986 resultados para Fire protection districts


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Includes bibliography.


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Shipping list no.: 2004-0128-P.


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Abstract not available


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Tubular members have become progressively more popular due to excellent structural properties, aesthetic appearance, corrosion and fire protection capability. However, a large number of such structures are found structurally deficient due to reduction of strength when they expose to severe environmental conditions such as marine environment, cold and hot weather. Hence strengthening and retrofitting of structural members are in high demands. In recent times Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymers (CFRP) composites appears to be an excellent solution to enhance the load carrying capacity and serviceability of steel structures because of its superior physical and mechanical properties. However, the durability of such strengthening system under cold environmental condition has not yet been well documented to guide the engineers. This paper presents the findings of a study conducted to enhance the bond durability of CFRP strengthened steel tubular members by treating steel surface using epoxy based adhesion promoter under cold weather subjected to bending. The experimental program consisted of six number of CFRP strengthened specimens and one bare specimen. The sand blasted surface of the three specimens to be strengthened was pre-treated with MBrace primer and other three were remained untreated and then cured under ambient temperature and cold weather (3oC) for three and six months period of time. The beams were then loaded to failure under four point bending. The structural response of each specimen was predicted in terms of failure mode, failure load and mid-span deflection. The research findings show that the cold weather immersion had an adverse effect on durability of CFRP strengthened structures. Moreover, the epoxy based adhesion promoter was found to enhance the bond durability in elastic range.


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The use of circular hollow steel members has attracted a great deal of attention during past few years because of having excellent structural properties, aesthetic appearance, corrosion and fire protection capability. However, no one can deny the structural deficiency of such structures due to reduction of strength when they are exposed to severe environmental conditions such as marine environment, cold and hot weather. Hence strengthening and retrofitting of structural steel members is now very imperative. This paper presents the findings of a research program that was conducted to study the bond durability of carbon fibre-reinforced polymer (CFRP) strengthened steel tubular members under cold weather and tested under four-point bending. Six number of CFRP-strengthened specimens and one unstrengthened specimen were considered in this program. The three specimens having sand blasted surface to be strengthened was pre-treated with MBrace primer and other three were remained untreated and then cured under ambient temperature at least four weeks and cold weather (3 C) for three and six months period of time. Quasi-static tests were then performed on beams to failure under four-point bending. The structural response of each specimen was predicted in terms of failure load, mid-span deflection, composite beam behaviour and failure mode. The research outcomes show that the cold weather immersion had an adverse effect on durability of CFRP-strengthened steel structures. Moreover, the epoxy based adhesion promoter was found to enhance the bond durability in plastic range. The analytical models presented in this study were found to be in good agreement in terms of predicting ultimate load and deflection. Finally, design factors are proposed to address the short-terms durability performance under cold weather.


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Long linear polymers that are end-functionalized with associative groups were studied as additives to hydrocarbon fluids to mitigate the fire hazard associated with the presence of mist in a crash scenario. These polymers were molecularly designed to overcome both the shear-degradation of long polymer chains in turbulent flows, and the chain collapse induced by the random placement of associative groups along polymer backbones. Architectures of associative groups on the polymer chain ends that were tested included clusters of self-associative carboxyl groups and pairs of hetero-complementary associative units.

Linear polymers with clusters of discrete numbers of carboxyl groups on their chain ends were investigated first: an innovative synthetic strategy was devised to achieve unprecedented backbone lengths and precise control of the number of carboxyl groups on chain ends (N). We found that a very narrow range of N allows the co-existence of sufficient end-association strength and polymer solubility in apolar media. Subsequent steady-flow rheological study on solution behavior of such soluble polymers in apolar media revealed that the end-association of very long chains in apolar media leads to the formation of flower-like micelles interconnected by bridging chains, which trap significant fraction of polymer chains into looped structures with low contribution to mist-control. The efficacy of very long 1,4-polybutadiene chains end-functionalized with clusters of four carboxyl groups as mist-control additives for jet fuel was further tested. In addition to being shear-resistant, the polymer was found capable of providing fire-protection to jet fuel at concentrations as low as 0.3wt%. We also found that this polymer has excellent solubility in jet fuel over a wide range of temperature (-30 to +70°C) and negligible interference with dewatering of jet fuel. It does not cause an adverse increase in viscosity at concentrations where mist-control efficacy exists.

Four pairs of hetero-complementary associative end-groups of varying strengths were subsequently investigated, in the hopes of achieving supramolecular aggregates with both mist-control ability and better utilization of polymer building blocks. Rheological study of solutions of the corresponding complementary associative polymer pairs in apolar media revealed the strength of complementary end-association required to achieve supramolecular aggregates capable of modulating rheological properties of the solution.

Both self-associating and complementary associating polymers have therefore been found to resist shear degradation. The successful strategy of building soluble, end-associative polymers with either self-associative or complementary associative groups will guide the next generation of mist-control technology.


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[EU]Proiektu honen helburua etxebizitzetako barne hormen dimentsionamendu berritzailearen azterketa bat egitea da, orain arte erabilitako horma klasikoen ezaugarriak mantenduz, diseinu optimoagoa lortzeko asmoa izanda, material kantitatearen murrizketa bat bilatuz. Hau burutzeko diseinatua dagoen igeltsuzko horma bat hartuko da oinarri modura eta honen moldeaketa bat eginez, eta isolatzaile industrial biren arteko konparaketa bat aurrera eroanez, berregite optimo bat sortuko da, beharrezko suaren kontrako ezaugarri mekaniko eta termikoak betetzen dituena.


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Este estudo objetiva a sistematização do conhecimento, através de uma abordagem multidisciplinar, de forma a conformar uma proposta inicial de protocolo de gestão ocupacional e ambiental em grandes túneis urbanos em âmbito nacional. Há na presente pesquisa uma atenção particular aos túneis urbanos dedicados ao tráfego de veículos automotores, devido às suas características físico-espaciais que os tornam especialmente perigosos e tóxicos aos seus usuários e aos funcionários envolvidos. A relativa carência de material bibliográfico de caráter sistêmico e específico no Brasil enseja à busca por referências em documentos desenvolvidos em outros países. Ainda que em nível preliminar, a compilação crítica de dados, normas e referências pesquisadas, à luz do contexto e dos instrumentos normativos brasileiros referentes ao tema, traduz-se no aspecto original desta proposta dissertativa, a ser possivelmente utilizada como ponto de partida para estudos mais extensos. São abordadas as seguintes disciplinas relativas ao objeto de pesquisa: a) Características físico-espaciais; b) Formas de uso; c) Sistema de ventilação e exaustão; d) Sistema de iluminação; e) Sistema de segurança contra sinistros e incêndio; f) Sistema de fiscalização e orientação de tráfego, comunicação e sinalização; g) Sistema de drenagem; h) Sistema de gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos. O túnel Rebouças (1962-1965) e o túnel Engenheiro Raymundo de Paula Soares (Linha Amarela) (1997), distanciados por mais de três décadas, foram escolhidos como estudos de caso, não tão somente devido aos seus portes, fluxos intensos de veículos etc., mas também devido aos contextos das evoluções normativas em que se inserem.


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The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the potential of the EXODUS evacuation model in building environments. The latest PC/workstation version of EXODUS is described and is also applied to a large hypothetical supermarket/restaurant complex measuring 50 m x 40 m. A range of scenarios is presented where population characteristics (such as size, individual travel speeds, and individual response times), and enclosure configuration characteristics (such as number of exits, size of exits, and opening times of exits) are varied. The results demonstrate a wide range of occupant behavior including overtaking, queuing, redirection, and conflict avoidance. Evacuation performance is measured by a number of model predicted parameters including individual exit flow rates, overall evacuation flow rates, total evacuation time, average evacuation time per occupant, average travel distance, and average wait time. The simulations highlight the profound impact that variations in individual travel speeds and occupant response times have in determining the overall evacuation performance.


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The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the potential of the EXODUS evacuation model in building environments. The latest PC/workstation version of EXODUS is described and is also applied to a large hypothetical supermarket/restaurant complex measuring 50 m x 40 m. A range of scenarios is presented where population characteristics (such as size, individual travel speeds, and individual response times), and enclosure configuration characteristics (such as number of exits, size of exits, and opening times of exits) are varied. The results demonstrate a wide range of occupant behavior including overtaking, queuing, redirection, and conflict avoidance. Evacuation performance is measured by a number of model predicted parameters including individual exit flow rates, overall evacuation flow rates, total evacuation time, average evacuation time per occupant, average travel distance, and average wait time. The simulations highlight the profound impact that variations in individual travel speeds and occupant response times have in determining the overall evacuation performance. 1. Jin, T., and Yamada T., "Experimental Study of Human Behavior in Smoke Filled Corridors," Proceedings of The Second International Symposium on Fire Safety Science, 1988, pp. 511-519. 2. Galea, E.R., and Galparsoro, J.M.P., "EXODUS: An Evacuation Model for Mass Transport Vehicles," UK CAA Paper 93006 ISBN 086039 543X, CAA London, 1993. 3. Galea, E.R., and Galparsoro, J.M.P., "A Computer Based Simulation Model for the Prediction of Evacuation from Mass Transport Vehicles," Fire Safety Journal, Vol. 22, 1994, pp. 341-366. 4. Galea, E.R., Owen, M., and Lawrence, P., "Computer Modeling of Human Be havior in Aircraft Fire Accidents," to appear in the Proceedings of Combus tion Toxicology Symposium, CAMI, Oklahoma City, OK, 1995. 5. Kisko, T.M. and Francis, R.L., "EVACNET+: A Computer Program to Determine Optimal Building Evacuation Plans," Fire Safety Journal, Vol. 9, 1985, pp. 211-220. 6. Levin, B., "EXITT, A Simulation Model of Occupant Decisions and Actions in Residential Fires," Proceedings of The Second International Symposium on Fire Safety Science, 1988, pp. 561-570. 7. Fahy, R.F., "EXIT89: An Evacuation Model for High-Rise Buildings," Pro ceedings of The Third International Sym posium on Fire Safety Science, 1991, pp. 815-823. 8. Thompson, P.A., and Marchant, E.W., "A Computer Model for the Evacuation of Large Building Populations," Fire Safety Journal, Vol. 24, 1995, pp. 131-148. 9. Still, K., "New Computer System Can Predict Human Behavior Response to Building Fires," FIRE 84, 1993, pp. 40-41. 10. Ketchell, N., Cole, S.S., Webber, D.M., et.al., "The Egress Code for Human Move ment and Behavior in Emergency Evacu ations," Engineering for Crowd Safety (Smith, R.A., and Dickie, J.F., Eds.), Elsevier, 1993, pp. 361-370. 11. Takahashi, K., Tanaka, T. and Kose, S., "An Evacuation Model for Use in Fire Safety Design of Buildings," Proceedings of The Second International Symposium on Fire Safety Science, 1988, pp. 551- 560. 12. G2 Reference Manual, Version 3.0, Gensym Corporation, Cambridge, MA. 13. XVT Reference Manual, Version 3.0 XVT Software Inc., Boulder, CO. 14. Galea, E.R., "On the Field Modeling Approach to the Simulation of Enclosure Fires, Journal of Fire Protection Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1989, pp. 11-22. 15. Purser, D.A., "Toxicity Assessment of Combustion Products," SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA, pp. 1-200 - 1-245, 1988. 16. Hankin, B.D., and Wright, R.A., "Pas senger Flows in Subways," Operational Research Quarterly, Vol. 9, 1958, pp. 81-88. 17. HMSO, The Building Regulations 1991 - Approved Document B, section B 1 (1992 edition), HMSO publications, London, pp. 9-40. 18. Polus A., Schofer, J.L., and Ushpiz, A., "Pedestrian Flow and Level of Service," Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 109, 1983, pp. 46-47. 19. Muir, H., Marrison, C., and Evans, A., "Aircraft Evacuations: the Effect of Passenger Motivation and Cabin Con figuration Adjacent to the Exit," CAA Paper 89019, ISBN 0 86039 406 9, 1989. 20. Muir, H., Private communication to appear as a CAA report, 1996.


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Dr Fuchen Jia, Dr Mayer Patel and Professor Edwin Galea explain how advanced fire models were used to unravel the secrets of Swissair Flight 111, which crashed off the coast of Canada in 1998.


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Professor Ed Galea CEng, MIFireE provides a welcome to Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics 2003, (PED 2003) to be held in London on 20-22 August 2003.


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H. Jiang, S. Gwynne, E.R. Galea, P. Lawrence, F. Jia and H. Ingason model a disco fire in Gothenburg, Sweden to compare the simulation’s predictions with actual events


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The World Trade Center Evacuation: The evacuation of the WTC complex represents one of the largest full-scale evacuations of people in modern times.


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In recent years, evacuation models have been increasingly applied in an attempt to understand the outcome of emergency egress scenarios.