989 resultados para FEB
Aplicaciones de Twitter a la enseñanza Universitaria Cuarto módulo de 6 del curso de Redes Sociales aplicadas al ámbito universitario, en el que se explica el uso de Facebook.
Alcance y contenido: Copia firmada por el notario y testigos, del testamento de Jaume Vilarrasa dejando herederos a su mujer Paula Vilarrasa y a su hijo Josep Vilarrasa
Alcance y contenido: Copia ms. sin fecha, del testamento, Antoni Jaume Oller pagés y parroquiano de S. Iscle de Vallalta (obispado de Gerona), dejando herederos de sus bienes a su mujer María Oller, y a sus tres hijos, Teresa, Francisco y María. Lo firma el notario Pedro Sauleda.
Contiene : separata de revista "Por esos mundos" con artículo firmado por el Bachiller Corchuelo titulado "Teodoro Llorente: confesiones de su vida y de su obra" dentro de la serie "Nuestros grandes prestigiosos " (p. 931-946) ; retrato de Teodoro Llorente por Joaquín Sorolla (fotografía)
Incipit : "Reverendissimo in Cristo... sedis Generalis Archiepiscopus Valentinus"
The marbled-hardcover book contains three sections: a two column debit and credit entry section for students and tutors, a list of "the Bills of the Senior Class calculated" for 1793 and 1794, and at the end of the volume a personal accounting of expenses from February 1797 through January 1799 kept by Shapleigh during the time he was Harvard's Librarian, for services including mending, wood hauling, and "To Miss Morie for cleaning windows & washing sheets," as well as purchases such as books, coffee, and theater tickets.
In this letter, Prince informs Holyoke of his desire to appeal the Board of Overseers' decision to dismiss him. Prince also asserts his belief that, until his appeal is considered, he should continue to perform his duties as Tutor and that the Corporation has no legal authority to fill a vacancy which does not exist.