996 resultados para Fishes - Ecology - Victoria


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This work studies the interactions and relationships that exist between Eastern Grey Kangaroos and Black Wallabies in their utilisation of spatial and trophic resources in a managed remnant woodland community. The thesis provides a closer understanding of the way in which these species impact upon their habitats. The Coranderrk Reserve, near Healesville in eastern Victoria, Australia was the study site. A floristic analysis of the communities of the study site was conducted. This consisted of plant biomass measurements, estimates of plant abundance and cover determination. Faecal pellets from Eastern Grey Kangaroos and Black Wallabies were collected from ten vegetation communities during three different plant productivity periods. The spatial and temporal distribution of the animals was identified by analysing the frequency of occurrence of faecal pellets in the various communities. The use of faecal pellet density as a measure of habitat utilisation was examined. Eastern Grey Kangaroos utilised communities which were characterised by the presence of a dense grassy statum. Black Wallabies were able to utilise all of the communities of the study site regardless of their floristic composition. A reference herbarium of the leaf epidermis of 233 possible forage plant species was accumulated. These epidermal specimens were prepared for Confocal Scanning Laser Microscopy. The information gained was enhanced and stored digitally. Diagnostic information critical for the identification of plant epidermal fragments was assembled into a computer database. This was used to assist in the recognition of unknown epidermal fragments in macropodid faeces. These epidermal plant recognition techniques enabled a list of the contents of Eastern Grey Kangaroo and Black Wallaby faeces during the sampling periods in the individual communities, to be accumulated. Eastern Grey Kangaroos utilised forage which consisted largely of grass and their diets were similar regardless of their feeding sites or the time of the year. Black Wallaby diets were heterogenous with wide variations over space and time observed. The implications of these findings for current wildlife management practices were considered. Black Wallaby and Eastern Grey Kangaroo herbivory have significant impacts on ecosystem integrity. Management strategies should seek to establish ecologically sustainable populations of both species in remnant woodlands where conservation values are important.


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The aim of the project was to determine factors which explain the distribution of macroinvertebrates in two Melbourne streams both drastically affected by urbanisation. A detailed description is given of Dandenong Creek, flowing through the south-eastern suburbs, and Darebin Creek, in the northern suburbs, emphasising stream features likely, or known, to influence the drift and benthic fauna. Faunal sampling was carried out in Dandenong Creek from June 1992 until July 1993, and in Darebin Creek from February 1995 until March 1998. Physicochemical parameters were also recorded. The collected data, together with previously existing data, were analysed using multivariate analyses: non-metric multi-dimensional scaling (NMDS); analysis of similarities (ANOSIM); matching biotic and abiotic variables using BIOENV, and principal component analysis (PCA). Various biotic and diversity indices were calculated in an attempt to identify the major factors responsible for the failure of the fauna to recover from previously more seriously degraded water quality. The contribution of drift to the colonisation potential in Dandenong Creek appeared to be impacted by retarding basins, underground barrel-draining and channelization. Results also indicated that increased conductivity adversely affected the fauna in the lower reaches of Dandenong Creek. It was concluded that in Darebin Creek, high nutrient levels, as well as other pollutants, had resulted in low macroinvertebrate diversity in both the drift and benthos. If, as this study suggests, faunal diversity is a valid measure of stream health, the following factors need to be addressed for catchment-wide, stream management: lack of riparian zone vegetation (increasing bank erosion and making the benthic habitat unstable, with greater temperature variability); control of stormwater runoff (flow variability, increased conductivity, nutrient levels, sediment loads, sewage effluent, industrial discharges and heavy metals), and to modify retarding basins to increase stream continuity.


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Examines the potential for competition to occur between the Red-necked Wallaby and the Black Wallaby by examining the extent of overlap in their dietary preferences and in their utilisation of habitat at different times of the day and year. Significant separation occured between species to facilitate coexistence.


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Over a three-year period, impacts of changed flow regimes in small western-Victorian estuaries with Mediterranean climates were investigated. Ecosystems with artificially increased and reduced freshwater inflows were compared using a whole-system, process-based approach. Studies on such systms are rare despite their vulnerability and ecological importance.


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Invertebrate animals in headwater streams depend upon leaves, wood and bark for both food and living space. This project demonstrated the strength of that dependence where the patchiness in habitat is influenced at the smallest spatial scales by the movement of sediments, and at the largest by agricultural clearing.


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Fish communities in the shallow flooded margins of an intermittently open estuary were examined over an 18 month period. A distinct shift in the fish assemblage occurred when the mouth of the estuary closed and was associated with changes in the hydro-period, food availability and physico-chemical changes in the main channel.


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Various physical, biological and chemical attributes were investigated for the Fitzroy and Merri River estuaries. This research found algal communities were most influenced by high nitrogen concentrations at times of low flow. Mangement of nutrients within each catchment is therefore of high importance to reduce the possibility of future blooms.


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Progression of disease caused by the plant pathogen Phytophthora cinnamomi was correlated to rainfall events and resulted in a loss of plant species diversity in heathland vegetation at Anglesea, Victoria. Lower captures of small mammals were recorded in diseased areas. Management of disease using the chemical phosphite was also evaluated.


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The research successfully showed how biological communities change in wetlands that are affected by salinity and altered water regimes as a result of irrigation and river regulation. As an outcome of the study, recommendations have been made for the future management of wetlands in the Kerang region in northern Victoria.


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This study confirms the valuable contribution that agricultural landscapes make to bird conservation in Australia. While native vegetation is critical to conservation efforts, careful management of production land-use types may provide additional benefits. Results show that productive farm enterprises can make real contributions to the success of broader conservation goals.


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Rehabilitation of Alcoa's Anglesea open cut brown coal mine to a healthy lake has many environmental challenges. The study of regional acid drainage, limnology of Wenslydale Coal Mine Lake and passive bioremediation of acid mine water has shown that a healthy lake can be created.


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Macroinvertebrates living within the sediments of the Hopkins River estuary were examined during 1997. Differences in the abundance and composition of faunal assemblages were identified between vegetated and unvegetated habitats and between the lower, middle and upper sections of the estuary. The numbers of taxa and individuals present were found to be similar to that of other periodically opened estuaries.


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This work qualified how stream hydraulics affect leaf accumulation habitats used by stream-dwelling insects and the speed at which leaves decompose as a consequence of the species and numbers of insects that live within leaf packs. Leaf accumulations decompose faster in slower moving water because they attract more insects.