999 resultados para Fermentative process


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Pós-graduação em Microbiologia Agropecuária - FCAV


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Ethanol, the main automotive biofuel, has its production based on the fermentation of sugars found in biological materials and on the distillation of the alcoholic media formed during the fermentative process. Stillage is the main residue from ethanol production, containing a high organic loading in addition to acidic and corrosive characteristics. Considering the available technologies to treat stillage, we highlight anaerobic digestion, which allows the reduction of the impacts associated to pollutants loading of this effluent and the generation of energy from the methane gas produced in the process. Based on the high treatment efficiency usually associated to the anaerobic process, this work aimed to assess whether anaerobic systems applied to the treatment of stillage are energetically self-sufficient. First we evaluated the energy recovery capacity in an anaerobic reactor applied to the treatment of stillage resulting from corn-to-ethanol processing. The results indicated the great influence that a correct selection of electrical equipment and their respective operating periods have on the net energy balance of the anaerobic treatment. The high energy consumption of the heater would not allow the system to achieve a positive net energy balance – the maximum energy recovery would reach only 0.68% of the consumption. However, the replacement of the mixture equipment would result in energy gains ranging from 8.5 to 967.9% of the consumption. In this work we also assessed the efficiency of methane yields for a few studies and the correlation between some parameters of the anaerobic process. With respect to the methane yield, we noted that mesophilic systems tend to be more advantageous than the thermophilic ones (efficiency of 76.45 ± 22.51% vs. 69.40 ± 30.36%). Considering the study... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Techniques of production of enthomopatogenic bacteria are developed aiming to increase the productivity and to reduce the costs of the fermentative process. Like this, it has been using agroindustrial wastes or by-products as nutrient sources in culture medium, having been used, in this study, the manipueira, a by-product of the processing of the cassava flour. Fermentations were performed in flasks of Erlenmeyer of 500 mL containing 250 mL of culture media, conditioned in shaker at 180 r.p.m. and 28°C, and the media were composed by manipueira, in concentrations that varied between 400 and 1000 mL/L. The time of the process varied between 48 and 120 hours. They appraised the following parameters: cellular growth, the production of spores, the reduction of organic matter (COD analysis) and the variation of reduction sugar. Although there was a proportional cellular growth to the manipueira concentration, the production of spores was similar in all the cases, at the end of the process, in spite of the smallest speed of production of the same ones in the highest concentrations. In relation to the variation of COD, it has, also, a percentile minor of reduction in the highest concentrations. In the analysis of variation of reduction sugars, the higher concentrations are the ones that they present larger slowness in the reduction of this.


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Pós-graduação em Microbiologia Agropecuária - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Microbiologia Agropecuária - FCAV


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Oat hull hemicellulosic hydrolysate obtained by diluted acid hydrolysis was employed as fermentation medium for Pichia stipitis cultivation. A comparison between the use of treated hydrolysate with 1% activated charcoal to reduce the toxic compounds generated during the hydrolysis process and untreated hydrolysate as a control was conducted. In the cultures using treated hydrolysate the total consumption of glucose, low xylose consumption and ethanol and glycerol formation were observed. The medium formulated with untreated hydrolysate showed morphological cell modifications with consequently cell death, no ethanol formation and formation of glycerol as byproduct of fermentative process, probably as a response to stressful conditions to yeast due to presence of high concentration of toxic compounds. Thus, further studies are suggested in order to determine the best conditions for hydrolysis and detoxification of the hydrolysate to improve the fermentative performance of P. stipitis.


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The effect of substrate (glucose) concentration on the stability and yield of a continuous fermentative process that produces hydrogen was studied. Four anaerobic fluidized bed reactors (AFBRs) were operated with a hydraulic retention time (HRT) from 1 to 8 h and an influent glucose concentration from 2 to 25 gL(-1). The reactors were inoculated with thermally pre-treated anaerobic sludge and operated at a temperature of 30 degrees C with an influent pH around 5.5 and an effluent pH of about 3.5. The AFBRs with a HRT of 2 h and a feed strength of 2, 4, and 10 gL(-1) showed satisfactory H-2 production performance, but the reactor fed with 25 gL(-1) of glucose did not. The highest hydrogen yield value was obtained in the reactor with a glucose concentration of 2 gL(-1) when it was operated at a HRT of 2 h. The maximum hydrogen production rate value was achieved in the reactor with a HRT of 1 h and a feed strength of 10 gL(-1). The AFBRs operated with glucose concentrations of 2 and 4 gL(-1) produced greater amounts of acetic and butyric acids, while AFBRs with higher glucose concentrations produced a greater amount of solvents.


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Oat hull hemicellulosic hydrolysate obtained by diluted acid hydrolysis was employed as fermentation medium for Pichia stipitis cultivation. A comparison between the use of treated hydrolysate with 1% activated charcoal to reduce the toxic compounds generated during the hydrolysis process and untreated hydrolysate as a control was conducted. In the cultures using treated hydrolysate the total consumption of glucose, low xylose consumption and ethanol and glycerol formation were observed. The medium formulated with untreated hydrolysate showed morphological cell modifications with consequently cell death, no ethanol formation and formation of glycerol as byproduct of fermentative process, probably as a response to stressful conditions to yeast due to presence of high concentration of toxic compounds. Thus, further studies are suggested in order to determine the best conditions for hydrolysis and detoxification of the hydrolysate to improve the fermentative performance of P. stipitis.


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El aumento progresivo de la temperatura media anual y el déficit hídrico están provocando importantes cambios en la composición y la maduración de la uva, que repercuten directamente sobre el proceso fermentativo y, por ende, sobre la calidad del vino elaborado. En este trabajo se evalúan diferentes estrategias para la reducción del grado alcohólico, la mejora del color del vino y su estabilidad, y el incremento y la persistencia aromática. Mediante el empleo de levaduras con ineficiencia glicolítica se lograron reducciones medias en el grado alcohólico de entre 0.3 y 1.7 % v/v, mientras que con las fermentaciones secuenciales la máxima reducción lograda fue de 3.3 y 3.4 % v/v al combinar las cepas 938 (Schizosaccharomyces pombe) y 7013 (Torulaspora delbrueckii) con la 7VA (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Al aplicar un tratamiento térmico sobre el inóculo, la TP2A(16) mostró una reducción media significativa en el grado alcohólico de 1 % v/v. El principal inconveniente en todas las técnicas empleadas para reducir el grado alcohólico fue la falta de repetibilidad en los resultados obtenidos. Por otra parte, la aplicación de altas presiones sobre uva despalillada resultó efectiva como tratamiento de pasteurización y como potenciador de la extracción de polifenoles, logrando un incremento en el contenido medio de antocianos totales del 12.4-18.5 %. La adición de flavonoides al mosto estimuló la formación de pigmentos estables como resultado de su condensación con antocianos mediada por acetaldehído. Con el empleo de Torulaspora delbrueckii en fermentación secuencial fue posible incrementar la producción de diacetilo y acetato de 2-feniletilo, además de la síntesis de un nuevo compuesto, el 3-etoxi-1-propanol. Sin embargo, su aportación sobre el color fue nula, así que debería combinarse con una cepa de Saccharomyces cerevisiae con buena formación de pigmentos piranoantociánicos. El empleo de Schizosaccharomyces pombe (938, V1) y Torulaspora delbrueckii (1880) en fermentaciones secuenciales y mixtas con Saccharomyces cerevisiae permitió mejorar el perfil sensorial del vino tinto mediante la mayor síntesis de polioles y la potenciación de aromas frutales, florales y herbáceos, e incrementar la estabilidad de la materia colorante al favorecer la formación de vitisinas y piranoantocianos vinilfenólicos. La crianza sobre lías en barrica a partir de levaduras seleccionadas, puede mejorar la complejidad y persistencia aromática del vino tinto, aunque sin grandes cambios en el color. ABSTRACT The progressive increase in annual average temperature, along with water deficit, is causing significant changes in grape composition and in its maturation, which directly affects the fermentative process and hence alters wine quality. In this work, different strategies for reducing the alcoholic strength, improve wine color and its stability, and increase aromatic complexity and its persistence, are evaluated. By using yeasts with glycolytic inefficiency, it was possible to achieve mean reductions between 0.3 and 1.7 % v/v in the alcoholic strength, while sequential fermentations allowed a maximum reduction of 3.3 and 3.4 % v/v by combining strains 938 (Schizosaccharomyces pombe) and 7013 (Torulaspora delbrueckii) with 7VA (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). When applying a heat shock treatment on the inoculum, only TP2A(16) strain showed a significant mean reduction of 1 % v/v in the alcohol content, compared with the control. The main drawback in all the techniques used to reduce the alcohol content was the lack of repeatability in the results. Moreover, the application of high pressures on destemmed grapes was effective as pasteurization treatment and also as enhancer of polyphenol extraction, achieving an increase of 12.4-18.5% in the average content of total anthocyanins. As expected, addition of flavonoids to the must, stimulated the formation of stable pigments, mainly as a result of condensation reactions between anthocyanins and flavanols mediated by acetaldehyde. With the use of Torulaspora delbrueckii strains in sequential fermentation with Saccharomyces cerevisiae, it was possible to increase the production of diacetyl and 2-phenylethyl acetate, besides the synthesis of a new compound: 3-ethoxy-1-propanol. The use of Schizosaccharomyces pombe (938, V1) and Torulaspora delbrueckii (1880) strains in sequential and mixed fermentations with Saccharomyces cerevisiae improved the sensory profile of red wine by increasing polyols synthesis and enhancing fruity, floral and herbaceous aromas, and it also increased the stability of the coloring matter by favouring vitisins and vinylphenolic pyranoanthocyanins formation. Ageing on lees in barrels from selected yeasts can improve the complexity and aromatic persistence of red wine, without major changes in the color.


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As contaminações por leveduras selvagens e por bactérias no processo de produção de etanol combustível no Brasil causam prejuízos ao rendimento fermentativo e aumento de custos pelo uso de biocidas. No entanto, poucos estudos tem focado no efeito das contaminações conjuntas de leveduras selvagens e bactérias e as possíveis interações entre os micro-organismos, especialmente em função dos diferentes substratos de fermentação e das formas de controle. Este trabalho teve por objetivos verificar o efeito do substrato (caldo de cana e melaço) sobre o desenvolvimento das contaminações pela levedura da espécie Dekkera bruxellensis e pela bactéria Lactobacillus fermentum, em co-culturas com Saccharomyces cerevisiae (linhagem industrial PE-2) e possíveis formas de controle do crescimento dos contaminantes (pelo uso de metabissulfito de potássio e adição de etanol ao tratamento ácido) sem afetar a levedura do processo. Os testes foram realizados em condições de crescimento (substrato com 4 °Brix, culturas agitadas) e fermentação com reciclo celular (substrato com 16 °Brix, culturas estáticas). Houve interação entre as leveduras e a bactéria quando crescidas em caldo de cana 4 °Brix. A levedura industrial não foi afetada pela presença dos micro-organismos contaminantes, no entanto, para D. bruxellensis a presença de L. fermentum interferiu positivamente no crescimento, com aumento no número de UFC, e consequentemente inibição do crescimento da bactéria. Em melaço, houve um estímulo ao crescimento de L. fermentum quando em co-cultura com S. cerevisiae. Houve influência das contaminações sobre os parâmetros avaliados no experimento (pH, açúcar redutor total, etanol, glicerol e crescimento das células) e a contaminação conjunta de L. fermentum e D. bruxellensis potencializou o efeito das contaminações pelos micro-organismos isoladamente, tanto em caldo quanto em melaço. A adição de 13% de etanol à solução de ácido sulfúrico pH 2,0 no tratamento celular resultou em uma diminuição significativa no número de UFC de D. bruxellensis (entre 90-99%). A levedura PE-2 foi pouco afetada pelo tratamento proposto. A bactéria L. fermentum teve seu crescimento afetado em todas as combinações testadas. Como os experimentos foram feitos em co-culturas, verificouse que pode haver influência de um micro-organismo sobre a viabilidade do outro, dependendo da reação ao tratamento ácido-etanol. O metabissulfito de potássio (MBP), no intervalo entre 200-400 mg/L, foi eficaz para controlar o crescimento de D. bruxellensis dependendo do meio de cultura e linhagem. Quando adicionado (250 mg/L) à solução ácida (pH 2,0) no tratamento celular, um efeito significativo foi observado nas culturas mistas, pois ocorreu a inativação do SO2 pela S. cerevisiae e uma provável proteção das células de D. bruxellensis, não sendo essa levedura prejudicada pelo MBP. A resposta fisiológica de S. cerevisiae na presença de MBP pode explicar a diminuição significativa na produção de etanol. Quando o MBP foi adicionado ao meio de fermentação, resultou no controle da D. bruxellensis mas não em sua morte, com efeito menos intensivo sobre a eficiência fermentativa. Em cocultura com a adição de MBP, a eficiência fermentativa foi significativamente menor do que na ausência de MBP.


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The present work investigated the potential of different residual lignocellulosic materials generated in rural and urban areas (coconut fibre mature, green coconut shell and mature coconut shell), and vegetable cultivated in inhospitable environments (cactus) aimed at the production of ethanol, being all materials abundant in the Northeast region of Brazil. These materials were submitted to pretreatments with alkaline hydrogen peroxide followed by sodium hydroxide (AHP-SHP), autohydrolysis (AP), hydrothermal catalyzed with sodium hydroxide (HCSHP) and alkali ethanol organosolv (AEOP). These materials pretreated were submitted to enzymatic hydrolysis and strategies of simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) and saccharification and fermentation semi-simultaneous (SSSF) by Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Zymomonas mobilis and Pichia stipitis. It was also evaluated the presence of inhibitory compounds (hydroxymethylfurfural, furfural, acetic acid, formic acid and levulinic acid) and seawater during the fermentative process. Materials pretreated with AHP-SHP have resulted in delignification of the materials in a range between 54 and 71%, containing between 51.80 and 54.91% of cellulose, between 17.65 and 28.36% of hemicellulose, between 7.99 and 10.12% of lignin. Enzymatic hydrolysis resulted in the conversions in glucose between 68 and 76%. Conversion yields in ethanol using SSF and SSSF for coconut fibre mature pretreated ranged from 0.40 and 0.43 g/g, 0.43 and 0.45 g/g, respectively. Materials pretreated by AP showed yields of solids between 42.92 and 92.74%, containing between 30.65 and 51.61% of cellulose, 21.34 and 41.28% of lignin. Enzymatic hydrolysis resulted in glucose conversions between 84.10 and 92.52%. Proceeds from conversion into ethanol using green coconut shell pretreated, in strategy SSF and SSSF, were between 0.43 and 0.45 g/g. Coconut fibre mature pretreated by HCSHP presented solids yields between 21.64 and 60.52%, with increased in cellulose between 28.40 and 131.20%, reduction of hemicellulose between 43.22 and 69.04% and reduction in lignin between 8.27 and 89.13%. Enzymatic hydrolysis resulted in the conversion in glucose of 90.72%. Ethanol yields using the SSF and SSSF were 0.43 and 0.46 g/g, respectively. Materials pretreated by AEOP showed solid reductions between 10.75 and 43.18%, cellulose increase up to 121.67%, hemicellulose reduction up to 77.09% and lignin reduced up to 78.22%. Enzymatic hydrolysis resulted in the conversion of glucose between 77.54 and 84.27%. Yields conversion into ethanol using the SSF and SSSF with cactus pretreated ranged from 0.41 and 0.44 g/g, 0.43 and 0.46 g/g, respectively. Fermentations carried out in bioreactors resulted in yields and ethanol production form 0.42 and 0.46 g/g and 7.62 and 12.42 g/L, respectively. The inhibitory compounds showed negative synergistic effects in fermentations performed by P. stipitis, Z. mobilis and S. cerevisiae. Formic acid and acetic acid showed most significant effects among the inhibitory compounds, followed by hydroxymethylfurfural, furfural and levulinic acid. Fermentations carried out in culture medium diluted with seawater showed promising results, especially for S. cerevisiae (0.50 g/g) and Z. mobilis (0.49 g/g). The different results obtained in this study indicate that lignocellulosic materials, pretreatments, fermentative processes strategies and the microorganisms studied deserve attention because they are promising and capable of being used in the context of biorefinery, aiming the ethanol production.


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ABSTRACT: Ruminal gases, particularly methane, generated during the fermentative process in rumen, represent a partial loss of feed energy and are also pointed to as an important factors in greenhouse effect. This study aimed at quantifying methane (CH 4) emission rates from lactating and dry cows and heifers, 24 month-old in average, on pasture under Southeast Brazil tropical conditions, using the tracer gas technique, sulphur hexafluoride (SF 6), four animals per category, distributed in four blocks. Measurements were performed in February and June, 2002, with Holstein and Brazilian Dairy Crossbred (Holstein ¾ x Gir (Zebu) ¼), maintained on fertilized Tanzania-grass (Panicum maximum Jacq. cv. Tanzania) and fertilized Brachiaria-grass (Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk) pastures. Heifers of both breeds were maintained on unfertilized Brachiaria-grass to simulate conditions of extensive cattle farming systems. CH 4 and SF 6 levels were measured with gas chromatography. Differences in CH4 emissions were measured (p < 0.05) for genetical groups. Holstein produced more methane (299.3g day?1) than the Crossbred (264.2 g day?1). Lactating cows produced more methane (353.8 g day?1) than dry cows (268.8 g day?1) and heifers (222.6 g day?1). Holstein, with greater milk production potential, produced less CH4 (p < 0.05) per unit of dry matter intake (19.1 g kg?1) than the Crossbred (22.0 g kg?1). Methane emission by heifers grazing fertilized pasture (intensive system) was 222.6 g day?1, greater (p < 0.05) than that of heifers on unfertilized pasture (179.2 g day?1). Methane emission varied as function of animal category and management intensity of production system.


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Traditionally, the raw materials for beer production are barley, hops, water, and yeast, but most brewers use also different adjuncts. During the alcoholic fermentation, the contribution of aroma compounds from other ingredients to the final beer flavor depends on the wort composition, on the yeast strain, and mainly on the process conditions. In this context, banana can also be a raw material favorable to alcoholic fermentation being rich in carbohydrates and minerals and providing low acidity. In this work, the objective was to evaluate the performance of wort adjusted with banana juice in different concentrations. For this, static fermentations were conducted at 15 degrees C at pilot scale (140 L of medium). The addition of banana that changed the concentration of all-malt wort from 10 degrees P to 12 and 15 degrees P were evaluated (degrees P is the weight of the extract or the sugar equivalent in 100 g solution, at 20 degrees C). The results showed an increase in ethanol production, with approximately 0.4 g/g ethanol yield and 0.6 g/L h volumetric productivity after 84 h of processing when concentrated wort was used. Thus, it was concluded that banana can be used as an adjunct in brewing methods, helping in the development of new products as well as in obtaining concentrated worts.