977 resultados para Fishes -- Histology
The genera Preptetos Pritchard, 1960 and Neopreptetos Machida, 1982 are redefined. The following species are described and/or recorded from marine fishes. From the Great Barrier Reef: Preptetos caballeroi Pritchard, 1960 in Naso annulatus, N. brevirostris and N. vlamingii; P. xesuri (Yamaguti, 1940) in Zebrasoma veliferum and Z.scopas; Preptetos cannoni Barker, Bray et Cribb, 1993 in Siganus doliatus and S. fuscescens; Preptetas luguncula sp. n. in Naso unicoris (type-host); P. impar sp. n. in Lutjanus erythropterus (type-host) and L. malabaricus; Neopreptetos arursettae Machida, 1982 in Pomacanthus semicirculatus; and N. kurochkini (Toman, 1989) in Chaetodontoplus meredithi. From southwestern Australia: Preptetos rotto sp. n. in Nelusetta ayraudi (type-host), Neosebastes pandus, Oplegnathus woodwardi and Pagrus auratus. The new combination Preptetos trulla (Linton, 1907) (originally Distormum then Lepocreadium) is made and the species Lepocreadium areolatum (Linton, 1900) is considered likely to belong in Preptetos.
The genus Intusatrium Durio & Manter, 1968 is redefined based on a re-examination of paratypes of the type-species, I. robustum Durio & Manter, 1968, and is considered monotypic with characteristic terminal genitalia: internal seminal vesicle elongate tubular, with rather thick wall, divided by slight change in wall thickness into longer proximal and shorter distal region; pars prostatica subcylindrical; ejaculatory duct relatively short, with wrinkled/wall. The genus Postlepidapedon Zdzitowiecki, 1993 is redefined and Intusatrium secundum Durio & Manter, 1968 is attributed to it as a new combination. Postlepidapedon secundum n. comb. is redescribed from a paratype and new material from Choerodon graphicus. P. spissum n. sp. from Choerodon venustus, C. cyanodus, C. fasciatus and C. schoenleinii is recognised on the basis of its thick-walled internal seminal vesicle. I! uberis n. sp. from Choerodon schoenleinii and C. venustus is distinguished by the shape and contents of the cirrus-sac with narrow, convoluted internal seminal vesicle, large vesicular pars prostatica and short, muscular ejaculatory duct. A new genus, Gibsonivermis, erected for Intusatrium berryi Gibson, 1987, is characterised by the elongate narrow cirrus-sac and a uroproct. G. berryi n. comb. is redescribed from Sillago ciliata, S. maculata and Sillago sp.
Bothriocephalus acheilognathi was collected from 13 of 38 carp (Cyprinus carpio), 2 of 4 mosquito fish (Gambusia holbrooki), and 2 of 12 western carp gudgeon (Hypseleotris klunzingeri) in waterways of the Australian Capital Territory and New South Wales. This is the first record of this parasite in Australia, and its presence in H. klunzingeri is a new host record. B. acheilognathi presumably arrived in Australia with its introduced fish hosts and has since crossed into native fishes, This cestode may infect other native fish species, a potential that is significant given the high pathogenicity associated with infection in other known hosts.
Samples of dermal and epidermal tissues of epaulette sharks Hemiscyllium ocellatum were examined histologically to assess damage caused by tagging. Tissues from around tag sites were removed at time intervals ranging from 100 min to 284 days post-tagging. These samples showed acute and chronic responses to tagging. Acute responses consisted of localized tissue breakdown and haemorrhaging, and occurred within the first few hours after tag insertion. At 10 h post-tagging, an intermediate response was apparent. This phase was characterized by further haemorrhaging and red and white blood cell movement into the wound area. The chronic response observed in the 10-284-day post-tagging samples was characterized by fibrous tissue formation to sequester the tag. This tissue presumably protects the adjacent musculature from further trauma produced by movement of the tag and provides a continuous barrier between the internal and external milieu. Tissue repair appeared to progress consistently in all specimens and no secondary infections at the tag site were seen. Tagging produced only localized tissue disruption and did not appear to be detrimental to the long term health of individual sharks. Our findings show that spaghetti style dart tagging is an acceptable method for marking individuals (40-75+ cm total length) of this species. (C) 1997 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.
The world's deep oceans are home to a number of teleosts with asymmetrical or tubular eyes. These immobile eyes possess large spherical lenses and subtend a large binocular visual field directed either dorsally or rostrally. Derived from a lateral non-tubular eye, the tubular eye is comprised of a thick main retina, subserving the rostrally or dorsally directed binocular visual field, and a thin accessory retina subserving, the lateral, monocular visual field. The main retina is thought to receive a focussed image, while the accessory retina is too close to the lens for a focussed image to be received. Several species also possess retinal diverticula, which are small evaginations of differentiated retina located in the rostrolateral wall of the eye and thought to increase the visual field. In order to investigate the spatial resolving power of these retinae (main, accessory and diverticulum), the distribution of cells within the ganglion cell layer was analysed from retinal wholemounts and sectioned material in ten species representing four genera. In all species, the main retina possesses a marked increase in cell density towards a specialised retinal region (area centralis), with a centro-peripheral gradient range between 7.1 and 60:1 and a peak density range of between 30 and 55 x 10(3) cells per mm(2). The accessory retinae and the transitional zone between the main and accessory retinae possess relatively low cell densities (between 1 and 10 x 10(3) cells per mm(2)) and lack an area centralis. Retinal diverticula examined in four species possess mean ganglion cell densities of between 7.2 and 109.4 x 10(3) cells per mm(2). Analyses of soma areas show that the ganglion cell layer of most species possesses cells with areas in a range of 8.0 to 15.4 mu m(2) in the main retina and between 15.1 and 17.4 mu m(2) in the accessory retina. The peak spatial resolving power of the main retina of the ten species varies from 4.1 to 9.1 cycles per degree. The positions of the retinal areae centrales relative to each species' binocular visual field are discussed in relation to what is known of feeding behaviour of these fishes in the deep-sea.
In the present work we investigated the effects of Crotalus durissus terrificus venom (CdtV) on the pulmonary mechanic events [static and dynamic elastance, resistive (Delta P1) and viscoelastic pressures (Delta P2)] and histology after intramuscular injection of saline solution (control) or venom (0.6 mu g/g). The static and dynamic elastance values were increased significantly after 3 It of venom inoculation, but were reduced at control values in the other periods studied. The Delta P1 values that correspond to the resistive properties of lung tissue presented a significant increase after 6 h of CdtV injection, reducing to basal levels 12 h after the venom injection. In Delta P2 analysis, correspondent to viscoelastic components, an increase occurred 12 h after the venom injection, returning to control values at 24 h. CdtV also caused an increase of leukocytes recruitment (3-24 h) to the airways wall as well as to the lung parenchyma. In conclusion, C. durissus terrificus rattlesnake venom leads to lung injury which is reverted, after 24 h of inoculation. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Congenital hyperinsulinism (CHI) is a rare pancreatic beta-cell disease of neonates, characterized by inappropriate insulin secretion with severe persistent hypoglycemia, with regard to which many questions remain to be answered, despite the important acquisition of its molecular mechanisms in the last decade. The aim of this study was to examine pancreatic histology, beta-cell proliferation (immunohistochemistry with double staining for Ki-67/insulin), and beta-cell adenosine triphosphate-sensitive potassium channels genes from 11 Brazilian patients with severe medically unresponsive CHI who underwent pancreatectomy. Pancreatic histology and beta-cell proliferation in CHI patients were compared to pancreatic samples from 19 age-matched controls. Ten cases were classified as diffuse form (D-CHI) and 1 as focal form (F-CHI). beta-cell nucleomegaly and abundant cytoplasm were absent in controls and were observed only in D-CHI patients. The Ki-67 labeling index (Ki-67-LI) was used to differentiate the adenomatous areas of the F-CHI case (10.15%) from the ""loose cluster of islets`` found in 2 D-CHI samples (2.29% and 2.43%) and 1 control (1.54%) sample. The Ki-67-LI was higher in the F-CHI adenomatous areas, but D-CHI patients also had significantly greater Ki-67-LI (mean value = 2.41%) than age-matched controls (mean value = 1.87%) (P = 0.009). In this 1st genetic study of CHI patients in Brazil, no mutations or new polymorphisms were found in the 33-37 exons of the ABCC8 gene (SUR1) or in the entire exon of the KCNJ11 gene (Kir 6.2) in 4 of 4 patients evaluated. On the other hand, enhanced beta-cell proliferation seems to be a constant feature in CHI patients, both in diffuse and focal forms.
Bone disease is a common disorder of bone remodeling and mineral metabolism, which affects patients with chronic kidney disease. Minor changes in the serum level of a given mineral can trigger compensatory mechanisms, making it difficult to evaluate the role of mineral disturbances in isolation. The objective of this study was to determine the isolated effects that phosphate and parathyroid hormone (PTH) have on bone tissue in rats. Male Wistar rats were subjected to parathyroidectomy and 5/6 nephrectomy or were sham-operated. Rats were fed diets in which the phosphate content was low, normal, or high. Some rats received infusion of PTH at a physiological rate, some received infusion of PTH at a supraphysiological rate, and some received infusion of vehicle only. All nephrectomized rats developed moderate renal failure. High phosphate intake decreased bone volume, and this effect was more pronounced in animals with dietary phosphate overload that received PTH infusion at a physiological rate. Phosphate overload induced hyperphosphatemia, hypocalcemia, and changes in bone microarchitecture. PTH at a supraphysiological rate minimized the phosphate-induced osteopenia. These data indicate that the management of uremia requires proper control of dietary phosphate, together with PTH adjustment, in order to ensure adequate bone remodeling.
Bone transport is based on the principle of distraction osteogenesis described by Ilizarov and is a consecrated method for the treatment of segmental bone defects. One of its most problematic and, paradoxically, least studied aspects is the consolidation of the docking site. We studied histologically the ossification of the docking site and regenerate to determine any difference between them. Nine adult sheep were submitted to correction of a 1-cm tibial diaphyseal defect using a system of plate-fixed bone transport, with latency period of 1 week and 0.2 mm distraction of the transported segment four times a day. The sheep were divided into three groups of three animals each, according to the observation period of 3, 6 or 12 weeks between the fixation of the transported fragment and the euthanasia. The docking site and the regenerate were studied histologically on sections stained with Masson trichrome. The main mode of docking site ossification was the endochondral one and although intramembranous ossification was also observed simultaneously, it was limited to rare and small foci. In contrast, intramembranous ossification played the major role in the regenerate, with bone formation evolving from the base segment to the target segment. The experimental bone transport model proposed in the present study permits us to conclude that there is a clear difference between the ossification of the docking site and of the regenerate.
In recent years, there has been increasing fish consumption in Brazil, largely due to the popularity of Japanese cuisine. No study, however, has previously assessed the presence of inorganic contaminants in species used in the preparation of Japanese food. In this paper, we determined total arsenic, cadmium, chromium, total mercury, and lead contents in 82 fish samples of Tuna (Thunnus thynnus), Porgy (Pagrus pagrus), Snook (Centropomus sp.), and Salmon (Salmo salar) species marketed in Sao Paulo (Brazil). Samples were mineralized in HNO(3)/H(2)O(2) for As, Cd, Cr and Pb, and in HNO(3)/H(2)SO(4)/V(2)O(5) for Hg. Inorganic contaminants were determined after the validation of the methodology using Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP OES); and for Hg, an ICP-coupled hydride generator was used. Concentration ranges for elements analyzed in mg kg(-1) (wet base) were as follows: Total As (0.11-10.82); Cd (0.005-0.047); Cr (0.008-0.259); Pb (0.026-0.481); and total Hg (0.0077-0.9681). As and Cr levels exceeded the maximum limits allowed by the Brazilian law (1 and 0.1 mg kg(-1)) in 51.2 and 7.3% of the total samples studied, respectively. The most contaminated species were porgy (As = 95% and Cr = 10%) and tuna (As 91% and Cr = 10%). An estimation of As, Cd, Pb, and Hg weekly intake was calculated considering a 60 kg adult person and a 350 g consumption of fish per week, with As and Hg elements presenting the highest contribution on diets reaching 222% of provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI) for As in porgy and 41% of PTWI for Hg in tuna. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Cisplatin is one of the most widely used and effective chemotherapeutic agents for the treatment of several human malignancies. This study evaluated the effects of peri-pubertal cisplatin administration on several reproductive end-points and the reversibility of these effects in adulthood. Peri-pubertal Wistar male rats (45 days old) were divided into two groups: control (saline 0.9%) and cisplatin (1 mg/kg/day, 5 days/week, for 3 weeks, i.p.). The study was conducted in two steps and evaluations were performed at ages of 66 (post-pubertal age) and 140 (adult age) days on: (i) organ weights, serum gonadotropins and testosterone levels, sperm counts, motility and morphology, testicular histomorphometry, spermatogenesis kinetics, Sertoli cell number and in situ detection of apoptotic germ cells and (ii) sexual behaviour, fertility and intratesticular testosterone. At the end of cisplatin therapy, rats showed reductions in sperm production and reserves, sperm with progressive movement, tubular diameter, intratesticular testosterone and fertility potential, but increased numbers of TUNEL-positive seminiferous tubules, immotile sperm and pre-implantation losses compared with control. Moreover, cisplatin-treated post-pubertal rats displayed impaired testicular histopathology and sexual behaviour. Serum gonadotropins and testosterone levels, sperm morphology, spermatogenesis kinetics and Sertoli cell number were comparable between experimental groups at both ages. Alterations found in post-puberty were recovered at adulthood, except for sperm motility and damage to testicular histology. The persistence of these cisplatin effects, despite the unaltered fertility after natural mating in rats, may have implications for reproductive function of young boys undergoing cancer therapy, given the lower reproductive efficiency in human beings compared with rats.
A new genus, Weketrema, is erected in the family Lecithasteridae for the species hitherto known as Lecithophyllum hawniiense. Weket, ema hawaiiense (Yamaguti, 1970) comb, n. is redescribed from Scolopsis bilineatus (Bloch) (Perciformes: Nemipteridae) from Lizard Island and Heron Island, Queensland, Plectorhinchus gibbosus (Lacepede) (Perciformes: Haemulidae) from Heron Island and Cheilodactylus nigripes Richardson (Perciformes: Cheilodactylidae) and Latridopsis forsteri (Castelnau) (Perciformes: Latridae) from Stanley, northern Tasmania. The new genus is distinguished from related members of the family Lecithasteridae by its complete lack of a sinus-sac. Although placed in the subfamily Lecithasterinae pro tem, its true subfamily position is not entirely clear. Comment is made on its unusual distribution, both in terms of zoogeography and hosts.