938 resultados para Forest site quality
Die vorliegende Dissertation untersucht die biogeochemischen Vorgänge in der Vegetationsschicht (Bestand) und die Rückkopplungen zwischen physiologischen und physikalischen Umweltprozessen, die das Klima und die Chemie der unteren Atmosphäre beeinflussen. Ein besondere Schwerpunkt ist die Verwendung theoretischer Ansätze zur Quantifizierung des vertikalen Austauschs von Energie und Spurengasen (Vertikalfluss) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Wechselwirkungen der beteiligten Prozesse. Es wird ein differenziertes Mehrschicht-Modell der Vegetation hergeleitet, implementiert, für den amazonischen Regenwald parametrisiert und auf einen Standort in Rondonia (Südwest Amazonien) angewendet, welches die gekoppelten Gleichungen zur Energiebilanz der Oberfläche und CO2-Assimilation auf der Blattskala mit einer Lagrange-Beschreibung des Vertikaltransports auf der Bestandesskala kombiniert. Die hergeleiteten Parametrisierungen beinhalten die vertikale Dichteverteilung der Blattfläche, ein normalisiertes Profil der horizontalen Windgeschwindigkeit, die Lichtakklimatisierung der Photosynthesekapazität und den Austausch von CO2 und Wärme an der Bodenoberfläche. Desweiteren werden die Berechnungen zur Photosynthese, stomatären Leitfähigkeit und der Strahlungsabschwächung im Bestand mithilfe von Feldmessungen evaluiert. Das Teilmodell zum Vertikaltransport wird im Detail unter Verwendung von 222-Radon-Messungen evaluiert. Die ``Vorwärtslösung'' und der ``inverse Ansatz'' des Lagrangeschen Dispersionsmodells werden durch den Vergleich von beobachteten und vorhergesagten Konzentrationsprofilen bzw. Bodenflüssen bewertet. Ein neuer Ansatz wird hergeleitet, um die Unsicherheiten des inversen Ansatzes aus denjenigen des Eingabekonzentrationsprofils zu quantifizieren. Für nächtliche Bedingungen wird eine modifizierte Parametrisierung der Turbulenz vorgeschlagen, welche die freie Konvektion während der Nacht im unteren Bestand berücksichtigt und im Vergleich zu früheren Abschätzungen zu deutlich kürzeren Aufenthaltszeiten im Bestand führt. Die vorhergesagte Stratifizierung des Bestandes am Tage und in der Nacht steht im Einklang mit Beobachtungen in dichter Vegetation. Die Tagesgänge der vorhergesagten Flüsse und skalaren Profile von Temperatur, H2O, CO2, Isopren und O3 während der späten Regen- und Trockenzeit am Rondonia-Standort stimmen gut mit Beobachtungen überein. Die Ergebnisse weisen auf saisonale physiologische Änderungen hin, die sich durch höhere stomatäre Leitfähigkeiten bzw. niedrigere Photosyntheseraten während der Regen- und Trockenzeit manifestieren. Die beobachteten Depositionsgeschwindigkeiten für Ozon während der Regenzeit überschreiten diejenigen der Trockenzeit um 150-250%. Dies kann nicht durch realistische physiologische Änderungen erklärt werden, jedoch durch einen zusätzlichen cuticulären Aufnahmemechanismus, möglicherweise an feuchten Oberflächen. Der Vergleich von beobachteten und vorhergesagten Isoprenkonzentrationen im Bestand weist auf eine reduzierte Isoprenemissionskapazität schattenadaptierter Blätter und zusätzlich auf eine Isoprenaufnahme des Bodens hin, wodurch sich die globale Schätzung für den tropischen Regenwald um 30% reduzieren würde. In einer detaillierten Sensitivitätsstudie wird die VOC Emission von amazonischen Baumarten unter Verwendung eines neuronalen Ansatzes in Beziehung zu physiologischen und abiotischen Faktoren gesetzt. Die Güte einzelner Parameterkombinationen bezüglich der Vorhersage der VOC Emission wird mit den Vorhersagen eines Modells verglichen, das quasi als Standardemissionsalgorithmus für Isopren dient und Licht sowie Temperatur als Eingabeparameter verwendet. Der Standardalgorithmus und das neuronale Netz unter Verwendung von Licht und Temperatur als Eingabeparameter schneiden sehr gut bei einzelnen Datensätzen ab, scheitern jedoch bei der Vorhersage beobachteter VOC Emissionen, wenn Datensätze von verschiedenen Perioden (Regen/Trockenzeit), Blattentwicklungsstadien, oder gar unterschiedlichen Spezies zusammengeführt werden. Wenn dem Netzwerk Informationen über die Temperatur-Historie hinzugefügt werden, reduziert sich die nicht erklärte Varianz teilweise. Eine noch bessere Leistung wird jedoch mit physiologischen Parameterkombinationen erzielt. Dies verdeutlicht die starke Kopplung zwischen VOC Emission und Blattphysiologie.
The Janzen–Connell hypothesis proposes that specialized herbivores maintain high numbers of tree species in tropical forests by restricting adult recruitment so that host populations remain at low densities. We tested this prediction for the large timber tree species, Swietenia macrophylla, whose seeds and seedlings are preyed upon by small mammals and a host-specific moth caterpillar Steniscadia poliophaea, respectively. At a primary forest site, experimental seed additions to gaps – canopy-disturbed areas that enhance seedling growth into saplings – over three years revealed lower survival and seedling recruitment closer to conspecific trees and in higher basal area neighborhoods, as well as reduced subsequent seedling survival and height growth. When we included these Janzen–Connell effects in a spatially explicit individual-based population model, the caterpillar's impact was critical to limiting Swietenia's adult tree density, with a > 10-fold reduction estimated at 300 years. Our research demonstrates the crucial but oft-ignored linkage between Janzen–Connell effects on offspring and population-level consequences for a long-lived, potentially dominant tree species.
The influence of climate on forest stand composition, development and growth is undeniable. Many studies have tried to quantify the effect of climatic variables on forest growth and yield. These works become especially important because there is a need to predict the effects of climate change on the development of forest ecosystems. One of the ways of facing this problem is the inclusion of climatic variables into the classic empirical growth models. The work has a double objective: (i) to identify the indicators which best describe the effect of climate on Pinus halepensis growth and (ii) to quantify such effect in several scenarios of rainfall decrease which are likely to occur in the Mediterranean area. A growth mixed model for P. halepensis including climatic variables is presented in this work. Growth estimates are based on data from the Spanish National Forest Inventory (SNFI). The best results are obtained for the indices including rainfall, or rainfall and temperature together, with annual precipitation, precipitation effectiveness, Emberger?s index or free bioclimatic intensity standing out among them. The final model includes Emberger?s index, free bioclimatic intensity and interactions between competition and climate indices. The results obtained show that a rainfall decrease about 5% leads to a decrease in volume growth of 5.5?7.5% depending on site quality.
Strict technical quality assurance procedures are essential for PV plant bankability. When large-scale PV plants are concerned, this is typically accomplished in three consecutive phases: an energy yield forecast, that is performed at the beginning of the project and is typically accomplished by means of a simulation exercise performed with dedicated software; a reception test campaign, that is performed at the end of the commissioning and consists of a set of tests for determining the efficiency and the reliability of the PV plant devices; and a performance analysis of the first years of operation, that consists in comparing the real energy production with the one calculated from the recorded operating conditions and taking into account the maintenance records. In the last six years, IES-UPM has offered both indoor and on-site quality control campaigns for more than 60 PV plants, with an accumulated power of more than 300 MW, in close contact with Engineering, Procurement and Construction Contractors and financial entities. This paper presents the lessons learned from such experience.
Multisite, quality-improvement collaboration to optimise cardiac care in Queensland public hospitals
Objective: To evaluate changes in quality of in-hospital care of patients with either acute coronary syndromes (ACS) or congestive heart failure (CHF) admitted to hospitals participating in a multisite quality improvement collaboration. Design: Before-and-after study of changes in quality indicators measured on representative patient samples between June 2001 and January 2003. Setting: Nine public hospitals in Queensland. Study populations: Consecutive or randomly selected patients admitted to study hospitals during the baseline period (June 2001 to January 2002; n = 807 for ACS, n = 357 for CHF) and post-intervention period (July 2002 to January 2003; n = 717 for ACS, n = 220 for CHF). Intervention: Provision of comparative baseline feedback at a facilitative workshop combined with hospital-specific quality-improvement interventions supported by on-site quality officers and a central program management group. Main outcome measure: Changes in process-of-care indicators between baseline and post-intervention periods. Results: Compared with baseline, more patients with ACS in the post-intervention period received therapeutic heparin regimens (84% v 72%; P < 0.001), angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (64% v 56%; P = 0.02), lipid-lowering agents (72% v 62%; P < 0.001), early use of coronary angiography (52% v 39%; P < 0.001), in-hospital cardiac counselling (65% v 43%; P < 0.001), and referral to cardiac rehabilitation (15% v 5%; P < 0.001). The numbers of patients with CHF receiving β-blockers also increased (52% v 34%; P < 0.001), with fewer patients receiving deleterious agents (13% v 23%; P = 0.04). Same-cause 30-day readmission rate decreased from 7.2% to 2.4% (P = 0.02) in patients with CHF. Conclusion: Quality-improvement interventions conducted as multisite collaborations may improve in-hospital care of acute cardiac conditions within relatively short time frames.
Land-use change can have a major influence on soil organic carbon (SOC) and above-ground C pools. We assessed a change from native vegetation to introduced Pinus species plantations on C pools using eight paired sites. At each site we determined the impacts on 0–50 cm below-ground (SOC, charcoal C, organic matter C, particulate organic C, humic organic C, resistant organic C) and above-ground (litter, coarse woody debris, standing trees and woody understorey plants) C pools. In an analysis across the different study sites there was no significant difference (P > 0.05) in SOC or above-ground tree C stocks between paired native vegetation and pine plantations, although significant differences did exist at specific sites. SOC (calculated based on an equivalent soil mass basis) was higher in the pine plantations at two sites, higher in the native vegetation at two sites and did not differ for the other four sites. The site to site variation in SOC across the landscape was far greater than the variation observed with a change from native vegetation to introduced Pinus plantation. Differences between sites were not explained by soil type, although tree basal area was positively correlated with 0–50 cm SOC. In fact, in the native vegetation there was a significant linear relationship between above-ground biomass and SOC that explained 88.8% of the variation in the data. Fine litter C (0–25 mm diameter) tended to be higher in the pine forest than in the adjacent native vegetation and was significantly higher in the pine forest at five of the eight paired sites. Total litter C (0–100 mm diameter) increased significantly with plantation age (R2 = 0.64). Carbon stored in understorey woody plants (2.5–10 cm DBH) was higher in the native vegetation than in the adjacent pine forest. Total site C varied greatly across the study area from 58.8 Mg ha−1 at a native heathland site to 497.8 Mg ha−1 at a native eucalypt forest site. Our findings suggest that the effects of change from native vegetation to introduced Pinus sp. forest are highly site-specific and may be positive, negative, or have no influence on various C pools, depending on local site characteristics (e.g. plantation age and type of native vegetation).
Although changes in urban forest vegetation have been documented in previous Finnish studies, the reasons for these changes have not been studied explicitly. Especially, the consequences of forest fragmentation, i.e. the fact that forest edges receive more solar radiation, wind and air-borne nutrients than interiors have been ignored. In order to limit the change in urban forest vegetation we need to know why it occurs. Therefore, the effects of edges and recreational use of urban forests on vegetation were investigated together in this thesis to reveal the relative strengths of these effects and to provide recommendations for forest management. Data were collected in the greater Helsinki area (in the cities of Helsinki, Vantaa and Espoo, and in the municipalities of Sipoo and Tuusula) and in the Lahti region (in the city of Lahti and in the municipality of Hollola) by means of systematic and randomized vegetation and soil sampling and tree measurements. Sample plots were placed from the forest edges to the interiors to investigate the effects of forest edges, and on paths of different levels of wear and off these paths to investigate the effects of trampling. The natural vegetation of mesic and sub-xeric forest site types studied was sensitive both to the effects of the edge and to trampling. The abundances of dwarf shrubs and bryophytes decreased, while light- and nitrogen-demanding herbs and grasses - and especially Sorbus aucuparia – were favoured at the edges and next to the paths. Results indicated that typical forest site types at the edges are changing toward more nitrophilic vegetation communities. Covers of the most abundant forest species decreased considerably – even tens of percentages – from interiors to the edges indicating strong edge effects. These effects penetrated at least up to 50 m from the forest edges into the interiors, especially at south to west facing open edges. The effects of trampling were pronounced on paths and even low levels of trampling decreased the abundances of certain species considerably. The effects of trampling extended up to 8 m from path edges. Results showed that the fragmentation of urban forest remnants into small and narrow patches should be avoided in order to maintain natural forest understorey vegetation in the urban setting. Thus, urban forest fragments left within urban development should be at least 3 ha in size, and as circular as possible. Where the preservation of representative original forest interior vegetation is a management aim, closed edges with conifers can act as an effective barrier against solar radiation, wind and urban load, thereby restricting the effects of the edge. Tree volume at the edge should be at least 225-250 m3 ha-1 and the proportion of conifers (especially spruce) 80% or more of the tree species composition. Closed, spruce-dominated edges may also prevent the excessive growth of S. aucuparia saplings at urban forest edges. In addition, closed edges may guide people’s movements to the maintained paths, thus preventing the spontaneous creation of dense path networks. In urban areas the effects of edges and trampling on biodiversity may be considerable, and are important to consider when the aim of management is to prevent the development of homogeneous herb-grass dominated vegetation communities, as was observed at the investigated edges.
There is a growing recognition of the need to integrate non-trophic interactions into ecological networks for a better understanding of whole-community organization. To achieve this, the first step is to build networks of individual non-trophic interactions. In this study, we analyzed a network of interdependencies among bird species that participated in heterospecific foraging associations (flocks) in an evergreen forest site in the Western Ghats, India. We found the flock network to contain a small core of highly important species that other species are strongly dependent on, a pattern seen in many other biological networks. Further, we found that structural importance of species in the network was strongly correlated to functional importance of species at the individual flock level. Finally, comparisons with flock networks from other Asian forests showed that the same taxonomic groups were important in general, suggesting that species importance was an intrinsic trait and not dependent on local ecological conditions. Hence, given a list of species in an area, it may be possible to predict which ones are likely to be important. Our study provides a framework for the investigation of other heterospecific foraging associations and associations among species in other non-trophic contexts.
For efficient use of conservation resources it is important to determine how species diversity changes across spatial scales. In many poorly known species groups little is known about at which spatial scales the conservation efforts should be focused. Here we examined how the community turnover of wood-inhabiting fungi is realised at three hierarchical levels, and how much of community variation is explained by variation in resource composition and spatial proximity. The hierarchical study design consisted of management type (fixed factor), forest site (random factor, nested within management type) and study plots (randomly placed plots within each study site). To examine how species richness varied across the three hierarchical scales, randomized species accumulation curves and additive partitioning of species richness were applied. To analyse variation in wood-inhabiting species and dead wood composition at each scale, linear and Permanova modelling approaches were used. Wood-inhabiting fungal communities were dominated by rare and infrequent species. The similarity of fungal communities was higher within sites and within management categories than among sites or between the two management categories, and it decreased with increasing distance among the sampling plots and with decreasing similarity of dead wood resources. However, only a small part of community variation could be explained by these factors. The species present in managed forests were in a large extent a subset of those species present in natural forests. Our results suggest that in particular the protection of rare species requires a large total area. As managed forests have only little additional value complementing the diversity of natural forests, the conservation of natural forests is the key to ecologically effective conservation. As the dissimilarity of fungal communities increases with distance, the conserved natural forest sites should be broadly distributed in space, yet the individual conserved areas should be large enough to ensure local persistence.
This is the Coleopteran Fauna of ERS on the river Dane, Cheshire: a survey report produced by the Environment Agency in 2003. A comprehensive survey of the Exposed Riverine Sediment (ERS) on the River Dane, Cheshire was undertaken between mid-April and mid-June 2003. 6 locations were selected and subsequently examined to determine the importance of the constituent invertebrate fauna. Appropriate sampling techniques (i.e. pitfall trapping, hand searching and excavations) were directed towards the target group (Coleoptera). All adults from the chosen taxa were identified to species level. The relative value of the fauna was assessed using species richness, conservation status, fidelity score and a site quality index.
Air and shallow soil temperature in forest site are important factors impacting carbon cycle and plant physiology of the ecosystem.It is an effective method to estimating these temperatures by the recordings at neighboring meteorological station.The estimations will fill the gap of micrometeorological measurements in forest area.An empirical model to estimate the air temperature in the crown and soil temperature at 5 and 20 cm depth in the mixed forest of broad_leaved and Korean_pine was established,according to the recordings at adjacent meteorological station.The effects of seasons and snow coverage were taken into account in model establishment.The results showed that estimations were well accordance with the measurements.
Numerous laboratory experiments have been performed in an attempt to mimic atmospheric secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation. However, it is still unclear how close the aerosol particles generated in laboratory experiments resemble atmospheric SOA with respect to their detailed chemical composition. In this study, we generated SOA in a simulation chamber from the ozonolysis of α-pinene and a biogenic volatile organic compound (BVOC) mixture containing α- and β-pinene, Δ3-carene, and isoprene. The detailed molecular composition of laboratory-generated SOA was compared with that of background ambient aerosol collected at a boreal forest site (Hyytiälä, Finland) and an urban location (Cork, Ireland) using direct infusion nanoelectrospray ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry. Kendrick Mass Defect and Van Krevelen approaches were used to identify and compare compound classes and distributions of the detected species. The laboratory-generated SOA contained a distinguishable group of dimers that was not observed in the ambient samples. The presence of dimers was found to be less pronounced in the SOA from the VOC mixtures when compared to the one component precursor system. The elemental composition of the compounds identified in the monomeric region from the ozonolysis of both α-pinene and VOC mixtures represented the ambient organic composition of particles collected at the boreal forest site reasonably well, with about 70% of common molecular formulae. In contrast, large differences were found between the laboratory-generated BVOC samples and the ambient urban sample. To our knowledge this is the first direct comparison of molecular composition of laboratory-generated SOA from BVOC mixtures and ambient samples.
Resting metabolic rates at thermoneutral (RMRts) are unexpectedly variable. One explanation is that high RMRts intrinsically potentiate a greater total daily energy expenditure (DEE), but recent work has suggested that DEE is extrinsically defined by the environment, which independently affects RMRt. This extrinsic effect could occur because expenditure is forced upwards in poor habitats or enabled to rise in good habitats. We provide here an intraspecific test for an association between RMRt and DEE that separates intrinsic from extrinsic effects and forcing from enabling effects. We measured the DEE and RMRt of 75 free-living short-tailed field voles at two time points in late winter. Across all sites, there was a positive link between individual variation in RMRt and DEE. This correlation, however, emerged only because of an effect across sites, rather than because of an intrinsic association within sites. We defined site quality from the survivorship of voles at the sites and the time at which they commenced breeding in spring. The associations between DEE/RMRt and site quality suggested that in February voles in poorer sites had higher energy demands, indicating that DEE was forced upwards, but in March the opposite was true, with higher demands in good sites, indicating that high expenditure was enabled. These data show that daily energy demands are extrinsically defined, with a link to RMRt that is secondary or independent. Both forcing and enabling effects of the environment may pertain at different times of year.
We propose here the hypothesis that all of United Kingdom (UK) is likely to be affected by Ganoderma sp. spores, an important plant pathogen. We suggest that the main sources of this pathogen, which acts as a bioaerosol, are the widely scattered woodlands in the country, although remote sources must not be neglected. The hypothesis is based on related studies on bioaerosols and supported by new observations from a non-forest site and model calculations to support our hypothesis. Hourly concentrations of Ganoderma sp. spores were measured from 2006 to 2010 using a 7-day volumetric spore trap at the city of Worcester. The concentrations peak during the night and early in the morning. This suggests that the main spore sources are located a few hours away with respect to air masses transport and reach urban areas thanks to air masses transport. The back-trajectory analysis was applied to determine the location of Ganoderma sp. spore sources. The analysis of back-trajectories demonstrated that 78% of the air masses reached Worcester from a 180° arc direction from the East to West. Three episodes were selected for detailed investigation and they revealed that during the episodes air masses always passed main UK woodlands before the arrival in Worcester, independently of their origin, but the long distance transport under certain conditions might be possible. Our studies suggest that the sources of UK Ganoderma sp. spores are mainly to be found in UK. Hence our studies suggest that research and mitigation strategies in UK should give their main attention to national sources, without neglecting the contribution from long distance transport.
In this paper we study the modifications that occurred in some forest soil properties after a prescribed fire. The research focused on the alterations of soil pH, soil moisture and soil organic matter content during a two-year span, from 2008 to 2009. The study site is located in Anjos, Vieira do Minho municipality, a forest site that has suffered from recurrent wildfires for several decades. Furze (Ulex, sp.), broom (Cytisus, sp.), gorse (Chamaespartum tridentatum) and a very few disperse adult pine (Pinus sylvestris) are the predominant vegetation type in the study area. The average height of this shrub vegetation is around 1.5 m. The prescribed fire was conducted by the National Forestry Authority (AFN) in November 2008. Fuzzy Boolean Nets (FBN) were used to evaluate the alteration in soil parameters when compared with adjacent spots where: i) no fire occurrence was registered since 1998; ii) fire occurrence was registered in 2008; and iii) vegetation pruning by mechanical cut was done in Spring six months prior to the prescribed fire event. Results suggest that in the particular case of the studied site, Anjos, the observed soil properties alterations cannot be related with the prescribed fire.