998 resultados para FAMILIAL SYNDROME
Corticosteroid-binding globulin is a 383-amino acid glycoprotein that serves a hormone transport role and may have functions related to the stress response and inflammation. We describe a 39-member Italian-Australian family with a novel complete loss of function (null) mutation of the corticosteroid-binding globulin gene. A second, previously described, mutation (Lyon) segregated independently in the same kindred. The novel exon 2 mutation led to a premature termination codon corresponding to residue -12 of the procorticosteroid-binding globulin molecule (c.121G->A). Among 32 family members there were 3 null homozygotes, 19 null heterozygotes, 2 compound heterozygotes, 3 Lyon heterozygotes, and 5 individuals without corticosteroid-binding globulin mutations. Plasma immunoreactive corticosteroid-binding globulin was undetectable in null homozygotes, and mean corticosteroid-binding globulin levels were reduced by approximately 50% at 18.7 ± 1.3 µg/ml (reference range, 30–52 µg/ml) in null heterozygotes. Morning total plasma cortisol levels were less than 1.8 µg/dl in homozygotes and were positively correlated to the plasma corticosteroid-binding globulin level in heterozygotes. Homozygotes and heterozygote null mutation subjects had a high prevalence of hypotension and fatigue. Among 19 adults with the null mutation, the systolic blood pressure z-score was 12.1 ± 3.5; 11 of 19 subjects (54%) had a systolic blood pressure below the third percentile. The mean diastolic blood pressure z-score was 18.1 ± 3.4; 8 of 19 subjects (42%) had a diastolic blood pressure z-score below 10. Idiopathic chronic fatigue was present in 12 of 14 adult null heterozygote subjects (86%) and in 2 of 3 null homozygotes. Five cases met the Centers for Disease Control criteria for chronic fatigue syndrome. Fatigue questionnaires revealed scores of 25.1 ± 2.5 in 18 adults with the mutation vs. 4.2 ± 1.5 in 23 healthy controls (P < 0.0001). Compound heterozygosity for both mutations resulted in plasma cortisol levels comparable to those in null homozygotes. Abnormal corticosteroid-binding globulin concentrations or binding affinity may lead to the misdiagnosis of isolated ACTH deficiency. The mechanism of the association between fatigue and relative hypotension is not established by these studies. As idiopathic fatigue disorders are associated with relatively low plasma cortisol, abnormalities of corticosteroid-binding globulin may be pathogenic.
Our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the tumorigenesis of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) has partially come from studies of RCC related familial cancer syndromes such as von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) disease and hereditary papillary RCC (HPRC). These studies have led to the identification of RCC related genes, which, besides allowing accurate diagnosis of these diseases, have been found mutated or abnormally expressed in the sporadic counterparts of these familial renal tumours. To date, a number of renal tumour related syndromes have been described. We review recent advances in this field and discuss a genetic approach to managing familial cases of renal tumours occasionally encountered by cancer geneticists and urologists.
A 45-year-old woman with a history of renal carcinoma was observed for facial, cervical and truncal flesh-colored papules. Relatives had similar skin findings and a brother had repeated episodes of pneumothorax. The computerized tomography scan revealed multiple cysts on both lungs. A skin biopsy revealed a perifollicular fibroma. The clinical diagnosis of Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome (BHDS) was corroborated by identification of a novel frameshift c.573delGAinsT (p.G191fsX31) mutation in heterozygosity on exon 6 of the folliculin gene. The presence of multiple and typical benign hair follicle tumors highlights the role of the dermatologist in the diagnosis of this rare genodermatosis that is associated with an increased risk of renal cell cancer and pulmonary cysts, warranting personal and familial follow-up and counseling.
Holt-Oram syndrome was first described in 1960 as an association of familial heart disease and musculoskeletal abnormalities. The most important findings include atrial septal defects, atrioventricular conduction abnormalities, vascular hypoplasia, and upper limb musculoskeletal deformities. We report two patients with this syndrome in the same family and discuss the variability of the musculoskeletal abnormalities and their association with the cardiac morphologic defects. Both patients in this study had associated eosinophilia, which has not been reported in the literature.
Marfan's syndrome is an inherited disorder of the connective tissue. Cardiologic manifestations, especially aortic dilation, are important causes of morbidity and mortality in the clinical course of the disease in adults and teenagers. In children, the presence of aortic aneurysm and its dissection or rupture is rare, occurring in patients with genetic mutation of the fibrillin gene but not in those who have the familial form of the disease. We describe here 2 patients, from the same family (siblings), diagnosed with gigantic aortic aneurysm early in infancy, one of them successfully undergoing surgery.
Lynch syndrome is one of the most common hereditary colorectal cancer (CRC) syndrome and is caused by germline mutations of MLH1, MSH2 and more rarely MSH6, PMS2, MLH3 genes. Whereas the absence of MSH2 protein is predictive of Lynch syndrome, it is not the case for the absence of MLH1 protein. The purpose of this study was to develop a sensitive and cost effective algorithm to select Lynch syndrome cases among patients with MLH1 immunohistochemical silencing. Eleven sporadic CRC and 16 Lynch syndrome cases with MLH1 protein abnormalities were selected. The BRAF c.1799T> A mutation (p.Val600Glu) was analyzed by direct sequencing after PCR amplification of exon 15. Methylation of MLH1 promoter was determined by Methylation-Sensitive Single-Strand Conformation Analysis. In patients with Lynch syndrome, there was no BRAF mutation and only one case showed MLH1 methylation (6%). In sporadic CRC, all cases were MLH1 methylated (100%) and 8 out of 11 cases carried the above BRAF mutation (73%) whereas only 3 cases were BRAF wild type (27%). We propose the following algorithm: (1) no further molecular analysis should be performed for CRC exhibiting MLH1 methylation and BRAF mutation, and these cases should be considered as sporadic CRC; (2) CRC with unmethylated MLH1 and negative for BRAF mutation should be considered as Lynch syndrome; and (3) only a small fraction of CRC with MLH1 promoter methylation but negative for BRAF mutation should be true Lynch syndrome patients. These potentially Lynch syndrome patients should be offered genetic counselling before searching for MLH1 gene mutations.
Les maladies autoinflammatoires font partie du diagnostic différentiel de l'état fébrile à répétition chez lenfant. Ces maladies sont caractérisées par des poussées inflammatoires sans cause évidente. Certaines de ces maladies, comme la Fièvre méditerranéenne familiale, ont une origine génétique et nécessitent un traitement régulier pour éviter des conséquences graves à long terme. Le syndrome de PFAPA est la plus fréquente des fièvres récurrentes et son diagnostic se base sur des critères diagnostiques peu précis. Son traitement reste controversé. La prednisone en dose unique permet d'interrompre la poussée et l'amygdalectomie peut induire une rémission dans une majorité des cas. The autoinflammatory diseases should be considered in the differential diagnosis of recurrent fever in childhood. These diseases are characterized by inflammatory episodes without an evident cause. Some of these diseases, like the Familial Mediterranean Fever, have a genetic origin and need a chronic treatment to avoid severe complications on the long term. PFAPA syndrome is the most frequent cause of recurrent fever and is diagnosed based on unspecific criteria. The treatment is still controversial. One dose of Prednisone is able to interrupt the flare and tonsillectomy may induce a remission in the majority of the cases
BACKGROUND: Catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT) is an inherited arrhythmia syndrome associated with mutations in the cardiac ryanodine receptor gene (Ryr2) in the majority of patients. Previous studies of CPVT patients mainly involved probands, so current insight into disease penetrance, expression, genotype-phenotype correlations, and arrhythmic event rates in relatives carrying the Ryr2 mutation is limited. METHODS AND RESULTS: One-hundred sixteen relatives carrying the Ryr2 mutation from 15 families who were identified by cascade screening of the Ryr2 mutation causing CPVT in the proband were clinically characterized, including 61 relatives from 1 family. Fifty-four of 108 antiarrhythmic drug-free relatives (50%) had a CPVT phenotype at the first cardiological examination, including 27 (25%) with nonsustained ventricular tachycardia. Relatives carrying a Ryr2 mutation in the C-terminal channel-forming domain showed an increased odds of nonsustained ventricular tachycardia (odds ratio, 4.1; 95% CI, 1.5-11.5; P=0.007, compared with N-terminal domain) compared with N-terminal domain. Sinus bradycardia was observed in 19% of relatives, whereas other supraventricular dysrhythmias were present in 16%. Ninety-eight (most actively treated) relatives (84%) were followed up for a median of 4.7 years (range, 0.3-19.0 years). During follow-up, 2 asymptomatic relatives experienced exercise-induced syncope. One relative was not being treated, whereas the other was noncompliant. None of the 116 relatives died of CPVT during a 6.7-year follow-up (range, 1.4-20.9 years). CONCLUSIONS: Relatives carrying an Ryr2 mutation show a marked phenotypic diversity. The vast majority do not have signs of supraventricular disease manifestations. Mutation location may be associated with severity of the phenotype. The arrhythmic event rate during follow-up was low.
Interstitial deletions of 7q11.23 cause Williams-Beuren syndrome, one of the best characterized microdeletion syndromes. The clinical phenotype associated with the reciprocal duplication however is not well defined, though speech delay is often mentioned. We present 14 new 7q11.23 patients with the reciprocal duplication of the Williams-Beuren syndrome critical region, nine familial and five de novo. These were identified by either array-based MLPA or by array-CGH/oligonucleotide analysis in a series of patients with idiopathic mental retardation with an estimated population frequency of 1:13,000-1:20,000. Variable speech delay is a constant finding in our patient group, confirming previous reports. Cognitive abilities range from normal to moderate mental retardation. The association with autism is present in five patients and in one father who also carries the duplication. There is an increased incidence of hypotonia and congenital anomalies: heart defects (PDA), diaphragmatic hernia, cryptorchidism and non-specific brain abnormalities on MRI. Specific dysmorphic features were noted in our patients, including a short philtrum, thin lips and straight eyebrows. Our patient collection demonstrates that the 7q11.23 microduplication not only causes language delay, but is also associated with congenital anomalies and a recognizable face.
OBJECTIVES: To determine whether PFAPA (periodic fever, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis and cervical adenitis) patients have a positive family history (FH) for recurrent fever syndromes. METHOD: For all patients with PFAPA seen in two paediatric rheumatology centres (Romandy, Switzerland and Bordeaux, France), parents were interviewed to record the FH for periodic fever. As controls, we interviewed a group of children without history of recurrent fever. RESULTS: We recruited 84 patients with PFAPA and 47 healthy children. The FH for recurrent fever (without an infectious cause and recurring for at least half a year) was positive in 38/84 (45%), and was positive for PFAPA (diagnosis confirmed by a physician) in 10/84 (12%) of the PFAPA patients. For 29 of the 38 patients with positive FH, the affected person was a sibling or a parent. None of the healthy children had a positive FH for recurrent fever or PFAPA. A positive FH for rheumatological diseases was seen in both groups of children. CONCLUSION: These data show that a significant percentage of PFAPA patients present a positive FH of recurrent fever and PFAPA. This familial susceptibility suggests a potential genetic origin for this syndrome.
Metachondromatosis (MC) is a rare, autosomal dominant, incompletely penetrant combined exostosis and enchondromatosis tumor syndrome. MC is clinically distinct from other multiple exostosis or multiple enchondromatosis syndromes and is unlinked to EXT1 and EXT2, the genes responsible for autosomal dominant multiple osteochondromas (MO). To identify a gene for MC, we performed linkage analysis with high-density SNP arrays in a single family, used a targeted array to capture exons and promoter sequences from the linked interval in 16 participants from 11 MC families, and sequenced the captured DNA using high-throughput parallel sequencing technologies. DNA capture and parallel sequencing identified heterozygous putative loss-of-function mutations in PTPN11 in 4 of the 11 families. Sanger sequence analysis of PTPN11 coding regions in a total of 17 MC families identified mutations in 10 of them (5 frameshift, 2 nonsense, and 3 splice-site mutations). Copy number analysis of sequencing reads from a second targeted capture that included the entire PTPN11 gene identified an additional family with a 15 kb deletion spanning exon 7 of PTPN11. Microdissected MC lesions from two patients with PTPN11 mutations demonstrated loss-of-heterozygosity for the wild-type allele. We next sequenced PTPN11 in DNA samples from 54 patients with the multiple enchondromatosis disorders Ollier disease or Maffucci syndrome, but found no coding sequence PTPN11 mutations. We conclude that heterozygous loss-of-function mutations in PTPN11 are a frequent cause of MC, that lesions in patients with MC appear to arise following a "second hit," that MC may be locus heterogeneous since 1 familial and 5 sporadically occurring cases lacked obvious disease-causing PTPN11 mutations, and that PTPN11 mutations are not a common cause of Ollier disease or Maffucci syndrome.
CONTEXT: Many inherited disorders of calcium and phosphate homeostasis are unexplained at the molecular level. OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study was to identify the molecular basis of phosphate and calcium abnormalities in two unrelated, consanguineous families. PATIENTS: The affected members in family 1 presented with rickets due to profound urinary phosphate-wasting and hypophosphatemic rickets. In the previously reported family 2, patients presented with proximal renal tubulopathy and hypercalciuria yet normal or only mildly increased urinary phosphate excretion. METHODS: Genome-wide linkage scans and direct nucleotide sequence analyses of candidate genes were performed. Transport of glucose and phosphate by glucose transporter 2 (GLUT2) was assessed using Xenopus oocytes. Renal sodium-phosphate cotransporter 2a and 2c (Npt2a and Npt2c) expressions were evaluated in transgenically rescued Glut2-null mice (tgGlut2-/-). RESULTS: In both families, genetic mapping and sequence analysis of candidate genes led to the identification of two novel homozygous mutations (IVS4-2A>G and R124S, respectively) in GLUT2, the gene mutated in Fanconi-Bickel syndrome, a rare disease usually characterized by renal tubulopathy, impaired glucose homeostasis, and hepatomegaly. Xenopus oocytes expressing the [R124S]GLUT2 mutant showed a significant reduction in glucose transport, but neither wild-type nor mutant GLUT2 facilitated phosphate import or export; tgGlut2-/- mice demonstrated a profound reduction of Npt2c expression in the proximal renal tubules. CONCLUSIONS: Homozygous mutations in the facilitative glucose transporter GLUT2, which cause Fanconi-Bickel syndrome, can lead to very different clinical and biochemical findings that are not limited to mild proximal renal tubulopathy but can include significant hypercalciuria and highly variable degrees of urinary phosphate-wasting and hypophosphatemia, possibly because of the impaired proximal tubular expression of Npt2c.
OBJECTIVES: The aims of this study were to describe the clinical features of periodic fever, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis and cervical adenitis (PFAPA) and identify distinct phenotypes in a large cohort of patients from different countries. METHODS: We established a web-based multicentre cohort through an international collaboration within the periodic fevers working party of the Pediatric Rheumatology European Society (PReS). The inclusion criterion was a diagnosis of PFAPA given by an experienced paediatric rheumatologist participating in an international working group on periodic fever syndromes. RESULTS: Of the 301 patients included from the 15 centres, 271 had pharyngitis, 236 cervical adenitis, 171 oral aphthosis and 132 with all three clinical features. A total of 228 patients presented with additional symptoms (131 gastrointestinal symptoms, 86 arthralgias and/or myalgias, 36 skin rashes, 8 neurological symptoms). Thirty-one patients had disease onset after 5 years and they reported more additional symptoms. A positive family history for recurrent fever or recurrent tonsillitis was found in 81 patients (26.9%). Genetic testing for monogenic periodic fever syndromes was performed on 111 patients, who reported fewer occurrences of oral aphthosis or additional symptoms. Twenty-four patients reported symptoms (oral aphthosis and malaise) outside the flares. The CRP was >50 mg/l in the majority (131/190) of the patients tested during the fever. CONCLUSION: We describe the largest cohort of PFAPA patients presented so far. We confirm that PFAPA may present with varied clinical manifestations and we show the limitations of the commonly used diagnostic criteria. Based on detailed analysis of this cohort, a consensus definition of PFAPA with better-defined criteria should be proposed.
OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to identify the genetic defect in a family with idiopathic ventricular fibrillation (IVF) manifesting in childhood and adolescence. BACKGROUND: Although sudden cardiac death in the young is rare, it frequently presents as the first clinical manifestation of an underlying inherited arrhythmia syndrome. Gene discovery for IVF is important as it enables the identification of individuals at risk, because except for arrhythmia, IVF does not manifest with identifiable clinical abnormalities. METHODS: Exome sequencing was carried out on 2 family members who were both successfully resuscitated from a cardiac arrest. RESULTS: We characterized a family presenting with a history of ventricular fibrillation (VF) and sudden death without electrocardiographic or echocardiographic abnormalities at rest. Two siblings died suddenly at the ages of 9 and 10 years, and another 2 were resuscitated from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest with documented VF at ages 10 and 16 years, respectively. Exome sequencing identified a missense mutation affecting a highly conserved residue (p.F90L) in the CALM1 gene encoding calmodulin. This mutation was also carried by 1 of the siblings who died suddenly, from whom DNA was available. The mutation was present in the mother and in another sibling, both asymptomatic but displaying a marginally prolonged QT interval during exercise. CONCLUSIONS: We identified a mutation in CALM1 underlying IVF manifesting in childhood and adolescence. The causality of the mutation is supported by previous studies demonstrating that F90 mediates the direct interaction of CaM with target peptides. Our approach highlights the utility of exome sequencing in uncovering the genetic defect even in families with a small number of affected individuals.
BACKGROUND: Administration of 13-cis retinoic acid (isotretinoin) for acne is occasionally accompanied by hyperlipidemia. It is not known why some persons develop this side effect. OBJECTIVE: To determine whether isotretinoin triggers a familial susceptibility to hyperlipidemia and the metabolic syndrome. DESIGN: Cross-sectional comparison. SETTING: University hospital in Lausanne, Switzerland. PARTICIPANTS: 102 persons in whom triglyceride levels increased at least 1.0 mmol/L (> or =89 mg/dL) (hyperresponders) and 100 persons in whom triglyceride levels changed 0.1 mmol/L (< or =9 mg/dL) or less (nonresponders) during isotretinoin therapy for acne. Parents of 71 hyperresponders and 60 nonresponders were also evaluated. MEASUREMENTS: Waist-to-hip ratio; fasting glucose, insulin, and lipid levels; and apoE genotype. RESULTS: Hyperresponders and nonresponders had similar pretreatment body weight and plasma lipid levels. When reevaluated approximately 4 years after completion of isotretinoin therapy, hyperresponders were more likely to have hypertriglyceridemia (triglyceride level > 2.0 mmol/L [>177 mg/dL]; odds ratio [OR], 4.8 [95% CI, 1.6 to 13.8]), hypercholesterolemia (cholesterol level > 6.5 mmol/L [>252 mg/dL]; OR, 9.1 [CI, 1.9 to 43]), truncal obesity (waist-to-hip ratio > 0.90 [OR, 11.0 (CI, 2.0 to 59]), and hyperinsulinemia (insulin-glucose ratio > 7.2; OR, 3.0 [CI, 1.6 to 5.7]). In addition, more hyperresponders had at least one parent with hypertriglyceridemia (OR, 2.6 [CI, 1.2 to 5.7]) or a ratio of total to high-density lipoprotein cholesterol that exceeded 4.0 (OR, 3.5 [CI, 1.5 to 8.0]). Lipid response to isotretinoin was closely associated with the apoE gene. CONCLUSION: Persons who develop hypertriglyceridemia during isotretinoin therapy for acne, as well as their parents, are at increased risk for future hyperlipidemia and the metabolic syndrome.