849 resultados para Fadiga dos materiais


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For engineering projects that require high reliability levels, is often not enough know only physical and chemical material properties. It’s necessary understand the failure mode of these materials in operation to ensure security level in the project and establish more stringent criteria in the analysis of structural integrity. Due to this need, aircraft industry has been using aluminum alloys in their designs and projects. “Currently more than 70% of aircraft structures are built of high strength aluminum alloys among which stand out 7075-T6 and 2024-T3 alloys, which are considered basics for being used in the new alloys development.” (PASTOUKHOV & VOORWALD, 1995). Some years ago ALCOA develops Al 2524 alloy that has emerged as refinement of Al 2024 (Al, Cu. Mg) alloy, with purpose of improve fracture toughness and fatigue resistance on structural components. The present research addresses testing of fatigue crack propagation under variable amplitude loading for Al 2024 alloy, observing the interaction effects from application of overhead blocks and plastic zone at the crack tip and makes an analysis of fracture surface images


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Nowadays technological trend is based on finding materials that could support low weight with satisfactory mechanical properties and for this reason composite material became a very attractive topic in research projects all over the world. Due to its heterogenic properties, this type of material shows scatter in mechanical test results, especially in cyclic loading. Therefore it is important to predict its fatigue strength behaviour by statistic analysis, once fatigue causes approximately 90% of the failure in structural components. The present work aimed to investigate the fatigue behaviour of the Twill/Cycom 890 composite, which is carbon fiber reinforced with polymeric resin as matrix and manufactured via RTM process (Resin Transfer Molding). All samples were tested in different tensile level in triplicate in order to associate these values. The statistical analysis was conducted with Two-Parameter Weibull Distribution and then evaluated the fatigue life results for the composite. Weibull graphics were used to determine the scale and shape parameters. The S-N curve for the Twill/Cycom composite was drawn and indicated the number of cycles to occur the first damages in this material. The probability of failure was associated with material reliability, as shown in graphics for the different tensile levels and fatigue life. In addition, the laminate was evaluated by ultrasonic inspection showing a regular impregnation. The fractographic analysis conducted by SEM showed failure mechanisms for polymeric composites associated to cyclic loadings ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Fracture surfaces express sequences of events of energy release with crack propagation in metal alloys, the evolution of topographic features can indicate the lines of load action, failures during the use or processing. The quantitative fractography is an important tool in the study of fracture surfaces, because it allows their interpretation and characterization. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the characterization of fracture surfaces grounded on concepts such as selfsimilarity and self-affinity, it used the 15-5PH steel that was characterized by metallographic and tensile tests. The metallography allows the microstructural characterization of this steel and proved the presence of the martensite phase in the slats form and a fine-grained, both in the radial and in the axial direction of the dowel. The tensile test (ASTM E8) of this material allowed the determination of the mechanical properties, so based on the obtained results it was possible to affirm that the 15-5PH steel has high mechanical properties and a good stretch. Besides, the specimens also underwent testing of crack propagation, standardized by ASTM E647-00, thus it was obtained the fracture surfaces for characterization under monofractal and multifractal approaches. In front of all the exposed it was possible to conclude that in all measurements the correlation between the crack tip position and the fractal dimension was established in accordance with changes in the thickness and in the fracture micromechanisms presents. Furthermore, the multifractal approach was more sensitive to these variations allowing a more detailed characterization of the morphology


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This work presents a study that aims to validate the fatigue analyses developed on finite element commercial software, ANSYS Workbench. It was based on mechanical tests development of traction and hardness, to verify the mechanical properties of material that the shaft was manufactured (ABNT 1045 steel), it was developed bend test, with purpose to prove the confiability degree of computational analyses, obtaining the maximum stress in a work condition determined with 40 [kgf] of load applied, and at the end, was developed the fatigue test to obtain the number of cycles that the transmission shaft can support in a work condition with 8 [kgf] of load applied. The results obtained during the work present, have to be quite satisfactory with the theoretically expected


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The technological advancement in order to improve the methods of obtaining energy sources such as oil and natural gas is mainly motivated by the recent discovery of oil reserves. So, increasingly , there is a need for a thorough knowledge of the materials used in the manufacture of pipelines for transportation and exploration of oil and natural gas. The steels which follow the API standard (American Petroleum Institute), also known as high strenght low alloy (hsla), are used in the manufacture of these pipes, as they have, with their welded joints, mechanical properties to withstand the working conditions to which these ducts will be submitted . The objective of this study is to evaluate the fatigue behavior in microalloyed steel grade API 5L X80 welded by process HF / ERW . For this, axial fatigue tests to obtain S-N curve (stress vs. number of cycles ) were conducted. To complement the study, it was performed metallographic , fractographic , Vickers hardness tests and tensile tests to characterize the mechanical properties of the steel and check whether the values satisfy the specifications of the API 5L standard . From the fatigue tests , it was concluded that the surface finish influences directly on the fatigue life of the material


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In recent years, increasing demand for energy has led to studies to increase the amount of electricity produced. Due to this fact, more and more boilers are becoming important sources of electricity generation. To raise the efficiency of energy generated in the boilers is necessary to raise the steam pressure and temperature to values previously unimaginable. The use of more resistant materials and maintenance practices and most appropriate operation made it possible. The objective of this study is to test the main types of failure in a chemical recovery boiler, in particular due to fatigue in the superheater, because it is a component subjected to high temperatures and thus more subject to different failures. In this manner this study aims to reduce the incidence of unscheduled maintenance shutdowns, increasing the operation time under appropriate conditions. Modeling performed in this study, the failure did not occur, because we considered only the mechanical stress. Under normal conditions, mechanical stress in combination with thermal stresses can cause cracks in the tubes due to cyclical stresses, leading to fatigue failure


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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This work will address the study of fatigue conditions with constant load in an alloy of aluminum analysis 7475 - T761, so we can better understand the conditions of the aircrafts which contain this alloy in their structures. A literature review, which was discussed the concepts of fracture mechanics, fatigue, aeronautical components, chemical analysis of aluminum alloys, fatigue problems that appears in the aircrafts, metallographic analysis, and testing of optical microscopy tensile, fatigue and microhardness, surface analysis (MEV) study of the chemical composition of the alloy in question, the main causes of crashes, was performed, completing the work, analysis of data from tensile test, hardness and fatigue together with the interpretation of images of optical microscopy and scanning electron was taken. The data indicated the high mechanical strength of the alloy, along with its microstructure indicating elongated grains and high surface contour, which shows such resistance by hindering the movement of dislocations. The grooves are clearly shown in the MEV images as well as the classic with increased fatigue loading and subsequent reduction of the number of cycles to rupture behavior shown in the graphs. Therefore we observed the optimal behavior is supported by the league when subjected to fatigue loadings


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This study evaluated the fatigue limit (FL) by the staircase method and the effect of mechanical cycling on the flexural strength (FS) of Duceragold feldspathic porcelain. Specimens (25 x 5 x 2 mm) were made according to manufacturer’s directions and submitted to three-point flexural strength test (n = 10). To determine FL (n = 30; 10,000 cycles; 2 Hz), an initial loading of 60% of the FS and an incremental loading (step) of 3% of the FS were used. Data were analyzed by Anova and Tukey´s test (p < 0.05). Although the proposed cycles have not reduced FS significantly, fractography analysis showed striation, characteristic signs of mechanical fatigue.


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As recentes descobertas de petróleo e gás na camada do Pré-sal representam um enorme potencial exploratório no Brasil, entretanto, os desafios tecnológicos para a exploração desses recursos minerais são imensos e, consequentemente, têm motivado o desenvolvimento de estudos voltados a métodos e materiais eficientes para suas produções. Os tubos condutores de petróleo e gás são denominados de elevadores catenários ou do inglês \"risers\", e são elementos que necessariamente são soldados e possuem fundamental importância nessa cadeia produtiva, pois transportam petróleo e gás natural do fundo do mar à plataforma, estando sujeitos a carregamentos dinâmicos (fadiga) durante sua operação. Adicionalmente, um dos problemas centrais à produção de óleo e gás das reservas do Pré-Sal está diretamente associado a meios altamente corrosivos, tais como H2S e CO2. Uma forma mais barata de proteção dos tubos é a aplicação de uma camada de um material metálico resistente à corrosão na parte interna desses tubos (clad). Assim, a união entre esses tubos para formação dos \"risers\" deve ser realizada pelo emprego de soldas circunferenciais de ligas igualmente resistentes à corrosão. Nesse contexto, como os elementos soldados são considerados possuir defeitos do tipo trinca, para a garantia de sua integridade estrutural quando submetidos a carregamentos cíclicos, é necessário o conhecimento das taxas de propagação de trinca por fadiga da solda circunferencial. Assim, neste trabalho, foram realizados ensaios de propagação de trinca por fadiga na região da solda circunferencial de Inconel® 625 realizada em tubo de aço API 5L X65 cladeado, utilizando corpos de prova do tipo SEN(B) (Single Edge Notch Bending) com relações entre espessura e largura (B/W) iguais a 0,5, 1 e 2. O propósito central deste trabalho foi de obter a curva da taxa de propagação de trinca por fadiga (da/dN) versus a variação do fator de intensidade de tensão (ΔK) para o metal de solda por meio de ensaios normatizados, utilizando diferentes técnicas de acompanhamento e medição da trinca. A monitoração de crescimento da trinca foi feita por três técnicas: variação da flexibilidade elástica (VFE), queda de potencial elétrico (QPE) e análise de imagem (Ai). Os resultados mostraram que as diferentes relações B/W utilizadas no estudo não alteraram significantemente as taxas de propagação de trinca por fadiga, respeitado que a propagação aconteceu em condições de escoamento em pequena escala na frente da trinca. Os resultados de propagação de trinca por fadiga permitiram a obtenção das regiões I e II da curva da/dN versus ΔK para o metal de solda. O valor de ΔKlim obtido para o mesmo foi em torno de 11,8 MPa.m1/2 e os valores encontrados das constantes experimentais C e m da equação de Paris-Erdogan foram respectivamente iguais a 1,55 x10-10 [(mm/ciclo)/(MPa.m1/2)m] e 4,15. A propagação de trinca no metal de solda deu-se por deformação plástica, com a formação de estrias de fadiga.


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Os materiais compósitos são materiais em expansão. Revolucionaram a indústria aeronáutica e actualmente difundem-se nos mais variados nichos industriais, mesmo nas aplicações mais comuns. Têm uma grande aplicação em elementos estruturais, sendo submetidos a estados de tensão e deformação multiaxiais. Os elementos tubulares de matriz epoxídica reforçada com fibras de carbono são exemplos típicos de componentes. No entanto, devido ao aparecimento relativamente recente destes materiais, os modelos de fadiga utilizados nos materiais comuns mostraram-se pouco realistas. Surgiu assim a necessidade de adaptar e elaborar novos modelos de fadiga, com resultados mais satisfatórios na previsão da vida dos componentes, recorrendo a ensaios laboratoriais. No presente estudo experimental, recorrendo a um sistema adequado de amarras, foram realizados ensaios de torção e de flexão pura, quer estáticos, quer dinâmicos, numa máquina servo-hidráulica convencional. Nos ensaios de fadiga foram consideradas duas razões de tensões (R=0,05 e R=0,3). Foram também realizados ensaios de fadiga com carregamentos de flexão-torção em fase sob amplitude de tensão constante, com as mesmas razões de tensões, considerando o momento flector igual ao momento torsor (B=T). Foi avaliado o efeito da tensão média, recorrendo aos critérios de Gerber e Goodman, os quais se apresentaram satisfatórios, tendo em conta o número reduzido de estudos efectuados. Já nos ensaios biaxiais, o critério de Tsai–Hill mostrou-se erróneo perante os resultados experimentais. No entanto, após ter sido aplicado um ajustamento, os resultados melhoraram. Foi também estudado o comportamento elastoplástico dos corpos de prova em todos os ensaios.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, Programa de Pós-graduação em Estruturas e Construção Civil, 2015.


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Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciado em Fisioterapia