983 resultados para Found footage films


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Albie Thomas is a seminal figure in the history of Avant-Garde film in Australia. In the mid-1960s he helped found UBU Films, the precursor of the Sydney Film-Makers' Co-operative, and he has made a number of short and feature-length experimental films. Thoms has written on film and film cultures for an array of journals and maintains an active involvement with aspects of the surf film industry in Australia. In this interview, Thoms discusses his early UBU films, and the connections between those films and Palm Beach (1979). Styles of surf film and the influences on Thoms' filmmaking are also discussed.


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As a tentative beginning to locating a particularly local Australian brand of a post-colonial materialist (formalist) cinema this paper contextualises the recycling and re-samplings of mainstream industrial cinema that I have recently undertaken. I aim to place this practice within emerging discourses of hybridity, crossing-borders and a Global Cinema. This research speaks to my earliest experiences of migration into Australia, of becoming Australian, unfolding in my 50s childhood and enunciates the pressures my parents’ migration placed on them. The focus of this work articulates the somewhat emptied and gutted voice of the New Australian, a 50s term for the assimilated migrant (CAB 1948) of which the Dutch were considered exemplar performers, good white New Australians, who neatly left their Dutch identity at the door but who never-the-less witnessed the ambiguities of the ideologies they implicitly embraced.


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Image of scratched frames from 16mm film, reframed and published as stand-alone image


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Tendo como ponto de partida um conjunto de trailers cinematográficos, provenientes de salas de cinemas em declínio, este trabalho de investigação artística explora uma série de códigos, imagens gráficas e informações industriais, encontradas na periferia dessas bobinas fílmicas, que servem de orientação aos técnicos laboratoriais e aos projeccionistas. Sustentado nos conceitos de esconderijo (Bazin), intervalo (Vertov) e obtuso (Barthes), Head, Tail, Rail procura reflectir sobre o que está para além daquilo que os filmes, normalmente, mostram. Com recurso ao found footage e a várias técnicas de montagem, este trabalho pretende transformar as matérias fílmicas (película, imagem e som) em novas e regeneradas composições audiovisuais, sem qualquer referencial, extraindo daí o obtuso das imagens fílmicas.


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n this master s dissertation a Kerr Magneto Optic s magnetometer effect was set up to do characterization of samples type films fine and ultra thin, these samples will be grown after the implementation of the sputtering technique at the magnetism laboratory of of this department. In this work a cooled electromagnet was also built the water and that it reaches close values to 10kOe with a gap of 22 mm including an area of uniform field of 25mm of diameter. The first chapter treats of the construction of this electromagnet from its dimensioning to the operation tests that involve measures of reached maximum field and temperature of the reels when operated during one hour. The second chapter is dedicated to the revision of the magnetism and the magnetization processes as well as it presents a theoretical base regarding the magnetic energies found in films and magnetic multilayer. In the sequence, the third chapter, is especially dedicated the description of the effects magneto opticians the effect kerr in the longitudinal, traverse and polar configurations, using for so much only the classic approach of the electromagnetism and the coefficients of Fresnel. Distinguished the two areas of observation of the effect regarding thickness of the film. The constructive aspects of the experimental apparatus as well as the details of its operation are explained at the room surrender, also presenting the preliminary results of the measures made in one serializes of permalloy films and concluding with the results of the characterization of the first films of iron and permalloy grown here at the theoretical and experimental physics department at UFRN


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC


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La pratica del remix è al giorno d’oggi sempre più diffusa e un numero sempre più vasto di persone ha ora le competenze e gli strumenti tecnologici adeguati per eseguire operazioni un tempo riservate a nicchie ristrette. Tuttavia, nella sua forma audiovisiva, il remix ha ottenuto scarsa attenzione a livello accademico. Questo lavoro esplora la pratica del remix intesa al contempo come declinazione contemporanea di una pratica di lungo corso all’interno della storia della produzione audiovisiva – ovvero il riuso di immagini – sia come forma caratteristica della contemporaneità mediale, atto di appropriazione grassroots dei contenuti mainstream da parte degli utenti. La tesi si articola in due sezioni. Nella prima, l’analisi di tipo teorico e storico-critico è suddivisa in due macro-aree di intervento: da una parte il remix inteso come pratica, atto di appropriazione, gesto di riciclo, decontestualizzazione e risemantizzazione delle immagini mediali che ha attraversato la storia dei media audiovisivi [primo capitolo]. Dall’altra, la remix culture, ovvero il contesto culturale e sociale che informa l’ambiente mediale entro il quale la pratica del remix ha conosciuto, nell’ultimo decennio, la diffusione capillare che lo caratterizza oggi [secondo capitolo]. La seconda, che corrisponde al terzo capitolo, fornisce una dettagliata panoramica su un caso di studio, la pratica del fan vidding. Forma di remix praticata quasi esclusivamente da donne, il vidding consiste nel creare fan video a partire da un montaggio d’immagini tratte da film o serie televisive che utilizza come accompagnamento musicale una canzone. Le vidders, usando specifiche tecniche di montaggio, realizzano delle letture critiche dei prodotti mediali di cui si appropriano, per commentare, criticare o celebrare gli oggetti di loro interesse. Attraverso il vidding il presente lavoro indaga le tattiche di rielaborazione e riscrittura dell’immaginario mediale attraverso il riuso di immagini, con particolare attenzione al remix inteso come pratica di genere.


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O presente relatório pretende ilustrar os resultados do estágio desenvolvido no Arquivo Nacional de Imagens em Movimento (ANIM) da Cinemateca Portuguesa – Museu do Cinema e ainda refletir sobre qual o seu papel na nossa memória. Apresenta-se uma reflexão crítica e teórica sobre o conceito de arquivo, sobre qual o seu poder e a sua relação com o cinema, nomeadamente com as práticas arquivísticas do cinema contemporâneo e com a criação das cinematecas. O relatório articula-se em três partes. Uma primeira, sobre as questões inerentes ao conceito de arquivo – memória, identidade, história, poder – e sobre qual a sua relação com a sétima arte. Seguidamente, uma parte mais descritiva, onde se encontra a caracterização da instituição. E por fim, fruto da observação durante o estágio, expõem-se as lacunas internas e externas que afectam a instituição, apresentando-se também possíveis soluções, que podem permitir alterações positivas no desempenho do ANIM e da Cinemateca enquanto zeladora do património cinematográfico português, tornando esta reflexão um convite para reconsiderar a importância e poder deste arquivo particular, para nós, enquanto indivíduos e sociedade.


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Found Footage document that explores the implicit racism inside the 1950's term 'New Australian", used to describe migrants to Australia in the 1950s.


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Films found on the windows of residential buildings have been studied. The main aim of the paper was to assess the roles of the films in the accumulation of potentially toxic chemicals in residential buildings. Thus the elemental and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon compositions of the surface films from the glass windows of eighteen residential buildings were examined. The presence of sample amounts of inorganic elements (4.0–1.2 × 106 μg m−2) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the films (BDL - 620.1 ng m−2) has implications for human exposure and the fate of pollutants in the urban environment. To facilitate the interpretation of the results, data matrices consisting of the chemical composition of the films and the building characteristics were subjected to multivariate data analysis methods, and these revealed that the accumulation of the chemicals was strongly dependent on building characteristics such as the type of glass used for the window, the distance from a major road, age of the building, distance from an industrial activity, number of smokers in the building and frequency of cooking in the buildings. Thus, building characteristics which minimize the accumulation of pollutants on the surface films need to be encouraged.


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Rote Movie (1994, 16mm, 12 min.)Understanding Science (1992, 16mm. 18 min.)Death Of Place (2013, digital, 14 min.)Empire (2014, digital, silent, 8 min.)Found Found Found (2014, digital, 18 min.)


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Pure and Iron incorporated nanostructured Tungsten Oxide (WO3) thin films were investigated for gas sensing applications using noise spectroscopy. The WO3 sensor was able to detect lower concentrations (1 ppm-10 ppm) of NH3, CO, CH4 and Acetaldehyde gases at higher operating temperatures between 100oC to 250oC. The response of the WO3 sensor to NH3, CH4 and Acetaldehyde at lower temperatures (50oC-100oC) was significant when the sensor was photo-activated using blue-light emitting diode (Blue-LED). The WO3 with Fe (WO3:Fe) was found to show some response to Acetaldehyde gas only at relatively higher operating temperature (250oC) and gas concentration of 10 ppm.


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This thesis presents a study of the mechanical properties of thin films. The main aim was to determine the properties of sol-gel derived coatings. These films are used in a range of different applications and are known to be quite porous. Very little work has been carried out in this area and in order to study the mechanical properties of sol-gel films, some of the work was carried out on magnetron sputtered metal coatings in order to validate the techniques developed in this work. The main part of the work has concentrated on the development of various bending techniques to study the elastic modulus of the thin films, including both a small scale three-point bending, as well as a novel bi-axial bending technique based on a disk resting on three supporting balls. The bending techniques involve a load being applied to the sample being tested and the bending response to this force being recorded. These experiments were carried out using an ultra micro indentation system with very sensitive force and depth recording capabilities. By analysing the result of these forces and deflections using existing theories of elasticity, the elastic modulus may be determined. In addition to the bi-axial bending study, a finite element analysis of the stress distribution in a disk during bending was carried out. The results from the bi-axial bending tests of the magnetron sputtered films was confirmed by ultra micro indentation tests, giving information of the hardness and elastic modulus of the films. It was found that while the three point bending method gave acceptable results for uncoated steel substrates, it was very susceptible to slight deformations of the substrate. Improvements were made by more careful preparation of the substrates in order to avoid deformation. However the technique still failed to give reasonable results for coated specimens. In contrast, biaxial bending gave very reliable results even for very thin films and this technique was also found to be useful for determination of the properties of sol-gel coatings. In addition, an ultra micro indentation study of the hardness and elastic modulus of sol-gel films was conducted. This study included conventionally fired films as well as films ion implanted in a range of doses. The indentation tests showed that for implantation of H+ ions at doses exceeding 3x1016 ions/cm2, the mechanical properties closely resembled those of films that were conventionally fired to 450°C.


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To study the phase relations in the Bi-2212 and Yb2O3 system, Bi2Sr2Ca1-xYbxCu 2Oy thick films are prepared by partial melt processing via an intermediate reaction between Bi-2212 and Yb2O3. When Bi-2212 and Yb2O3 are partially melted and then slowly cooled, solid solutions of Bi2Sr2Ca 1-xYbxCu2Oy, form by reactions between liquid and solid phases which contain Yb. Following these reactions, Ca is partially replaced in Bi-2212 matrix and participates in the formation of secondary phases, such as Bi-free, (Ca, Sr)Ox and CaO. Variation of the Bi-2212-Yb2O3 ratios and processing parameters changes the balance between the phases and leads to different Yb:Ca ratios in the Bi-2212 matrix of processed thick films. When the partial melting process is optimized for each sample to minimize the growth of secondary phases, x = 0.42-0.46 for the samples prepared at pO2 = 0.01 atm, x = 0.24-0.29 for the samples prepared at pO2 = 0.21 atm, x = 0.18-0.23 for the samples prepared at pO2 = 0.99 atm are obtained regardless to the starting compositions. It is found that superconducting properties of Bi 2Sr2Ca1-xYbxCu2O y thick films strongly depend on the processing conditions, because the conditions result in different Yb content in the Bi-2212 matrix and the volume fraction of the secondary phases. The highest Tc(0) of 77, 90 and 91 K were obtained for the samples processed at 0.01, 0.21 and 0.99 atm of O2, respectively.