicos e histológicos, sendo escassas as análises biomecânicas. Nesse estudo foram utilizados 20 ratos da linhagem Wistar, divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos iguais: grupo A (controle) e grupo B (tratado com diclofenaco sódico). em ambos os grupos foram realizadas fraturas abertas, após perfuração, na tíbia direita. A administração da droga foi via intramuscular, dose única diária, por 28 dias. Os animais foram pesados semanalmente. Após o sacrifício as tíbias foram dissecadas, pesadas e submetidas a ensaio biomecânico de flexão analisando-se carga máxima, deformação e coeficiente de rigidez. Observou-se que no grupo tratado com AINH não houve aumento do peso corpóreo a partir da segunda semana e as tíbias fraturadas foram mais pesadas. Neste grupo o calo ósseo suportou menor carga máxima, apresentando maior deformação e menor coeficiente de rigidez. Nos animais tratados, o osso não fraturado também se mostrou menos rígido. Concluiu-se, nas condições estudadas, que o DS alterou o processo de consolidação e o metabolismo ósseo, levando a retardo na maturação do calo e menor rigidez do osso intacto, respectivamente.
Foi realizado estudo experimental em ratos para avaliar o efeito do anticoagulante na consolidação óssea, conforme critérios clínicos, anatomopatológicos e biomecânicos. Manualmente, após perfuração do osso, foi produzida fratura aberta, na diáfise da tíbia direita, mantida sem imobilização, em 72 ratos machos da linhagem Wistar, com 60 dias de idade e peso médio de 242 gramas. Doze horas após a fratura, foi iniciado tratamento anticoagulante, mantido por 28 dias. Via subcutânea, um grupo recebeu heparina sódica na dose de 200UI/Kg de 12 em 12 horas, enquanto outro, recebeu enoxaparina na dose de 1mg/Kg de 12 em 12 horas, doses preconizadas para tratamento do tromboembolismo em humanos. O terceiro grupo, controle, recebeu água destilada. Durante o experimento, os animais foram avaliados clinicamente e após 28 dias, sacrificados. Nos animais dos três grupos, a evolução clínica foi semelhante. Mediante análise anatomopatológica efetuada por estudo descritivo e quantitativo, foi observada presença de fibrose, cartilagem e osso igualmente nos três grupos, sempre com predomínio de tecido ósseo. O estudo biomecânico, realizado por intermédio de ensaios de flexão, demonstrou coeficiente de rigidez e carga máxima semelhantes nos três grupos. Nenhuma diferença clínica, anatomopatológica e biomecânica foi encontrada, resultando todas as fraturas em consolidação de acordo com os critérios adotados, concluindo-se, portanto, que a heparina sódica e a enoxaparina nas doses, via e tempo de administração utilizados não interfiriram na consolidação da fratura da tíbia do rato.
O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a eficácia do fixador esquelético pino-resina, configuração tipo II, coadjuvado pelo enxerto ósseo esponjoso autólogo, no tratamento das complicações secundárias à imobilização inadequada de fraturas do rádio e ulna em 10 cães, com peso entre 1,8 e 33,6 kg. Detectou-se não-união (n=4), osteomielite (n=1), má-união (n=1), falência ou quebra de implante (n=4), sendo 60% das lesões referente ao uso prévio de pino intramedular no rádio. A montagem do fixador foi realizada com transfixação de pinos lisos em sua maioria angulados, cujas extremidades excedentes foram dobradas e estabilizadas com resina acrílica. em todos os casos, utilizou-se enxerto esponjoso autólogo fresco, após debridamento do foco de fratura. O tempo de permanência do aparelho variou entre 45 dias e 5 meses e a maior complicação foi o afrouxamento dos pinos transfixantes. A consolidação das fraturas ocorreu por formação de calo periosteal de mínimo a moderado, indicando boa rigidez da montagem.
Avaliamos 21 pacientes, sendo 16 pacientes do sexo masculino e 5 do feminino, com idade média de 30 anos, foram submetidos à tratamento cirúrgico da fratura-avulsão do LCP. em 57% dos casos a lesão foi secundária a acidente motociclístico e 19% a acidente automobilístico. em 72% dos casos foi identificada uma lesão na face anterior do joelho. O tratamento cirúrgico consistiu na abordagem posterior do joelho e fixação do fragmento ósseo com parafuso e arruela em 18 casos; e amarrilhas trans-ósseas em 3 casos, onde o fragmento ósseo era muito pequeno. em 91% dos casos, a cirurgia foi realizada dentro dos primeiros 15 dias apos a lesão. Os pacientes foram avaliados objetivamente (teste de gaveta posterior) e subjetivamente (Escala de Lysholm), apos um seguimento pós-operatório mínimo de 12 meses. A análise estatística não mostrou diferença significativa, ao nível de 5%, entre as avaliações objetiva e subjetiva. A ausência de lesão ligamentar periférica pode ter contribuído para que os resultados clínicos pós-operatórios tenham avaliação subjetiva satisfatória; entretanto, a presença de uma posteriorização tibial residual sugere que a fratura-avulsão do ligamento cruzado posterior deve ser abordada não como uma lesão óssea pura, mas sim, como uma lesão ósteo-ligamentar.
Objective: To evaluate and compare the fracture strength of different composite resins used for core buildup. Method: Thirty-six bovine teeth were decoronated at the cervical third to standardize the length of specimens at 20 mm. Under constant irrigation, the canals were prepared with #5 Largo drills corresponding to the size and diameter of #3 Reforpost fiberglass post. The posts were cemented with Enforce resin sealer, being 16 mm inside the root canal and 4 mm outside the root canal, and the material was light-activated for 30 seconds at each side. The specimens were divided into 3 groups (n=12), in which cores (4 mm diameter and 5 mm high) were prepared from a prefabricated standard with three types of composite resins: Group 1: Z100 (3M), Group 2: Z250 (3M) and Group 3: P60 (3M). The specimens were fixed in a cylindrical device with an adaptor at 45o inclination. This device was adapted to a universal testing machine (EMIC) to simulate the force until fracture of the specimen. Data were subjected to ANOVA (p<0.05). Results: The Z250 resin cores presented the highest mean fracture strength (45.453 kgf), while the mean fracture strengths in Group 1 and Group 3 were 38.014 and 39.506 kgf, respectively. P60 caused the largest number of root fractures. Conclusion: Considering the characteristics and properties of the tested resins, Z250 appears as the most indicated for core buildup.
Pós-graduação em Odontologia - FOA
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Avaliação da resistência à fratura torcional de diferentes instrumentos rotatórios de níquel-titânio
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)