991 resultados para Fast Rayleigh Fading


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Multiuser selection scheduling concept has been recently proposed in the literature in order to increase the multiuser diversity gain and overcome the significant feedback requirements for the opportunistic scheduling schemes. The main idea is that reducing the feedback overhead saves per-user power that could potentially be added for the data transmission. In this work, the authors propose to integrate the principle of multiuser selection and the proportional fair scheduling scheme. This is aimed especially at power-limited, multi-device systems in non-identically distributed fading channels. For the performance analysis, they derive closed-form expressions for the outage probabilities and the average system rate of the delay-sensitive and the delay-tolerant systems, respectively, and compare them with the full feedback multiuser diversity schemes. The discrete rate region is analytically presented, where the maximum average system rate can be obtained by properly choosing the number of partial devices. They optimise jointly the number of partial devices and the per-device power saving in order to maximise the average system rate under the power requirement. Through the authors’ results, they finally demonstrate that the proposed scheme leveraging the saved feedback power to add for the data transmission can outperform the full feedback multiuser diversity, in non-identical Rayleigh fading of devices’ channels.


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In this paper, we consider the transmission of confidential information over a κ-μ fading channel in the presence of an eavesdropper who also experiences κ-μ fading. In particular, we obtain novel analytical solutions for the probability of strictly positive secrecy capacity (SPSC) and a lower bound of secure outage probability (SOPL) for independent and non-identically distributed channel coefficients without parameter constraints. We also provide a closed-form expression for the probability of SPSC when the μ parameter is assumed to take positive integer values. Monte-Carlo simulations are performed to verify the derived results. The versatility of the κ-μ fading model means that the results presented in this paper can be used to determine the probability of SPSC and SOPL for a large number of other fading scenarios, such as Rayleigh, Rice (Nakagamin), Nakagami-m, One-Sided Gaussian, and mixtures of these common fading models. In addition, due to the duality of the analysis of secrecy capacity and co-channel interference (CCI), the results presented here will have immediate applicability in the analysis of outage probability in wireless systems affected by CCI and background noise (BN). To demonstrate the efficacy of the novel formulations proposed here, we use the derived equations to provide a useful insight into the probability of SPSC and SOPL for a range of emerging wireless applications, such as cellular device-to-device, peer-to-peer, vehicle-to-vehicle, and body centric communications using data obtained from real channel measurements.


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The finite-signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) diversity-multiplexing trade-off (DMT) of cooperative diversity protocols are investigated in vehicular networks based on cascaded Rayleigh fading. Lower bounds of DMT at finite SNR for orthogonal and non-orthogonal protocols are derived. The results showcase the first look into the achievable DMT trade-off of cooperative diversity in volatile vehicular environments. It is shown that the diversity gains are significantly suboptimal at realistic SNRs.


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For the quasi-static, Rayleigh-fading multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channel with n(t) transmit and n(r) receive antennas, Zheng and Tse showed that there exists a fundamental tradeoff between diversity and spatial-multiplexing gains, referred to as the diversity-multiplexing gain (D-MG) tradeoff. Subsequently, El Gamal, Caire, and Damen considered signaling across the same channel using an L-round automatic retransmission request (ARQ) protocol that assumes the presence of a noiseless feedback channel capable of conveying one bit of information per use of the feedback channel. They showed that given a fixed number L of ARQ rounds and no power control, there is a tradeoff between diversity and multiplexing gains, termed the diversity-multiplexing-delay (DMD) tradeoff. This tradeoff indicates that the diversity gain under the ARQ scheme for a particular information rate is considerably larger than that obtainable in the absence of feedback. In this paper, a set of sufficient conditions under which a space-time (ST) code will achieve the DMD tradeoff is presented. This is followed by two classes of explicit constructions of ST codes which meet these conditions. Constructions belonging to the first class achieve minimum delay and apply to a broad class of fading channels whenever n(r) >= n(t) and either L/n(t) or n(t)kslashL. The second class of constructions do not achieve minimum delay, but do achieve the DMD tradeoff of the fading channel for all statistical descriptions of the channel and for all values of the parameters n(r,) n(t,) L.


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We consider single-source, single-sink multi-hop relay networks, with slow-fading Rayleigh fading links and single-antenna relay nodes operating under the half-duplex constraint. While two hop relay networks have been studied in great detail in terms of the diversity-multiplexing tradeoff (DMT), few results are available for more general networks. In this two-part paper, we identify two families of networks that are multi-hop generalizations of the two hop network: K-Parallel-Path (KPP) networks and Layered networks. In the first part, we initially consider KPP networks, which can be viewed as the union of K node-disjoint parallel paths, each of length > 1. The results are then generalized to KPP(I) networks, which permit interference between paths and to KPP(D) networks, which possess a direct link from source to sink. We characterize the optimal DMT of KPP(D) networks with K >= 4, and KPP(I) networks with K >= 3. Along the way, we derive lower bounds for the DMT of triangular channel matrices, which are useful in DMT computation of various protocols. As a special case, the DMT of two-hop relay network without direct link is obtained. Two key implications of the results in the two-part paper are that the half-duplex constraint does not necessarily entail rate loss by a factor of two, as previously believed and that, simple AF protocols are often sufficient to attain the best possible DMT.


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Receive antenna selection (AS) reduces the hardware complexity of multi-antenna receivers by dynamically connecting an instantaneously best antenna element to the available radio frequency (RF) chain. Due to the hardware constraints, the channels at various antenna elements have to be sounded sequentially to obtain estimates that are required for selecting the ``best'' antenna and for coherently demodulating data. Consequently, the channel state information at different antennas is outdated by different amounts. We show that, for this reason, simply selecting the antenna with the highest estimated channel gain is not optimum. Rather, the channel estimates of different antennas should be weighted differently, depending on the training scheme. We derive closed-form expressions for the symbol error probability (SEP) of AS for MPSK and MQAM in time-varying Rayleigh fading channels for arbitrary selection weights, and validate them with simulations. We then derive an explicit formula for the optimal selection weights that minimize the SEP. We find that when selection weights are not used, the SEP need not improve as the number of antenna elements increases, which is in contrast to the ideal channel estimation case. However, the optimal selection weights remedy this situation and significantly improve performance.


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Presently Bluetooth(BT) is one of the widely used device for personal communication. As BT devices are operating in the unlicensed ISM band, they are often subjected to the interference from WLAN. The band width of BT (1MHz) is narrower compare to the bandwidth of WLAN (22MHz). So for coexistence purpose it is important to observe the performance of narrow band signal BT in presence of wideband interference WLAN and vice versa. As there are many work on the performance of WLAN in presence BT interference 3]4]5]6], the main focus in this paper is on performance of BT in presence of WLAN interference in AWGN, Rayleigh fading channel. Then comparison of the performance using interference avoidance technique like adaptive frequency hopping, power control for BT system is given. Finally a conclusion is drawn observing the simulation results on the technique which is more suitable for WLAN interference mitigation in BT system.


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Cooperative communication using rateless codes, in which the source transmits an infinite number of parity bits to the destination until the receipt of an acknowledgment, has recently attracted considerable interest. It provides a natural and efficient mechanism for accumulating mutual information from multiple transmitting relays. We develop an analysis of queued cooperative relay systems that combines the communication-theoretic transmission aspects of cooperative communication using rateless codes over Rayleigh fading channels with the queuing-theoretic aspects associated with buffering messages at the relays. Relay cooperation combined with queuing reduces the message transmission times and also helps distribute the traffic load in the network, which improves throughput significantly.


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This paper considers the problem of power management and throughput maximization for energy neutral operation when using Energy Harvesting Sensors (EHS) to send data over wireless links. It is assumed that the EHS are designed to transmit data at a constant rate (using a fixed modulation and coding scheme) but are power-controlled. A framework under which the system designer can optimize the performance of EHS when the channel is Rayleigh fading is developed. For example, the highest average data rate that can be supported over a Rayleigh fading channel given the energy harvesting capability, the battery power storage efficiency and the maximum allowed transmit energy per slot is derived. Furthermore, the optimum transmission scheme that guarantees a particular data throughput is derived. The usefulness of the framework developed is illustrated through simulation results for specific examples.


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Recently, we reported a low-complexity likelihood ascent search (LAS) detection algorithm for large MIMO systems with several tens of antennas that can achieve high spectral efficiencies of the order of tens to hundreds of bps/Hz. Through simulations, we showed that this algorithm achieves increasingly near SISO AWGN performance for increasing number of antennas in Lid. Rayleigh fading. However, no bit error performance analysis of the algorithm was reported. In this paper, we extend our work on this low-complexity large MIMO detector in two directions: i) We report an asymptotic bit error probability analysis of the LAS algorithm in the large system limit, where N-t, N-r -> infinity keeping N-t = N-r, where N-t and N-r are the number of transmit and receive antennas, respectively. Specifically, we prove that the error performance of the LAS detector for V-BLAST with 4-QAM in i.i.d. Rayleigh fading converges to that of the maximum-likelihood (ML) detector as N-t, N-r -> infinity keeping N-t = N-r ii) We present simulated BER and nearness to capacity results for V-BLAST as well as high-rate non-orthogonal STBC from Division Algebras (DA), in a more realistic spatially correlated MIMO channel model. Our simulation results show that a) at an uncoded BER of 10(-3), the performance of the LAS detector in decoding 16 x 16 STBC from DA with N-t = = 16 and 16-QAM degrades in spatially correlated fading by about 7 dB compared to that in i.i.d. fading, and 19) with a rate-3/4 outer turbo code and 48 bps/Hz spectral efficiency, the performance degrades by about 6 dB at a coded BER of 10(-4). Our results further show that providing asymmetry in number of antennas such that N-r > N-t keeping the total receiver array length same as that for N-r = N-t, the detector is able to pick up the extra receive diversity thereby significantly improving the BER performance.


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A wireless Energy Harvesting Sensor (EHS) needs to send data packets arriving in its queue over a fading channel at maximum possible throughput while ensuring acceptable packet delays. At the same time, it needs to ensure that energy neutrality is satisfied, i.e., the average energy drawn from a battery should equal the amount of energy deposited in it minus the energy lost due to the inefficiency of the battery. In this work, a framework is developed under which a system designer can optimize the performance of the EHS node using power control based on the current channel state information, when the EHS node employs a single modulation and coding scheme and the channel is Rayleigh fading. Optimal system parameters for throughput optimal, delay optimal and delay-constrained throughput optimal policies that ensure energy neutrality are derived. It is seen that a throughput optimal (maximal) policy is packet delay-unbounded and an average delay optimal (minimal) policy achieves negligibly small throughput. Finally, the influence of the harvested energy profile on the performance of the EHS is illustrated through the example of solar energy harvesting.


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This paper is on the design and performance analysis of practical distributed space-time codes for wireless relay networks with multiple antennas terminals. The amplify-andforward scheme is used in a way that each relay transmits a scaled version of the linear combination of the received symbols. We propose distributed generalized quasi-orthogonal space-time codes which are distributed among the source antennas and relays, and valid for any number of relays. Assuming M-PSK and M-QAM signals, we derive a formula for the symbol error probability of the investigated scheme over Rayleigh fading channels. For sufficiently large SNR, this paper derives closed-form average SER expression. The simplicity of the asymptotic results provides valuable insights into the performance of cooperative networks and suggests means of optimizing them. Our analytical results have been confirmed by simulation results, using full-rate full-diversity distributed codes.


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Performance of space-time block codes can be improved using the coordinate interleaving of the input symbols from rotated M-ary phase shift keying (MPSK) and M-ary quadrature amplitude modulation (MQAM) constellations. This paper is on the performance analysis of coordinate-interleaved space-time codes, which are a subset of single-symbol maximum likelihood decodable linear space-time block codes, for wireless multiple antenna terminals. The analytical and simulation results show that full diversity is achievable. Using the equivalent single-input single-output model, simple expressions for the average bit error rates are derived over flat uncorrelated Rayleigh fading channels. Optimum rotation angles are found by finding the minimum of the average bit error rate curves.


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Diversity embedded space time codes are high rate codes that are designed such that they have a high diversity code embedded within them. A recent work by Diggavi and Tse characterizes the performance limits that can be achieved by diversity embedded space-time codes in terms of the achievable Diversity Multiplexing Tradeoff (DMT). In particular, they have shown that the trade off is successively refinable for rayleigh fading channels with one degree of freedom using superposition coding and Successive Interference Cancellation (SIC). However, for Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) channels, the questions of successive refinability remains open. We consider MIMO Channels under superposition coding and SIC. We derive an upper bound on the successive refinement characteristics of the DMT. We then construct explicit space time codes that achieve the derived upper bound. These codes, constructed from cyclic division algebras, have minimal delay. Our results establish that when the channel has more than one degree of freedom, the DMT is not successive refinable using superposition coding and SIC. The channels considered in this work can have arbitrary fading statistics.


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We consider single-source single-sink (ss-ss) multi-hop relay networks, with slow-fading links and single-antenna half-duplex relay nodes. While two-hop cooperative relay networks have been studied in great detail in terms of the diversity-multiplexing tradeoff (DMT), few results are available for more general networks. In this paper, we identify two families of networks that are multi-hop generalizations of the two-hop network: K-Parallel-Path (KPP)networks and layered networks.KPP networks, can be viewed as the union of K node-disjoint parallel relaying paths, each of length greater than one. KPP networks are then generalized to KPP(I) networks, which permit interference between paths and to KPP(D) networks, which possess a direct link from source to sink. We characterize the DMT of these families of networks completely for K > 3. Layered networks are networks comprising of layers of relays with edges existing only between adjacent layers, with more than one relay in each layer. We prove that a linear DMT between the maximum diversity dmax and the maximum multiplexing gain of 1 is achievable for single-antenna fully-connected layered networks. This is shown to be equal to the optimal DMT if the number of relaying layers is less than 4.For multiple-antenna KPP and layered networks, we provide an achievable DMT, which is significantly better than known lower bounds for half duplex networks.For arbitrary multi-terminal wireless networks with multiple source-sink pairs, the maximum achievable diversity is shown to be equal to the min-cut between the corresponding source and the sink, irrespective of whether the network has half-duplex or full-duplex relays. For arbitrary ss-ss single-antenna directed acyclic networks with full-duplex relays, we prove that a linear tradeoff between maximum diversity and maximum multiplexing gain is achievable.Along the way, we derive the optimal DMT of a generalized parallel channel and derive lower bounds for the DMT of triangular channel matrices, which are useful in DMT computation of various protocols. We also give alternative and often simpler proofs of several existing results and show that codes achieving full diversity on a MIMO Rayleigh fading channel achieve full diversity on arbitrary fading channels. All protocols in this paper are explicit and use only amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying. We also construct codes with short block-lengths based on cyclic division algebras that achieve the optimal DMT for all the proposed schemes.Two key implications of the results in the paper are that the half-duplex constraint does not entail any rate loss for a large class of cooperative networks and that simple AF protocols are often sufficient to attain the optimal DMT