998 resultados para Feuerbach, Ludwig
This paper discusses the development of Marx’s thought over a period of something like fifteen months, between the spring of 1843 and the autumn of 1844. The focus of the paper is Marx’s first encounter with classical political economy as he found it in the Wealth of Nations. The outcome of this encounter was presented by Marx in his Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844. It is argued here that in the classical theory, with which he had hitherto been largely unfamiliar, Marx found all the elements he needed to synthesise the philosophical standpoint he had developed in the preceding months with political economy. The Manuscripts represent the first crucial stage in the development of this synthesis. This first encounter of Marx with classical political economy, and his first steps in the development of his synthesis, have received hardly any attention in the literature. The present paper seeks to fill this gap.
This paper discusses the development of Marx’s thought over a period of something like fifteen months, between the spring of 1843 and the autumn of 1844. The focus of the paper is Marx’s first encounter with classical political economy as he found it in the Wealth of Nations. The outcome of this encounter was presented by Marx in his Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844. It is argued here that in the classical theory, with which he had hitherto been largely unfamiliar, Marx found all the elements he needed to synthesise the philosophical standpoint he had developed in the preceding months with political economy. The Manuscripts represent the first crucial stage in the development of this synthesis. This first encounter of Marx with classical political economy, and his first steps in the development of his synthesis, have received hardly any attention in the literature. The present paper seeks to fill this gap.
Estudio que intenta exponer la "verdad" del pensamiento filosófico de Richard Wagner y su visión del mundo a través de los personajes creados por él en su tetralogía titulada "El anillo del Nibelungo". Para ello se analizan los orígenes mitológico-religiosos de los personajes y las influencias filosóficas recibidas por Wagner durante su proceso de creación de parte de Ludwig Feuerbach y Arthur Schopenhauer, además de Friedrich Nietzsche.
Erétrie est l'une de ces cités qui ont fait la grandeur de la Grèce antique. La ville a conservé d'importants vestiges, dont plusieurs chefs-d'oeuvre artistiques. Depuis 1964, des archéologues suisses en poursuivent l'exploration commencée il y a plus d'un siècle. De ces recherches, menées en étroite collaboration avec les autorités grecques, est né le projet d'offrir pour la première fois au public un aperçu de la vie d'une cité grecque à travers quelque 500 objets de prestige et de la vie courante. L'ouvrage accompagne une exposition, organisée par l'Ecole suisse d'archéologie en Grèce, en collaboration avec l'Antikenmuseum Basel und Sammlung Ludwig