910 resultados para Facility location analysis


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The aim of this work was to investigate the feasibility of detecting and locating damage in large frame structures where visual inspection would be difficult or impossible. This method is based on a vibration technique for non-destructively assessing the integrity of structures by using measurements of changes in the natural frequencies. Such measurements can be made at a single point in the structure. The method requires that initially a comprehensive theoretical vibration analysis of the structure is undertaken and from it predictions are made of changes in dynamic characteristics that will occur if each member of the structure is damaged in turn. The natural frequencies of the undamaged structure are measured, and then routinely remeasured at intervals . If a change in the natural frequencies is detected a statistical method. is used to make the best match between the measured changes in frequency and the family of theoretical predictions. This predicts the most likely damage site. The theoretical analysis was based on the finite element method. Many structures were extensively studied and a computer model was used to simulate the effect of the extent and location of the damage on natural frequencies. Only one such analysis is required for each structure to be investigated. The experimental study was conducted on small structures In the laboratory. Frequency changes were found from inertance measurements on various plane and space frames. The computational requirements of the location analysis are small and a desk-top micro computer was used. Results of this work showed that the method was successful in detecting and locating damage in the test structures.


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This research develops a methodology and model formulation which suggests locations for rapid chargers to help assist infrastructure development and enable greater battery electric vehicle (BEV) usage. The model considers the likely travel patterns of BEVs and their subsequent charging demands across a large road network, where no prior candidate site information is required. Using a GIS-based methodology, polygons are constructed which represent the charging demand zones for particular routes across a real-world road network. The use of polygons allows the maximum number of charging combinations to be considered whilst limiting the input intensity needed for the model. Further polygons are added to represent deviation possibilities, meaning that placement of charge points away from the shortest path is possible, given a penalty function. A validation of the model is carried out by assessing the expected demand at current rapid charging locations and comparing to recorded empirical usage data. Results suggest that the developed model provides a good approximation to real world observations, and that for the provision of charging, location matters. The model is also implemented where no prior candidate site information is required. As such, locations are chosen based on the weighted overlay between several different routes where BEV journeys may be expected. In doing so many locations, or types of locations, could be compared against one another and then analysed in relation to siting practicalities, such as cost, land permission and infrastructure availability. Results show that efficient facility location, given numerous siting possibilities across a large road network can be achieved. Slight improvements to the standard greedy adding technique are made by adding combination weightings which aim to reward important long distance routes that require more than one charge to complete.


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A szerzők célja, hogy megvizsgálják, milyen kölcsönhatásban áll az ellátási láncban elfoglalt pozíció, valamint a szolgálatosodás szintje az európai termelővállalatoknál. Vizsgálatuk azt mutatja, hogy a globalizáció és a termelés nemzetközivé válása mindkét tényezőt jelentős mértékben befolyásolja. A termelés globalizációs trendjeinek megfelelően így a kelet-európai (fejlődő), illetve a nyugat-európai (fejlett) országokban eltérő üzleti modellek válnak dominánssá, amelyek különböző ellátásilánc-pozícióval és más-más szintű szolgáltatásnyújtással jellemezhetőek. A domináns üzleti modellek mellett természetesen más üzleti modellek is működőképesnek bizonyulhatnak a két vizsgált régióban. A létesítmények elhelyezésére, valamint az üzleti eredményességre vonatkozó mutatók elemzésbe történő bevonásával cikkük az Európában működő üzleti modellek kialakításának okára, valamint jövőbeli fenntarthatóságára is megpróbál választ adni. __________ The objective of this paper is to examine the relationship between supply chain position and level of servitization in European manufacturing companies. The analysis shows that globalization and internationalization of production has dramatic impact on both phenomena. Due to the globalization trends different business models became dominant in the less developed Eastern-European and the more developed Western European countries, which can be characterized by different supply chain position and servitization level. Certainly other business models can also be successful in the two regions. Involving facility location motivations and business performance indicators the article shed light on the reasons of why these business models came alive and how sustainable they can be.


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The domination and Hamilton circuit problems are of interest both in algorithm design and complexity theory. The domination problem has applications in facility location and the Hamilton circuit problem has applications in routing problems in communications and operations research.The problem of deciding if G has a dominating set of cardinality at most k, and the problem of determining if G has a Hamilton circuit are NP-Complete. Polynomial time algorithms are, however, available for a large number of restricted classes. A motivation for the study of these algorithms is that they not only give insight into the characterization of these classes but also require a variety of algorithmic techniques and data structures. So the search for efficient algorithms, for these problems in many classes still continues.A class of perfect graphs which is practically important and mathematically interesting is the class of permutation graphs. The domination problem is polynomial time solvable on permutation graphs. Algorithms that are already available are of time complexity O(n2) or more, and space complexity O(n2) on these graphs. The Hamilton circuit problem is open for this class.We present a simple O(n) time and O(n) space algorithm for the domination problem on permutation graphs. Unlike the existing algorithms, we use the concept of geometric representation of permutation graphs. Further, exploiting this geometric notion, we develop an O(n2) time and O(n) space algorithm for the Hamilton circuit problem.


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In noncooperative cost sharing games, individually strategic agents choose resources based on how the welfare (cost or revenue) generated at each resource (which depends on the set of agents that choose the resource) is distributed. The focus is on finding distribution rules that lead to stable allocations, which is formalized by the concept of Nash equilibrium, e.g., Shapley value (budget-balanced) and marginal contribution (not budget-balanced) rules.

Recent work that seeks to characterize the space of all such rules shows that the only budget-balanced distribution rules that guarantee equilibrium existence in all welfare sharing games are generalized weighted Shapley values (GWSVs), by exhibiting a specific 'worst-case' welfare function which requires that GWSV rules be used. Our work provides an exact characterization of the space of distribution rules (not necessarily budget-balanced) for any specific local welfare functions remains, for a general class of scalable and separable games with well-known applications, e.g., facility location, routing, network formation, and coverage games.

We show that all games conditioned on any fixed local welfare functions possess an equilibrium if and only if the distribution rules are equivalent to GWSV rules on some 'ground' welfare functions. Therefore, it is neither the existence of some worst-case welfare function, nor the restriction of budget-balance, which limits the design to GWSVs. Also, in order to guarantee equilibrium existence, it is necessary to work within the class of potential games, since GWSVs result in (weighted) potential games.

We also provide an alternative characterization—all games conditioned on any fixed local welfare functions possess an equilibrium if and only if the distribution rules are equivalent to generalized weighted marginal contribution (GWMC) rules on some 'ground' welfare functions. This result is due to a deeper fundamental connection between Shapley values and marginal contributions that our proofs expose—they are equivalent given a transformation connecting their ground welfare functions. (This connection leads to novel closed-form expressions for the GWSV potential function.) Since GWMCs are more tractable than GWSVs, a designer can tradeoff budget-balance with computational tractability in deciding which rule to implement.


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在“神光-Ⅱ”装置上进行先进高能多功能激光束系统(简称第九路)研制工程中,由于在原ICF靶室上又增加了输入“汤姆逊探针光”和“X光背光照明探针光”的锥形真空套筒及其终端光学元件,导致原有靶室结构的变化,可能会引入新的不稳定因素.通过有限元分析方法,建立有限元分析模型,进行优化设计.通过位移传感器测量结果可知,第九路终端光学元件径向窜动所引起的打靶误差最大值为2.110 μm,小于“神光-Ⅱ”靶场终端光学系统的最大允许误差值7.785 μm.


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Um dos problemas mais relevantes em organizações de grande porte é a escolha de locais para instalação de plantas industriais, centros de distribuição ou mesmo pontos comerciais. Esse problema logístico é uma decisão estratégica que pode causar um impacto significativo no custo total do produto comercializado. Existem na literatura diversos trabalhos que abordam esse problema. Assim, o objetivo desse trabalho é analisar o problema da localização de instalações proposto por diferentes autores e definir um modelo que seja o mais adequado possível ao mercado de distribuição de combustíveis no Brasil. Para isso, foi realizada uma análise do fluxo de refino e distribuição praticado neste segmento e da formação do respectivo custo de transporte. Foram consideradas restrições como capacidade de estoque, gama de produtos ofertados e níveis da hierarquia de distribuição. A partir dessa análise, foi definido um modelo matemático aplicado à redução dos custos de frete considerando-se a carga tributária. O modelo matemático foi implementado, em linguagem C, e permite simular o problema. Foram aplicadas técnicas de computação paralela visando reduzir o tempo de execução do algoritmo. Os resultados obtidos com o modelo Single Uncapacited Facility Location Problem (SUFLP) simulado nas duas versões do programa, sequencial e paralela, demonstram ganhos de até 5% em economia de custos e redução do tempo de execução em mais de 50%.


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The mandarin keyword spotting system was investigated, and a new approach was proposed based on the principle of homology continuity and point location analysis in high-dimensional space geometry theory which are both parts of biomimetic pattern recognition theory. This approach constructed a hyper-polyhedron with sample points in the training set and calculated the distance between each test point and the hyper-polyhedron. The classification resulted from the value of those distances. The approach was tested by a speech database which was created by ourselves. The performance was compared with the classic HMM approach and the results show that the new approach is much better than HMM approach when the training data is not sufficient.


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Previous researches has shown that two components of the event- related brain potential, the feedback negativity (FRN) and P300, are related to outcome evaluation. So far, the nature of the outcome evaluation reflected by FRN and the significance of P300 remains unknown. Some studies found that the process of outcome evaluation may be related to the expectation, and the FRN may be affected by the intensity levels of the expectation for the outcome. To address these issues, the present study will start on two aspects: (1)This study required 39 participants to make attribution about their performance during a task, the aim was to assess the levels of the expectations for the outcome under four conditions in the attribution task. The main finding is that, the expectations for monetary reward under four conditions are scaled. (2)Based on the results of the first study, this study also required 16 participants to make attribution about their performance during a task. A functional dissociation was observed, with the FRN affected by the intensity levels of the expectation for the outcome, while the P300 sensitive to the degree of emotion the participants experienced. Dipole source location analysis showed that the most likely neural generator of FRN and P300 is the cingulate cortex, suggesting that FRN might reflect cognitive conflict when the actual outcome is different from the expectation, and P300 is related to the emotion processing of outcome stimuli. These results suggest that there is a functional dissociation between FRN and P300.


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The effectiveness of service provisioning in largescale networks is highly dependent on the number and location of service facilities deployed at various hosts. The classical, centralized approach to determining the latter would amount to formulating and solving the uncapacitated k-median (UKM) problem (if the requested number of facilities is fixed), or the uncapacitated facility location (UFL) problem (if the number of facilities is also to be optimized). Clearly, such centralized approaches require knowledge of global topological and demand information, and thus do not scale and are not practical for large networks. The key question posed and answered in this paper is the following: "How can we determine in a distributed and scalable manner the number and location of service facilities?" We propose an innovative approach in which topology and demand information is limited to neighborhoods, or balls of small radius around selected facilities, whereas demand information is captured implicitly for the remaining (remote) clients outside these neighborhoods, by mapping them to clients on the edge of the neighborhood; the ball radius regulates the trade-off between scalability and performance. We develop a scalable, distributed approach that answers our key question through an iterative reoptimization of the location and the number of facilities within such balls. We show that even for small values of the radius (1 or 2), our distributed approach achieves performance under various synthetic and real Internet topologies that is comparable to that of optimal, centralized approaches requiring full topology and demand information.


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Thèse réalisée en cotutelle avec l'Université d'Avignon.


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The distance DG(v) of a vertex v in an undirected graph G is the sum of the distances between v and all other vertices of G. The set of vertices in G with maximum (minimum) distance is the antimedian (median) set of a graph G. It is proved that for arbitrary graphs G and J and a positive integer r 2, there exists a connected graph H such that G is the antimedian and J the median subgraphs of H, respectively, and that dH(G, J) = r. When both G and J are connected, G and J can in addition be made convex subgraphs of H.


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LOCALITZA software is a tool that increases GIS applications possibilities to analyze and solve optimal facility location problems. This system, that it is being migrated from Delphi to Python, allows to evaluate how existing facility supply covers the demand. ON the other hand, it includes the resolution of an elevated number of classic location-allocation models and, in some cases, includes new models


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En aquesta tesi es solucionen problemes de visibilitat i proximitat sobre superfícies triangulades considerant elements generalitzats. Com a elements generalitzats considerem: punts, segments, poligonals i polígons. Les estrategies que proposem utilitzen algoritmes de geometria computacional i hardware gràfic. Comencem tractant els problemes de visibilitat sobre models de terrenys triangulats considerant un conjunt d'elements de visió generalitzats. Es presenten dos mètodes per obtenir, de forma aproximada, mapes de multi-visibilitat. Un mapa de multi-visibilitat és la subdivisió del domini del terreny que codifica la visibilitat d'acord amb diferents criteris. El primer mètode, de difícil implementació, utilitza informació de visibilitat exacte per reconstruir de forma aproximada el mapa de multi-visibilitat. El segon, que va acompanyat de resultats d'implementació, obté informació de visibilitat aproximada per calcular i visualitzar mapes de multi-visibilitat discrets mitjançant hardware gràfic. Com a aplicacions es resolen problemes de multi-visibilitat entre regions i es responen preguntes sobre la multi-visibilitat d'un punt o d'una regió. A continuació tractem els problemes de proximitat sobre superfícies polièdriques triangulades considerant seus generalitzades. Es presenten dos mètodes, amb resultats d'implementació, per calcular distàncies des de seus generalitzades sobre superfícies polièdriques on hi poden haver obstacles generalitzats. El primer mètode calcula, de forma exacte, les distàncies definides pels camins més curts des de les seus als punts del poliedre. El segon mètode calcula, de forma aproximada, distàncies considerant els camins més curts sobre superfícies polièdriques amb pesos. Com a aplicacions, es calculen diagrames de Voronoi d'ordre k, i es resolen, de forma aproximada, alguns problemes de localització de serveis. També es proporciona un estudi teòric sobre la complexitat dels diagrames de Voronoi d'ordre k d'un conjunt de seus generalitzades en un poliedre sense pesos.