967 resultados para Frame cranial radiosurgery


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Frame rate upconversion (FRUC) is an important post-processing technique to enhance the visual quality of low frame rate video. A major, recent advance in this area is FRUC based on trilateral filtering which novelty mainly derives from the combination of an edge-based motion estimation block matching criterion with the trilateral filter. However, there is still room for improvement, notably towards reducing the size of the uncovered regions in the initial estimated frame, this means the estimated frame before trilateral filtering. In this context, proposed is an improved motion estimation block matching criterion where a combined luminance and edge error metric is weighted according to the motion vector components, notably to regularise the motion field. Experimental results confirm that significant improvements are achieved for the final interpolated frames, reaching PSNR gains up to 2.73 dB, on average, regarding recent alternative solutions, for video content with varied motion characteristics.


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This paper approaches issues related to frame problems and nonresponse in surveys. These nonsampling errors affect the accuracy of the estimates whereas the estimators became biased and less precise. We analyse some estimation methods that deal with those problems and give an especial focus to post-stratification procedures.


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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The paper presented herein proposes a reliability-based framework for quantifying the structural robustness considering the occurrence of a major earthquake (mainshock) and subsequent cascading hazard events, such as aftershocks that are triggered by the mainshock. These events can significantly increase the probability of failure of buildings, especially for structures that are damaged during the mainshock. The application of the proposed framework is exemplified through three numerical case studies. The case studies correspond to three SAC steel moment frame buildings of 3-, 9-, and 20- stories, which were designed to pre-Northridge codes and standards. Twodimensional nonlinear finite element models of the buildings are developed using the Open System for Earthquake Engineering Simulation framework (OpenSees), using a finite-length plastic hinge beam model and a bilinear constitutive law with deterioration, and are subjected to multiple mainshock-aftershock seismic sequences. For the three buildings analyzed herein, it is shown that the structural reliability under a single seismic event can be significantly different from that under a sequence of seismic events. The reliability-based robustness indicator used shows that the structural robustness is influenced by the extent by which a structure can distribute damage.


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Based on the report for the unit “Project IV” of the PhD programme on Technology Assessment under the supervision of Dr.-Ing. Marcel Weil and Prof. Dr. António Brandão Moniz. The report was presented and discussed at the Doctorate Conference on Technologogy Assessment in July 2013 at the University Nova Lisboa, Caparica campus.


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The present work is divided in two parts: Part 1 is focused on the analysis and treatment of a 19th century portrait of Domingos Affonso, which belongs to the Ecomuseu Municipal do Seixal; and Part 2, which is entitled “The Microclimate Frame Project” is focused on the study of Artsorb® and on the planning of a microclimate frame for the painting. In Part 1, a study of the painting’s materials was performed using complementary analytical techniques and the painting’s condition was carefully evaluated. The painting exhibited signs of mould growth, and a more detailed investigation was made of this topic to understand if the fungal community was active and if it represented a real danger to the painting. A treatment was proposed, appropriate to the painting’s condition. A description of the treatment carried out, comprising the treatment options, is also present in this section. Within the study of the microclimate frame, in Part 2, the study of the potential corrosiveness of Artsorb® was a central subject. Artsorb® sheets are one of the most widely used materials for buffering relative humidity fluctuations in microclimate frames and its reported excellent performance is enhanced by its availability in lightweight sheets that can be easily placed inside microclimate frames. However, concerns have arisen regarding the presence of the corrosive salt lithium chloride in the composition of this buffer. Consequently, the present work also aimed to understand the potential risks of using Artsorb® and the possibility of avoiding exposure of lithium chloride to the artworks through the use of Tyvek®. Results from the preliminary tests seem to indicate that Artsorb® releases lithium chloride into air. This study also showed that a Tyvek® cover over Artsorb® reduces but does not eliminate evidence of chlorine contamination, and it significantly reduces the effectiveness of the buffering material. Considering that Artsorb® appears to be unsuitable due to the release of the corrosive salt, that Tyvek® was not efficient as a barrier for lithium chloride or as a permeable material to enable the proper functioning of Artsorb®, the buffering material proposed for the use in the microclimate frames is silica gel without indicator. Based on the choice of buffering material, as a result of this study, a microclimate frame is proposed.


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Timber connections represent the crucial part of a timber structure and a great variability exists in terms of types of connections and mechanisms. Taking as case study the widespread traditional timber frame structures, in particular the Portuguese Pombalino buildings, one of the most common timber connection is the half-lap joint. Connections play a major role in the overall behaviour of a structure, particularly when assessing their seismic response, since damage is concentrated at the connections. For this reason, an experimental campaign was designed and distinct types of tests were carried out on traditional half-lap joints to assess their in-plane response. In particular, pull-out and in-plane cyclic tests were carried out on real scale unreinforced connections. Subsequently, the connections were retrofitted, using strengthening techniques such as self-tapping screws, steel plates and GFRP sheets. The tests chosen were meant to capture the hysteretic behaviour and dissipative capacity of the connections and characterise their response and, therefore, their influence on the seismic response of timber frame walls, particularly concerning their uplifting and rotation capacity, that could lead to rocking in the walls. In this paper, the results of the experimental campaign are presented in terms of hysteretic curves, dissipated energy and equivalent viscous damping ratio. Moreover, recommendations are provided on the most appropriate retrofitting solutions.


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Timber frame buildings are well known as an efficient seismic resistant structure and they are used worldwide. Moreover, they have been specifically adopted in codes and regulations during the XVIII and XIX centuries in the Mediterranean area. These structures generally consist of exterior masonry walls with timber elements embedded which tie the walls together and internal walls which have a timber frame with masonry infill and act as shearwalls. In order to preserve these structureswhich characterizemany cities in theworld it is important to better understand their behaviour under seismic actions. Furthermore, historic technologies could be used even in modern constructions to build seismic resistant buildings using more natural materials with lesser costs. Generally, different types of infill could be applied to timber frame walls depending on the country, among which brick masonry, rubble masonry, hay and mud. The focus of this paper is to study the seismic behaviour of the walls considering different types of infill, specifically: masonry infill, lath and plaster and timber frame with no infill. Static cyclic tests have been performed on unreinforced timber frame walls in order to study their seismic capacity in terms of strength, stiffness, ductility and energy dissipation. The tests showed how in the unreinforced condition, the infill is able to guarantee a greater stiffness, ductility and ultimate capacity of the wall.


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Timber frame buildings are well known as an efficient seismic resistant structure popular all over the world not only due to their seismic performance, but also to their low cost and the strength they offer. These constructions still exist today and it is important to be able to preserve them, so a better knowledge on their behaviour is sought. Furthermore, historic technologies could be used even in modern constructions to build seismic resistant buildings using more natural materials with lesser costs. A great rehabilitation effort is being carried out on this type of buildings, as their neglect has led to decay or their change in use and alterations to the structure has led to the need to retrofit such buildings; only recently studies on their behaviour have become available and only a few of them address the issue of possible strengthening techniques for this kind of walls. In this scope, an innovative retrofitting technique (near surface mounted steel flat bars) is proposed and validated on traditional timber frame walls based on an extensive experimental program. The results of the static cyclic tests on distinct wall typologies retrofitted with the NSM technique are herein presented and discussed in detail. The main features on deformation, lateral stiffness, lateral resistance and seismic performance indexes are analysed


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Timber frame construction is characteristic of several historic city centres as well as of vernacular architecture in several countries around the world, either motivated by the availability of materials and construction traditions or by the need of reducing the seismic vulnerability of buildings, namely in south European countries, where this construction technique was adopted for seismic-resistance purposes. From past earthquakes, it has been seen that timber frame construction can be viewed as an interesting technology as it has exhibited a very reasonable behaviour when compared to other traditional construction techniques such as masonry walls. This chapter provides an overview of the main insights on the seismic performance of timber frame buildings from the evidences of past earthquakes and provides the main results of recent research focused on the in-plane cyclic behavior of timber frame walls with distinct geometrical configurations. Additionally, the main seismic performance indexes of timber frame walls, both unreinforced and retrofitted, are presented and discussed in detail.


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A numerical approach to simulate the behaviour of timber shear walls under both static and dynamic loading is proposed. Because the behaviour of timber shear walls hinges on the behaviour of the nail connections, the force-displacement behaviour of sheathing-to-framing nail connections are first determined and then used to define the hysteretic properties of finite elements representing these connections. The model nails are subsequently implemented into model walls. The model walls are verified using experimental results for both monotonic and cyclic loading. It is demonstrated that the complex hysteretic behaviour of timber shear walls can be reasonably represented using model shear walls in which nonlinear material failure is concentrated only at the sheathing-to-framing nail connections.


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Given the fact that using timber frame structures has proven to improve the seismic behavior of vernacular architecture, as has been reported in past earthquakes in many countries, its preservation as a traditional earthquake resistant practice is important. This paper firstly intends to evaluate whether the use of timber frames as a traditional seismic resistant technique for vernacular architecture in the South of Portugal, traditionally a seismic region, is still active. Secondly, the city of Vila Real de Santo António was selected as a case study because it also followed a Pombaline development contemporary to the reconstruction of Lisbon. The plan included the provision of timber frame partition walls for some of the buildings and, thus, an overview of the type of constructions originally conceived is provided. Finally, the alterations done in the original constructions and the current state of the city center are described and the effect of these changes on the seismic vulnerability of the city is discussed.


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This work was supported by FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia) within Project Scope (UID/CEC/00319/2013), by LIP (Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas) and by Project Search-ON2 (NORTE-07-0162- FEDER-000086), co-funded by the North Portugal Regional Operational Programme (ON.2 - O Novo Norte), under the National Strategic Reference Framework, through the European Regional Development Fund.


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La investigación pretende hacer aportes para la reformulación ético-discursiva de las ideas de ciudadanía y bien común, que sea capaz de articular la libertad y la equidad con la corresponsabilidad solidaria en contextos post-neoliberales de globalización, interculturalidad y exclusión. En este sentido, una reconfiguración de la sociedad y de la ciudadanía implicará mostrar en qué sentido y de qué modo el espacio público tiene que estar abierto no sólo a la competencia y a los consumidores, sino a ciudadanos ilustrados, autónomos y críticos. La investigación parte del supuesto que, desde los presupuestos teóricos, conceptuales y metodológicos de la teoría del discurso y de la teoría de la democracia deliberativa es posible reformular un concepto de bien común apto para articular la integración social en contextos de interacción pluralista y conflictiva, como son las democracias actuales. Puede parecer extraño, y no sin razón, que el concepto de bien común pueda ser rehabilitado en el contexto de sociedades pluralistas y democráticas, e incorporada convincentemente en la estructura de una nueva ética cívica. La extrañeza puede ser aún mayor si se piensa que, en la actualidad, la formulación de una nueva ética cívica se ve enfrentada tanto a desafíos internos, estrictamente ético-filosóficos, como externos, provenientes de problemas y conflictos histórico-contextuales y culturales (Michelini, 1998, 2000). Finalmente, es posible que la supuesta extrañeza esté relacionada también con el hecho de que el concepto de bien común sea empleado no sólo de modo ambiguo, sino que, además, haya sido utilizado en prácticas muy diversas: desde la búsqueda filosófica de la ciudad perfecta y del Estado ideal -en la que Platón manifiesta que "las cosas de los amigos deben ser comunes" (Platón, 1974a, V, 424a, 449c; 1974b, 739a-e)-, hasta las múltiples instrumentalizaciones históricas en las que el concepto de bien común se utilizó para articular la religión con el patriotismo o la razón de Estado. En la historia más o menos reciente de muchos países latinoamericanos encontramos, en este respecto, ejemplos trágicos: en nombre de la razón de Estado y del bien común, no pocas veces se ha pretendido mantener el orden establecido o defender una determinada ideología, incluso vulnerando la legitimidad del Estado de Derecho y lesionando normas éticas fundamentales. El objetivo general de la investigación es fundamentar un sustento teórico coherente para una reelaboración de los conceptos de ciudadanía y bien común en vista de una ética pública de la corresponsabilidad solidaria en sociedades democráticas y en contextos de globalización, interculturalidad y exclusión, e indagar acerca de su aplicabilidad a los campos de la práctica política y educativa. Los resultados del proyecto tendrán un impacto no sólo teórico, sino también práctico en el ámbito de las ciencias humanas, particularmente en el ámbito de la filosofía práctica, la ética pública, la política y el sistema educativo. Además, se propone elaborar lineamientos de acción para las instituciones sociales, educativas y políticas locales, regionales y nacionales, ayudar a esclarecer aspectos centrales de una convivencia democrática y pluralista, y contribuir al esclarecimiento de los deberes, de los derechos y de la corresponsabilidad solidaria.