400 resultados para Fantoma de voxel


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Pós-graduação em Biologia Geral e Aplicada - IBB


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The presence of cognitive impairment is a frequent complaint among elderly individuals in the general population. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between aging-related regional gray matter (rGM) volume changes and cognitive performance in healthy elderly adults. Morphometric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) measures were acquired in a community-based sample of 170 cognitively-preserved subjects (66 to 75 years). This sample was drawn from the "Sao Paulo Ageing and Health" study, an epidemiological study aimed at investigating the prevalence and risk factors for Alzheimer's disease in a low income region of the city of Sao Paulo. All subjects underwent cognitive testing using a cross-culturally battery validated by the Research Group on Dementia 10/66 as well as the SKT (applied on the day of MRI scanning). Blood genotyping was performed to determine the frequency of the three apolipoprotein E allele variants (APOE epsilon 2/epsilon 3/epsilon 4) in the sample. Voxelwise linear correlation analyses between rGM volumes and cognitive test scores were performed using voxel-based morphometry, including chronological age as covariate. There were significant direct correlations between worse overall cognitive performance and rGM reductions in the right orbitofrontal cortex and parahippocampal gyrus, and also between verbal fluency scores and bilateral parahippocampal gyral volume (p < 0.05, familywise-error corrected for multiple comparisons using small volume correction). When analyses were repeated adding the presence of the APOE epsilon 4 allele as confounding covariate or excluding a minority of APOE epsilon 2 carriers, all findings retained significance. These results indicate that rGM volumes are relevant biomarkers of cognitive deficits in healthy aging individuals, most notably involving temporolimbic regions and the orbitofrontal cortex.


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Previous cross-sectional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies of healthy aging in young adults have indicated the presence of significant inverse correlations between age and gray matter volumes, although not homogeneously across all brain regions. However, such cross-sectional studies have important limitations and there is a scarcity of detailed longitudinal MRI studies with repeated measures obtained in the same individuals in order to investigate regional gray matter changes during short periods of time in non-elderly healthy adults. In the present study, 52 healthy young adults aged 18 to 50 years (27 males and 25 females) were followed with repeated MRI acquisitions over approximately 15 months. Gray matter volumes were compared between the two times using voxel-based morphometry, with the prediction that volume changes would be detectable in the frontal lobe, temporal neocortex and hippocampus. Voxel-wise analyses showed significant (P < 0.05, family-wise error corrected) relative volume reductions of gray matter in two small foci located in the right orbitofrontal cortex and left hippocampus. Separate comparisons for males and females showed bilateral gray matter relative reductions in the orbitofrontal cortex over time only in males. We conclude that, in non-elderly healthy adults, subtle gray matter volume alterations are detectable after short periods of time. This underscores the dynamic nature of gray matter changes in the brain during adult life, with regional volume reductions being detectable in brain regions that are relevant to cognitive and emotional processes.


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Il presente lavoro è stato svolto presso la struttura di Fisica Medica dell'Azienda Ospedaliera IRCCS "Arcispedale S. Maria Nuova" di Reggio Emilia e consiste nello sviluppo di un sistema per l'ottimizzazione della dose in Radioterapia tramite dose-painting basato sui voxel. Il dose painting è una tecnica di pianificazione del trattamento di radioterapia che si basa sull'assegnazione o ridistribuzione della dose secondo le informazioni biologiche e metaboliche che i moderni sistemi di imaging sono in grado di fornire. La realizzazione del modulo di calcolo BioOPT è stata possibile grazie all'utilizzo dei due software open-source Plastimatch e CERR, specifici per l'elaborazione e la registrazione di immagini mediche di diversi tipi e formati e per la gestione, la modifica e il salvataggio di piani di trattamento di radioterapia creati con la maggior parte dei software commerciali ed accademici. Il sistema sviluppato è in grado di registrare le immagini relative ad un paziente, in generale ottenute da diverse tipologie di imaging e acquisite in tempi diversi ed estrarre le informazioni biologiche relative ad una certa struttura. Tali informazioni verranno poi utilizzate per calcolare le distribuzioni di dose "ottimale" che massimizzano il valore delle funzioni radiobiologiche utilizzate per guidare il processo di redistribuzione della dose a livello dei voxel (dose-painting). In questo lavoro il modulo è stato utilizzato principalmente per l'ottimizzazione della dose in pazienti affetti da Glioblastoma, un tumore cerebrale maligno tra i più diffusi e mortali. L'ottimizzatore voxel-based, infatti, è stato sviluppato per essere utilizzabile all'interno di un progetto di ricerca finanziato dal Ministero della Salute per la valutazione di un programma di terapia che include l'uso di un innovativo acceleratore lineare ad alto rateo di dose per la cura di tumori cerebrali in fase avanzata. Al fine di migliorare il trattamento radiante, inoltre, lo studio include la somministrazione della dose tramite dose-painting con lo scopo di verificarne l'efficacia. I risultati ottenuti mostrano che tramite il modulo sviluppato è possibile ottenere distribuzioni di dose eterogenee che tengono conto delle caratteristiche biologiche intratumore stimate a partire dalle immagini multimodali. Inoltre il sistema sviluppato, grazie alla sua natura 'open', è altamente personalizzabile a scopi di ricerca e consente di simulare distribuzioni di dose basate sui voxel e di confrontarle con quelle ottenute con i sistemi commerciali ad uso clinico, che non consentono questo tipo di ottimizzazioni.


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Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) is an advanced clinical and research application which guarantees a specific biochemical and metabolic characterization of tissues by the detection and quantification of key metabolites for diagnosis and disease staging. The "Associazione Italiana di Fisica Medica (AIFM)" has promoted the activity of the "Interconfronto di spettroscopia in RM" working group. The purpose of the study is to compare and analyze results obtained by perfoming MRS on scanners of different manufacturing in order to compile a robust protocol for spectroscopic examinations in clinical routines. This thesis takes part into this project by using the GE Signa HDxt 1.5 T at the Pavillion no. 11 of the S.Orsola-Malpighi hospital in Bologna. The spectral analyses have been performed with the jMRUI package, which includes a wide range of preprocessing and quantification algorithms for signal analysis in the time domain. After the quality assurance on the scanner with standard and innovative methods, both spectra with and without suppression of the water peak have been acquired on the GE test phantom. The comparison of the ratios of the metabolite amplitudes over Creatine computed by the workstation software, which works on the frequencies, and jMRUI shows good agreement, suggesting that quantifications in both domains may lead to consistent results. The characterization of an in-house phantom provided by the working group has achieved its goal of assessing the solution content and the metabolite concentrations with good accuracy. The goodness of the experimental procedure and data analysis has been demonstrated by the correct estimation of the T2 of water, the observed biexponential relaxation curve of Creatine and the correct TE value at which the modulation by J coupling causes the Lactate doublet to be inverted in the spectrum. The work of this thesis has demonstrated that it is possible to perform measurements and establish protocols for data analysis, based on the physical principles of NMR, which are able to provide robust values for the spectral parameters of clinical use.


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The interest in automatic volume meshing for finite element analysis (FEA) has grown more since the appearance of microfocus CT (μCT), due to its high resolution, which allows for the assessment of mechanical behaviour at a high precision. Nevertheless, the basic meshing approach of generating one hexahedron per voxel produces jagged edges. To prevent this effect, smoothing algorithms have been introduced to enhance the topology of the mesh. However, whether smoothing also improves the accuracy of voxel-based meshes in clinical applications is still under question. There is a trade-off between smoothing and quality of elements in the mesh. Distorted elements may be produced by excessive smoothing and reduce accuracy of the mesh. In the present work, influence of smoothing on the accuracy of voxel-based meshes in micro-FE was assessed. An accurate 3D model of a trabecular structure with known apparent mechanical properties was used as a reference model. Virtual CT scans of this reference model (with resolutions of 16, 32 and 64 μm) were then created and used to build voxel-based meshes of the microarchitecture. Effects of smoothing on the apparent mechanical properties of the voxel-based meshes as compared to the reference model were evaluated. Apparent Young’s moduli of the smooth voxel-based mesh were significantly closer to those of the reference model for the 16 and 32 μm resolutions. Improvements were not significant for the 64 μm, due to loss of trabecular connectivity in the model. This study shows that smoothing offers a real benefit to voxel-based meshes used in micro-FE. It might also broaden voxel-based meshing to other biomechanical domains where it was not used previously due to lack of accuracy. As an example, this work will be used in the framework of the European project ContraCancrum, which aims at providing a patient-specific simulation of tumour development in brain and lungs for oncologists. For this type of clinical application, such a fast, automatic, and accurate generation of the mesh is of great benefit.


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The genesis of Tourette syndrome is still unknown, but a core role for the pathways of cortico-striatal-thalamic-cortical circuitry (CSTC) is supposed. Volume-rendering magnetic resonance imaging data-sets were analysed in 14 boys with Tourette syndrome and 15 age-matched controls using optimised voxel-based morphometry. Locally increased grey-matter volumes (corrected P < 0.001) were found bilaterally in the ventral putamen. Regional decreases in grey matter were observed in the left hippocampal gyrus. This unbiased analysis confirmed an association between striatal abnormalities and Tourette syndrome, and the hippocampal volume alterations indicate an involvement of temporolimbic pathways of the CSTC in the syndrome.


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Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) is a non-invasive technique which is commonly used to quantify changes in blood oxygenation and flow coupled to neuronal activation. One of the primary goals of fMRI studies is to identify localized brain regions where neuronal activation levels vary between groups. Single voxel t-tests have been commonly used to determine whether activation related to the protocol differs across groups. Due to the generally limited number of subjects within each study, accurate estimation of variance at each voxel is difficult. Thus, combining information across voxels in the statistical analysis of fMRI data is desirable in order to improve efficiency. Here we construct a hierarchical model and apply an Empirical Bayes framework on the analysis of group fMRI data, employing techniques used in high throughput genomic studies. The key idea is to shrink residual variances by combining information across voxels, and subsequently to construct an improved test statistic in lieu of the classical t-statistic. This hierarchical model results in a shrinkage of voxel-wise residual sample variances towards a common value. The shrunken estimator for voxelspecific variance components on the group analyses outperforms the classical residual error estimator in terms of mean squared error. Moreover, the shrunken test-statistic decreases false positive rate when testing differences in brain contrast maps across a wide range of simulation studies. This methodology was also applied to experimental data regarding a cognitive activation task.


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We previously showed that lifetime cumulative lead dose, measured as lead concentration in the tibia bone by X-ray fluorescence, was associated with persistent and progressive declines in cognitive function and with decreases in MRI-based brain volumes in former lead workers. Moreover, larger region-specific brain volumes were associated with better cognitive function. These findings motivated us to explore a novel application of path analysis to evaluate effect mediation. Voxel-wise path analysis, at face value, represents the natural evolution of voxel-based morphometry methods to answer questions of mediation. Application of these methods to the former lead worker data demonstrated potential limitations in this approach where there was a tendency for results to be strongly biased towards the null hypothesis (lack of mediation). Moreover, a complimentary analysis using anatomically-derived regions of interest volumes yielded opposing results, suggesting evidence of mediation. Specifically, in the ROI-based approach, there was evidence that the association of tibia lead with function in three cognitive domains was mediated through the volumes of total brain, frontal gray matter, and/or possibly cingulate. A simulation study was conducted to investigate whether the voxel-wise results arose from an absence of localized mediation, or more subtle defects in the methodology. The simulation results showed the same null bias evidenced as seen in the lead workers data. Both the lead worker data results and the simulation study suggest that a null-bias in voxel-wise path analysis limits its inferential utility for producing confirmatory results.