998 resultados para FDTD method


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We report a numerical analysis of various types of disorder effects on self-collimated beam in two-dimensional photonic crystal. Finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method is used to simulate the process by using a pulse propagation technique. The position disorders along the directions parallel and perpendicular to the incidence are considered. We show that random disorder along the perpendicular direction will have a lesser effect on the performance of the dispersion waveguides than those along the parallel direction. Furthermore, the self-collimation waveguide (SCW) has new characteristics when compared with the photonic crystal line defect waveguide. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A one-to-two splitter for self-collimated beams in photonic crystal (PC) is designed by inserting one row of line defects. Finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method is used to simulate the light propagation process. Our systematical studies show that the splitting ratio is a function of the airholes size of the line defect radius, and stays fairly constant as a function of frequency. Furthermore, it is shown the numerical results can be analyzed by coupled-mode theory. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This dissertation describes a model for acoustic propagation in inhomogeneous flu- ids, and explores the focusing by arrays onto targets under various conditions. The work explores the use of arrays, in particular the time reversal array, for underwater and biomedical applications. Aspects of propagation and phasing which can lead to reduced focusing effectiveness are described. An acoustic wave equation was derived for the propagation of finite-amplitude waves in lossy time-varying inhomogeneous fluid media. The equation was solved numerically in both Cartesian and cylindrical geometries using the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method. It was found that time reversal arrays are sensitive to several debilitating factors. Focusing ability was determined to be adequate in the presence of temporal jitter in the time reversed signal only up to about one-sixth of a period. Thermoviscous absorption also had a debilitating effect on focal pressure for both linear and nonlinear propagation. It was also found that nonlinearity leads to degradation of focal pressure through amplification of the received signal at the array, and enhanced absorption in the shocked waveforms. This dissertation also examined the heating effects of focused ultrasound in a tissue-like medium. The application considered is therapeutic heating for hyperther- mia. The acoustic model and a thermal model for tissue were coupled to solve for transient and steady temperature profiles in tissue-like media. The Pennes bioheat equation was solved using the FDTD method to calculate the temperature fields in tissue-like media from focused acoustic sources. It was found that the temperature-dependence of the medium's background prop- erties can play an important role in the temperature predictions. Finite-amplitude effects contributed excess heat when source conditions were provided for nonlinear ef- fects to manifest themselves. The effect of medium heterogeneity was also found to be important in redistributing the acoustic and temperature fields, creating regions with hotter and colder temperatures than the mean by local scattering and lensing action. These temperature excursions from the mean were found to increase monotonically with increasing contrast in the medium's properties.


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In this paper, the advantages of using L-shaped microviij) feed to e.tcite a rectangular dielectric resonator cuuenna (DRA) by elemanagnetic coupling are presented. This feeding technique enhances the hardsvidth and gain of the antenna without affecting its size. The experimental re srdts are validated using Fidelity software based on the finitedifference tine-domain (FDTD) method


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The thesis is the outcome of the experimental and theoretical investigations carried out on a novel slotted microstrip antenna.The antenna excites two resonance frequencies and provides orthogonal polarization. The radiation characteristics of the antenna are studied in detail. The antenna design is optimized using IE3D electromagnetic simulation tool. The frequency-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) method is employed for the analysis of the antenna.The antenna can be used for personal and satellite communication applications.


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The thesis is the outcome of the experimental and theoretical Investigations on novel feeding techniques for bandwidth enhancement of microstrip patches. The new feeding techniques provide bandwidth enhancement without deteriorating the radiation characteristics of the antenna. The antenna is analysed using finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) method. The predicated results are compared with the experimental results and excellent agreement is observed. The results are also verified using IE3D simulation software. The antenna is suitable for personal and broadband communications.


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The detection of buried objects using time-domain freespace measurements was carried out in the near field. The location of a hidden object was determined from an analysis of the reflected signal. This method can be extended to detect any number of objects. Measurements were carried out in the X- and Ku-bands using ordinary rectangular pyramidal horn antennas of gain 15 dB. The same antenna was used as the transmitter and recei er. The experimental results were compared with simulated results by applying the two-dimensional finite-difference time-domain(FDTD)method, and agree well with each other. The dispersi e nature of the dielectric medium was considered for the simulation.


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Experimental investigations on Microstrip line excited Dielectric Resonator Antenna configurations suitable for Mobile Communication applications are reported. High permittivity (εrd = 48) resonator samples with different aspect ratios are employed for the study. Theoretical analysis performed using FDTD method is also presented.


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In this paper, the effects of silver nano-spheroid size and elongation on plasmon wavelength are investigated, and the plasmon eigenvalues are formulated as a function of the radius and aspect ratio of the nano-particles. These can be used in eigenmode plasmonic interaction method to study interaction of nano-particles on each other at dipole resonance frequencies.. It is demonstrated that plasmon eigenvalues are partially linear with respect to radius and aspect ratio of the nano-spheroids. In addition, it is shown that the maximum enhancement occurs in the direction of the polarization angle.


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Localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) has been used to develop optical biosensors. Tuning the resonance wavelength to detect target biomolecules with a particular dipolar resonance is essential when designing LSPR biosensors. In this paper, the interaction of nanoparticles (NPs) with glass substrate (SiO2) for LSPR wavelength is investigated using the concept of the image-charge theory. Using the FDTD method, it is shown how the NP and substrate size change the plasmon wavelength. Next, this phenomenon is interpreted using the analytical electrostatic eigenvalue method.


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Applications of LSPR nano-particles in various areas of solar cells, LSPR biosensors, and SERS biosensors, based on interaction of light with noble metal nano-particles is increasing. Therefore, design and nano-fabrication of the LSPR devices is a key step in developing such applications. Design of nano-structures with desirable spectral properties using numerical techniques such as finite difference time domain (FDTD) is the first step in this work. A new structure called nano-sinusoid, satisfying the some desirable LSPR characteristics, is designed and simulated using the FDTD method. In the next stage, analytical method of electro static eigen mode method is used to validate the simulation results. The, nano-fabrications method of electron beam lithography (EBL) is implemented to fabricate the proposed profile with high precision. Finally, atomic force microscopy (AFM) is used to investigate the shape of the fabricated nano-particles, and the dark field microscopy is employed to demonstrate the particular spectral characteristics of the proposed nano-sinusoids.


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This work presents a theoretical and numerical analysis of structures using frequency selective surfaces applied on patch antennas. The FDTD method is used to determine the time domain reflected fields. Applications of frequency selective surfaces and patch antennas cover a wide area of telecommunications, especially mobile communications, filters and WB antennas. scattering parameters are obteained from Fourier Transformer of transmited and reflected fields in time domain. The PML are used as absorbing boundary condition, allowing the determination of the fields with a small interference of reflections from discretized limit space. Rectangular patches are considered on dielectric layer and fed by microstrip line. Frequency selective surfaces with periodic and quasi-periodic structures are analyzed on both sides of antenna. A literature review of the use of frequency selective surfaces in patch antennas are also performed. Numerical results are also compared with measured results for return loss of analyzed structures. It is also presented suggestions of continuity to this work


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This work shows a theoretical analysis together with numerical and experimental results of transmission characteristics from the microstrip bandpass filters with different geometries. These filters are built over isotropic dielectric substrates. The numerical analysis is made by specifical commercial softwares, like Ansoft Designer and Agilent Advanced Design System (ADS). In addition to these tools, a Matlab Script was built to analyze the filters through the Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) method. The filters project focused the development of the first stage of filtering in the ITASAT s Transponder receptor, and its integration with the others systems. Some microstrip filters architectures have been studied, aiming the viability of implementation and suitable practical application for the purposes of the ITASAT Project due to its lowspace occupation in the lower UHF frequencies. The ITASAT project is a Universityexperimental project which will build a satellite to integrate the Brazilian Data Collect System s satellite constellation, with efforts of many Brazilian institutes, like for example AEB (Brazilian Spatial Agency), ITA (Technological Institute of Aeronautics), INPE/CRN (National Institute of Spatial Researches/Northeastern Regional Center) and UFRN (Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte). Comparisons were made between numerical and experimental results of all filters, where good agreements could be noticed, reaching the most of the objectives. Also, post-work improvements were suggested.


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This paper presents the fabrication and analysis of a three-dimensional FCC photonic crystal (PhC) based on a self-assembly synthesis of monodispersive latex spheres. Experimental optical characterization, achieved by measurements of the specular reflectance under variable angles, indicated the clear presence of a Bragg diffraction pattern. Results are further explored by theoretical calculations based on the Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) method to determine the full PhC band structure.