247 resultados para Fava


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RESUMO Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar o crescimento inicial de Parkia platycephala e de Enterolobium timbouva (Mimosaceae), espécies arbóreas nativas de Cerrado, em uma área de Cerrado sentido restrito, no município de Porto Nacional, Tocantins. Foram analisados 20 indivíduos, com leituras realizadas a cada 30 dias, de fevereiro de 2008 a fevereiro de 2010, observando-se as seguintes variáveis: número de folhas, altura da planta e diâmetro do caule. Entre agosto de 2008 e fevereiro de 2010, estudou-se também a dinâmica foliar, para a qual foram selecionados, aleatoriamente, cinco indivíduos de cada espécie, nos quais foram escolhidos três ramos e todas as suas folhas foram marcadas. Para cada folha marcada, foram anotados os períodos de natalidade e de abscisão. Avaliou-se, ainda, a herbivoria foliar, por meio de uma escala de quatro classes com intervalos de 25% entre elas. De acordo com os dados analisados, pôde-se verificar que P. platycephala e E. timbouva apresentaram maior produção de folhas, bem como maior crescimento em altura, no período chuvoso. Em relação ao diâmetro, P. platycephala apresentou resultados superiores àqueles observados em E. timbouva. A taxa de crescimento relativo apresentou aumentos mais pronunciados durante o período chuvoso, em ambas as espécies. No que se refere à herbivoria, também foi verificado um aumento em sua intensidade, no período chuvoso, nas duas espécies. Como elas foram expostas a condições ambientais semelhantes, a maior taxa de crescimento relativo, observada em P. platycephala, pode ser atribuída às suas características fisiológicas e anatômicas, que, dentre outros fatores, contribuíram para menor predação por herbívoros.


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Dois grupos, constituídos de 43 esquistossomóticos hepato-esplênicos e 83 indivíduos controle, foram analisados quanto à prevalência de aglutininas anti-tifoídicas. Os esquistossomóticos apresentaram freqüência maior de aglutininas anti-tifoídicas (H e/ou O e/ou Vi) e de aglutininas anti-O do que os indivíduos "normais". Apesar de que estes dados se devam, pelo menos parcialmente, à maior exposição natural dos esquistossomóticos aos antígenos estudados, sugere-se não estar ocorrendo deficiência na síntese de anticorpos, hipótese esta freqüentemente associada às baixas taxas de positividade de anticorpos anti-O encontrados nestes pacientes com bacteremia prolongada pela Salmonella.


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La esporotricosis consiste en micosis profunda, de evolución subaguda o crónica decurrente de infección por el hongo dimorfico Sporothrix schenkii. Consiste en dermatopatia mucho frecuente en nuestro medio, resultante de la penetración de abrojos e de arañazos por espinos de plantas. El S. schenkii ha sido descrito, en S. Paulo, en perros, gatos, aseninos, bovinos, equinos y ratones. Todavía, el carácter de antropozoonosis de la enfermedad pocas veces ha sido descrito tanto en la literatura internacional como en la nacional, existiendo apenas una citación en lo Brasil, de probable transmisión gato/hombre. Se discrebió, en lo presente relato, caso clínico de esporotricosis felina con transmisión através de arañadura en propietario, tratador y médico veterinário. Un gato, sin raza definida, macho, con 3 años, mucho agresivo, con grave cuadro cutáneo (cefálico, torácico y de miembros torácicos) manifestado por lesiones ulceradas, exudativas de alopecia, deposición de crostas hemorrágicas, agraviado por síntomas de lo complejo respiratorio felino, donde por su temperamento agresivo habia arenado en corto espacio de tiempo 5 individuos, donde 3 de los individuos manifestaron sintomas de evolución y gravedad distintas. El diagnostico clínico presuntivo fue confirmado perlo examen histopatológico (H.E., PAS) de fragmentos de piel, linfonodos y amígdalas cogidos, "intra-vitam" y/o "post-morten", per lo aislamiento de lo agente, per la inoculación en testículos de ratas adultas y posterior nuevo aislamiento. Se confirmó la patologia por pruebas suerológicas (F.C., anticuerpos precipitantes) y prueba de intradermoreación (esporotriquina) en los pacientes acometidos.


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A candidin, which is a suspension of killed yeast cells, is commonly used for intradermal tests of delayed hypersensitivity, to evaluate the immunological cellular competence of the patient, when the test is applied along with other similar tests. When working with a cellular antigen, the histopathology of positive skin tests reveals a cellular infiltrate which not only presents a characteristic hypersensitivity reaction but also a neutrophilic abscess in the central part. This research presents the results of a comparison between the yeast cell suspension and the polysaccharide antigens, both obtained from the same strains of Candida albicans. The results obtained by skin tests in one hundred individuals were 61.0% with the polysaccharide antigen and 69.0% with the yeast cell suspension antigen. Concordant results concerning the two antigens were observed in 82.0% of the individuals. The discussion section presents an assumption to explain the differences of positivity obtained with the two antigens. We conclude that the polysaccharide antigen can be utilized in the intradermal test of delayed hypersensitivity to Candida albicans.


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This work was planned by taking into account all the knowledge accumulated from the immunological study of paracoccidioidomycosis. It aimed at comparing a polysaccharide antigen from Histoplasma capsulatum to a classic histoplasmin with the help of intradermal tests of delayed type of hypersensitivity. Tests were applied to 115 individuals in Santo Amaro, a town in the state of São Paulo. Positive results using classic histoplasmin were obtained in 46.0% cases whereas positive results using the polysaccharide antigen at its hightest concentration were obtained in 51.30% cases. The major conclusion in this investigation is that it is possible to use the polysaccharide antigen as histoplasmin instead of the filtrate antigen


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We report here the results obtained in epidemiologic surveys of histoplasmosis and paracoccidioidomycosis carried out in Brazil using the histoplasmin and paracoccidioidin delayed hypersensitivity skin tests. Most of these data have not been previously published in scientific journals and are now reported here in two tables respectively concerning histoplasmosis (88 surveys) and paracoccidioidomycosis (58 surveys). The guidelines to be followed in surveys of this nature are also commented upon.


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TTV is a recently discovered DNA virus, isolated from a patient with post-transfusion hepatitis of unknown etiology by Japanese researchers. In the present study, we evaluated the presence of TTV among chronic liver diseases patients in São Paulo and Pará states, representing two geographically distinct Brazilian regions. TTV DNA was found in 21/105 (20%) and 9/20 (45%) cases from São Paulo and Pará States, respectively. DNA sequence data confirmed the presence of TTV genotypes 1a and 2a, as well as other genotypes not yet described. In conclusion, TTV is present in chronic liver diseases cases from Southeast and North Brazil. However, further studies involving healthy populations are necessary before establishing any causal relationship among TTV and human hepatitis.


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Camundongos machos albinos, foram inoculados por via intravenosa com 0,5xl07 células leveduriform.es viáveis de Paracoccidioides brasiliensis da amostra rotulada como Pb 2052 e tratados diariamente com cetoconazol nas dosagens de 50 e 100mg/kg durante 50 dias e em seguida sacrificados. Observou-se o número de parasitas .formação de granulomas no fígado e baço e reação de hipersensibilidade retardada usando-se antígeno de P. brasiliensís preparada segundo Fava Neto, inoculado na pata direita do animal. Verificou-se que: 1. cetoconazol diminuiu acentuadamente o número de parasitas encontrados no fígado e baço; 2. não havia diferença entre o número de granulomas formados no baço e fígado de animais tratados e não tratados; 3. a intensidade dos testes cutâneos tardios foram similares em todos os animais.


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Dissertation for the Master degree in Biotechnology


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RESUMOForam estudadas três espécies Angelim pedra (Hymenolobium petraeum), Cedrorana (Cedrelinga catenaeformis) e Fava-folha-fina (Pitadenia suaveolens), com o objetivo de determinar a resistência mecânica de laminados em comparação com a madeira maciça curvada quando submetidas a esforços mecânicos de flexão.


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AbstractBackground:The prevalence and clinical outcomes of heart failure with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction after acute myocardial infarction have not been well elucidated.Objective:To analyze the prevalence of heart failure with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction in acute myocardial infarction and its association with mortality.Methods:Patients with acute myocardial infarction (n = 1,474) were prospectively included. Patients without heart failure (Killip score = 1), with heart failure with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction (Killip score > 1 and left ventricle ejection fraction ≥ 50%), and with systolic dysfunction (Killip score > 1 and left ventricle ejection fraction < 50%) on admission were compared. The association between systolic dysfunction with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction and in-hospital mortality was tested in adjusted models.Results:Among the patients included, 1,256 (85.2%) were admitted without heart failure (72% men, 67 ± 15 years), 78 (5.3%) with heart failure with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction (59% men, 76 ± 14 years), and 140 (9.5%) with systolic dysfunction (69% men, 76 ± 14 years), with mortality rates of 4.3%, 17.9%, and 27.1%, respectively (p < 0.001). Logistic regression (adjusted for sex, age, troponin, diabetes, and body mass index) demonstrated that heart failure with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction (OR 2.91; 95% CI 1.35–6.27; p = 0.006) and systolic dysfunction (OR 5.38; 95% CI 3.10 to 9.32; p < 0.001) were associated with in-hospital mortality.Conclusion:One-third of patients with acute myocardial infarction admitted with heart failure had preserved left ventricular ejection fraction. Although this subgroup exhibited more favorable outcomes than those with systolic dysfunction, this condition presented a three-fold higher risk of death than the group without heart failure. Patients with acute myocardial infarction and heart failure with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction encounter elevated short-term risk and require special attention and monitoring during hospitalization.


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El Treball Final de Carrera investiga l’evolució de la ràdio a Espanya durant la dictadura franquista, entre els anys 1939 i 1975. El seguit de qüestions polítiques i socials que es viuen al país durant la postguerra fan que el mitjà radiofònic es desenvolupi notablement durant la primera etapa del franquisme, però no només com una arma de propaganda o d’informació oficial del règim, sinó també com entreteniment per als oients. Serien les emissores privades les que impulsarien de manera més important l’aparició de nous espais dedicats a la societat popular i també, les que potenciarien la difusió de la cultura. Posteriorment, Radio Nacional de España, l’emissora pública, també acompanyaria a les privades en l’emissió de magazins i programes de varietats. En el treball acadèmic també es destaca l’evident diferència entre les restriccions a la ràdio al principi del mandat i al final. Els primers anys de la dictadura es caracteritzen per una forta censura pel que fa a la informació i a la difusió de programes. No obstant, l’obertura del règim als voltants dels 60 permetrà a les emissores ser més arriscades en la seva programació.


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La irrupció d’Internet i les Noves Tecnologies, juntament amb una sèrie de factors socials, polítics i econòmics, han redefinit la clàssica relació unidireccional entre els mitjans i les seves audiències. En aquest context de democratització informativa, el tradicional monopoli dels mitjans ha desaparegut en pro d’un accés i una participació més gran dels lectors a la informació. Aquesta nova modalitat periodística, denominada Periodisme Participatiu o 2.0, promou tota una sèrie de canals o vies de comunicació -xats, fòrums, enquestes, entrevistes, lectors informadors etc.- que ofereixen a l’usuari la possibilitat de convertir-se en receptors i emissors de les noticies alhora. Aquesta intervenció activa de les audiències en el procés informatiu ha alterat, irremediablement, els patrons de consum informatiu i la naturalesa del periodisme tradicional


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Prior genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of major depressive disorder (MDD) have met with limited success. We sought to increase statistical power to detect disease loci by conducting a GWAS mega-analysis for MDD. In the MDD discovery phase, we analyzed more than 1.2 million autosomal and X chromosome single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 18 759 independent and unrelated subjects of recent European ancestry (9240 MDD cases and 9519 controls). In the MDD replication phase, we evaluated 554 SNPs in independent samples (6783 MDD cases and 50 695 controls). We also conducted a cross-disorder meta-analysis using 819 autosomal SNPs with P<0.0001 for either MDD or the Psychiatric GWAS Consortium bipolar disorder (BIP) mega-analysis (9238 MDD cases/8039 controls and 6998 BIP cases/7775 controls). No SNPs achieved genome-wide significance in the MDD discovery phase, the MDD replication phase or in pre-planned secondary analyses (by sex, recurrent MDD, recurrent early-onset MDD, age of onset, pre-pubertal onset MDD or typical-like MDD from a latent class analyses of the MDD criteria). In the MDD-bipolar cross-disorder analysis, 15 SNPs exceeded genome-wide significance (P<5 × 10(-8)), and all were in a 248 kb interval of high LD on 3p21.1 (chr3:52 425 083-53 822 102, minimum P=5.9 × 10(-9) at rs2535629). Although this is the largest genome-wide analysis of MDD yet conducted, its high prevalence means that the sample is still underpowered to detect genetic effects typical for complex traits. Therefore, we were unable to identify robust and replicable findings. We discuss what this means for genetic research for MDD. The 3p21.1 MDD-BIP finding should be interpreted with caution as the most significant SNP did not replicate in MDD samples, and genotyping in independent samples will be needed to resolve its status.


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Blood pressure is a heritable trait influenced by several biological pathways and responsive to environmental stimuli. Over one billion people worldwide have hypertension (≥140 mm Hg systolic blood pressure or  ≥90 mm Hg diastolic blood pressure). Even small increments in blood pressure are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular events. This genome-wide association study of systolic and diastolic blood pressure, which used a multi-stage design in 200,000 individuals of European descent, identified sixteen novel loci: six of these loci contain genes previously known or suspected to regulate blood pressure (GUCY1A3-GUCY1B3, NPR3-C5orf23, ADM, FURIN-FES, GOSR2, GNAS-EDN3); the other ten provide new clues to blood pressure physiology. A genetic risk score based on 29 genome-wide significant variants was associated with hypertension, left ventricular wall thickness, stroke and coronary artery disease, but not kidney disease or kidney function. We also observed associations with blood pressure in East Asian, South Asian and African ancestry individuals. Our findings provide new insights into the genetics and biology of blood pressure, and suggest potential novel therapeutic pathways for cardiovascular disease prevention.