994 resultados para Expansion multi-périodes
Organizing and managing channels of distribution is an important marketing task. Due to the emergence of electronic commerce on the Internet, e-channel distribution systems have been adopted by many manufacturers. However, academic and anecdotal evidence both point to the pressures arising from this new e-channel manufacturing environment. Questions marks therefore remain on how the addition of this e-channel affects the traditional marketing strategies of leasing and selling. We set up several two-period dual-channel models in which a manufacturer sells a durable product through both a manufacturer-owned e-channel and an independent reseller (leaser) who adopts selling (leasing) to consumers. Our main results indicate that, direct selling cost aside, product durability plays an important role in shaping the strategies of all members. With either marketing strategy, the additional expansion of an e-channel territory may secure Pareto gains, in which all members benefit.
La structuration laser femtoseconde de verres d’oxydes est aujourd’hui un domaine de recherche en pleine expansion. L’interaction laser-matière est de plus en plus utilisée pour sa facilité de mise en œuvre et les nombreuses applications qui découlent de la fabrication des composants photoniques, déjà utilisés dans l’industrie des hautes technologies. En effet, un faisceau d’impulsions ultracourtes focalisé dans un matériau transparent atteint une intensité suffisante pour modifier la matière en trois dimensions sur des échelles micro et nanométriques. Cependant, l’interaction laser-matière à ces régimes d’intensité n’est pas encore complètement maîtrisée, et les matériaux employés ne sont pas entièrement adaptés aux nouvelles applications photoniques. Par ce travail de thèse, nous nous efforçons donc d’apporter des réponses à ces interrogations. Le mémoire est articulé autour de deux grands volets. Le premier aborde la question de l’interaction de surface de verres avec de telles impulsions lumineuses qui mènent à l’auto-organisation périodique de la matière structurée. L’influence du dopage en ions photosensibles et des paramètres d’irradiation est étudiée afin d’appuyer et de conforter le modèle d’incubation pour la formation de nanoréseaux de surface. À travers une approche innovante, nous avons réussi à apporter un contrôle de ces structures nanométriques périodiques pour de futures applications. Le second volet traite de cristallisation localisée en volume induite en grande partie par l’interaction laser-matière. Plusieurs matrices vitreuses, avec différents dopages en sel d’argent, ont été étudiées pour comprendre les mécanismes de précipitation de nanoparticules d’argent. Ce travail démontre le lien entre la physicochimie de la matrice vitreuse et le caractère hors équilibre thermodynamique de l’interaction qui influence les conditions de nucléation et de croissance de ces nano-objets. Tous ces résultats sont confrontés à des modélisations de la réponse optique du plasmon de surface des nanoparticules métalliques. Les nombreuses perspectives de ce travail ouvrent sur de nouvelles approches quant à la caractérisation, aux applications et à la compréhension de l’interaction laser femtoseconde pour l’inscription directe de briques photoniques dans des matrices vitreuses.
Thèse réalisée en cotutelle entre l'Université de Montréal et l'Université de Technologie de Troyes
Les décisions de localisation sont souvent soumises à des aspects dynamiques comme des changements dans la demande des clients. Pour y répondre, la solution consiste à considérer une flexibilité accrue concernant l’emplacement et la capacité des installations. Même lorsque la demande est prévisible, trouver le planning optimal pour le déploiement et l'ajustement dynamique des capacités reste un défi. Dans cette thèse, nous nous concentrons sur des problèmes de localisation avec périodes multiples, et permettant l'ajustement dynamique des capacités, en particulier ceux avec des structures de coûts complexes. Nous étudions ces problèmes sous différents points de vue de recherche opérationnelle, en présentant et en comparant plusieurs modèles de programmation linéaire en nombres entiers (PLNE), l'évaluation de leur utilisation dans la pratique et en développant des algorithmes de résolution efficaces. Cette thèse est divisée en quatre parties. Tout d’abord, nous présentons le contexte industriel à l’origine de nos travaux: une compagnie forestière qui a besoin de localiser des campements pour accueillir les travailleurs forestiers. Nous présentons un modèle PLNE permettant la construction de nouveaux campements, l’extension, le déplacement et la fermeture temporaire partielle des campements existants. Ce modèle utilise des contraintes de capacité particulières, ainsi qu’une structure de coût à économie d’échelle sur plusieurs niveaux. L'utilité du modèle est évaluée par deux études de cas. La deuxième partie introduit le problème dynamique de localisation avec des capacités modulaires généralisées. Le modèle généralise plusieurs problèmes dynamiques de localisation et fournit de meilleures bornes de la relaxation linéaire que leurs formulations spécialisées. Le modèle peut résoudre des problèmes de localisation où les coûts pour les changements de capacité sont définis pour toutes les paires de niveaux de capacité, comme c'est le cas dans le problème industriel mentionnée ci-dessus. Il est appliqué à trois cas particuliers: l'expansion et la réduction des capacités, la fermeture temporaire des installations, et la combinaison des deux. Nous démontrons des relations de dominance entre notre formulation et les modèles existants pour les cas particuliers. Des expériences de calcul sur un grand nombre d’instances générées aléatoirement jusqu’à 100 installations et 1000 clients, montrent que notre modèle peut obtenir des solutions optimales plus rapidement que les formulations spécialisées existantes. Compte tenu de la complexité des modèles précédents pour les grandes instances, la troisième partie de la thèse propose des heuristiques lagrangiennes. Basées sur les méthodes du sous-gradient et des faisceaux, elles trouvent des solutions de bonne qualité même pour les instances de grande taille comportant jusqu’à 250 installations et 1000 clients. Nous améliorons ensuite la qualité de la solution obtenue en résolvent un modèle PLNE restreint qui tire parti des informations recueillies lors de la résolution du dual lagrangien. Les résultats des calculs montrent que les heuristiques donnent rapidement des solutions de bonne qualité, même pour les instances où les solveurs génériques ne trouvent pas de solutions réalisables. Finalement, nous adaptons les heuristiques précédentes pour résoudre le problème industriel. Deux relaxations différentes sont proposées et comparées. Des extensions des concepts précédents sont présentées afin d'assurer une résolution fiable en un temps raisonnable.
A study has been carried out to understand the influence of ambient gases on the dynamics of laser-blow-off plumes of multi-layered LiF–C thin film. Plume images at various time intervals ranging from 100 to 3000 ns have been recorded using an intensified CCD camera. Enhancement in the plume intensity and change in size and shape occurs on introducing ambient gases and these changes are highly dependent on the nature and composition of the ambient gas used. Velocity of the plume was found to be higher in helium ambient whereas intensity enhancement is greater in argon environment. The plume shapes have maximum size at 10−2 and 10−1 Torr of Ar and He pressures, respectively. As the background pressure increases further (>10−2 Torr: depending on the nature of gas), the plume gets compressed/focused in the lateral direction. Internal structure formation and turbulences are observed at higher pressures (>10−1 Torr) in both ambient gases.
Differential thermal expansion over the range 90-210 K has been applied successfully to determine the crystal structure of chlorothiazide from synchrotron powder diffraction data using direct methods. Key to the success of the approach is the use of a multi-data-set Pawley refinement to extract a set of reflection intensities that is more 'single-crystal-like' than those extracted from a single data set. The improvement in reflection intensity estimates is quantified by comparison with reference single-crystal intensities. (C) 2008 International Union of Crystallography Printed in Singapore - all rights reserved
Since the advent of wide-angle imaging of the inner heliosphere, a plethora of techniques have been developed to investigate the three-dimensional structure and kinematics of solar wind transients, such as coronal mass ejections, from their signatures in single- and multi-spacecraft imaging observations. These techniques, which range from the highly complex and computationally intensive to methods based on simple curve fitting, all have their inherent advantages and limitations. In the analysis of single-spacecraft imaging observations, much use has been made of the fixed φ fitting (FPF) and harmonic mean fitting (HMF) techniques, in which the solar wind transient is considered to be a radially propagating point source (fixed φ, FP, model) and a radially expanding circle anchored at Sun centre (harmonic mean, HM, model), respectively. Initially, we compare the radial speeds and propagation directions derived from application of the FPF and HMF techniques to a large set of STEREO/Heliospheric Imager (HI) observations. As the geometries on which these two techniques are founded constitute extreme descriptions of solar wind transients in terms of their extent along the line of sight, we describe a single-spacecraft fitting technique based on a more generalized model for which the FP and HM geometries form the limiting cases. In addition to providing estimates of a transient’s speed and propagation direction, the self-similar expansion fitting (SSEF) technique provides, in theory, the capability to estimate the transient’s angular extent in the plane orthogonal to the field of view. Using the HI observations, and also by performing a Monte Carlo simulation, we assess the potential of the SSEF technique.
This paper reports the first derived thermo-optical properties for vacuum deposited infrared thin films embedded in multilayers. These properties were extracted from the temperature-dependence of manufactured narrow bandpass filters across the 4-17 µm mid-infrared wavelength region. Using a repository of spaceflight multi-cavity bandpass filters, the thermo-optical expansion coefficients of PbTe and ZnSe were determined across an elevated temperature range 20-160 ºC. Embedded ZnSe films showed thermo-optical properties similar to reported bulk values, whilst the embedded PbTe films of lower optical density, deviate from reference literature sources. Detailed knowledge of derived coefficients is essential to the multilayer design of temperature-invariant narrow bandpass filters for use in non-cooled infrared detection systems. We further present manufacture of the first reported temperature-invariant multi-cavity narrow bandpass filter utilizing PbS chalcogenide layer material.
A economia compartilhada teve origem na década de 1990 nos Estados Unidos impulsionada pelos avanços tecnológicos que propiciaram a redução dos custos das transações on-line peer-to-peer (SHIRKY, 2008), viabilizando a criação de novos modelos de negócio baseados na troca e no compartilhamento de bens e serviços entre pessoas desconhecidas (SCHOR, 2015). A economia compartilhada é constituída por práticas comerciais que possibilitam o acesso a bens e serviços, sem que haja, necessariamente, a aquisição de um produto ou troca monetária (BOTSMAN; ROGERS, 2011). Atualmente, a economia compartilhada está tomando forma no Brasil, por meio da expansão de modelos de negócio que visam ao compartilhamento, à troca e à revenda de produtos e serviços. Assim, objetivando expandir o conhecimento sobre este fenômeno econômico, realizou-se um estudo de caso múltiplo em quatro empresas representantes dessa economia, com o objetivo de conhecer os seus modelos de negócio, enfatizando uma abordagem holística para compreender como essas organizações realizam seus negócios (ZOTT; AMIT; MASSA, 2011). Como resultado deste estudo, constata-se que a economia compartilhada abrange uma extensa gama de modelos de negócio (SCHOR, 2014), dentre os quatro casos estudados foram observados três modelos de negócio distintos. Ademais, por meio dos casos estudados, evidencia-se que as empresas da economia compartilhada tendem a desenvolver sinergias com empresas da economia tradicional para garantir sua sustentabilidade, visto que, das quatro empresas estudadas, três já estão desenvolvendo transações business-to-business com parceiros da economia tradicional, constatando-se assim o surgimento de uma economia híbrida constituída pelo mercado capitalista e pelas iniciativas de compartilhamento (RIFKIN, 2014). Todavia, verifica-se que a aproximação com empresas tradicionais não significa o abandono da essência de compartilhamento e sustentabilidade socioambiental, inerentes às propostas de valor das atividades da economia compartilhada.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This paper proposes strategies to reduce the number of variables and the combinatorial search space of the multistage transmission expansion planning problem (TEP). The concept of the binary numeral system (BNS) is used to reduce the number of binary and continuous variables related to the candidate transmission lines and network constraints that are connected with them. The construction phase of greedy randomized adaptive search procedure (GRASP-CP) and additional constraints, obtained from power flow equilibrium in an electric power system are employed for more reduction in search space. The multistage TEP problem is modeled like a mixed binary linear programming problem and solved using a commercial solver with a low computational time. The results of one test system and two real systems are presented in order to show the efficiency of the proposed solution technique. © 1969-2012 IEEE.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
The Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the sugar and alcohol sector guides a territorial and sectoral planning that benefits most of the local society and supports this economic activity in all its stages. In this way, the present work aims to determine an index of aggregation of the indicators generated in the baseline of the SEA process, called Index of Sustainability of Expansion of the Sugar and Alcohol Sector (IScana). For this, it was used the normalization of the indicators of each city by the fuzzy logic and attribution of weights by the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Then, the IScana values had been spatialized in the region of 'Grande Dourados'-Mato Grosso do Sul State. The northern portion concentrated the highest values of IScana, 0.48 and 0.55, referring to the cities of Nova Alvorada do Sul and Rio Brilhante, while, in the central portion, the city of Dourados presented the lowest value, 0.10. The selection of the set of indicators forming the IScana, and their relative importance, was satisfactory for the application of fuzzy logic and AHP techniques. The IScana index supplies objective information regarding the diagnosis of the region for the application of SEA.
Spray characterization under flash boiling conditions was investigated utilizing a symmetric multi-hole injector applicable to the gasoline direct injection (GDI) engine. Tests were performed in a constant volume combustion vessel using a high-speed schlieren and Mie scattering imaging systems. Four fuels including n-heptane, 100% ethanol, pure ethanol blended with 15% iso-octane by volume, and test grade E85 were considered in the study. Experimental conditions included various ambient pressure, fuel temperature, and fuel injection pressure. Visualization of the vaporizing spray development was acquired by utilizing schlieren and laser-based Mie scattering techniques. Time evolved spray tip penetration, spray angle, and the ratio of the vapor to liquid region were analyzed by utilizing digital image processing techniques in MATLAB. This research outlines spray characteristics at flash boiling and non-flash boiling conditions. At flash boiling conditions it was observed that individual plumes merge together, leading to significant contraction in spray angle as compared to non-flash boiling conditions. The results indicate that at flash boiling conditions, spray formation and expansion of vapor region is dependent on momentum exchange offered by the ambient gas. A relation between momentum exchange and liquid spray angle formed was also observed.