994 resultados para Fluorescence Photobleaching Recovery


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Les maladies cardiovasculaires (MCV) sont la principale cause de mortalité dans les pays industrialisés. L'hypercholestérolémie constitue un facteur de risque majeur pour les MCV. Elle est caractérisée par des niveaux élevés de lipoprotéines de faible densité (LDL, aussi appelé “mauvais cholestérol”). La présence prolongée de haut niveaux de LDL dans la circulation augmente le risque de formation de plaques athérosclérotiques, ce qui peut conduire à l'obstruction des artères et l'infarctus du myocarde. Le LDL est normalement extrait du sang par sa liaison au récepteur du LDL (LDLR) qui est responsable de son endocytose dans les hépatocytes. Des études génétiques humaines ont identifié PCSK9 (proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9) comme le troisième locus responsable de l'hypercholestérolémie autosomique dominante après le LDLR et son ligand l’apolipoprotéine B-100. PCSK9 interagit avec le LDLR et induit sa dégradation, augmentant ainsi les niveaux plasmatiques de LDL. Les mutations gain de fonction (GF) de PCSK9 sont associées à des niveaux plasmatiques élevés de LDL et à l'apparition précoce des MCV, alors que les mutations perte de fonction (PF) de PCSK9 diminuent le risque de MCV jusqu’à ~ 88% grâce à une réduction du LDL circulant. De ce fait, PCSK9 constitue une cible pharmacologique importante pour réduire le risque de MCV. PCSK9 lie le LDLR à la surface cellulaire et/ou dans l'appareil de Golgi des hépatocytes et provoque sa dégradation dans les lysosomes par un mécanisme encore mal compris. Le but de cette étude est de déterminer pourquoi certaines mutations humaines de PCSK9 sont incapables de dégrader le LDLR tandis que d'autres augmentent sa dégradation dans les lysosomes. Plusieurs mutations GF et PF de PCSK9 ont été fusionnées à la protéine fluorecente mCherry dans le but d'étudier leur mobilité moléculaire dans les cellules hépatiques vivantes. Nos analyses quantitatives de recouvrement de fluorescence après photoblanchiment (FRAP) ont montré que les mutations GF (S127R et D129G) avaient une mobilité protéique plus élevée (> 35% par rapport au WT) dans le réseau trans- Golgien. En outre, nos analyses quantitatives de recouvrement de fluorescence inverse après photoblanchiment (iFRAP) ont montré que les mutations PF de PCSK9 (R46L) avaient une mobilité protéique plus lente (<22% par rapport au WT) et une fraction mobile beaucoup plus petite (<40% par rapport au WT). Par ailleurs, nos analyses de microscopie confocale et électronique démontrent pour la toute première fois que PCSK9 est localisée et concentrée dans le TGN des hépatocytes humains via son domaine Cterminal (CHRD) qui est essentiel à la dégradation du LDLR. De plus, nos analyses sur des cellules vivantes démontrent pour la première fois que le CHRD n'est pas nécessaire à l'internalisation de PCSK9. Ces résultats apportent de nouveaux éléments importants sur le mécanisme d'action de PCSK9 et pourront contribuer ultimement au développement d'inhibiteurs de la dégradation du LDLR induite par PCSK9.


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La fonction des canaux ioniques est finement régulée par des changements structuraux de sites clés contrôlant l’ouverture du pore. Ces modulations structurales découlent de l’interaction du canal avec l’environnement local, puisque certains domaines peuvent être suffisamment sensibles à des propriétés physico-chimiques spécifiques. Les mouvements engendrés dans la structure sont notamment perceptibles fonctionnellement lorsque le canal ouvre un passage à certains ions, générant ainsi un courant ionique mesurable selon le potentiel électrochimique. Une description détaillée de ces relations structure-fonction est cependant difficile à obtenir à partir de mesures sur des ensembles de canaux identiques, puisque les fluctuations et les distributions de différentes propriétés individuelles demeurent cachées dans une moyenne. Pour distinguer ces propriétés, des mesures à l’échelle de la molécule unique sont nécessaires. Le but principal de la présente thèse est d’étudier la structure et les mécanismes moléculaires de canaux ioniques par mesures de spectroscopie de fluorescence à l’échelle de la molécule unique. Les études sont particulièrement dirigées vers le développement de nouvelles méthodes ou leur amélioration. Une classe de toxine formeuse de pores a servi de premier modèle d’étude. La fluorescence à l’échelle de la molécule unique a aussi été utilisée pour l’étude d’un récepteur glutamate, d’un récepteur à la glycine et d’un canal potassique procaryote. Le premier volet porte sur l’étude de la stœchiométrie par mesures de photoblanchiment en temps résolu. Cette méthode permet de déterminer directement le nombre de monomères fluorescents dans un complexe isolé par le décompte des sauts discrets de fluorescence suivant les événements de photoblanchiment. Nous présentons ici la première description, à notre connaissance, de l’assemblage dynamique d’une protéine membranaire dans un environnement lipidique. La toxine monomérique purifiée Cry1Aa s’assemble à d’autres monomères selon la concentration et sature en conformation tétramérique. Un programme automatique est ensuite développé pour déterminer la stœchiométrie de protéines membranaires fusionnées à GFP et exprimées à la surface de cellules mammifères. Bien que ce système d’expression soit approprié pour l’étude de protéines d’origine mammifère, le bruit de fluorescence y est particulièrement important et augmente significativement le risque d’erreur dans le décompte manuel des monomères fluorescents. La méthode présentée permet une analyse rapide et automatique basée sur des critères fixes. L’algorithme chargé d’effectuer le décompte des monomères fluorescents a été optimisé à partir de simulations et ajuste ses paramètres de détection automatiquement selon la trace de fluorescence. La composition de deux canaux ioniques a été vérifiée avec succès par ce programme. Finalement, la fluorescence à l’échelle de la molécule unique est mesurée conjointement au courant ionique de canaux potassiques KcsA avec un système de fluorométrie en voltage imposé. Ces enregistrements combinés permettent de décrire la fonction de canaux ioniques simultanément à leur position et densité alors qu’ils diffusent dans une membrane lipidique dont la composition est choisie. Nous avons observé le regroupement de canaux KcsA pour différentes compositions lipidiques. Ce regroupement ne paraît pas être causé par des interactions protéine-protéine, mais plutôt par des microdomaines induits par la forme des canaux reconstitués dans la membrane. Il semble que des canaux regroupés puissent ensuite devenir couplés, se traduisant en ouvertures et fermetures simultanées où les niveaux de conductance sont un multiple de la conductance « normale » d’un canal isolé. De plus, contrairement à ce qui est actuellement suggéré, KcsA ne requiert pas de phospholipide chargé négativement pour sa fonction. Plusieurs mesures indiquent plutôt que des lipides de forme conique dans la phase cristalline liquide sont suffisants pour permettre l’ouverture de canaux KcsA isolés. Des canaux regroupés peuvent quant à eux surmonter la barrière d’énergie pour s’ouvrir de manière coopérative dans des lipides non chargés de forme cylindrique.


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Here, we identify the Arabidopsis thaliana ortholog of the mammalian DEAD box helicase, eIF4A-III, the putative anchor protein of exon junction complex (EJC) on mRNA. Arabidopsis eIF4A-III interacts with an ortholog of the core EJC component, ALY/Ref, and colocalizes with other EJC components, such as Mago, Y14, and RNPS1, suggesting a similar function in EJC assembly to animal eIF4A-III. A green fluorescent protein (GFP)-eIF4A-III fusion protein showed localization to several subnuclear domains: to the nucleoplasm during normal growth and to the nucleolus and splicing speckles in response to hypoxia. Treatment with the respiratory inhibitor sodium azide produced an identical response to the hypoxia stress. Treatment with the proteasome inhibitor MG132 led to accumulation of GFP-eIF4A-III mainly in the nucleolus, suggesting that transition of eIF4A-III between subnuclear domains and/or accumulation in nuclear speckles is controlled by proteolysis-labile factors. As revealed by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching analysis, the nucleoplasmic fraction was highly mobile, while the speckles were the least mobile fractions, and the nucleolar fraction had an intermediate mobility. Sequestration of eIF4A-III into nuclear pools with different mobility is likely to reflect the transcriptional and mRNA processing state of the cell.


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AtTRB1, 2 and 3 are members of the SMH (single Myb histone) protein family, which comprises double-stranded DNA-binding proteins that are specific to higher plants. They are structurally conserved, containing a Myb domain at the N-terminus, a central H1/H5-like domain and a C-terminally located coiled-coil domain. AtTRB1, 2 and 3 interact through their Myb domain specifically with telomeric double-stranded DNA in vitro, while the central H1/H5-like domain interacts non-specifically with DNA sequences and mediates protein–protein interactions. Here we show that AtTRB1, 2 and 3 preferentially localize to the nucleus and nucleolus during interphase. Both the central H1/H5-like domain and the Myb domain from AtTRB1 can direct a GFP fusion protein to the nucleus and nucleolus. AtTRB1–GFP localization is cell cycle-regulated, as the level of nuclear-associated GFP diminishes during mitotic entry and GFP progressively re-associates with chromatin during anaphase/telophase. Using fluorescence recovery after photobleaching and fluorescence loss in photobleaching, we determined the dynamics of AtTRB1 interactions in vivo. The results reveal that AtTRB1 interaction with chromatin is regulated at two levels at least, one of which is coupled with cell-cycle progression, with the other involving rapid exchange.


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The three poikilophydric and homoiochlorophyllous moss species Campylopus savannarum (C. Muell.) Mitt., Racocarpus fontinaloides (C. Muell.) Par. and Ptychomitrium vaginatum Besch. grow on sun-exposed rocks of a tropical inselberg in Brazil subject to regular drying and wetting cycles. Effective photo-oxidative protection in the light-adapted desiccated state in all three species is achieved by a reduction of ground chlorophyll fluorescence, F, to almost zero. Upon rewatering, the kinetics of the recovery of F in air dry cushions to higher values is very fast in the first 5min, but more than 80min are needed until an equilibrium is reached gradually. The kinetics were not different between the three species. The three moss species, have a distinct niche occupation and form a characteristic zonation around soil vegetation islands on the rock outcrops, where C. savannarum and R. fontinaloides form an inner and outer belt, respectively, around vegetation islands and P vaginatum occurs as small isolated cushions on bare rock. However, they were not distinguished by the reduction of F in the dry state and the rewetting recovery kinetics and only slightly different in their photosynthetic capacity. Stable isotope ratios (delta C-13, delta N-15) indicate that liquid films of water limiting diffusion of CO2 are important in determining carbon acquisition and suggest that limitation of CO2 fixation by water films must be more pronounced over time in P vaginatum than in the latter species. This is determined by both the micro site occupied and the form of the moss cushions. (c) 2007 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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The effect of increased UV radiation on photosynthesis estimated as in vivo chlorophyll fluorescence i.e. optimal quantum yield (F(v)/F(m)) and electron transport rate (ETR) in the green filamentous alga Zygnemopsis decussata (Streptophyta, Zygnematales) growing in the high mountain lake ""La Caldera"" (Sierra Nevada, Spain) at 3050 m altitude was evaluated. Two sets of in situ experiments were conducted: (1) On July 2006, F(v)/F(m) was measured throughout the day at different depths (0.1, 0.25, 0.5 and 1 m) and in the afternoon. ETR and phenolic compounds were determined. In addition, in order to analyze the effect of UV radiation, F(v)/F(m) was determined in algae incubated for 3 days at 0.5m under three different light treatments: PAR+UVA+UVB (PAB). PAR+UVA (PA) and PAR (P). (2) On August 2007, F(v)/F(m) was determined under PAB, PA and P treatments and desiccation/rehydration conditions. F(v)/F(m) decreased in algae growing in surface waters (0.1 m) but also at 1 m depth compared to that at 0.5 in depth. The decrease of F(v)/F(m) at noon due to photoinhibition was small (less than 10%) except in algae growing at 1 m depth (44%). The maximal electron transport rate was 3.5-5 times higher in algae growing at 0.25-0.5 m respectively than that at 0.1 and 1 m depth. These results are related to the accumulation of phenolic compounds: i.e. the algae at 0.25-0.5 in presentedrespectively about a 3-5 times higher concentration of phenolic compounds than that of algae at 0.1-1 m depth. The protection mechanisms seem to be stimulated by UVB radiation, since F(v)/F(m) was higher in the presence of UVB (PAB treatment) compared to PA or P treatments. UVA exerts the main photoinhibitory effect, not Only at midday, but also in the afternoon. UVB radiation also had a protective effect in algae grown under desiccation conditions for three days. During re-hydration, the rapid increase of F(v)/F(m) (after 1 h) was higher in the UVB-grown algae than in algae grown under UVA radiation. After 5 h. F(v)/F(m) values were similar in algae submitted to desiccation/rehydration under PAB and P treatments as they were in the control (submerged algae). The combined effect of desiccation and UVA produced the greatest decrease of photosynthesis in Z. decussata. Thifs UVB, in contrast to other species, may support the recovery process. Z. decussata can acclimate to severe stress, conditions in this high mountain lake by the photoprotection mechanism induced by UVB radiation through dynamic photoinhibition and the accumulation of phenolic compounds (UV screen and antioxidant substances).


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In the work reported here we were able to control the photobleaching of poly[2-methoxy-5-(2`-ethyl-hexyloxy)-1,4-phenylene vinylene] (MEH-PPV), excited by two-photon absorption, using femtosecond pulse shaping. By applying a cosine-like spectral phase mask, we observe a reduction of three times in the photobleaching rate, while the fluorescence intensity decreases by 20%, in comparison to the values obtained with a Fourier-transform-limited pulse. These results demonstrate an interesting trade-off between photobleaching rate and nonlinear fluorescence intensity. The possible mechanism behind this process is discussed in terms of the pulse spectral profile and the absorbance band of MEH-PPV. (C) 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The relation between the intercepted light and orchard productivity was considered linear, although this dependence seems to be more subordinate to planting system rather than light intensity. At whole plant level not always the increase of irradiance determines productivity improvement. One of the reasons can be the plant intrinsic un-efficiency in using energy. Generally in full light only the 5 – 10% of the total incoming energy is allocated to net photosynthesis. Therefore preserving or improving this efficiency becomes pivotal for scientist and fruit growers. Even tough a conspicuous energy amount is reflected or transmitted, plants can not avoid to absorb photons in excess. The chlorophyll over-excitation promotes the reactive species production increasing the photoinhibition risks. The dangerous consequences of photoinhibition forced plants to evolve a complex and multilevel machine able to dissipate the energy excess quenching heat (Non Photochemical Quenching), moving electrons (water-water cycle , cyclic transport around PSI, glutathione-ascorbate cycle and photorespiration) and scavenging the generated reactive species. The price plants must pay for this equipment is the use of CO2 and reducing power with a consequent decrease of the photosynthetic efficiency, both because some photons are not used for carboxylation and an effective CO2 and reducing power loss occurs. Net photosynthesis increases with light until the saturation point, additional PPFD doesn’t improve carboxylation but it rises the efficiency of the alternative pathways in energy dissipation but also ROS production and photoinhibition risks. The wide photo-protective apparatus, although is not able to cope with the excessive incoming energy, therefore photodamage occurs. Each event increasing the photon pressure and/or decreasing the efficiency of the described photo-protective mechanisms (i.e. thermal stress, water and nutritional deficiency) can emphasize the photoinhibition. Likely in nature a small amount of not damaged photosystems is found because of the effective, efficient and energy consuming recovery system. Since the damaged PSII is quickly repaired with energy expense, it would be interesting to investigate how much PSII recovery costs to plant productivity. This PhD. dissertation purposes to improve the knowledge about the several strategies accomplished for managing the incoming energy and the light excess implication on photo-damage in peach. The thesis is organized in three scientific units. In the first section a new rapid, non-intrusive, whole tissue and universal technique for functional PSII determination was implemented and validated on different kinds of plants as C3 and C4 species, woody and herbaceous plants, wild type and Chlorophyll b-less mutant and monocot and dicot plants. In the second unit, using a “singular” experimental orchard named “Asymmetric orchard”, the relation between light environment and photosynthetic performance, water use and photoinhibition was investigated in peach at whole plant level, furthermore the effect of photon pressure variation on energy management was considered on single leaf. In the third section the quenching analysis method suggested by Kornyeyev and Hendrickson (2007) was validate on peach. Afterwards it was applied in the field where the influence of moderate light and water reduction on peach photosynthetic performances, water requirements, energy management and photoinhibition was studied. Using solar energy as fuel for life plant is intrinsically suicidal since the high constant photodamage risk. This dissertation would try to highlight the complex relation existing between plant, in particular peach, and light analysing the principal strategies plants developed to manage the incoming light for deriving the maximal benefits as possible minimizing the risks. In the first instance the new method proposed for functional PSII determination based on P700 redox kinetics seems to be a valid, non intrusive, universal and field-applicable technique, even because it is able to measure in deep the whole leaf tissue rather than the first leaf layers as fluorescence. Fluorescence Fv/Fm parameter gives a good estimate of functional PSII but only when data obtained by ad-axial and ab-axial leaf surface are averaged. In addition to this method the energy quenching analysis proposed by Kornyeyev and Hendrickson (2007), combined with the photosynthesis model proposed by von Caemmerer (2000) is a forceful tool to analyse and study, even in the field, the relation between plant and environmental factors such as water, temperature but first of all light. “Asymmetric” training system is a good way to study light energy, photosynthetic performance and water use relations in the field. At whole plant level net carboxylation increases with PPFD reaching a saturating point. Light excess rather than improve photosynthesis may emphasize water and thermal stress leading to stomatal limitation. Furthermore too much light does not promote net carboxylation improvement but PSII damage, in fact in the most light exposed plants about 50-60% of the total PSII is inactivated. At single leaf level, net carboxylation increases till saturation point (1000 – 1200 μmolm-2s-1) and light excess is dissipated by non photochemical quenching and non net carboxylative transports. The latter follows a quite similar pattern of Pn/PPFD curve reaching the saturation point at almost the same photon flux density. At middle-low irradiance NPQ seems to be lumen pH limited because the incoming photon pressure is not enough to generate the optimum lumen pH for violaxanthin de-epoxidase (VDE) full activation. Peach leaves try to cope with the light excess increasing the non net carboxylative transports. While PPFD rises the xanthophyll cycle is more and more activated and the rate of non net carboxylative transports is reduced. Some of these alternative transports, such as the water-water cycle, the cyclic transport around the PSI and the glutathione-ascorbate cycle are able to generate additional H+ in lumen in order to support the VDE activation when light can be limiting. Moreover the alternative transports seems to be involved as an important dissipative way when high temperature and sub-optimal conductance emphasize the photoinhibition risks. In peach, a moderate water and light reduction does not determine net carboxylation decrease but, diminishing the incoming light and the environmental evapo-transpiration request, stomatal conductance decreases, improving water use efficiency. Therefore lowering light intensity till not limiting levels, water could be saved not compromising net photosynthesis. The quenching analysis is able to partition absorbed energy in the several utilization, photoprotection and photo-oxidation pathways. When recovery is permitted only few PSII remained un-repaired, although more net PSII damage is recorded in plants placed in full light. Even in this experiment, in over saturating light the main dissipation pathway is the non photochemical quenching; at middle-low irradiance it seems to be pH limited and other transports, such as photorespiration and alternative transports, are used to support photoprotection and to contribute for creating the optimal trans-thylakoidal ΔpH for violaxanthin de-epoxidase. These alternative pathways become the main quenching mechanisms at very low light environment. Another aspect pointed out by this study is the role of NPQ as dissipative pathway when conductance becomes severely limiting. The evidence that in nature a small amount of damaged PSII is seen indicates the presence of an effective and efficient recovery mechanism that masks the real photodamage occurring during the day. At single leaf level, when repair is not allowed leaves in full light are two fold more photoinhibited than the shaded ones. Therefore light in excess of the photosynthetic optima does not promote net carboxylation but increases water loss and PSII damage. The more is photoinhibition the more must be the photosystems to be repaired and consequently the energy and dry matter to allocate in this essential activity. Since above the saturation point net photosynthesis is constant while photoinhibition increases it would be interesting to investigate how photodamage costs in terms of tree productivity. An other aspect of pivotal importance to be further widened is the combined influence of light and other environmental parameters, like water status, temperature and nutrition on peach light, water and phtosyntate management.


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Es wurden funktionalisierte polymerunterstützte planare Phospholipid-Modellmembran-Systeme hergestellt und auf jeder Präparationsstufe eingehend charakterisiert. Dünne Polysaccharidfilme wurden in der Form von quellbaren Gelen auf oxidische Oberflächen aufgebracht und bezüglich ihres Quellungsverhaltens und der Oberflächeneigenschaften in Abhängigkeit vom Wassergehalt untersucht. Lipidmonoschichten unterschiedlicher Zusammensetzung wurden mittels Langmuir-Blodgett-Tranfer auf Polymersubstrate übertragen und bezüglich der Stärke der Lipid/Polymer Wechselwirkung, der lateralen Selbstdiffusion in Abhängigkeit von der Wasseraktivität, dem Spreitverhalten der monomolekularen Membran auf dem Substrat in Abhängigkeit von der Wasseraktivität und dem Lateraldruck der Monoschicht, sowie des Ausmaßes der Hydratation im Kopfgruppenbereich der Lipidmembran in Abhängigkeit von der Wasseraktivität mittels Fluoreszensondenmethoden (Fluoreszenzerholung nach Photobleichung (FRAP), Fluoreszenzmikroskopie und Fluoreszenzspektroskopie) untersucht. Diffusions- und Spreitverhalten von amphiphilen Monoschichten auf Polymersubstraten wurden auf der Basis von in dieser Arbeit entwickelten physikalischen Modellen diskutiert. Mittels Langmuir-Schäfer Transfer wurde auf polymerunterstützte Lipidmonoschichten eine zweite Monoschicht übertragen. Die somit erhaltenen Lipid-Doppelschichtmembranen wurden bezüglich ihrer Stabilität, der lateralen Struktur, der lateralen Selbstdiffusion, des Spreitverhaltens auf unbedeckte Bereiche sowie der Stärke der Membran/Substrat Wechselwirkung vermittels Fluoreszenzmikroskopie, FRAP und Interferenz-Kontrast-Mikroskopie (RICM) untersucht. Schließlich wurden substratgestützte Doppelschicht-Lipidmembranen mit als Protonenpumpen fungierenden integralen Membranproteinen versehen. Die laterale Selbstdiffusion der rekonstituierten Proteinmoleküle wurde mittels FRAP, die funktionale Aktivität der Protonenpumpen mit einem Ionen-sensitiven Feldeffekttransistor-Array analysiert.


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Ziel war Herstellung und Charakterisierung festkörperunterstützter Membransysteme aus Glykolipopolymeren auf Goldoberflächen, mit elektrischen Eigenschaften, die denen der Schwarzfilmmembranen entsprechen. Um diese Eigenschaften mit impedanzspektroskopischen Techniken messen zu können, ist die Präparation der Membranen auf Goldfilmen notwendig. Eine direkte Verankerung der Glykolipopolymermoleküle (GLP) auf der Goldoberfläche ist nicht möglich, daher werden die untersuchten GLP mit Hilfe von photoreaktiven Molekülen kovalent auf der Goldoberfläche immobilisiert. Untersuchten Abstandhalter waren Thio-Polyethylenglykol und eine Mischung zweier Alkanthiole, bestehend aus 1-Thiohexanol und Bis-(Aminododecyl)-disulfid. Thio-PEG-Monoschichten zeigten sehr unterschiedliche Schichtdicken, weil die Moleküle auf der Oberfläche sehr unterschiedliche Konformationen annehmen können, die eine regelmässige Anordnung erschweren. Langmuir-Blodgett Übertrag sowie die durchgeführte photochemische Fixierung der GLP-Moleküle auf Thio-PEG Schichten führte zu Eigenschaften, die auf den Aufbau einer Lipidmonolage hinweisen. Diese stellte jedoch im Bereich der Lipidmoleküle keine geschlossene Schicht dar. Es kommen als Abstandhaltermoleküle für die Photofunktionalisierung nur Moleküle in Frage, die aufgrund ihrer Eigenschaften eine regelmässige Anordnung auf der Goldoberfläche anstreben. Diese Voraussetzung erfüllt am besten die Gruppe der Alkanthiole. Terminal funktionalisierte Alkanthiole müssen jedoch mit nicht oder anderweitig funktionalisierten Alkanthiolen verdünnt assembliert werden, um weitergehende Funktionalisierungen einzugehen. Die untersuchten GLP lassen sich aufgrund ihrer amphiphilen Struktur an der Wasser-Luft Grenzfläche vororientieren. In allen Fällen gelingt auch der Langmuir-Blodgett Übertrag der komprimierten Schicht, sowie, nach der für die Anbindung notwendigen Trocknung, die photochemisch kovalente Fixierung der Monoschicht durch Bestrahlung mit UV-Licht. Damit konnte erstmals die photochemisch kovalente Fixierung von GLPs auf der Goldoberfläche gezeigt werden. Untersuchungen erfolgten an einem Copolymer sowie zwei unterschiedlichen Homopolymermolekülen. Der unterschiedliche molekulare Aufbau der GLP spiegelt sich in ihrem Verhalten an der Wasser-Luft Grenzfläche sowie in den Eigenschaften der gebildeten Monoschichten wieder. Die Copolymer-Schichten zeigten sehr unterschiedliche Schichtdicken. Auch die EIS-Daten sind schlecht reproduzierbar. Dies ist auf die molekulare Struktur des Copolymers zurückzuführen. Gänzlich unterschiedlich verhalten sich die Homopolymere. Aufgrund ihrer Struktur lassen sie sich zu dichten Schichten komprimieren. Messungen der Fluoreszenzerholung nach Photobleichung (FRAP) zeigen homogene aber nicht fluide Schichten. Die photochemisch kovalente Fixierung des Moleküls auf der Goldoberfläche konnte durch SPR- sowie EIS-Messungen nachgewiesen werden. Die EIS-Messungen zeigen Werte, die sich in Bereichen der idealen Modellmembran bewegen. Der erfolgreiche Einbau von Valinomycin konnte bestätigt werden. FRAP Untersuchungen zeigten die Bildung homogener Schichten. Diese sind jedoch im Bereich der proximalen Lipidschicht nicht fluide. Um die Fluidität in Anlehnung an die Eigenschaften der natürlichen Membranen zu erhöhen, wurden die photochemisch kovalent fixierten Anker-Glykolipopolymer-Moleküle durch Mischung mit freien Lipiden lateral verdünnt. Auch die kovalente Fixierung der GLP-Bausteine innerhalb gemischten Schichten konnte erfolgreich demonstriert werden. Die Schichten zeigten sich jedoch, mit Ausnahme der Schichten aus 50mol% Homopolymer und 50mol% Lipid, inhomogen. Nach Photobleichung durch den Laserblitz kam es nur bei den 50mol%:50mol% -Schichten (Ho: Lipid) zur Erholung der Fluoreszenz, was auf das Vorliegen von beweglichen Lipidmolekülen innerhalb der Membran schliessen lässt. Der Versuch der Inkorporation von Valinomycin gelang ebenfalls. Alle genannten Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass die molekulare Architektur der hergestellten Schichten durch die unterschiedlichen Längendimensionen des Homopolymer-Moleküls einerseits, sowie des Lipids andererseits nicht für alle Mischungsverhältnisse ausreichend stabil ist. Die für die kovalente Fixierung erforderliche Trocknung der Schicht führt zu einer deutlichen Verminderung des Wassergehaltes des Systems und einer daraus resultierenden starken Destabilisierung der aufgebauten Schichten. Insgesamt gesehen stellt somit die photochemische Fixierung der glykosidischen Homopolymer-Membranen ein vielversprechendes Modellsystem dar.


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Derivate des Ionentransporters Valinomycin synthetisiert und als Sensorelemente in Modellmembransysteme inkorporiert. Als Modellmembranen wurden festkörpergestützte Lipiddoppelschichten (tBLMs, tethered bilayer lipid membranes) verwendet. rnValinomycin transportiert selektiv Kalium-Ionen durch Membranen, was durch einen Rückgang des Widerstandes über elektrochemische Messmethoden nachgewiesen werden kann. Es ist ein zyklisches Dodecadepsipeptid, das aus zwei verschiedenen Aminosäuren (L- und D-Valin) und  Hydroxysäuren (L Milchsäure und D Hydroxyisovaleriansäure) besteht. In dieser Arbeit wurde ein L Valin durch ein L-Lysin ausgetauscht, um eine freie Aminogruppe zum Anbinden verschiedenster Liganden zu erhalten. rnDie Synthese erfolgte in Lösung über einen linearen Decadepsipeptid-Precursor, hierbei wurde hauptsächlich mit Benzyl- und Boc-Schutzgruppen gearbeitet. An den Precursor wurden dann unterschiedlich modifizierte Lysin-Didepside gebunden und das daraus erhaltene lineare Dodecadepsipeptid zyklisiert.rnInsgesamt wurden sechs verschiedene Derivate synthetisiert, deren Ionentransportfähigkeit mit Hilfe eines angebundenen Liganden blockiert wurde. Diese Blockade kann entweder mechanisch durch Festhalten des Ionencarriers an der Oberfläche der Membran oder chemisch durch Einbringen einer Ladung erfolgen, da geladene Moleküle eine Membran nicht überwinden können. rnAcetyl-Lysin-Valinomycin wurde als Testsystem hergestellt, um zu zeigen, dass die Synthese einen funktionsfähigen Ionencarrier ergeben hatte. Im nächsten Schritt wurde Lysin-Valinomycin mit freier Aminogruppe synthetisiert, um es als pH-Sensor zu nutzen und damit zu überprüfen, ob das chemische Einbringen einer Ladung möglich ist. Es konnte ein pH abhängiger Kalium-Transport nachgewiesen werden, die Blockade der Ionentransportfähigkeit über eine eingebrachte Ladung ist somit möglich. rnAuf dem gleichen Konzept beruht Ferrocen-Valinomycin. Wird der Ferrocen-Ligand oxidiert, liegt eine positive Ladung vor und der Ionencarrier kann die Membran nicht mehr überwinden. Eine Reduktion macht diesen Prozess reversibel. Ferrocen-Valinomycin konnte innerhalb einer tBLM chemisch oxidiert und reduziert werden, dieses System kann somit als chemischer Redox-Sensor eingesetzt werden.rnEine mechanische Blockade liegt dem Biotin- und dem Sulfonamid-Valinomycin zugrunde. Dabei soll die Zugabe von Streptavidin bzw. BCA II (bovine Carboanhydrase) den Ionentransport durch die Membran stoppen. Beide Valinomycin-Derivate zeigten aber keine Ionentransportfähigkeit, eine Inkorporation in tBLMs konnte jedoch über SPR gezeigt werden. rnDie Synthese eines fluoreszenz-markierten (FITC) Valinomycins ergab zwar auch keinen transportfähigen Ionencarrier, aber mit diesem Derivat konnte der Diffusionskoeffizient von Valinomycin in sBLMs mit Hilfe von Fluorescence Recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) bestimmt werden.rn


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Formation of the FtsZ ring (Z ring) in Escherichia coli is the first step in assembly of the divisome, a molecular machine composed of 14 known proteins which are all required for cell division. Although the biochemical functions of most divisome proteins are unknown, several of these have overlapping roles in ensuring that the Z ring assembles at the cytoplasmic membrane and is active. ^ We identified a single amino acid change in FtsA, R286W, renamed FtsA*, that completely bypasses the requirement for ZipA in cell division. This and other data suggest that FtsA* is a hyperactive form of FtsA that can replace the multiple functions normally assumed by ZipA, which include stabilization of Z rings, recruitment of downstream cell division proteins, and anchoring the Z ring to the membrane. This is the first example of complete functional replacement of an essential prokaryotic cell division protein by another. ^ Cells expressing ftsA* with a complete deletion of ftsK are viable and divide, although many of these ftsK null cells formed multiseptate chains, suggesting a role in cell separation for FtsK. In addition, strains expressing extra ftsAZ, ftsQ, ftsB, zipA or ftsN, were also able to survive and divide in the absence of ftsK. The cytoplasmic and transmembrane domains of FtsQ were sufficient to allow viability and septum formation to ftsK deleted strains. These findings suggest that FtsK is normally involved in stabilizing the divisome and shares functional overlap with other cell division proteins. ^ As well as permitting the removal of other divisome components, the presence of FtsA* in otherwise wild-type cells accelerated Z-ring assembly, which resulted in a significant decrease in the average length of cells. In support of its role in Z-ring stability, FtsA* suppressed the cell division inhibition caused by overexpressing FtsZ. FtsA* did not affect FtsZ turnover within the Z ring as measured by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching. Turnover of FtsA* in the ring was somewhat faster than wild-type FtsA. Yeast two-hybrid data suggest that FtsA* has an increased affinity for FtsZ relative to wild-type FtsA. These results indicate that FtsA* interacts with FtsZ more strongly, and its enhancement of Z ring assembly may explain why FtsA* can permit survival of cells lacking ZipA or FtsK.^


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The 'Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum' or PETM (~55 Ma) was associated with dramatic warming of the oceans and atmosphere, pronounced changes in ocean circulation and chemistry, and upheaval of the global carbon cycle. Many relatively complete PETM sequences have by now been reported from around the world, but most are from ancient low- to midlatitude sites. ODP Leg 189 in the Tasman Sea recovered sediments from this critical phase in Earth history at Sites 1171 and 1172, potentially representing the southernmost PETM successions ever encountered (at ~70° to 65° S paleolatitude). Downhole and core logging data, in combination with dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy, magneto-stratigraphy, and stable isotope geochemistry indicate that the sequences at both sites were deposited in a high accumulation-rate, organic rich, marginal marine setting. Furthermore, Site 1172 indeed contains a fairly complete P-E transition, whereas at Site 1171, only the lowermost Eocene is recovered. However, at Site 1172, the typical PETM-indicative acme of the dinocyst Apectodinium was not recorded. We conclude that unfortunately, the critical latest Paleocene and PETM intervals are missing at Site 1172. We relate the missing section to a sea level driven hiatus and/or condensed section and recovery problems. Nevertheless, our integrated records provide a first-ever portrait of the trend toward, and aftermath of, the PETM in a marginal marine, southern high-latitude setting.


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Cytochrome P450 2C2 is a resident endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane protein that is excluded from the recycling pathway and contains redundant retention functions in its N-terminal transmembrane signal/anchor sequence and its large, cytoplasmic domain. Unlike some ER resident proteins, cytochrome P450 2C2 does not contain any known retention/retrieval signals. One hypothesis to explain exclusion of resident ER proteins from the transport pathway is the formation of networks by interaction with other proteins that immobilize the proteins and are incompatible with packaging into the transport vesicles. To determine the mobility of cytochrome P450 in the ER membrane, chimeric proteins of either cytochrome P450 2C2, its catalytic domain, or the cytochrome P450 2C1 N-terminal signal/anchor sequence fused to green fluorescent protein (GFP) were expressed in transiently transfected COS1 cells. The laurate hydroxylase activities of cytochrome P450 2C2 or the catalytic domain with GFP fused to the C terminus were similar to the native enzyme. The mobilities of the proteins in the membrane were determined by recovery of fluorescence after photobleaching. Diffusion coefficients for all P450 chimeras were similar, ranging from 2.6 to 6.2 × 10−10 cm2/s. A coefficient only slightly larger (7.1 × 10−10 cm2/s) was determined for a GFP chimera that contained a C-terminal dilysine ER retention signal and entered the recycling pathway. These data indicate that exclusion of cytochrome P450 from the recycling pathway is not mediated by immobilization in large protein complexes.