965 resultados para Fluoretos Efeitos colaterais


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Sibutramine is a drug recommended clinically for the treatment of obesity, but there are women that use the drug for maintenance of body weight. Many time this use occur associate to habit of tabagism, being the nicotine the main toxic compound in the cigarette. The goal of study was to evaluate the side effects promoted by sibutramine, associated or not to nicotine, in the reproductive tissue of adult female rats. Wistar animals (n = 30), were distributed in the groups: a) Control A (0.3 mL of distilled water; oral); b) Sibutramine (15 mg/kg of body weight; oral); c) Control B (0.3 mL of saline solution; intraperitoneal); d) Nicotine (4.0 mg/kg of body weight; intraperitoneal); e) sibutramine + nicotine. The treatments were conducted during 30 consecutive days (single dose, daily). Sibutramine, associated or not to nicotine, affected the folliculogenesis and luteogenesis. There were significant alterations (p<0.05) in the thickness of uterine layers, considerate each treatment. In conclusion, the administration isolated of sibutramine or nicotine promoted deleterious effects in the reproductive tissues of female rats and these effects were potential in the group that received both drugs.


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A fluoxetina, pertencente à classe dos inibidores da recaptação seletiva de serotonina, é um dos antidepressivos mais amplamente prescritos para o tratamento da depressão e de transtornos da ansiedade, como o transtorno obsessivo compulsivo. Considerando que, dentre os efeitos colaterais causados pela fluoxetina, têm sido relatados distúrbios na função sexual masculina, foi proposto avaliar a ação deste fármaco sobre a integridade morfológica dos túbulos seminíferos. Foram utilizados 16 ratos adultos, distribuídos em 2 grupos: grupo fluoxetina (GF) e grupo controle (GC). Os animais do GF receberam injeções intraperitoneais de fluoxetina (20mg/Kg) e os animais do GC receberam água destilada. O tratamento se estendeu por 11 dias consecutivos e, ao final do tratamento, foram obtidos os pesos corpóreo e testicular dos animais. Os testículos foram fixados e processados para inclusão em historesina e parafina. Nos cortes de historesina, as frequências de túbulos de acordo com o estágio do ciclo do epitélio seminífero e de túbulos seminíferos contendo células descamadas preenchendo a luz tubular foram obtidas, bem como os seguintes parâmetros morfométricos: área tubular total, área da luz tubular e área do epitélio seminífero. Os cortes em parafina foram submetidos ao método do TUNEL para detecção de morte celular. Os níveis séricos de testosterona também foram avaliados. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise estatística para avaliação das diferenças entre os grupos. O tratamento com fluoxetina causou redução significante do peso corpóreo dos animais e redução, embora não significante, do peso testicular absoluto. Além disso, uma redução significante nos níveis séricos de testosterona foi observada nos animais do GF. Os túbulos seminíferos apresentaram contorno irregular, depleção celular e intensa desorganização epitelial, bem como a presença de vacúolos e ...


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Sibutramine is a drug recommended clinically for the treatment of obesity, but there are women that use the drug for maintenance of body weight. Many time this use occur associate to habit of tabagism, being the nicotine the main toxic compound in the cigarette. The goal of study was to evaluate the side effects promoted by sibutramine, associated or not to nicotine, in the reproductive tissue of adult female rats. Wistar animals (n =30), were distributed in the groups: a) Control A (0.3 mL of distilled water; oral); b) Sibutramine (15 mg/kg of body weight; oral); c) Control B (0.3 mL of saline solution; intraperitoneal); d) Nicotine (4.0 mg/kg of body weight; intraperitoneal); e) sibutramine + nicotine. The treatments were conducted during 30 consecutive days (single dose, daily). Sibutramine, associated or not to nicotine, affected the folliculogenesis and luteogenesis. There were significant alterations (p<0.05) in the thickness of uterine layers, considerate each treatment. In conclusion, the administration isolated of sibutramine or nicotine promoted deleterious effects in the reproductive tissues of female rats and these effects were potential in the group that received both drugs.


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Dexamethasone is a synthetic glucocorticoid widely used to treat allergic and inflammatory processes. This drug is used in three main situations, are used to contain acute or chronic inflammatory processes, or like immunosuppressive drug's. In these cases the patient will receive high doses for a chronic period and, therefore, has a much greater chance of adverse side effects, such as hypertension, diabetes and dyslipidemia. Dexamethasone promotes deleterious effects on the arachidonic acid pathway, when administered in high doses, because it is a potent anti-inflammatory drug. We recently demonstrated that dexamethasone significantly reduces the protein expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in both skeletal muscle and heart, but the mechanisms involved remain unclear. Meanwhile, exercise has been shown to be effective against high blood pressure, diabetes and dyslipidemia, promoting, among other factors, the increase in VEGF and angiogenesis. One possible explanation for these effects would be the creation of new vessels mediated by inflammation, or by the stimulation of the formation of products of the metabolism of arachidonic acid (AA), such as prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and VEGF, by increasing the stimulation of the enzymes cyclooxygenase 1 and 2 (COX-1 and COX-2). Little is known about the preventive effects of training on the action of dexamethasone in the arachidonic acid pathway. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine whether aerobic exercise training, performed before and concomitant treatment with dexamethasone, was able to prevent the effects of the dexamethasone in the protein expression of COX-2 and VEGF. For this, we used young Wistar rats (n = 40) which were randomly divided into 4 groups: sedentary control (SC), sedentary and treated with dexamethasone (SD), trained control (TC) and trained and treated with dexamethasone (TD). These rats performed aerobic exercise training, 60% of maximum capacity, 5


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Dexamethasone (DEXA) is a synthetic glucocorticoid widely used in the handling of several drugs, for its proven benefits in fighting inflammation and allergies. Despite their benefits, their chronic use leads to several side effects that include changes in the body in the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. Moreover, being an anti-inflammatory, acts on the arachidonic acid pathway, reducing the expression of the enzyme cyclooxygenase (COX-2) and growth factor derived from the endothelium of blood vessels (VEGF) in various tissues. However, its effects on the myocardium are still uncertain. The physical training (PT), in turn, promotes effects contrary to those caused by chronic use of DEXA, however, little is known about the preventive effects of TF in the side effects of Dexa in the myocardium. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine if the TF has the ability to prevent and/or mitigate the effects of Dexa in protein expression of COX-2 and VEGF in the myocardium. Forty animals were divided into 4 groups: sedentary control (SC), sedentary treated with Dexa (SD), trained control (TC) and Trained treated with Dexa (TD) and submitted to a protocol of physical training on the treadmill for 70 days (1 h/day-5 days per week, 60% of physical capacity) or kept sedentary. Over the past 10 days, rats were treated with Dexa (Decadron, 0.5 mg/kg per day, ip) or saline. During training the animals were weighed weekly and during treatment daily. At the end of treatment was made to measure fasting glucose levels of animals. The rats were killed with excess anesthesia and cardiac muscle was removed, weighed, homogenized, centrifuged and stored at -20° C for analysis of protein expression of VEGF and COX-2 by Western blotting technique. Treatment with dexamethasone caused a weight loss of 18% in sedentary animals and 13% in trained as well as elevated levels of fasting glucose in sedentary (88%). The TF was unable to mitigate the loss in...


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Muscle atrophy is always associated with Dexamethasone (Dexa) treatment, however the mechanisms are not completely understood. This study investigated the effects of Dexa on myostatin and p70S6K protein expression and if previous exercise training (T) can attenuate these effects. Eighty rats were distributed into 4 groups: sedentary control (SC), sedentary treated with Dexa (SD; 0,5 mg/kg per day, i.p., 10 days), trained control (TC) and trained treated with Dexa (TD) and underwent a training period where they were either submitted to a running protocol (60% of physical capacity, 5 days/week for 8 weeks) or kept sedentary. After T period, animals underwent Dexa treatment concomitant with training. Western Blot was performed to identify myostatin and p70S6k protein expression in the tibialis anterior (TA) and soleus (SOL) muscle. Ten days of Dexa treatment increased fasting glucose (SD=+62%), however previous T attenuated this increase (TD=+20%, p<0.05). Dexa determined significant decrease in body weight in TD (-22%) and SD (-25%), followed by TA weight reduction in SD (-23%) and TD (-20%). Previous training could not avoid these decreases. Myostatin protein expression was not altered by dexa treatment or training in TA muscle but in SOL muscle it was significantly modified after T, regardless of treatment (TC=+%23 and TD=+25) compared with their respective controls. The protein p70S6K was not modified neither by dexa nor training in any of the analyzed muscle or condition. The results of this study allowed us to conclude that previous training attenuates the hyperglycemia induced by Dexa, however it did not prevent the body or muscle weight reductions. Even in the presence of muscle atrophy, the expression of myostatin and p70S6K do not justify the mechanisms of muscle loss induced by Dexa, which suggests that other catabolic or anabolic proteins could be involved in the process of muscle atrophy after 10 days of treatment with Dexa


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This study evaluated the oral conditions of 50 cancer patients undergoing head and neck radiotherapy (RT). Clinical examinations were performed before treatment, immediately after 30 days after RT and 6 months after conclusion of RT. Periodontal conditions were evaluated using the criteria of the Periodontal Screening and Recording (SRP) and the need for dental treatment were determined. The presence of xerostomia, mucositis and other side effects of RT were also evaluated. Soon after the beginning of RT, the irradiated patients of radiotherapy developed severe mucositis, dermatitis, dysgeusia, xerostomia and, to a lesser extent, candidosis. After completion of radiotherapy, 68% of patients had level III or IV mucositis. It was found that the development of mucositis hinders oral hygiene and these factors contribute to exacerbate inflammation of periodontal tissues. The data from this study evidenced that the main cause of desertion of RT and of severity of sequelae of RT depends on the oral conditions of patients before starting treatment and the absence of previous dental treatment prior RT.