878 resultados para Fiber Conduction-velocity
Peripheral nerve hyperexcitability (PNH) is one of the distal peripheral neuropathy phenotypes often present in patients affected by type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Through in vivo and ex vivo electrophysiological recordings in db/db mice, a model of T2DM, we observed that, in addition to reduced nerve conduction velocity, db/db mice also develop PNH. By using pharmacological inhibitors, we demonstrated that the PNH is mediated by the decreased activity of K(v)1-channels. In agreement with these data, we observed that the diabetic condition led to a reduced presence of the K(v)1.2-subunits in juxtaparanodal regions of peripheral nerves in db/db mice and in nerve biopsies from T2DM patients. Together, these observations indicate that the T2DM condition leads to potassium channel-mediated PNH, thus identifying them as a potential drug target to treat some of the DPN related symptoms.
Peripheral myelin protein 2 (Pmp2, P2 or Fabp8), a member of the fatty acid binding protein family, was originally described together with myelin basic protein (Mbp or P1) and myelin protein zero (Mpz or P0) as one of the most abundant myelin proteins in the peripheral nervous system (PNS). Although Pmp2 is predominantly expressed in myelinated Schwann cells, its role in glia is currently unknown. To study its function in PNS biology, we have generated a complete Pmp2 knockout mouse (Pmp2(-/-) ). Comprehensive characterization of Pmp2(-/-) mice revealed a temporary reduction in their motor nerve conduction velocity (MNCV). While this change was not accompanied by any defects in general myelin structure, we detected transitory alterations in the myelin lipid profile of Pmp2(-/-) mice. It was previously proposed that Pmp2 and Mbp have comparable functions in the PNS suggesting that the presence of Mbp can partially mask the Pmp2(-/-) phenotype. Indeed, we found that Mbp lacking Shi(-/-) mice, similar to Pmp2(-/-) animals, have preserved myelin structure and reduced MNCV, but this phenotype was not aggravated in Pmp2(-/-) /Shi(-/-) mutants indicating that Pmp2 and Mbp do not substitute each other's functions in the PNS. These data, together with our observation that Pmp2 binds and transports fatty acids to membranes, uncover a role for Pmp2 in lipid homeostasis of myelinating Schwann cells.
BACKGROUND: We sought to investigate the relationship between infarct and dyssynchrony post- myocardial infarct (MI), in a porcine model. Mechanical dyssynchrony post-MI is associated with left ventricular (LV) remodeling and increased mortality. METHODS: Cine, gadolinium-contrast, and tagged cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) were performed pre-MI, 9 ± 2 days (early post-MI), and 33 ± 10 days (late post-MI) post-MI in 6 pigs to characterize cardiac morphology, location and extent of MI, and regional mechanics. LV mechanics were assessed by circumferential strain (eC). Electro-anatomic mapping (EAM) was performed within 24 hrs of CMR and prior to sacrifice. RESULTS: Mean infarct size was 21 ± 4% of LV volume with evidence of post-MI remodeling. Global eC significantly decreased post MI (-27 ± 1.6% vs. -18 ± 2.5% (early) and -17 ± 2.7% (late), p < 0.0001) with no significant change in peri-MI and MI segments between early and late time-points. Time to peak strain (TTP) was significantly longer in MI, compared to normal and peri-MI segments, both early (440 ± 40 ms vs. 329 ± 40 ms and 332 ± 36 ms, respectively; p = 0.0002) and late post-MI (442 ± 63 ms vs. 321 ± 40 ms and 355 ± 61 ms, respectively; p = 0.012). The standard deviation of TTP in 16 segments (SD16) significantly increased post-MI: 28 ± 7 ms to 50 ± 10 ms (early, p = 0.012) to 54 ± 19 ms (late, p = 0.004), with no change between early and late post-MI time-points (p = 0.56). TTP was not related to reduction of segmental contractility. EAM revealed late electrical activation and greatly diminished conduction velocity in the infarct (5.7 ± 2.4 cm/s), when compared to peri-infarct (18.7 ± 10.3 cm/s) and remote myocardium (39 ± 20.5 cm/s). CONCLUSIONS: Mechanical dyssynchrony occurs early after MI and is the result of delayed electrical and mechanical activation in the infarct.
More than 246 million individuals worldwide are affected by diabetes mellitus (DM) and this number is rapidly increasing (http://www.eatlas. idf.org). 90% of all diabetic patients have type 2 DM, which is characterized by insulin resistance and b-cell dysfunction. Even though diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) is the major chronic complication of DM its underlying pathophysiological mechanisms still remain unknown. To get more insight into the DPN associated with type 2 DM, we characterized the rodent model of this form of diabetes, the db/db mice. The progression of pathological changes in db/db mice mimics the ones observed in humans: increase of the body weight, insulin insensitivity, elevated blood glucose level and reduction in nerve conduction velocity (NCV). Decreased NCV, present in many peripheral neuropathies, is usually associated with demyelination of peripheral nerves. However, our detailed analysis of the sciatic nerves of db/db mice exposed for 4 months to hyperglycemia, failed to reveal any signs of demyelination in spite of significantly reduced NCV in these animals. We therefore currently focus our analysis on the structure of Nodes of Ranvier, regions of intense axo-glial interactions, which also play a crucial role in rapid saltatory impulse conduction. In addition we are also evaluating molecular changes in somas of sensory neurons projecting through sciatic nerve, which are localized in the dorsal root ganglia. We hope that the combination of these approaches will shed light on molecular alterations leading to DPN as a consequence of type 2 DM.
Multiple lines of evidence show that matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are involved in the peripheral neural system degenerative and regenerative processes. MMP-9 was suggested in particular to play a role in the peripheral nerve after injury or during Wallerian degeneration. Interestingly, our previous analysis of Lpin1 mutant mice (which present morphological signs of active demyelination and acute inflammatory cell migration, similar to processes present in the PNS undergoing Wallerian degeneration) revealed an accumulation of MMP-9 in the endoneurium of affected animals. We therefore generated a mouse line lacking both the Lpin1 and the MMP-9 genes in order to determine if MMP-9 plays a role in either inhibition or potentiation of the demyelinating phenotype present in Lpin1 knockout mice. The inactivation of MMP-9 alone did not lead to defects in PNS structure or function. Interestingly we observed that the double mutant animals showed reduced nerve conduction velocity, lower myelin protein mRNA expressions, and had more histological abnormalities as compared to the Lpin1 single mutants. In addition, based on immunohistochemical analysis and macrophage markers mRNA expression, we found a lower macrophage content in the sciatic nerve of the double mutant animals. Together our data indicate that MMP-9 plays a role in macrophage recruitment during postinjury PNS regeneration processes and suggest that slower macrophage infiltration delays regenerative processes in PNS.
While the morphological and electrophysiological changes underlying diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) are relatively well described, the involved molecular mechanisms remain poorly understood. In this study, we investigated whether phenotypic changes associated with early DPN are correlated with transcriptional alterations in the neuronal (dorsal root ganglia [DRG]) or the glial (endoneurium) compartments of the peripheral nerve. We used Ins2(Akita/+) mice to study transcriptional changes underlying the onset of DPN in type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM). Weight, blood glucose and motor nerve conduction velocity (MNCV) were measured in Ins2(Akita/+) and control mice during the first three months of life in order to determine the onset of DPN. Based on this phenotypic characterization, we performed gene expression profiling using sciatic nerve endoneurium and DRG isolated from pre-symptomatic and early symptomatic Ins2(Akita/+) mice and sex-matched littermate controls. Our phenotypic analysis of Ins2(Akita/+) mice revealed that DPN, as measured by reduced MNCV, is detectable in affected animals already one week after the onset of hyperglycemia. Surprisingly, the onset of DPN was not associated with any major persistent changes in gene expression profiles in either sciatic nerve endoneurium or DRG. Our data thus demonstrated that the transcriptional programs in both endoneurial and neuronal compartments of the peripheral nerve are relatively resistant to the onset of hyperglycemia and hypoinsulinemia suggesting that either minor transcriptional alterations or changes on the proteomic level are responsible for the functional deficits associated with the onset of DPN in type 1 DM.
284 million people worldwide suffered from type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in 2010, which will, in approximately half of them, lead to the development of diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN). Although DPN is the most common complication of diabetes mellitus and the leading cause of non-traumatic amputations its pathophysiology is still poorly understood. To get more insight into the molecular mechanism underlying DPN in T2DM, I used a rodent model of T2DM, the db/db mice.¦ln vivo electrophysiological recordings of diabetic animals indicated that in addition to reduced nerve conduction velocity db/db mice also present increased nerve excitability. Further ex vivo evaluation of the electrophysiological properties of db/db nerves clearly established a presence of the peripheral nerve hyperexcitability (PNH) phenotype in diabetic animals. Using pharmacological inhibitors we demonstrated that PNH is mostly mediated by the decreased activity of Kv1 channels. ln agreement with these data 1 observed that the diabetic condition led to a reduced presence of the Kv1.2 subunits in juxtaparanodal regions of db/db peripheral nerves whereas its mANA and protein expression levels were not affected. Lmportantly, I confirmed a loss of juxtaparanodal Kv1.2 subunits in nerve biopsies from type 2 diabetic patients. Together these observations indicate that the type 2 diabetic condition leads to potassium-channel mediated changes of nerve excitability thus identifying them as potential drug targets to treat sorne of the DPN related symptoms.¦Schwann cells ensheath and isolate peripheral axons by the production of myelin, which consists of lipids and proteins in a ratio of 2:1. Peripheral myelin protein 2 (= P2, Pmp2 or FABP8) was originally described as one of the most abundant myelin proteins in the peripheral nervous system. P2, which is a member of the fatty acid binding protein (FABP) family, is a 14.8 kDa cytosolic protein expressed on the cytoplasmic side of compact myelin membranes. As indicated by their name, the principal role of FABPs is thought to be the binding and transport of fatty acids.¦To study its role in myelinating glial cells I have recently generated a complete P2 knockout mouse model (P2-/-). I confirmed the loss of P2 in the sciatic nerve of P2-/- mice at the mRNA and protein level. Electrophysiological analysis of the adult (P56) mutant mice revealed a mild but significant reduction in the motor nerve conduction velocity. lnterestingly, this functional change was not accompanied by any detectable alterations in general myelin structure. However, I have observed significant alterations in the mRNA expression level of other FABPs, predominantly FABP9, in the PNS of P2-/- mice as compared to age-matched P2+/+ mice indicating a role of P2 in the glial myelin lipid metabolism.¦Le diabète de type 2 touche 284 million de personnes dans le monde en 2010 et son évolution conduit dans la moitié des cas à une neuropathie périphérique diabétique. Bien que la neuropathie périphérique soit la complication la plus courante du diabète pouvant conduire jusqu'à l'amputation, sa physiopathologie est aujourd'hui encore mal comprise. Dans le but d'améliorer les connaissances moléculaires expliquant les mécanismes de la neuropathie liée au diabète de type 2, j'ai utilisé un modèle murin du diabète de type 2, les souris db/db.¦ln vivo, les enregistrements éléctrophysiologiques des animaux diabétiques montrent qu'en plus d'une diminution de la vitesse de conduction nerveuse, les souris db/db présentent également une augmentation de l'excitabilité nerveuse. Des mesures menées Ex vivo ont montré l'existence d'un phénotype d'hyperexcitabilité sur les nerfs périphériques isolés d'animaux diabétiques. Grâce à l'utilisation d'inhibiteurs pharmacologiques, nous avons pu démontrer que l'hyperexcitabilité démontrée était due à une réduction d'activité des canaux Kv1. En accord avec ces données, j'ai observé qu'une situation de diabète conduisait à une diminution des canaux Kv1.2 aux régions juxta-paranodales des nerfs périphériques db/db, alors que l'expression du transcrit et de la protéine restait stable. J'ai également confirmé l'absence de canaux Kv1.2 aux juxta-paranoeuds de biopsies de nerfs de patients diabétiques. L'ensemble de ces observations montrent que les nerfs périphériques chez les patients atteints de diabète de type 2 est due à une diminution des canaux potassiques rapides juxtaparanodaux les identifiant ainsi comme des cibles thérapeutiques potentielles.¦Les cellules de Schwann enveloppent et isolent les axones périphériques d'une membrane spécialisée, la myéline, composée de deux fois plus de lipides que de protéines. La protéine P2 (Pmp2 "peripheral myelin protein 2" ou FABP8 "fatty acid binding protein") est l'une des protéines les plus abondantes au système nerveux périphérique. P2 appartient à la famille de protéines FABP liant et transportant les acides gras et est une protéine cytosolique de 14,8 kDa exprimée du côté cytoplasmique de la myéline compacte.¦Afin d'étudier le rôle de P2 dans les cellules de Schwann myélinisantes, j'ai généré une souris knockout (P2-/-). Après avoir validé l'absence de transcrit et de protéine P2 dans les nerfs sciatiques P2-/-, des mesures électrophysiologiques ont montré une réduction modérée mais significative de la vitesse de conduction du nerf moteur périphérique. Il est important de noter que ces changements fonctionnels n'ont pas pu être associés à quelconque changement dans la structure de la myéline. Cependant, j'ai observé dans les nerfs périphériques P2-/-, une altération significative du niveau d'expression d'ARNm d'autres FABPs et en particulier FABP9. Ce dernier résultat démontre l'importance du rôle de la protéine P2 dans le métabolisme lipidique de la myéline.
Myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1) is a multisystem disorder with a variable phenotype. The involvement of peripheral nerves in DM1 disease is controversial. The DM1 animal model DM300 transgenic mice that carry 350 to 500 CTG repeats express a mild DM1 phenotype but do not exhibit motor or sensory pathology. Here, we investigated the presence or absence of peripheral neuropathy in transgenic mice (DMSXL) that carry more than 1,300 CTG repeats and display a severe form of DM1. Electrophysiologic, histologic, and morphometric methods were used to investigate the structure and function of peripheral nerves. We observed lower compound muscle action potentials recorded from hind limb muscles and slowing of sciatic nerve conduction velocity in DMSXL versus control mice. Morphometric analyses showed an axonopathy and neuronopathy in the DMSXL mice characterized by a decrease in numbers of myelinatedmotor axons in sciatic nerve and in spinal cord motor neurons. Pathologic alterations in the structure of hind limb neuromuscular junctions were also detected in the DMSXL mice. These results suggest that peripheral neuropathy can be linked to a large CTG expansion and a severe form of DM1.
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 4C (CMT4C) is an early-onset, autosomal recessive form of demyelinating neuropathy. The clinical manifestations include progressive scoliosis, delayed age of walking, muscular atrophy, distal weakness, and reduced nerve conduction velocity. The gene mutated in CMT4C disease, SH3TC2/KIAA1985, was recently identified; however, the function of the protein it encodes remains unknown. We have generated knockout mice where the first exon of the Sh3tc2 gene is replaced with an enhanced GFP cassette. The Sh3tc2(DeltaEx1/DeltaEx1) knockout animals develop progressive peripheral neuropathy manifested by decreased motor and sensory nerve conduction velocity and hypomyelination. We show that Sh3tc2 is specifically expressed in Schwann cells and localizes to the plasma membrane and to the perinuclear endocytic recycling compartment, concordant with its possible function in myelination and/or in regions of axoglial interactions. Concomitantly, transcriptional profiling performed on the endoneurial compartment of peripheral nerves isolated from control and Sh3tc2(DeltaEx1/DeltaEx1) animals uncovered changes in transcripts encoding genes involved in myelination and cell adhesion. Finally, detailed analyses of the structures composed of compact and noncompact myelin in the peripheral nerve of Sh3tc2(DeltaEx1/DeltaEx1) animals revealed abnormal organization of the node of Ranvier, a phenotype that we confirmed in CMT4C patient nerve biopsies. The generated Sh3tc2 knockout mice thus present a reliable model of CMT4C neuropathy that was instrumental in establishing a role for Sh3tc2 in myelination and in the integrity of the node of Ranvier, a morphological phenotype that can be used as an additional CMT4C diagnostic marker.
Lipids play crucial roles in many aspects of glial cell biology, affecting processes ranging from myelin membrane biosynthesis to axo-glial interactions. In order to study the role of lipid metabolism in myelinating glial cells, we specifically deleted in Schwann cells the Lpin1 gene, which encodes the Mg2+-dependent phosphatidate phosphatase (PAP1) enzyme necessary for normal triacylglycerol biosynthesis. The affected animals developed pronounced peripheral neuropathy characterized by myelin degradation, Schwann cell dedifferentiation and proliferation, and a reduction in nerve conduction velocity. The observed demyelination is mediated by endoneurial accumulation of the substrate of the PAP1 enzyme, phosphatidic acid (PA). In addition, we show that PA is a potent activator of the MEK-Erk pathway in Schwann cells, and that this activation is required for PA-induced demyelination. Our results therefore reveal a surprising role for PA in Schwann cell fate determination and provide evidence of a direct link between diseases affecting lipid metabolism and abnormal Schwann cell function
Abstract : The principal focus of this work was to study the molecular changes leading to the development of diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN). DPN is the most common complication associated with both type I and II diabetes mellitus (DM). This pathology is the leading cause of non-traumatic amputations. Even though the pathological and morphological changes underlying DPN are relatively well described, the implicated molecular mechanisms remain poorly understood. The following two approaches were developed to study the development of DPN in a rodent model of DM type I. As a first approach, we studied the implication of lipid metabolism in DPN phenotype, concentrating on Sterol Response Element Binding Protein (SREBP)-lc which is the key regulator of storage lipid metabolism. We showed that SREBP-1c was expressed in peripheral nerves and that its expression profile followed the expression of genes involved in storage lipid metabolism. In addition, the expression of SREBP-1c in the endoneurium of peripheral nerves was dependant upon nutritional status and this expression was also perturbed in type I diabetes. In line with this, we showed that insulin elevated the expression of SREBP-1c in primary cultured Schwann cells by activating the SREBP-1c promoter. Taken together, these findings reveal that SREBP-1c expression in Schwann cells responds to metabolic stimuli including insulin and that this response is affected in type I diabetes mellitus. This suggests that disturbed SREBP-1c regulated lipid metabolism may contribute to the pathophysiology of DPN. As a second approach, we performed a comprehensive analysis of the molecular changes associated with DPN in the Akital~1~+ mouse which is a model of spontaneous early-onset type I diabetes mellitus. This mouse expresses a mutated non-functional isoform of insulin, leading to hypoinsulinemia and hyperglycaemia. To determine the onset of DPN, weight, blood glucose and motor nerve conduction velocity (MNCV) were measured in Akital+/+ mice during the first three months of life. A decrease in MNCV was evident akeady one week after the onset of hyperglycemia. To explore the molecular changes associated with the development of DPN in these mice, we performed gene expression profiling using sciatic nerve endoneurium and dorsal root ganglia (DRG) isolated from early diabetic male Akita+/+ mice and sex-matched littermate controls. No major transcriptional changes were detected either in the DRG or in the sciatic nerve endoneurium. This experiment indicates that the phenotypic changes observed during the development of DPN are not correlated with major transcriptional alterations, but mainly with alterations at the protein level. Résumé Lors ce travail, nous nous sommes intéressés aux changements moléculaires aboutissant aux neuropathies périphériques dues au diabète (NPD). Les NPD sont la complication la plus commune du diabète de type I et de type II. Cette pathologie est une cause majeure d'amputations. Même si les changements pathologiques et morphologiques associés aux NPD sont relativement bien décrits, les mécanismes moléculaires provoquant cette pathologie sont mal connus. Deux approches ont principalement été utilisées pour étudier le développement des NPD dans des modèles murins du diabète de type I. Nous avons d'abord étudié l'impact du métabolisme des lipides sur le développement des NPD en nous concentrant sur Sterol Response Element Binding Protein (SREBP)-1 c qui est un régulateur clé des lipides de stockage. Nous avons montré que SREBP-1 c est exprimé dans les nerfs périphériques et que son profil d'expression suit celui de gènes impliqués dans le métabolisme des lipides de stockage. De plus, l'expression de SREBP-1c dans l'endoneurium des nerfs périphériques est dépendante du statut nutritionnel et est dérégulée lors de diabète de type I. Nous avons également pu montrer que l'insuline augmente l'expression de SREBP-1c dans des cultures primaires de cellules de Schwann en activant le promoteur de SREBP-1c. Ses résultats démontrent que l'expression de SREBP-1c dans les cellules de Schwann est contrôlée par des stimuli métaboliques comme l'insuline et que cette réponse est affectée dans le cas d'un diabète de type I. Ces données suggèrent que la dérégulation de l'expression de SREBP-1c lors du diabète pourrait affecter le métabolisme des lipides et ainsi contribuer à la pathophysiologie des NPD. Comme seconde approche, nous avons réalisé une analyse globale des changements moléculaires associés au développement des NPD chez les souris Akita+/+, un modèle de diabète de type I. Cette souris exprime une forme mutée et non fonctionnelle de l'insuline provoquant une hypoinsulinémie et une hyperglycémie. Afin de déterminer le début du développement de la NPD, le poids, le niveau de glucose sanguin et la vitesse de conduction nerveuse (VCN) ont été mesurés durant les 3 premiers mois de vie. Une diminution de la VCN a été détectée une semaine seulement après le développement de l'hyperglycémie. Pour explorer les changements moléculaires associés avec le développement des NPD, nous avons réalisé un profil d'expression de l'endoneurium du nerf sciatique et des ganglions spinaux isolés à partir de souris Akital+/+ et de souris contrôles Akita+/+. Aucune altération transcriptionnelle majeure n'a été détectée dans nos échantillons. Cette expérience suggère que les changements phénotypiques observés durant le développement des NPD ne sont pas corrélés avec des changements importants au niveau transcriptionnel, mais plutôt avec des altérations au niveau protéique. Résumé : Lors ce travail, nous nous sommes intéressés aux changements moléculaires aboutissant aux neuropathies périphériques dues au diabète (NPD). Les NPD sont la complication la plus commune du diabète de type I et de type II. Cette pathologie est une cause majeure d'amputations. Même si les changements pathologiques et morphologiques associés aux NPD sont relativement bien décrits, les mécanismes moléculaires provoquant cette pathologie sont mal connus. Deux approches ont principalement été utilisées pour étudier le développement des NPD dans des modèles murins du diabète de type I. Nous avons d'abord étudié l'impact du métabolisme des lipides sur le développement des NPD en nous concentrant sur Sterol Response Element Binding Protein (SREBP)-1c qui est un régulateur clé des lipides de stockage. Nous avons montré que SREBP-1 c est exprimé dans les nerfs périphériques et que son profil d'expression suit celui de gènes impliqués dans le métabolisme des lipides de stockage. De plus, l'expression de SREBP-1c dans l'endoneurium des nerfs périphériques est dépendante du statut nutritionnel et est dérégulée lors de diabète de type I. Nous avons également pu montrer que l'insuline augmente l'expression de SREBP-1c dans des cultures primaires de cellules de Schwann en activant le promoteur de SREBP-1c. Ses résultats démontrent que l'expression de SREBP-1c dans les cellules de Schwann est contrôlée par des stimuli métaboliques comme l'insuline et que cette réponse est affectée dans le cas d'un diabète de type I. Ces données suggèrent que la dérégulation de l'expression de SREBP-1c lors du diabète pourrait affecter le métabolisme des lipides et ainsi contribuer à la pathophysiologie des NPD. Comme seconde approche, nous avons réalisé une analyse globale des changements moléculaires associés au développement des NPD chez les souris Akita~~Z~+, un modèle de diabète de type I. Cette souris exprime une forme mutée et non fonctionnelle de l'insuline provoquant une hypoinsulinémie et une hyperglycémie. Afin de déterminer le début du développement de la NPD, le poids, le niveau de glucose sanguin et la vitesse de conduction nerveuse (VCN) ont été mesurés durant les 3 premiers mois de vie. Une diminution de la VCN a été détectée une semaine seulement après le développement de l'hyperglycémie. Pour explorer les changements moléculaires associés avec le développement des NPD, nous avons réalisé un profil d'expression de l'endoneurium du nerf sciatique et des ganglions spinaux isolés à partir de souris Akital+/+ et de souris contrôles Akita+/+. Aucune altération transcriptionnelle majeure n'a été détectée dans nos échantillons. Cette expérience suggère que les changements phénotypiques observés durant le développement des NPD ne sont pas corrélés avec des changements importants au niveau transcriptionnel, mais plutôt avec des altérations au niveau protéique.
Traditionally, studies dealing with muscle shortening have concentrated on assessing its impact on conduction velocity, and to this end, electrodes have been located between the end-plate and tendon regions. Possible morphologic changes in surface motor unit potentials (MUPs) as a result of muscle shortening have not, as yet, been evaluated or characterized. Using a convolutional MUP model, we investigated the effects of muscle shortening on the shape, amplitude, and duration characteristics of MUPs for different electrode positions relative to the fibre-tendon junction and for different depths of the MU in the muscle (MU-to-electrode distance). It was found that the effects of muscle shortening on MUP morphology depended not only on whether the electrodes were between the end-plate and the tendon junction or beyond the tendon junction, but also on the specific distance to this junction. When the electrodes lie between the end-plate and tendon junction, it was found that (1) the muscle shortening effect is not important for superficial MUs, (2) the sensitivity of MUP amplitude to muscle shortening increases with MU-to-electrode distance, and (3) the amplitude of the MUP negative phase is not affected by muscle shortening. This study provides a basis for the interpretation of the changes in MUP characteristics in experiments where both physiological and geometrical aspects of the muscle are varied.
While the morphological and electrophysiological changes underlying diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) are relatively well described, the involved molecular mechanisms remain poorly understood. In this study, we investigated whether phenotypic changes associated with early DPN are correlated with transcriptional alterations in the neuronal (dorsal root ganglia [DRG]) or the glial (endoneurium) compartments of the peripheral nerve. We used Ins2(Akita/+) mice to study transcriptional changes underlying the onset of DPN in type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM). Weight, blood glucose and motor nerve conduction velocity (MNCV) were measured in Ins2(Akita/+) and control mice during the first three months of life in order to determine the onset of DPN. Based on this phenotypic characterization, we performed gene expression profiling using sciatic nerve endoneurium and DRG isolated from pre-symptomatic and early symptomatic Ins2(Akita/+) mice and sex-matched littermate controls. Our phenotypic analysis of Ins2(Akita/+) mice revealed that DPN, as measured by reduced MNCV, is detectable in affected animals already one week after the onset of hyperglycemia. Surprisingly, the onset of DPN was not associated with any major persistent changes in gene expression profiles in either sciatic nerve endoneurium or DRG. Our data thus demonstrated that the transcriptional programs in both endoneurial and neuronal compartments of the peripheral nerve are relatively resistant to the onset of hyperglycemia and hypoinsulinemia suggesting that either minor transcriptional alterations or changes on the proteomic level are responsible for the functional deficits associated with the onset of DPN in type 1 DM.
Redox dysregulation in schizophrenia : effect on myelination of cortical structures and connectivity
Cette thèse traite du rôle qu'un facteur de risque génétique développé chez les patients souffrant de schizophrénie, à savoir un déficit de la synthèse du glutathion, peut jouer dans les anomalies de la connectivité cérébrale trouvées chez ces patients. L'essentiel du travail a été consacré à évaluer la structure de la substance blanche dans l'ensemble du cerveau chez un modèle animal par une méthode similaire à celle utilisée en recherche clinique avec l'imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM). Cette approche de translation inverse chez la souris knock-out de glutamate-cystéine ligase modulateur sous-unité (Gclm KO), avait l'objectif d'étudier l'effet des défenses redox déficientes sur le développement des connexions cérébrales, tout en excluant celui des facteurs non liés au génotype. Après avoir établi le protocole de recherche, l'influence d'une manipulation environnementale a également été étudiée. Pour effectuer une analyse statistique fiable des données d'IRM obtenues, nous .avons d'abord créé un atlas du cerveau de la souris afin de l'utiliser comme modèle pour une segmentation précise des différentes régions du cerveau sur les images IRM obtenues in vivo. Les données provenant de chaque région d'intérêt ont ensuite été étudiées séparément. La qualité de cette méthode a été évaluée dans une expérience de simulation pour déduire la puissance statistique réalisable dans chaque région en fonction du nombre d'animaux utilisés. Ces outils d'analyse nous ont permis d'évaluer l'intégrité de la substance blanche dans le cerveau des souris durant le développement grâce à une expérience longitudinale, en utilisant l'imagerie du tenseur de diffusion (DTI). Nous avons ainsi observé des anomalies dans les paramètres dérivés du tenseur (diffusivité et anisotropie) dans la Commissure Antérieure et le Fimbria/Fornix des souris Gclm KO, par rapport aux animaux contrôles. Ces résultats suggèrent une substance blanche endommagée dans ces régions. Dans une expérience électrophysiologique, Pascal Steullet a montré que ces anomalies ont des conséquences fonctionnelles caractérisées par une réduction de la vitesse de conduction dans les fibres nerveuses. Ces données renforcent les conclusions des analyses d'imagerie. Le mécanisme par lequel une dérégulation redox affecte la structure de la substance blanche reste encore à définir, car une analyse immunohistochimique des protéines constituantes de la couche de myéline des fibres concernées n'a pas donné de résultats concluants. Nous avons également constaté un élargissement des ventricules dans les jeunes souris Gclm KO, mais pas chez les adultes et des anomalies neurochimiques déjà connues chez ces animaux (Duarte et al. 2011), à savoir une réduction du Glutathion et une augmentation de l'acide N-acétylaspartique, de l'Alanine et du ratio Glutamine/Glutamate. Nous avons ensuite testé l'effet d'un stress environnemental supplémentaire, l'élevage en isolement social, sur le phénotype. Ce stress n'a eu aucun effet sur la structure de la substance blanche évaluée par DTI, mais a réduit la concentration de myo-Inositol et augmenté le ratio de Glutamine/Glutamate dans le cortex frontal. Nous avons aussi reproduit dans ce groupe indépendant d'animaux les effets du génotype sur le profil neurochimique, sur la taille des ventricules et aussi sur les paramètres dérivés du tenseur de diffusion dans le Fimbria/Fornix, mais pas dans la Commissure Antérieure. Nos résultats montrent qu'une dérégulation redox d'origine génétique perturbe la structure et la fonction de la substance blanche dans des régions spécifiques, causant ainsi l'élargissement des ventricules. Ces phénotypes rassemblent certaines caractéristiques neuro-anatomiques de la schizophrénie, mais les mécanismes qui en sont responsables demeurent encore inconnus. L'isolement social n'a pas d'effet sur la structure de la substance blanche évaluée par DTI, alors qu'il est prouvé qu'il affecte la maturation des oligodendrocytes. La neurochimie corticale et en particulier le rapport Glutamine/Glutamate a été affecté par le dérèglement redox ainsi que par l'isolement social. En conséquence, ce ratio représente un indice prometteur dans la recherche sur l'interaction du stress environnemental avec le déséquilibre redox dans le domaine de la schizophrénie. -- The present doctoral thesis is concerned with the role that a genetic risk factor for the development of schizophrenia, namely a deficit in Glutathione synthesis, may play in the anomalies of brain connectivity found in patients. Most of the effort was devoted to perform a whole-brain assessment of white matter structure in the Glutamate-Cysteine ligase modulatory knockout mouse model (Gclm KO) using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) techniques similar to those used in state-of-the-art clinical research. Such reverse translational approach taking brain imaging from the bedside to the bench aimed to investigate the role that deficient redox defenses may play in the development of brain connections while excluding all influencing factors beside the genotype. After establishing the protocol, the influence of further environmental manipulations was also studied. Analysis of MRI images acquired in vivo was one of the main challenges of the project. Our strategy consisted in creating an atlas of the mouse brain to use as segmentation guide and then analyze the data from each region of interest separately. The quality of the method was assessed in a simulation experiment by calculating the statistical power achievable in each brain region at different sample sizes. This analysis tool enabled us to assess white matter integrity in the mouse brain along development in a longitudinal experiment using Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI). We discovered anomalies in diffusivity parameters derived from the tensor in the Anterior Commissure and Fimbria/Fornix of Gclm KO mice when compared to wild-type animals, which suggest that the structure of these tracts is compromised in the KO mice. In an elegant electrophysiological experiment, Pascal Steullet has provided evidence that these anomalies have functional consequences in form of reduced conduction velocity in the concerned tracts, thus supporting the DTI findings. The mechanism by which redox dysregulation affects WM structure remains unknown, for the immunohistochemical analysis of myelin constituent proteins in the concerned tracts produced inconclusive results. Our experiments also detected an enlargement of the lateral ventricles in young but not adult Gclm KO mice and confirmed neurochemical anomalies already known to affect this animals (Duarte et al. 2011), namely a reduction in Glutathione and an increase in Glutamine/Glutamate ratio, N-acetylaspartate and Alanine. Using the same methods, we tested the effect of an additional environmental stress on the observed phenotype: rearing in social isolation had no effect on white matter structure as assessed by DTI, but it reduced the concentration of myo-Inositol and increased the Glutamine/Glutamate ratio in the frontal cortex. We could also replicate in this separate group of animals the effects of genotype on the frontal neurochemical profile, ventricular size and diffusivity parameters in the Fimbria/Fornix but not in the Anterior Commissure. Our data show that a redox dysregulation of genetic origin may disrupt white matter structure and function in specific tracts and cause a ventricular enlargement, phenotypes that resemble some neuroanatomical features of schizophrenia. The mechanism responsible remains however unknown. We have also demonstrated that environmental stress in form of social isolation does not affect white matter structure as assessed by DTI even though it is known to affect oligodendrocyte maturation. Cortical neurochemistry, and specifically the Glutamine to Glutamate balance was affected both by redox dysregulation and social isolation, and is thus a good target for further research on the interaction of redox imbalance and environmental stress in schizophrenia.
Terpineol, a volatile terpenoid alcohol of low toxicity, is widely used in the perfumery industry. It is an important chemical constituent of the essential oil of many plants with widespread applications in folk medicine and in aromatherapy. The effects of terpineol on the compound action potential (CAP) of rat sciatic nerve were studied. Terpineol induced a dose-dependent blockade of the CAP. At 100 µM, terpineol had no demonstrable effect. At 300 µM terpineol, peak-to-peak amplitude and conduction velocity of CAP were significantly reduced at the end of 180-min exposure of the nerve to the drug, from 3.28 ± 0.22 mV and 33.5 ± 7.05 m/s, respectively, to 1.91 ± 0.51 mV and 26.2 ± 4.55 m/s. At 600 µM, terpineol significantly reduced peak-to-peak amplitude and conduction velocity from 2.97 ± 0.55 mV and 32.8 ± 3.91 m/s to 0.24 ± 0.23 mV and 2.72 ± 2.72 m/s, respectively (N = 5). All these effects developed slowly and were reversible upon 180-min washout.