997 resultados para FOLLICULAR PHASE


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O objetivo deste estudo foi de avaliar os aspectos morfométricos e histológicos do ovário de caititu (Tayassu tajacu) durante duas fases do ciclo estral, e obter dados a respeito da população folicular ovariana. O estudo foi realizado no campo experimental Embrapa- Amazônia Oriental (Belém, Pará). Ovários de seis fêmeas adultas de caititu foram obtidos através de ovariectomia para posteriormente processamento histológico. Os mesmos foram fixados em Bouin, seccionados obtendo cortes de 7 μm de espessura e corados com Hematoxilina e Eosina. Os folículos pré-antrais foram classificados em folículo primordial, primário e secundário. Os folículos antrais foram caracterizados pela presença da cavidade antral. O número de folículos pré-antrais e antrais por ovário foi estimado usando o Fractionator Method. Para análise qualitativa, todos os folículos foram classificados em normais ou degenerados. O diâmetro do folículo, do oócito e de seu núcleo e da camada da granulosa, exceto do folículo antral, foi medido utilizando uma ocular micrométrica para acompanhar o desenvolvimento folicular. Todos os resultados foram representados como média ± desvio padrão. Os resultados revelaram diferenças entre as categorias de folículos pré-antrais nos ovários direito e esquerdo. A média numérica de folículos pré-antrais presentes foi maior no ovário esquerdo e na fase folicular do ciclo estral. Folículos primordiais foram encontrados no córtex com uma única camada de células foliculares de formato pavimentoso, envolvendo o oócito esférico. Nos folículos primários, foi observado a proliferação de células pavimentosas e/ou cúbicas formando mais de uma camada envolvendo o oócito. Folículos secundários apresentaram-se constituídos de duas ou mais camadas concêntricas de células cuboidais. A zona pelúcida e as células imaturas da teca foram primeiramente localizadas em folículos secundários. Folículos antrais foram caracterizados pela presença da cavidade antral, pela projeção do cumulus oophorus no interior do antro, envolvendo o oócito e pela divisão da teca interna e teca externa. O número médio de folículos primordiais e primários normais foi significativo (p<0,05) quando comparado ao número médio de folículos degenerados. As mudanças nos diâmetros observados podem ser utilizadas, possivelmente, como um parâmetro na classificação das diferentes categorias foliculares.


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV


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Female athletes are more susceptible to injury when compared with males. This increased risk of injury, may be caused by fertile-menstrual cycle. The aims of this study were to investigate the prevalence in the occurrence of muscle-tendon and ligament injuries in different phases of the menstrual cycle over a period of high performance sports training and identify possible differences of occurrences between the phases. Fifteen female athletes, members of a women's basketball team, with ages between 15 and 22 years (average 17.5 ± 2.6 years), with regular menstrual cycles and daily practitioners of training, received follow-up during the menstrual cycle for 5 months. During the period were noted occurrences of injury in relation to the menstrual period of each athlete. The results showed 13 injuries, all of anterior cruciate ligament. The distribution of percentage values indicated a significantly higher risk of athletes suffer injuries in the follicular phase. The result makes us believe that significant elevations in the concentrations of estrogen in this fertile menstrual cycle phase, more open women to a higher risk of performing different injuries.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Objective To perform systematic assessment of ovarian reserve markers using a combination of tests in juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus (JSLE) patients without amenorrhoea. Methods Twenty-seven consecutive JSLE female patients and 13 healthy controls without amenorrhoea were evaluated for 6 months. Ovarian reserve was assessed during early follicular phase by serum levels of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinising hormone (LH), estradiol, inhibin A, inhibin B and anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH). Ovarian size was measured by abdominal ultrasonography. Demographic data, disease activity, damage and treatment were also analysed. Results The median of current age was similar in ISLE patients and controls (16.5 vs. 15years, p=0.31) with a significantly higher age at menarche (13 vs. 12years, p=0.03). A trend of lower median total antral follicle count was observed in JSLE compared to controls (9 vs. 14.5, p=0.062) with similar median of other ovarian reserve parameters (p>0.05). Further evaluation of patients treated with cyclophosphamide and those without this treatment revealed a higher median FSH levels (6.4 vs. 4.6 IU/L, p=0.023). Inhibin B, AMH levels and ovarian volume were also lower but did not reach statistical significance (10.8 vs. 27.6 pg/mL, p=0.175; 0.6 vs. 1.5 ng/mL, p=0.276; 3.4 vs. 5 cm(3), p=0.133; respectively). LH (2.7 vs. 2.9 IU/L, p=0.43), estradiol (50 vs. 38 pg/mL, p=0.337) and inhibin A (1.1 vs. 0 pg/mL, p=0.489) levels were comparable in both groups. Conclusions Our study suggests that ovarian reserve after cyclophosphamide treatment may be hampered in spite of the presence of menstrual cycles emphasising the relevance of gonadal protection during the use of this alkylating agent.


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OBJECTIVE: Only a few studies have investigated variations of different markers for inflammatory processes during the physiological menstrual cycle. The results are conflicting, particularly concerning the correlation between the marker leptin and steroid hormones. The aim of the study was to investigate the inflammatory markers C-reactive protein (CRP) and leptin in the serum of healthy, normally ovulating women and to correlate these with each other and with the hormones of the gonadal axis. A cycle-dependence of the markers studied would imply an exact timing of the blood sampling for clinical needs. DESIGN: Observational study investigating the two inflammatory markers CRP and leptin in relation to the hormonal pattern of the gonadal axis during the normal cycle. METHODS: Ovulatory cycles of 36 healthy, young, normo-androgenic women, having a normal body mass index were evaluated. Serum concentrations of leptin and CRP, as well as of follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinising hormone, 17beta-oestradiol, progesterone, prolactin (PRL) and free testosterone were measured every 1-2 days during one full cycle. RESULTS: Serum levels of leptin and CRP behaved differently during ovulatory cycles, with higher concentrations for leptin only during certain phases. Significant correlations were found in the follicular phase between leptin and PRL and leptin and free testosterone. CONCLUSIONS: Leptin levels change during the menstrual cycle. Leptin levels are more stable on cycle days 1-5 than later in the cycle. For precise cycle-independent measurements, these fluctuations have to be taken into account. There is no similar cyclic pattern for CRP.


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OBJECTIVE: Glycodelin (PP14) is produced by the epithelium of the endometrium and its determination in the serum is used for functional evaluation of this tissue. Given the complex regulation and the combined contraceptive and immunosuppressive roles of glycodelin, the current lack of normal values for its serum concentration in the physiological menstrual cycle, derived from a large sample number, is a problem. We have therefore established reference values from over 600 sera. DESIGN: Retrospective study using banked serum samples. SETTING: University hospital. METHODS: Measurement of blood samples daily or every second day during one full cycle. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Serum concentrations of glycodelin and normal values for every such one- or two-day interval were calculated. Late luteal phase glycodelin levels were compared with ovarian hormones. Follicular phase levels were compared with stimulated cycles from patients undergoing in vitro fertilization. RESULTS: Glycodelin concentrations were low around ovulation. Highest levels were observed at the end of the luteal phase; the glycodelin serum peak was reached 6-8 days after the one for progesterone. Late luteal glycodelin levels correlated negatively with the body mass index and positively with the progesterone level earlier in the secretory (mid-luteal) phase in the same woman. No associations with other ovarian hormones were observed. Follicular phase glycodelin levels were higher in the spontaneous than in the in vitro fertilization cycles. CONCLUSIONS: Normal values taken at two- or one-day intervals demonstrate the very late appearance of high serum glycodelin levels during the physiological menstrual cycle and their correlation with progesterone occurring earlier in the cycle.


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The cyclic change in hormonal profiles between the two main phases of the menstrual cycle mediate shifts in mate preference. Males who advertise social dominance are preferred over other men by females in the follicular phase of the cycle. The present study explored assignment of high or low status resources to dominant looking men by females in either phase of the menstrual cycle. Thirteen females who reported that they were free from any kind of hormonal intervention and experienced a 28 day cycle, were invited to participate in a mock job negotiation scenario. Participants were asked to assign either a minimum, low, high or maximum social status job package to a series of male 'employees' that were previously rated to look either dominant or non-dominant. The results showed that during the follicular phase of the cycle participants assigned dominant looking men more high status job resources than the non-dominant looking men. However, during the luteal phase the participants assigned low status resources to the non-dominant looking men. Females are not merely passive observers of male status cues but actively manipulate the environment to assign status. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The FIT trial was conducted to evaluate the safety and efficacy of 90Y-ibritumomab tiuxetan (0.4 mCi/kg; maximum dose 32 mCi) when used as consolidation of first complete or partial remission in patients with previously untreated, advanced-stage follicular lymphoma (FL). Patients were randomly assigned to either 90Y-ibritumomab treatment (n = 207) or observation (n = 202) within 3 months (mo) of completing initial induction therapy (chemotherapy only: 86%; rituximab in combination with chemotherapy: 14%). Response status prior to randomization did not differ between the groups: 52% complete response (CR)/CR unconfirmed (CRu) to induction therapy and 48% partial response (PR) in the 90Y-ibritumomab arm vs 53% CR/CRu and 44% PR in the control arm. The primary endpoint was progression-free survival (PFS) of the intent-to-treat (ITT) population. Results from the first extended follow-up after a median of 3.5 years revealed a significant improvement in PFS from the time of randomization with 90Y-ibritumomab consolidation compared with control (36.5 vs 13.3 mo, respectively; P < 0.0001; Morschhauser et al. JCO. 2008; 26:5156-5164). Here we report a median follow-up of 66.2 mo (5.5 years). Five-year PFS was 47% in the 90Y-ibritumomab group and 29% in the control group (hazard ratio (HR) = 0.51, 95% CI 0.39-0.65; P < 0.0001). Median PFS in the 90Y-ibritumomab group was 49 mo vs 14 mo in the control group. In patients achieving a CR/CRu after induction, 5-year PFS was 57% in the 90Y-ibritumomab group, and the median had not yet been reached at 92 months, compared with a 43% 5-year PFS in the control group and a median of 31 mo (HR = 0.61, 95% CI 0.42-0.89). For patients in PR after induction, the 5-year PFS was 38% in the 90Y-ibritumomab group with a median PFS of 30 mo vs 14% in the control group with a median PFS of 6 mo (HR = 0.38, 95% CI 0.27-0.53). Patients who had received rituximab as part of induction treatment had a 5-year PFS of 64% in the 90Y-ibritumomab group and 48% in the control group (HR = 0.66, 95% CI 0.30-1.47). For all patients, time to next treatment (as calculated from the date of randomization) differed significantly between both groups; median not reached at 99 mo in the 90Y-ibritumomab group vs 35 mo in the control group (P < 0.0001). The majority of patients received rituximab-containing regimens when treated after progression (63/82 [77%] in the 90Y-ibritumomab group and 102/122 [84%] in the control group). Overall response rate to second-line treatment was 79% in the 90Y-ibritumomab group (57% CR/CRu and 22% PR) vs 78% in the control arm (59% CR/CRu, 19% PR). Five-year overall survival was not significantly different between the groups; 93% and 89% in the 90Y-ibritumomab and control groups, respectively (P = 0.561). To date, 40 patients have died; 18 in the 90Y-ibritumomab group and 22 in the control group. Secondary malignancies were diagnosed in 16 patients in the 90Y-ibritumomab arm vs 9 patients in the control arm (P = 0.19). There were 6 (3%) cases of myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS)/acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) in the 90Y-ibritumomab arm vs 1 MDS in the control arm (P = 0.063). In conclusion, this extended follow-up of the FIT trial confirms the benefit of 90Y-ibritumomab consolidation with a nearly 3 year advantage in median PFS. A significant 5-year PFS improvement was confirmed for patients with a CR/CRu or a PR after induction. Effective rescue treatment with rituximab-containing regimens may explain the observed no difference in overall survival between both patient groups who were - for the greater part - rituximab-naïve.


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PURPOSE Rituximab maintenance therapy has been shown to improve progression-free survival in patients with follicular lymphoma; however, the optimal duration of maintenance treatment remains unknown. PATIENTS AND METHODS Two hundred seventy patients with untreated, relapsed, stable, or chemotherapy-resistant follicular lymphoma were treated with four doses of rituximab monotherapy in weekly intervals (375 mg/m(2)). Patients achieving at least a partial response were randomly assigned to receive maintenance therapy with one infusion of rituximab every 2 months, either on a short-term schedule (four administrations) or a long-term schedule (maximum of 5 years or until disease progression or unacceptable toxicity). The primary end point was event-free survival (EFS). Progression-free survival, overall survival (OS), and toxicity were secondary end points. Comparisons between the two arms were performed using the log-rank test for survival end points. RESULTS One hundred sixty-five patients were randomly assigned to the short-term (n = 82) or long-term (n = 83) maintenance arms. Because of the low event rate, the final analysis was performed after 95 events had occurred, which was before the targeted event number of 99 had been reached. At a median follow-up period of 6.4 years, the median EFS was 3.4 years (95% CI, 2.1 to 5.3) in the short-term arm and 5.3 years (95% CI, 3.5 to not available) in the long-term arm (P = .14). Patients in the long-term arm experienced more adverse effects than did those in the short-term arm, with 76% v 50% of patients with at least one adverse event (P < .001), five versus one patient with grade 3 and 4 infections, and three versus zero patients discontinuing treatment because of unacceptable toxicity, respectively. There was no difference in OS between the two groups. CONCLUSION Long-term rituximab maintenance therapy does not improve EFS, which was the primary end point of this trial, or OS, and was associated with increased toxicity.


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Busulfan, cyclophosphamide, and etoposide (BuCyE) is a commonly used conditioning regimen for autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT). This multicenter, phase II study examined the safety and efficacy of BuCyE with individually adjusted busulfan based on preconditioning pharmacokinetics. The study initially enrolled Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) patients ages 18 to 80 years but was amended due to high early treatment-related mortality (TRM) in patients > 65 years. BuCyE outcomes were compared with contemporaneous recipients of carmustine, etoposide, cytarabine, and melphalan (BEAM) from the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research. Two hundred seven subjects with HL (n = 66) or NHL (n = 141) were enrolled from 32 centers in North America, and 203 underwent ASCT. Day 100 TRM for all subjects (n = 203), patients > 65 years (n = 17), and patients ≤ 65 years (n = 186) were 4.5%, 23.5%, and 2.7%, respectively. The estimated rates of 2-year progression-free survival (PFS) were 33% for HL and 58%, 77%, and 43% for diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL; n = 63), mantle cell lymphoma (MCL; n = 29), and follicular lymphoma (FL; n = 23), respectively. The estimated rates of 2-year overall survival (OS) were 76% for HL and 65%, 89%, and 89% for DLBCL, MCL, and FL, respectively. In the matched analysis rates of 2-year TRM were 3.3% for BuCyE and 3.9% for BEAM, and there were no differences in outcomes for NHL. Patients with HL had lower rates of 2-year PFS with BuCyE, 33% (95% CI, 21% to 46%), than with BEAM, 59% (95% CI, 52% to 66%), with no differences in TRM or OS. BuCyE provided adequate disease control and safety in B cell NHL patients ≤ 65 years but produced worse PFS in HL patients when compared with BEAM.


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Background: The purpose of this study was to assess the efficacy and safety of ISIS 3521, an antisense phosphorothioate oligonucleotide to protein kinase C in patients with relapsed low-grade non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL). Patients and methods: Twenty-six patients received ISIS 3521 (2 mg/kg/day) as a continuous infusion over 21 days of each 28-day cycle. Results: The median age of the patients was 53 years (range 37–77). Histological subtypes were low-grade follicular lymphoma (n=22) and B-cell small lymphocytic lymphoma (n=4). Twenty-one (81%) had stage III/IV disease. The median number of previous lines of chemotherapy was two (range one to six). A total of 87 cycles of ISIS 3521 were administered. Twenty-three patients were assessable for response. Three patients achieved a partial response. No complete responses were observed. Ten patients had stable disease. Grade 3–4 toxicity was as follows: neutropenia (3.8%) and thrombocytopenia (26.9%). Conclusions: ISIS 3521 has demonstrated anti-tumour activity in patients with relapsed low-grade NHL. There may be a potential role for this agent in combination with conventional chemotherapy for advanced low-grade lymphoma, and further trials are warranted.


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Adiponectin is an adipokine, present in the circulation in comparatively high concentrations and different molecular weight isoforms. For the first time, the distribution of these isoforms in serum and follicular fluid (FF) and their usefulness as biological markers for infertility investigations was studied. In vitro study. University based hospital. Fifty-four women undergoing intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Oocytes were retrieved, fertilized in vitro using ICSI, and the resulting embryos transferred. Serum was collected immediately prior to oocyte retrieval. Adiponectin isoforms (high molecular weight (HMW), medium and low molecular weight) were determined in serum and FF. Total adiponectin and the different isoform levels were compared with leptin and ovarian steroid concentrations. Adiponectin isoforms in serum and FF. Adiponectin isoform distribution differed between serum and FF; the HMW fraction made up half of all adiponectin in the serum but only 23.3% in the FF. Total and HMW adiponectin in both serum and FF correlated negatively with the body mass index and the concentration of leptin. No correlations were observed for total adiponectin or its isoforms with estradiol, progesterone, anti-Mullerian hormone, inhibin B, or the total follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) dose administered during the ovarian stimulation phase. This study shows for the first time that adiponectin isoform distribution varies between the serum and FF compartments in gonadotropin stimulated patients. A trend towards higher HMW adiponectin serum levels in successful ICSI cycles compared to implantation failures was observed; studies with larger patient groups are required to confirm this observation.


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There is evidence to suggest that insulin sensitivity may vary in response to changes in sex hormone levels. However, the results Of human studies designed to investigate changes in insulin sensitivity through the menstrual cycle have proved inconclusive. The aims of this Study were to 1) evaluate the impact of menstrual cycle phase on insulin sensitivity measures and 2) determine the variability Of insulin sensitivity measures within the same menstrual cycle phase. A controlled observational study of 13 healthy premenopausal women, not taking any hormone preparation and having regular menstrual cycles, was conducted. Insulin sensitivity (Si) and glucose effectiveness (Sg) were measured using an intravenous glucose tolerance test (IVGTT) with minimal model analysis. Additional Surrogate measures Of insulin sensitivity were calculated (homoeostasis model for insulin resistance [HOMA IR], quantitative insulin-to-glucose check index [QUICKI] and revised QUICKI [rQUICKI]), as well as plasma lipids. Each woman was tested in the luteal and follicular phases of her Menstrual cycle, and duplicate measures were taken in one phase of the cycle. No significant differences in insulin sensitivity (measured by the IVGTT or Surrogate markers) or plasma lipids were reported between the two phases of the menstrual cycle or between duplicate measures within the same phase. It was Concluded that variability in measures of insulin sensitivity were similar within and between menstrual phases.


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The use of equine FSH (eFSH) for inducing follicular development and ovulation in transitional mares was evaluated. Twenty-seven mares, from 3 to 15 years of age, were examined during the months of August and September 2004, in Brazil. Ultrasound evaluations were performed during 2 weeks before the start of the experiment to confirm transitional characteristics (no follicles larger than 25 mm and no corpus luteum [CL] present). After this period, as the mares obtained a follicle of at least 25 mm, they were assigned to one of two groups: (1) control group, untreated; (2) treated with 12.5 mg eFSH, 2 times per day, until at least half of all follicles larger than 30 mm had reached 35 mm. Follicular activity of all mares was monitored. When most of the follicles from treated mares and a single follicle from control mares acquired a preovulatory size ( : 35 mm), 2,500 IU human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) was administered IV to induce ovulation. After hCG administration, the mares were inseminated with fresh semen every other day until ovulation. Ultrasound examinations continued until detection of the last ovulation, and embryo recovery was performed 7 to 8 days after ovulation. The mares of the treated group reached the first preovulatoiy follicle (4.1 +/- 1.0 vs 14.9 +/- 10.8 days) and ovulated before untreated mares (6.6 +/- 1.2 vs 18.0 +/- 11.1 days; P <.05). All mares were treated with prostaglandin F-2 alpha (PGF(2 alpha)), on the day of embryo flushing. Three superovulated mares did not cycle immediately after PGF(2 alpha), treatment, and consequently had a longer interovulatory interval (22.4 vs 10.9 days, P < 0.05). The mean period of treatment was 4.79 1.07 days and 85.71% of mares had multiple ovulations. The number of ovulations (5.6 vs 1.0) and embryos (2.0 vs 0.7) per mare were higher (P < 0.05) for treated mares than control mares. In conclusion, treatment with eFSH was effective in hastening the onset of the breeding season, inducing multiple ovulations, and increasing embryo production in transitional mares. This is the first report showing the use of FSH treatment to recover embryos from the first cycle of the year.