679 resultados para Fiber bundles (Mathematics)
The high potential for the exploitation of capybara requires information about its digestory morphophysiology, to improve nutritional handling. In the present study, gross anatomy, light microscopy and body and intestine lengths of 25 capybaras were evaluated. The minimum and maximum small intestine lengths for females and males were, respectively, 441 cm and 1734 cm, and 355 cm and 1123 cm. These values position the capybara between canine and swine intestinal lengths. The ratio between small intestine and body length was 12:1, without differences between sexes. There were no statistically significant differences between sexes for each part of small intestine. Correlation between length of each small intestine segment and body length was positive, and statistically significant only for the duodenum. The small intestine wall was formed by mucosa, submucosa, muscular and serosa. The mucosa presented intestinal and duodenal glands, of mucosal and serosal types, respectively. The mucosa muscular layer consisted of two distinct layers in the jejunum and ileum, and a thin and single layer in the duodenum. The submucosa, formed by moderate dense connective tissue, didn't show glands. The fiber bundles of the internal layer of muscular tunic were helicoidally arranged. The gross anatomy of the capybara small intestine was similar to canine and swine intestines. Microscopically, however, subtle differences can be identified in the submucosa and internal muscular tunics.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Three-dimensional analysis of reinforced concrete members via embedded discontinuity finite elements
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Bamboo has one of the highest growth rates among plants, however, its lignifications (which confers resistance) takes around a few years and, therefore, certain physical characteristics and mechanical, that depend on this process will only be acquired between the three to six years old. In addition, bamboo also has significant density variations in different parts of the stem, both in the radial direction as the axial. In particular the radial direction, where the density found in the inner and outer (near the bark) of a single stem can range on average from 0.5 to 0.9 g/cm3. Thus, the application of bamboo as a floor, there to examine whether both sides of the bamboo (internal and external), provide resistance properties required for that purpose. In this study sought to characterize and quantify the influence of the concentration of fiber bundles in the inner and outer sides of rules or bamboo strips of bamboo flooring through testing service. Analyses performed were based on ASTM D 2394- 83 for wooden floors and derivatives. This was necessary because of the absence of a specific prohibition of the use and testing of floors made of bamboo and its products. The data were analyzed by ball indentation test shooting, test for resistance to abrasion, indentation test for stress / load treadmill test and by indentation loads applied to small areas - test the jump. The results of the tests were extremely friendly bamboo, even this presents considerable differences between the resistances obtained from assay of the cover of the inner and outer face, being comparable with those of many commonly used to manufacture wood flooring. This comparison was made possible by information from technical trials of several floors made with wood
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The myotendinous junction (MTJ) is a major area for transmitting force from the skeletal muscle system and acts in joint position and stabilization. This study aimed to use transmission electron microscopy to describe the ultrastructural features of the MTJ of the sternomastoid muscle in Wistar rats from newborn to formation during adulthood and possible changes with aging. Ultrastructural features of the MTJ from the newborn group revealed pattern during development with interactions between muscle cells and extracellular matrix elements with thin folds in the sarcolemma and high cellular activity evidenced through numerous oval mitochondria groupings. The adult group had classical morphological features of the MTJ, with folds in the sarcolemma forming long projections called finger-like processes and sarcoplasmic invaginations. Sarcomeres were aligned in series, showing mitochondria near the Z line in groupings between collagen fiber bundles. The old group had altered finger-like processes, thickened in both levels of sarcoplasmic invaginations and in central connections with the lateral junctions. We conclude that the MTJ undergoes intense activity from newborn to its formation during adulthood. With increasing age, changes to the MTJ were observed in the shapes of the invaginations and finger-like processes due to hypoactivity, potentially compromising force transmission and joint stability. Microsc. Res. Tech. 75:12921296, 2012. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
The structural connectivity of the brain is considered to encode species-wise and subject-wise patterns that will unlock large areas of understanding of the human brain. Currently, diffusion MRI of the living brain enables to map the microstructure of tissue, allowing to track the pathways of fiber bundles connecting the cortical regions across the brain. These bundles are summarized in a network representation called connectome that is analyzed using graph theory. The extraction of the connectome from diffusion MRI requires a large processing flow including image enhancement, reconstruction, segmentation, registration, diffusion tracking, etc. Although a concerted effort has been devoted to the definition of standard pipelines for the connectome extraction, it is still crucial to define quality assessment protocols of these workflows. The definition of quality control protocols is hindered by the complexity of the pipelines under test and the absolute lack of gold-standards for diffusion MRI data. Here we characterize the impact on structural connectivity workflows of the geometrical deformation typically shown by diffusion MRI data due to the inhomogeneity of magnetic susceptibility across the imaged object. We propose an evaluation framework to compare the existing methodologies to correct for these artifacts including whole-brain realistic phantoms. Additionally, we design and implement an image segmentation and registration method to avoid performing the correction task and to enable processing in the native space of diffusion data. We release PySDCev, an evaluation framework for the quality control of connectivity pipelines, specialized in the study of susceptibility-derived distortions. In this context, we propose Diffantom, a whole-brain phantom that provides a solution to the lack of gold-standard data. The three correction methodologies under comparison performed reasonably, and it is difficult to determine which method is more advisable. We demonstrate that susceptibility-derived correction is necessary to increase the sensitivity of connectivity pipelines, at the cost of specificity. Finally, with the registration and segmentation tool called regseg we demonstrate how the problem of susceptibility-derived distortion can be overcome allowing data to be used in their original coordinates. This is crucial to increase the sensitivity of the whole pipeline without any loss in specificity.
Cell adhesion to thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1) correlates with assembly of cell–substratum contact structures that contain fascin microspikes. In this analysis, cell-matrix requirements for assembly of fascin microspikes were examined in detail. In six cell lines, cell spreading on a TSP-1 substratum correlated with expression of fascin protein and formation of fascin microspikes. Microspikes were not formed by H9c2 cells adherent on fibronectin, vitronectin, collagen IV, or platelet factor 4. However, both fascin microspikes and focal contacts were assembled by cells adherent on laminin-1. Using mixed substrata containing different proportions of TSP-1, and fibronectin, fascin microspike formation by H9c2 and C2C12 cells was found to be reduced on substrata containing 25% fibronectin and abolished on substrata containing 75% fibronectin. Adhesion to intermediate mixtures of TSP-1 and fibronectin resulted in coassembly of fascin microspikes and focal contacts, colocalization of fascin with actin stress fiber bundles and altered distributions of β1 integrins, cortical α-actinin, and tropomyosin. In cells adherent on 50% TSP-1:50% fibronectin, GRGDSP peptide treatment decreased focal contact assembly and altered cytoskeletal organization but did not inhibit microspike assembly. Treatment with chondroitin sulfate A or p-nitrophenol β-d-xylopyranoside decreased microspike formation and modified cytoskeletal organization but did not inhibit focal contact formation. In polarized migratory and postmitotic C2C12 cells, fascin microspikes and ruffles were localized at leading edges and TSP matrix deposition was also concentrated in this region. Depletion of matrix TSP by heparin treatment correlated with decreased microspike formation and cell motility. Thus, the balance of adhesive receptors ligated at the cell surface during initial cell–matrix attachment serves to regulate the type of substratum adhesion contact assembled and subsequent cytoskeletal organization. A role for fascin microspikes in cell motile behavior is indicated.
Let f: M -> M be a fiber-preserving map where S -> M -> B is a bundle and S is a closed surface. We study the abelianized obstruction, which is a cohomology class in dimension 2, to deform f to a fixed point free map by a fiber-preserving homotopy. The vanishing of this obstruction is only a necessary condition in order to have such deformation, but in some cases it is sufficient. We describe this obstruction and we prove that the vanishing of this class is equivalent to the existence of solution of a system of equations over a certain group ring with coefficients given by Fox derivatives.
In this note we study coincidence of pairs of fiber-preserving maps f, g : E-1 -> E-2 where E-1, E-2 are S-n-bundles over a space B. We will show that for each homotopy class vertical bar f vertical bar of fiber-preserving maps over B, there is only one homotopy class vertical bar g vertical bar such that the pair (f, g), where vertical bar g vertical bar = vertical bar tau circle f vertical bar can be deformed to a coincidence free pair. Here tau : E-2 -> E-2 is a fiber-preserving map which is fixed point free. In the case where the base is S-1 we classify the bundles, the homotopy classes of maps over S-1 and the pairs which can be deformed to coincidence free. At the end we discuss the self-coincidence problem. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Let f: M -> M be a fiber-preserving map where S -> M -> B is a bundle and S is a closed surface. We study the abelianized obstruction, which is a cohomology class in dimension 2, to deform f to a fixed point free map by a fiber-preserving homotopy. The vanishing of this obstruction is only a necessary condition in order to have such deformation, but in some cases it is sufficient. We describe this obstruction and we prove that the vanishing of this class is equivalent to the existence of solution of a system of equations over a certain group ring with coefficients given by Fox derivatives.