963 resultados para Exponential and trigonometrical octoniônic functions


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This thesis Entitled Bayesian inference in Exponential and pareto populations in the presence of outliers. The main theme of the present thesis is focussed on various estimation problems using the Bayesian appraoch, falling under the general category of accommodation procedures for analysing Pareto data containing outlier. In Chapter II. the problem of estimation of parameters in the classical Pareto distribution specified by the density function. In Chapter IV. we discuss the estimation of (1.19) when the sample contain a known number of outliers under three different data generating mechanisms, viz. the exchangeable model. Chapter V the prediction of a future observation based on a random sample that contains one contaminant. Chapter VI is devoted to the study of estimation problems concerning the exponential parameters under a k-outlier model.


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It is highly desirable that any multivariate distribution possessescharacteristic properties that are generalisation in some sense of the corresponding results in the univariate case. Therefore it is of interest to examine whether a multivariate distribution can admit such characterizations. In the exponential context, the question to be answered is, in what meaning— ful way can one extend the unique properties in the univariate case in a bivariate set up? Since the lack of memory property is the best studied and most useful property of the exponential law, our first endeavour in the present thesis, is to suitably extend this property and its equivalent forms so as to characterize the Gumbel's bivariate exponential distribution. Though there are many forms of bivariate exponential distributions, a matching interest has not been shown in developing corresponding discrete versions in the form of bivariate geometric distributions. Accordingly, attempt is also made to introduce the geometric version of the Gumbel distribution and examine several of its characteristic properties. A major area where exponential models are successfully applied being reliability theory, we also look into the role of these bivariate laws in that context. The present thesis is organised into five Chapters


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The relationship between a loss of viability and several morphological and physiological changes was examined with Escherichia coli strain J1 subjected to high-pressure treatment. The pressure resistance of stationary-phase cells was much higher than that of exponential-phase cells, but in both types of cell, aggregation of cytoplasmic proteins and condensation of the nucleoid occurred after treatment at 200 MPa for 8 min. Although gross changes were detected in these cellular structures, they were not related to cell death, at least for stationary-phase cells. In addition to these events, exponential-phase cells showed changes in their cell envelopes that were not seen for stationary-phase cells, namely physical perturbations of the cell envelope structure, a loss of osmotic responsiveness, and a loss of protein and RNA to the extracellular medium. Based on these observations, we propose that exponential-phase cells are inactivated under high pressure by irreversible damage to the cell membrane. In contrast, stationary-phase cells have a cytoplasmic membrane that is robust enough to withstand pressurization up to very intense treatments. The retention of an intact membrane appears to allow the stationary-phase cell to repair gross changes in other cellular structures and to remain viable at pressures that are lethal to exponential-phase cells.


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Snaclecs are small non-enzymatic proteins present in viper venoms reported to modulate haemostasis of victims through effects on platelets, vascular endothelial and smooth muscle cells. In this study, we have isolated and functionally characterised a snaclec which we named rhinocetin from the venom of West African gaboon viper, Bitis gabonica rhinoceros. Rhinocetin was shown to comprise α and β chains with the molecular masses of 13.5 and 13kDa respectively. Sequence and immunoblot analysis of rhinocetin confirmed this to be a novel snaclec. Rhinocetin inhibited collagen-stimulated activation of human platelets in dose dependent manner, but displayed no inhibitory effects on glycoprotein VI (collagen receptor) selective agonist, CRP-XL-, ADP- or thrombin-induced platelet activation. Rhinocetin antagonised the binding of monoclonal antibodies against the α2 subunit of integrin α2β1 to platelets and coimmunoprecipitation analysis confirmed integrin α2β1 as a target for this venom protein. Rhinocetin inhibited a range of collagen induced platelet functions such as fibrinogen binding, calcium mobilisation, granule secretion, aggregation and thrombus formation. It also inhibited integrin α2β1 dependent functions of human endothelial cells. Together, our data suggest rhinocetin to be a modulator of integrin α2β1 function and thus may provide valuable insights into the role of this integrin in physiological and pathophysiological scenarios including haemostasis, thrombosis and envenomation.


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Recent literature has suggested that macroeconomic forecasters may have asymmetric loss functions, and that there may be heterogeneity across forecasters in the degree to which they weigh under- and over-predictions. Using an individual-level analysis that exploits the Survey of Professional Forecasters respondents’ histogram forecasts, we find little evidence of asymmetric loss for the inflation forecasters


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Tea has been Sri Lanka's major export earner for several decades. However, soil erosion on tea-producing land has had considerable on-site and off-site effects. This study quantifies soil erosion impacts for smallholder tea farms in Sri Lanka by estimating a yield damage function and an erosion damage function using a subjective elicitation technique. The Mitscherlich-Spillman type of function was found to yield acceptable results. The study indicates that high rates of soil erosion require earlier adoption of soil conservation measures than do low rates of erosion. Sensitivity analysis shows the optimum year to change to a conservation practice is very sensitive to the discount rate but less sensitive to the cost of production and price of tea.


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We discuss the problem of texture recognition based on the grey level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM). We performed a number of numerical experiments to establish whether the accuracy of classification is optimal when GLCM entries are aggregated into standard metrics like contrast, dissimilarity, homogeneity, entropy, etc., and compared these metrics to several alternative aggregation methods.We conclude that k nearest neighbors classification based on raw GLCM entries typically works better than classification based on the standard metrics for noiseless data, that metrics based on principal component analysis inprove classification, and that a simple change from the arithmetic to quadratic mean in calculating the standard metrics also improves classification.


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Background: Enprocal is a high-protein micro-nutrient rich formulated supplementary food designed to meet the nutritional needs of the frail elderly and be delivered to them in every day foods. We studied the potential of Enprocal to improve gut and immune health using simple and robust bioassays for gut cell proliferation, intestinal integrity/permeability, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative activities. Effects of Enprocal were compared with whey protein concentrate 80 (WPC), heat treated skim milk powder, and other commercially available milk derived products.

Results: Enprocal (undigested) and digested (Enprocal D) selectively enhanced cell proliferation in normal human intestinal epithelial cells (FHs74-Int) and showed no cytotoxicity. In a dose dependent manner Enprocal induced cell death in Caco-2 cells (human colon adencarcinoma epithelial cells). Digested Enprocal (Enprocal D: gut enzyme cocktail treated) maintained the intestinal integrity in transepithelial resistance (TEER) assay, increased the permeability of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and did not induce oxidative stress to the gut epithelial cells. Enprocal D upregulated the surface expression of co-stimulatory (CD40, CD86, CD80), MHC I and MHC II molecules on PMA differentiated THP-1 macrophages in coculture transwell model, and inhibited the monocyte/lymphocyte (THP-1/Jurkat E6-1 cells)-epithelial cell adhesion. In cytokine secretion analyses, Enprocal D down-regulated the secretion of proinflammatory cytokines (IL-1β and TNF-α) and up-regulated IFN-γ, IL-2 and IL-10.

Conclusion: Our results indicate that Enprocal creates neither oxidative injury nor cytotoxicity, stimulates normal gut cell proliferation, up regulates immune cell activation markers and may aid in the production of antibodies. Furthermore, through downregulation of proinflammatory cytokines, Enprocal appears to be beneficial in reducing the effects of chronic gut inflammatory diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Stimulation of normal human fetal intestinal cell proliferation without cell cytotoxicity indicates it may also be given as infant food particularly for premature babies.


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The purpose of this study was to assess farmers’ attitudes, as well as perceptions and knowledge that shape those attitudes, toward the ecological role of vertebrates inhabiting shaded-coffee farms. We also aimed to determine whether differences existed among two groups of farmers: one that had attended environmental education workshops, and one that had not. We conducted 36 oral interviews of farmers in the region of Cuetzalan, Mexico. All farmers were members of an important regional cooperative, Tosepan Titataniske. In general, farmers’ attitudes towards birds were positive. Snakes were perceived as useful but dangerous animals. Attitudes towards nonflying mammals were mostly indifferent. Bats were poorly understood and badly perceived. Seed dispersal was perceived as an important ecological function performed by animals. Pollination was also perceived as important, but to a lesser degree. Knowledge about ecological functions was high for seed dispersal, and low for pollination. We found a positive correlation between attendance of educational workshops and the presence of “environmentally-friendly” attitudes, perceptions, and knowledge. However, a cause-effect relationship could not be clearly established. We suggest that environmental education programs include the objective of increasing the knowledge of people about the ecological functions played by different groups of animals that live in agroecosystems. Particular efforts should be directed toward improving the way in which certain non-charismatic groups of animals, such as bats, are perceived.


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In this work we study the relation between restricted dissimilarity functions-and, more generally, dissimilarity-like functions- and penalty functions and the possibility of building the latter using the former. Several results on convexity and quasiconvexity are also considered.


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Weak monotonicity was recently proposed as a relaxation of the monotonicity condition for averaging aggregation, and weakly monotone functions were shown to have desirable properties when averaging data corrupted with outliers or noise. We extended the study of weakly monotone averages by analyzing their ϕ-transforms, and we established weak monotonicity of several classes of averaging functions, in particular Gini means and mixture operators. Mixture operators with Gaussian weighting functions were shown to be weakly monotone for a broad range of their parameters. This study assists in identifying averaging functions suitable for data analysis and image processing tasks in the presence of outliers.


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The aim of this study was to assess the longitudinal associations between adaptive autobiographical memory functions and depressive symptoms. Consistent with the proposed mechanisms of change underpinning cognitive-reminiscence therapy (CRT), it was hypothesised that more frequent adaptive reminiscence would lead to increases in psychological resources over time and indirectly affect depressive symptoms through this pathway. A sample of 171 young adults (mean age=25.9years, SD=3.5) completed measures of how frequently they utilised autobiographical memory for identity-continuity and problem-solving purposes, depressive symptoms and personal resources (self-esteem, self-efficacy, meaning in life and optimism) at two time-points. The results of structural equation modelling supported the model of indirect influence between reminiscence functions and depression through these psychological resources. These findings clarify the effects of adaptive autobiographical memory on depressive symptoms in young adults and indicate potential benefits of interventions such as CRT.


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Bloch and Wannier functions of the Kohn type for a quite general one-dimensional Hamiltonian with inversion symmetry are studied. Important clarifications on null minigaps and the symmetry of those functions are given, with emphasis on the Kronig-Penney model. The lack of a general selection rule on the miniband index for optical transitions between edge states in semiconductor superlattices is discussed. A direct method for the calculation of Wannier-Kohn functions is presented.


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The present paper quantifies and develops the kinetic aspects involved in the mechanism of interplay between electron and ions presented elsewhere(1) for KhFek[Fe(CN)(6)](l)center dot mH(2)O (Prussian Blue) host materials. Accordingly, there are three different electrochemical processes involved in the PB host materials: H3O+, K+, and H+ insertion/extraction mechanisms which here were fully kinetically studied by means of the use of combined electronic and mass transfer functions as a tool to separate all the processes. The use of combined electronic and mass transfer functions was very important to validate and confirm the proposed mechanism. This mechanism allows the electrochemical and chemical processes involved in the KhFek[Fe(CN)(6)](l)center dot mH(2)O host and Prussian Blue derivatives to be understood. In addition, a formalism was also developed to consider superficial oxygen reduction. From the analysis of the kinetic processes involved in the model, it was possible to demonstrate that the processes associated with K+ and H+ exchanges are reversible whereas the H3O+ insertion process was shown not to present a reversible pattern. This irreversible pattern is very peculiar and was shown to be related to the catalytic proton reduction reaction. Furthermore, from the model, it was possible to calculate the number density of available sites for each intercalation/deintercalation processes and infer that they are very similar for K+ and H+. Hence, the high prominence of the K+ exchange observed in the voltammetric responses has a kinetic origin and is not related to the amount of sites available for intercalation/deintercalation of the ions.


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Selective chemical sympathectomy of the internal genital organs of prepubertal to mature male Wistar rats was performed by chronic treatment with low doses of guanethidine. Sympathetic denervation caused an increase in intratesticular progesterone levels in prepubertal and early pubertal rats in addition to a decrease in androstenedione and testosterone levels in prepubertal animals, thus indicating a decrease in the conversion of progesterone into androgen, probably by blocking the steroidogenic enzymatic pathway at the 17 alpha-hydroxylase/17,20 desmolase level. A lower degree of testicular maturation, probably related to reduced androgen activity, was observed in prepubertal and early pubertal sympathectomized rats. Concentration of spermatozoa, on the other hand, was increased in the enlarged cauda epididymidis of late pubertal and mature denervated animals. This result is discussed in terms of the impairment of epididymal mechanisms of seminal emission, fluid resorption and spermatozoal disposal.