967 resultados para FIXED-DOSE COMBINATION


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RESUMO: A hipertensão arterial (HA) é uma patologia altamente prevalente, embora claramente subdiagnosticada, em doentes com síndrome de apneia obstrutiva do sono (SAOS). Estas duas patologias apresentam uma estreita relação e a monitorização ambulatória da pressão arterial (MAPA), por um período de 24 horas, parece ser o método mais preciso para o diagnóstico de hipertensão em doentes com SAOS. No entanto, esta ferramenta de diagnóstico para além de ser dispendiosa e envolver um número acrescido de meios técnicos e humanos, é mais morosa e, por conseguinte, não é utilizada por rotina no contexto do diagnóstico da SAOS. Por outro lado, apesar da aplicação de pressão positiva contínua nas vias aéreas (CPAP – Continous Positive Airway Pressure) ser considerada a terapêutica de eleição para os doentes com SAOS, o seu efeito no abaixamento da pressão arterial (PA) parece ser modesto, exigindo, por conseguinte, a implementação concomitante de terapêutica anti-hipertensora. Acontece que são escassos os dados relativos aos regimes de fármacos anti-hipertensores utilizados em doentes com SAOS e, acresce ainda que, as guidelines terapêuticas para o tratamento farmacológico da HA, neste grupo particular de doentes, permanecem, até ao momento, inexistentes. A utilização de modelos animais de hipóxia crónica intermitente (CIH), que mimetizam a HA observada em doentes com SAOS, revela-se extremamente importante, uma vez que se torna imperativo identificar fármacos que promovam um controle adequado da PA neste grupo de doentes. No entanto, estudos concebidos com o intuito de investigar o efeito anti-hipertensor dos fármacos neste modelo animal revelam-se insuficientes e, por outro lado, os escassos estudos que testaram fármacos anti-hipertensores neste modelo não foram desenhados para responder a questões de natureza farmacológica. Acresce ainda que se torna imprescindível garantir a escolha de um método para administração destes fármacos que seja não invasivo e que minimize o stress do animal. Embora a gavagem seja uma técnica indiscutivelmente eficaz e amplamente utilizada para a administração diária de fármacos a animais de laboratório, ela compreende uma sequência de procedimentos geradores de stress para os animais e, que podem por conseguinte, constituir um viés na interpretação dos resultados obtidos. O objectivo global da presente investigação translacional foi contribuir para a identificação de fármacos anti-hipertensores mais efectivos para o tratamento da HT nos indivíduos com SAOS e investigar mecanismos subjacentes aos efeitos sistémicos associadas à SAOS bem como a sua modulação por fármacos anti-hipertensores. Os objectivos específicos foram: em primeiro lugar,encontrar novos critérios, baseados nas medidas antropométricas, que permitam a identificação de doentes com suspeita de SAOS, que erroneamente se auto-classifiquem como nãohipertensos, e desta forma promover um uso mais criterioso do MAPA; em segundo lugar, investigar a existência de uma hipotética associação entre os esquemas de fármacos antihipertensores e o controle da PA (antes e após a adaptação de CPAP) em doentes com SAOS em terceiro lugar, avaliar a eficácia do carvedilol (CVD), um fármaco bloqueador β-adrenérgico não selectivo com actividade antagonista α1 intrínseca e propriedades anti-oxidantes num modelo animal de hipertensão induzida pela CIH; em quarto lugar, explorar os efeitos da CIH sobre o perfil farmacocinético do CVD; e, em quinto lugar, investigar um método alternativo à gavagem para a administração crónica de fármacos anti-hipertensores a animais de laboratório. Com este intuito, na primeira fase deste projecto, fizemos uso de uma amostra com um número apreciável de doentes com SAOS (n=369), que acorreram, pela primeira vez, à consulta de Patologia do Sono do CHLN e que foram submetidos a um estudo polissonográfico do sono, à MAPA e que preencheram um questionário que contemplava a obtenção de informação relativa ao perfil da medicação anti-hipertensora em curso. Numa segunda fase, utilizámos um modelo experimental de HT no rato induzida por um paradigma de CIH. Do nosso trabalho resultaram os seguintes resultados principais: em primeiro lugar, o índice de massa corporal (IMC) e o perímetro do pescoço (PP) foram identificados como preditores independentes de “auto-classificação errónea” da HA em doentes com suspeita de SAOS; em segundo lugar, não encontramos qualquer associação com significado estatístico entre os vários esquemas de fármacos anti-hipertensores bem como o número de fármacos incluídos nesse esquemas, e o controle da PA (antes e depois da adaptação do CPAP); em terceiro lugar, apesar das doses de 10, 30 e 50 mg/kg de carvedilol terem promovido uma redução significativa da frequência cardíaca, não foi observado qualquer decréscimo na PA no nosso modelo animal; em quarto lugar, as razões S/(R+S) dos enantiómeros do CVD nos animais expostos à CIH e a condições de normóxia revelaram-se diferentes; e, em quinto lugar, a administração oral voluntária mostrou ser um método eficaz para a administração diária controlada de fármacos anti-hipertensores e que é independente da manipulação e contenção do animal. Em conclusão, os resultados obtidos através do estudo clínico revelaram que o controle da PA, antes e após a adaptação do CPAP, em doentes com SAOS é independente, quer do esquema de fármacos anti-hipertensores, quer do número de fármacos incluídos num determinado esquema. Os nossos resultados salientam ainda a falta de validade da chamada self-reported hypertension e sugerem que em todos os doentes com suspeita de SAOS, com HA não diagnosticada e com um IMC e um PP acima de 27 kg/m2 e 39 cm, respectivamente, a confirmação do diagnóstico de HA deverá ser realizada através da MAPA, ao invés de outros métodos que com maior frequência são utilizados com este propósito. Os resultados obtidos no modelo animal de HA induzida pela CIH sugerem que o bloqueio do sistema nervoso simpático, juntamente com os supostos efeitos pleiotrópicos do CVD, não parece ser a estratégia mais adequada para reverter este tipo particular de hipertensão e indicam que as alterações farmacocinéticas induzidas pela CIH no ratio S/(R+S) não justificam a falta de eficácia anti-hipertensora do CVD observada neste modelo animal. Por último, os resultados do presente trabalho suportam ainda a viabilidade da utilização da administração oral voluntária, em alternativa à gavagem, para a administração crónica de uma dose fixa de fármacos anti-hipertensores.---------------------------- ABSTRACT: Hypertension (HT) is a highly prevalent condition, although under diagnosed, in patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). These conditions are closely related and 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) seems to be the most accurate measurement for diagnosing hypertension in OSA. However, this diagnostic tool is expensive and time-consuming and, therefore, not routinely used. On the other hand, although continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is considered the gold standard treatment for symptomatic OSA, its lowering effect on blood pressure (BP) seems to be modest and, therefore, concomitant antihypertensive therapy is still required. Data on antihypertensive drug regimens in patients with OSA are scarce and specific therapeutic guidelines for the pharmacological treatment of hypertension in these patients remain absent. The use of animal models of CIH, which mimic the HT observed in patients with OSA, is extremely important since it is imperative to identify preferred compounds for an adequate BP control in this group of patients. However, studies aimed at investigating the antihypertensive effect of antihypertensive drugs in this animal model are insufficient, and most reports on CIH animal models in which drugs have been tested were not designed to respond to pharmacological issues. Moreover, when testing antihypertensive drugs (AHDs) it becomes crucial to ensure the selection of a non-invasive and stress-free method for drug delivery. Although gavage is effective and a widely performed technique for daily dosing in laboratory rodents, it comprises a sequence of potentially stressful procedures for laboratory animals that may constitute bias for the experimental results. The overall goal of the present translational research was to contribute to identify more effective AHDs for the treatment of hypertension in patients with OSA and investigate underlying mechanisms of systemic effects associated with OSA, as well as its modulation by AHDs. The specific aims were: first, to find new predictors based on anthropometric measures to identify patients that misclassify themselves as non-hypertensive, and thereby promote the selective use of ABPM; second, to investigate a hypothetical association between ongoing antihypertensive regimens and BP control rates in patients with OSA, before and after CPAP adaptation; third, to determine, in a rat model of CIH-induced hypertension, the efficacy of carvedilol (CVD), a nonselective beta-blocker with intrinsic anti-α1-adrenergic activity and antioxidant properties; fourth, to explore the effects of CIH on the pharmacokinetics profile of CVD and fifth, to investigate an alternative method to gavage, for chronic administration of AHDs to laboratory rats. For that, in the first phase of this project, we used a sizeable sample of patients with OSA (n=369), that attended a first visit at Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Norte, EPE Sleep Unit, and underwent overnight polysomnography, 24-h ABPM and filled a questionnaire that included ongoing antihypertensive medication profile registration. In the second phase, a rat experimental model of HT induced by a paradigm of CIH that simulates OSA was used. The main findings of this work were: first, body mass index (BMI) and neck circumference (NC) were identified as independent predictors of hypertension misclassification in patients suspected of OSA; second, in patients with OSA, BP control is independent of both the antihypertensive regimen and the number of antihypertensive drugs, either before or after CPAP adaptation; third, although the doses of 10, 30 and 50 mg/Kg of CVD promoted a significant reduction in heart rate, no decrease in mean arterial pressure was observed; fourth, the S/(R+S) ratios of CVD enantiomers, between rats exposed to CIH and normoxic conditions, were different and fifth, voluntary ingestion proved to be an effective method for a controlled daily dose administration, with a define timetable, that is independent of handling and restraint procedures. In conclusion, the clinical study showed that BP control in OSA patients is independent of both the antihypertensive regimen and the number of antihypertensive drugs. Additionally, our results highlight the lack of validity of self-reported hypertension and suggest that all patients suspected of OSA with undiagnosed hypertension and with a BMI and NC above 27 Kg/m2 and 39 cm should be screened for hypertension, through ABPM. The results attained in the rat model of HT related to CIH suggest that the blockade of the sympathetic nervous system together with the putative pleiotropic effects of carvedilol is not able to revert hypertension induced by CIH and point out that the pharmacokinetic changes induced by CIH on S/(R+S) ratio are not apparently responsible for the lack of efficacy of carvedilol in reversing this particular type of hypertension. Finally, the results here presented support the use of voluntary oral administration as a viable alternative to gavage for chronic administration of a fixed dose of AHDs.


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The conventional method for assessing acute oral toxicity (OECD Test Guideline 401) was designed to identify the median lethal dose (LD50), using the death of animals as an endpoint. Introduced as an alternative method (OECD Test Guideline 420), the Fixed Dose Procedure (FDP) relies on the observation of clear signs of toxicity, uses fewer animals and causes less suffering. More recently, the Acute Toxic Class method and the Up-and-Down Procedure have also been adopted as OECD test guidelines. Both of these methods also use fewer animals than the conventional method, although they still use death as an endpoint. Each of the three new methods incorporates a sequential dosing procedure, which results in increased efficiency. In 1999, with a view to replacing OECD Test Guideline 401, the OECD requested that the three new test guidelines be updated. This was to bring them in line with the regulatory needs of all OECD Member Countries, provide further reductions in the number of animals used, and introduce refinements to reduce the pain and distress experienced by the animals. This paper describes a statistical modelling approach for the evaluation of acute oral toxicity tests, by using the revised FDP for illustration. Opportunities for further design improvements are discussed.


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OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine if antioxidant supplementation during pregnancy reduces the incidence of premature rupture of the membranes (PROM).STUDY DESIGN: A placebo-controlled, double-blind trial was conducted. PROM and preterm PROM (PPROM) were planned secondary outcomes of the trial. Women between 12(0/7) and 19(6/7) weeks of gestation and diagnosed to have chronic hypertension or a prior history of preeclampsia were randomized to daily treatment with both vitamin C (1000 mg) and E (400 IU) or placebo.RESULTS: Outcome data for PROM were available for 697 of 739 patients. The rates of PROM (37/349 [10.6%] vs 19/348 [5.5%]; adjusted risk ratio [RR] 1.89 [95.42% CI, 1.11-3.23]; P = .015), and PPROM (16/349 [4.6%] vs 6/348 [1.7%]; RR 2.68 [1.07-6.71]; P = .025) were increased in the antioxidant group.CONCLUSION: Contrary to expectations, vitamins C and E supplementation in this dose combination may be associated with an increased risk of PROM and PPROM.


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Após cerca de 50 anos de experiência com a heparina e antagonistas da vitamina K (AVK), pesquisas e estudos com novos anticoagulantes vêm evoluindo de forma crescente nos últimos anos. Embora consagrados pelo uso, os anticoagulantes tradicionais têm limitações importantes em termos de controle laboratorial, complicações, efeitos colaterais, interações com medicamentos e dieta. A heparina não fracionada (HNF) tem interação com proteínas plasmáticas e parede vascular, pode desencadear trombocitopenia induzida pela heparina (TIH), só pode ser administrada por via parenteral, exige controle laboratorial pelo teste da tromboplastina parcial ativada (TTPa), pode provocar osteoporose e alopecia quando usada por períodos prolongados e sua produção tem origem biológica. A AVK tem a vantagem de poder ser ministrada por via oral, mas o controle (feito pela razão normatizada internacional) pode ser difícil em alguns casos, já que tem início de ação demorado, janela terapêutica estreita, interação com dieta e grande número de medicamentos, pode provocar necrose de pele em portadores de deficiência de antitrombina e de proteínas C e S, e pode induzir alterações fetais quando usada na gravidez. Na década de 1980, surgiram as heparinas de baixo peso molecular, que foram uma evolução da heparina não fracionada, pois apresentaram maior biodisponibilidade, dosagem por peso corporal, sem necessidade de controle laboratorial, administração por via subcutânea, menor risco de trombocitopenia induzida pela heparina, e eficácia e segurança similares à heparina não fracionada. Na última década surgiram, então, uma série de novos anticoagulantes no mercado, os quais têm apresentado resultados promissores em várias situações de profilaxia e tratamento do tromboembolismo venoso. Nesta revisão, são apresentados as novas heparinas de baixo peso molecular, as heparinas de ultrabaixo peso molecular, os pentassacarídeos, os novos inibidores diretos do fator Xa e inibidores do fator IIa.


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A malária é uma doença causada por protozoários do gênero Plasmodium. O tratamento da malária está se tornando cada vez mais difícil com a expansão dos casos de parasitas resistentes aos fármacos utilizados na terapêutica. Neste contexto, produtos isolados a partir de plantas têm dado importante contribuição, representando importante fonte para a obtenção de novos fármacos antimaláricos. A atividade antiplasmódica de alcalóides de origem vegetal tem sido amplamente relatada na literatura. Plantas da família Apocynaceae, ricas em alcalóides indólicos, apresentam amplas propriedades medicinais e algumas espécies do gênero Aspidosperma já demonstraram potencial antimalárico. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo realizar uma abordagem fitoquímica, avaliar a atividade antiplasmódica in vitro e a toxicidade preliminar do extrato hidroetanólico concentrado das cascas de A. excelsum, nativa da Região Amazônica, onde é usada tradicionalmente para tratar várias enfermidades, inclusive malária. A atividade antiplasmódica in vitro de diferentes concentrações do extrato e frações alcaloídica e metanólica foi avaliada em culturas de P. falciparum W2 pela percentagem de inibição da parasitemia e determinação da concentração inibitória média (CI50) em intervalos de 24, 48 e 72 h. O ensaio de citotoxicidade do extrato e fração alcaloídica foi realizado em fibroblastos L929 de camundongo pelo método do MTT e o teste de toxicidade aguda oral do extrato foi realizado de acordo com o Procedimento de Dose Fixa adotado pela OECD com pequenas adaptações. A prospecção fitoquímica revelou a presença de saponinas, açúcares redutores, fenóis e taninos e alcalóides e estes foram confirmados em quantidades significativas na fração alcaloídica extraída com clorofórmio (C2). Através de cromatografia em camada delgada e cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência do extrato, foi caracterizada a presença do alcalóide indólico ioimbina. O extrato e as frações apresentaram atividade antiplasmódica in vitro. O extrato apresentou a melhor atividade em 24 h (CI50= 5,2 ± 4,1 μg/mL), indicando uma boa atividade esquizonticida. Apenas a fração alcaloídica C2 apresentou uma pequena, porém significativa citotoxicidade (concentrações superiores a800 μg/mL). O extrato não só não apresentou citotoxicidade como também nenhum sinal evidente de toxicidade aguda oral na dose de 5000 mg/mL. Os resultados obtidos indicam que o extrato de Aspidosperma excelsum Benth apresenta promissor potencial antimalárico, merecendo estudos mais detalhados sobre sua atividade antiplasmódica, com vistas no isolamento de compostos ativos e elucidação de seu(s) mecanismo(s) de ação.


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Parahancornia fasciculata (Poir.) Benoist (Apocynaceae), também conhecida como Parahancornia amapa (Hub.) Ducke, é uma espécie vegetal empregada popularmente no tratamento da malária, infecções no útero, gastrite, anemia, problemas respiratórios, entre outros. Os objetivos do presente trabalho foram realizar o estudo fitoquímico, avaliar a toxicidade oral aguda e a atividade antimalárica in vitro e in vivo de extratos, frações e substância isolada obtidas a partir de cascas do caule de P. fasciculata. Foram realizados dois tipos de extrações com o pó das cascas de P. fasciculata, por maceração / percolação, com etanol 96°GL e diclorometano, esta última tendo sido realizada a com o pó das cascas alcalinizado com hidróxido de amônio, obtendo-se os extratos secos EEPF e EDAPF, respectivamente. Uma terceira extração foi realizada a partir do EEPF por aquecimento sob refluxo, sucessivamente, com Hex:DCM (1:1), AcOEt:DCM (1:1) e AcOEt. EEPF foi, também, submetido a fracionamento por extrações ácido-base resultando nas frações de neutros (EEPFN) e de alcalóides (EEPFA). A prospecção fitoquímica realizada com o EEPF foi desenvolvida por CCD em cromatoplacas de sílica gel tendo sido detectada a presença de triterpenos, esteróides, heterosídeos flavônicos, saponinas, polifenóis, taninos, heterosídeos antracênicos e heterosídeos cardiotônicos. EDAPF foi submetido à cromatografia em coluna de sílica gel. Foram recolhidas 30 frações sendo que as frações Fr1-3, Fr4, Fr5-7 e Fr11 concentraram a maior parte da massa do extrato cromatografado. Da Fr5-7 foi isolada uma mistura de ésteres do lupeol que representam os componentes majoritários do EDAPF. Esta fração passou por um processo de hidrólise alcalina e o produto obtido (Fr5-7Hid) foi analisado por espectrometrias no IV, RMN de 1H e 13C e foi identificado como o triterpeno lupeol. A fração insolúvel em AcOEt obtida a partir do EEPF, por aquecimento sob refluxo, apresentou resultado positivo para o teste de proantocianidinas e foi submetido a doseamento desta classe de metabólitos. Os resultados foram expressos em porcentagem dos teores para a amostra não diluída (10,46±0,3419%), amostra diluída a 1:10 (9,94± 0,1598%) e amostra diluída a 1:100 (10,55± 0,9299%). A avaliação da atividade antiplasmódica in vitro em culturas de cepas W2 de Plasmodium falciparum foi realizada pelo teste da Proteína II Rica em Histidina (HRP-II) tendo sido testados EEPF, EEPFN, EEPFA, Fr1-3, Fr4, Fr5-7(ésteres do lupeol), Fr11 e o Fr5-7Hid (lupeol). Os melhores resultados obtidos foram para EEPF, EEPFA E EEPFN (CI50= ~ 50 μg/mL) sendo considerados moderadamente ativos. As demais amostras apresentaram CI50 > 50 μg/mL e foram consideradas inativas. Realizou-se também a avaliação da atividade antimalárica in vivo em camundongos fêmeas suíços infectados com cepas ANKA de P. berghei com o EEPF e o EEPF-HEX:DCM (1:1) em concentrações de 500, 250 e 125mg/kg de peso. EEPF foi parcialmente ativo, somente no 8° dia, em todas as concentrações. Já EEPF-HEX:DCM (1:1) foi parcialmente ativo na dose de 500mg/kg de peso e nas demais doses foi inativo. O teste de toxicidade oral aguda foi realizado em camundongos fêmeas suíços, pelo método da dose fixa (5.000mg/kg), com EEPF e não apresentou nenhum sinal de toxicidade evidente, o que foi confirmado pela ausência de alterações nos exames anátomohistopatológicos realizados.


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New oral anticoagulants promise to overcome essential drawbacks of traditional substances. They have a predictable therapeutic effect, a wide therapeutic window, only limited interaction with food and drugs and can be administered p.o. with a fixed dose. On the other hand, knowledge on the laboratory management of new anticoagulants is limited. In the present article we discuss possible indications and available assays for monitoring of Rivaroxaban, Apixaban and Dabigatran. Furthermore, we discuss interpretation of routine coagulation tests during therapy with these new drugs.


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Knowledge of the experience and outcomes of current paediatric antiretroviral treatment (ART) programmes in sub-Saharan Africa can inform new programmes in the region as well as enhance existing ones. This is urgently needed to facilitate the scale-up of treatment, which is needed to address the burden of paediatric HIV cases on the continent. We reviewed the characteristics and outcomes of programmes with clinical paediatric ART studies published prior to 1 January 2008. The outcomes of the studies were comparable to similar ones from developed countries; however, the duration of follow-up was relatively limited in almost all the studies reviewed. One-year survival probability was between 84% and 91%, and considerable improvement in the clinical, immunologic and iral status of the paediatric patients was generally recorded. Loss to follow-up was less than 10% in all but two studies. Adherence to treatment was good and few adverse events were reported. This is despite the fact that many programmes were subject to enormous constraints in terms of health services, and despite widespread use of adult fixed-dose combinations for paediatric patients, including young infants. While the majority of children commencing ART were severely ill, most children were old (median age >5 years for almost all studies) with relatively few infants and young children (age <2 years) receiving treatment. This is in contrast to knowledge of rapid disease progression in the majority of HIV-infected infants and despite the World Health Organization’s recent recommendations to commence ART in all HIV-infected infants less than one year old. There is an urgent need to address barriers to ART for infants. Studies of the outcomes of programmes treating infants as well as those with longer-term follow-up are also needed.


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OBJECTIVE: To review trial design issues related to control groups. DESIGN: Review of the literature with specific reference to critical care trials. MAIN RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Performing randomized controlled trials in the critical care setting presents specific problems: studies include patients with rapidly lethal conditions, the majority of intensive care patients suffer from syndromes rather than from well-definable diseases, the severity of such syndromes cannot be precisely assessed, and the treatment consists of interacting therapies. Interactions between physiology, pathophysiology, and therapies are at best marginally understood and may have a major impact on study design and interpretation of results. Selection of the right control group is crucial for the interpretation and clinical implementation of results. Studies comparing new interventions with current ones or different levels of current treatments have the problem of the necessity of defining "usual care." Usual care controls without any constraints typically include substantial heterogeneity. Constraints in the usual therapy may help to reduce some variation. Inclusion of unrestricted usual care groups may help to enhance safety. Practice misalignment is a novel problem in which patients receive a treatment that is the direct opposite of usual care, and occurs when fixed-dose interventions are used in situations where care is normally titrated. Practice misalignment should be considered in the design and interpretation of studies on titrated therapies.


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BACKGROUND For patients with acute iliofemoral deep vein thrombosis, it remains unclear whether the addition of intravascular high-frequency, low-power ultrasound energy facilitates the resolution of thrombosis during catheter-directed thrombolysis. METHODS AND RESULTS In a controlled clinical trial, 48 patients (mean age 50±21 years, 52% women) with acute iliofemoral deep vein thrombosis were randomized to receive ultrasound-assisted catheter-directed thrombolysis (N=24) or conventional catheter-directed thrombolysis (N=24). Thrombolysis regimen (20 mg r-tPA over 15 hours) was identical in all patients. The primary efficacy end point was the percentage of thrombus load reduction from baseline to 15 hours according to the length-adjusted thrombus score, obtained from standardized venograms and evaluated by a core laboratory blinded to group assignment. The percentage of thrombus load reduction was 55%±27% in the ultrasound-assisted catheter-directed thrombolysis group and 54%±27% in the conventional catheter-directed thrombolysis group (P=0.91). Adjunctive angioplasty and stenting was performed in 19 (80%) patients and in 20 (83%) patients, respectively (P>0.99). Treatment-related complications occurred in 3 (12%) and 2 (8%) patients, respectively (P>0.99). At 3-month follow-up, primary venous patency was 100% in the ultrasound-assisted catheter-directed thrombolysis group and 96% in the conventional catheter-directed thrombolysis group (P=0.33), and there was no difference in the severity of the post-thrombotic syndrome (mean Villalta score: 3.0±3.9 [range 0-15] versus 1.9±1.9 [range 0-7]; P=0.21), respectively. CONCLUSIONS In this randomized controlled clinical trial of patients with acute iliofemoral deep vein thrombosis treated with a fixed-dose catheter thrombolysis regimen, the addition of intravascular ultrasound did not facilitate thrombus resolution. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION URL http://www.clinicaltrials.gov. Unique identifier: NCT01482273.


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BACKGROUND Rivaroxaban has become an alternative to vitamin-K antagonists (VKA) for stroke prevention in non-valvular atrial fibrillation (AF) patients due to its favourable risk-benefit profile in the restrictive setting of a large randomized trial. However in the primary care setting, physician's motivation to begin with rivaroxaban, treatment satisfaction and the clinical event rate after the initiation of rivaroxaban are not known. METHODS Prospective data collection by 115 primary care physicians in Switzerland on consecutive nonvalvular AF patients with newly established rivaroxaban anticoagulation with 3-month follow-up. RESULTS We enrolled 537 patients (73±11years, 57% men) with mean CHADS2 and HAS-BLED-scores of 2.2±1.3 and 2.4±1.1, respectively: 301(56%) were switched from VKA to rivaroxaban (STR-group) and 236(44%) were VKA-naïve (VN-group). Absence of routine coagulation monitoring (68%) and fixed-dose once-daily treatment (58%) were the most frequent criteria for physicians to initiate rivaroxaban. In the STR-group, patient's satisfaction increased from 3.6±1.4 under VKA to 5.5±0.8 points (P<0.001), and overall physician satisfaction from 3.9±1.3 to 5.4±0.9 points (P<0.001) at 3months of rivaroxaban therapy (score from 1 to 6 with higher scores indicating greater satisfaction). In the VN-group, both patient's (5.4±0.9) and physician's satisfaction (5.5±0.7) at follow-up were comparable to the STR-group. During follow-up, 1(0.19%; 95%CI, 0.01-1.03%) ischemic stroke, 2(0.37%; 95%CI, 0.05-1.34%) major non-fatal bleeding and 11(2.05%; 95%CI, 1.03-3.64%) minor bleeding complications occurred. Rivaroxaban was stopped in 30(5.6%) patients, with side effects being the most frequent reason. CONCLUSION Initiation of rivaroxaban for patients with nonvalvular AF by primary care physicians was associated with a low clinical event rate and with high overall patient's and physician's satisfaction.


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My dissertation focuses mainly on Bayesian adaptive designs for phase I and phase II clinical trials. It includes three specific topics: (1) proposing a novel two-dimensional dose-finding algorithm for biological agents, (2) developing Bayesian adaptive screening designs to provide more efficient and ethical clinical trials, and (3) incorporating missing late-onset responses to make an early stopping decision. Treating patients with novel biological agents is becoming a leading trend in oncology. Unlike cytotoxic agents, for which toxicity and efficacy monotonically increase with dose, biological agents may exhibit non-monotonic patterns in their dose-response relationships. Using a trial with two biological agents as an example, we propose a phase I/II trial design to identify the biologically optimal dose combination (BODC), which is defined as the dose combination of the two agents with the highest efficacy and tolerable toxicity. A change-point model is used to reflect the fact that the dose-toxicity surface of the combinational agents may plateau at higher dose levels, and a flexible logistic model is proposed to accommodate the possible non-monotonic pattern for the dose-efficacy relationship. During the trial, we continuously update the posterior estimates of toxicity and efficacy and assign patients to the most appropriate dose combination. We propose a novel dose-finding algorithm to encourage sufficient exploration of untried dose combinations in the two-dimensional space. Extensive simulation studies show that the proposed design has desirable operating characteristics in identifying the BODC under various patterns of dose-toxicity and dose-efficacy relationships. Trials of combination therapies for the treatment of cancer are playing an increasingly important role in the battle against this disease. To more efficiently handle the large number of combination therapies that must be tested, we propose a novel Bayesian phase II adaptive screening design to simultaneously select among possible treatment combinations involving multiple agents. Our design is based on formulating the selection procedure as a Bayesian hypothesis testing problem in which the superiority of each treatment combination is equated to a single hypothesis. During the trial conduct, we use the current values of the posterior probabilities of all hypotheses to adaptively allocate patients to treatment combinations. Simulation studies show that the proposed design substantially outperforms the conventional multi-arm balanced factorial trial design. The proposed design yields a significantly higher probability for selecting the best treatment while at the same time allocating substantially more patients to efficacious treatments. The proposed design is most appropriate for the trials combining multiple agents and screening out the efficacious combination to be further investigated. The proposed Bayesian adaptive phase II screening design substantially outperformed the conventional complete factorial design. Our design allocates more patients to better treatments while at the same time providing higher power to identify the best treatment at the end of the trial. Phase II trial studies usually are single-arm trials which are conducted to test the efficacy of experimental agents and decide whether agents are promising to be sent to phase III trials. Interim monitoring is employed to stop the trial early for futility to avoid assigning unacceptable number of patients to inferior treatments. We propose a Bayesian single-arm phase II design with continuous monitoring for estimating the response rate of the experimental drug. To address the issue of late-onset responses, we use a piece-wise exponential model to estimate the hazard function of time to response data and handle the missing responses using the multiple imputation approach. We evaluate the operating characteristics of the proposed method through extensive simulation studies. We show that the proposed method reduces the total length of the trial duration and yields desirable operating characteristics for different physician-specified lower bounds of response rate with different true response rates.


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Aims [1] To quantify the random and predictable components of variability for aminoglycoside clearance and volume of distribution [2] To investigate models for predicting aminoglycoside clearance in patients with low serum creatinine concentrations [3] To evaluate the predictive performance of initial dosing strategies for achieving an aminoglycoside target concentration. Methods Aminoglycoside demographic, dosing and concentration data were collected from 697 adult patients (>=20 years old) as part of standard clinical care using a target concentration intervention approach for dose individualization. It was assumed that aminoglycoside clearance had a renal and a nonrenal component, with the renal component being linearly related to predicted creatinine clearance. Results A two compartment pharmacokinetic model best described the aminoglycoside data. The addition of weight, age, sex and serum creatinine as covariates reduced the random component of between subject variability (BSVR) in clearance (CL) from 94% to 36% of population parameter variability (PPV). The final pharmacokinetic parameter estimates for the model with the best predictive performance were: CL, 4.7 l h(-1) 70 kg(-1); intercompartmental clearance (CLic), 1 l h(-1) 70 kg(-1); volume of central compartment (V-1), 19.5 l 70 kg(-1); volume of peripheral compartment (V-2) 11.2 l 70 kg(-1). Conclusions Using a fixed dose of aminoglycoside will achieve 35% of typical patients within 80-125% of a required dose. Covariate guided predictions increase this up to 61%. However, because we have shown that random within subject variability (WSVR) in clearance is less than safe and effective variability (SEV), target concentration intervention can potentially achieve safe and effective doses in 90% of patients.