965 resultados para Exercise Intolerance
Recurrent airway obstruction (RAO) is a multifactorial and polygenic disease. Affected horses are typically 7 years of age or older and show exercise intolerance, increased breathing effort, coughing, airway neutrophilia, mucus accumulation and hyperreactivity as well as cholinergic bronchospasm. The environmental factors responsible are predominantly allergens and irritants in haydust, but the immunological mechanisms underlying RAO are still unclear. Several studies have demonstrated a familiar predisposition for RAO and it is now proven that the disease has a genetic basis. In offspring, the risk of developing RAO is 3-fold increased when one parent is affected and increases to almost 5-fold when both parents have RAO. Segregation analysis in two high-prevalence families demonstrated a high heritability and a complex inheritance with several major genes. A whole genomescan showed chromosome-wide significant linkage of seven chromosomal regions with RAO. Of the microsatellites, which were located near atopy candidate genes, those in a region of chromosome 13 harboring the IL4R gene were strongly associated with the RAO phenotype in the offspring of one RAO-affected stallion. Furthermore, IgE-levels are influenced by hereditary factors in the horse, and we have evidence that RAO-affected offspring of the same stallion have increased levels of specific IgE against moldspore allergens. The identification of genetic markers and ultimately of the responsible genes will not only allow for an improved prophylaxis, i.e. early identification of susceptible individuals and avoidance of high-risk matings, but also improve our ability to find new therapeutic targets and to optimize existing treatments.
A insuficiência valvar crônica de mitral (IVCM) é a principal cardiopatia de cães, correspondendo a 75-85% dos casos de cardiopatias. É causada pela degeneração mixomatosa da valva mitral (endocardiose de mitral) sendo, então, uma doença degenerativa adquirida e que pode ocasionar a insuficiência cardíaca congestiva (ICC). Pode acometer qualquer raça de cão, mas é mais frequentemente observada nas raças de pequeno porte, dentre as quais, Poodle miniatura, Spitz Alemão, Dachshund, Yorkshire Terrier, Chihuahua e Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Na endocardiose de mitral, o volume sanguíneo regurgitado causa sobrecarga do lado esquerdo do coração, devido ao aumento das pressões atrial e ventricular esquerdas, seguida de dilatação e hipertrofia dessas cavidades cardíacas. A elevação da pressão ventricular esquerda pode causar hipertensão pulmonar, congestão e, em estágios avançados, edema pulmonar. A doença pode evoluir assintomática, enquanto que naqueles casos que evoluem para insuficiência cardíaca congestiva (ICC) os sintomas mais usuais são: tosse, intolerância ao exercício, dispneia e síncope. Em 2009 o colégio americano de medicina interna veterinária (American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine -ACVIM) elaborou diretrizes para o tratamento da IVCM, tendo por base a classificação funcional adaptada do American College of Cardiology. Neste trabalho foram utilizados os fármacos anlodipino e pimobendana em associação a outros usualmente indicados no tratamento da ICC em cães, segundo consenso de 2009, indicados no tratamento da ICC em cães. Dois grupos (A e B) de cães, cada um constituído por 10 pacientes com IVCM em estágio C, foram tratados com furosemida e maleato de enalapril, sendo que os animais do grupo A receberão pimobendana e os do grupo B, anlodipino. Os animais foram avaliados em diferentes momentos (T0, T30, T60) observando-se as alterações nos exames ecodopplercardiográfico e eletrocardiográfico, bem como de pressão arterial sistólica
Introdução: A DPOC é uma doença respiratória prevenível e tratável, caracterizada por limitação persistente ao fluxo aéreo, hiperinsuflação e aprisionamento aéreo. A dispneia e a intolerância aos esforços, decorrentes destas alterações fisiopatológicas sofre influência de vários fatores. Dentre estes, o recrutamento e a sobrecarga imposta aos músculos inspiratórios e expiratórios são de fundamental importância, porém a participação destes ainda não foi completamente elucidada em diferentes gravidades da doença. Objetivos: O objetivo principal deste estudo foi avaliar a mecânica ventilatória, e o grau de recrutamento da musculatura inspiratória e expiratória na DPOC leve e grave, na condição de repouso e durante um teste máximo de exercício, comparado a um grupo de indivíduos saudáveis. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo transversal envolvendo 36 indivíduos, sendo 24 pacientes portadores de DPOC e 12 voluntários sadios. As avaliações foram divididas em 2 visitas. No D1, foram realizadas uma avaliação clínica, avaliação de dispneia (mMRC) e de qualidade de vida (SGRQ), além da prova de função pulmonar completa. Na 2ª visita, realizada com intervalo de 1 semana, foram avaliadas: as pressões respiratórias máximas estáticas por meio de métodos volitivos (PImax, PEmax, SNIP, Pes sniff, Pga sniff e Pdi sniff) e não volitivos (Twitch cervical bilateral e T10); avaliação da sincronia toracoabdominal por pletismografia de indutância; avaliação do recrutamento dos músculos inspiratórios e expiratórios ao repouso pela eletromiografia de superfície; e, posteriormente, um teste de exercício cardiopulmonar incremental para estudo de todas essas variáveis no esforço. Resultados: Foram avaliados 24 pacientes (12 leves e 12 graves) e 12 indivíduos saudáveis da mesma faixa etária. A maioria dos pacientes apresentava comprometimento significativo da qualidade de vida e os pacientes do grupo grave eram mais sintomáticos. A função pulmonar encontrava-se alterada na maioria dos pacientes. Destes, 79,2% apresentavam aprisionamento aéreo e 70,8% tinham redução da DLCO. Tais alterações foram semelhantes nos 2 grupos de pacientes. A força muscular estática medida por métodos volitivos e não volitivos estava reduzida nos 2 grupos e mostrou relação com o VEF1. No exercício, a dispneia foi o principal motivo para interrupção do teste em 70% dos pacientes. A HD esteve presente em 87,5% dos pacientes. O comportamento das pressões respiratórias foi significativamente diferente entre os 3 grupos. Os pacientes com DPOC apresentaram maior atividade diafragmática (Pdi) comparado aos controles e a participação da musculatura expiratória também foi maior neste grupo, principalmente nos graves. Apesar disso, os pacientes com DPOC apresentaram uma eficiência mecânica reduzida, ou seja, esse incremento da força muscular foi insuficiente para manter uma ventilação adequada para uma determinada carga. Com o aumento da demanda ventilatória, houve recrutamento precoce e progressivo dos músculos inspiratórios e expiratórios durante o exercício. O trabalho resistivo e o expiratório foram significativamente diferentes entre os controles e os pacientes com DPOC desde o início do exercício. Como consequência destas alterações, a intensidade da dispneia durante o TECP foi maior nos pacientes com DPOC (leve e grave) para a mesma carga e mesma ventilação-minuto (VE), quando comparada aos indivíduos do grupo-controle. Conclusões: O conjunto destes achados demonstra que o comprometimento dos músculos inspiratórios e expiratórios contribuiu significativamente para a dispneia e a intolerância ao exercício tanto no DPOC leve quanto no DPOC grave. E que este comprometimento pode não ser detectado com os testes máximos de força ao repouso
Introdução A poluição do ar é um fator de risco associado com descompensação e mortalidade em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca (IC). Objetivo Avaliar o impacto de um filtro de polipropileno sobre desfechos cardiovasculares em pacientes com IC e voluntários saudáveis durante exposição controlada à poluição. Métodos Ensaio clínico duplocego, controlado e cruzado, incluindo 26 pacientes com IC e 15 voluntários saudáveis, expostos a três protocolos diferentes de inalação randomizados por ordem: Ar Limpo; Exposição à Partículas de Exaustão do Diesel (ED); e ED filtrada. Os desfechos estudados foram função endotelial por índice de hiperemia reativa (RHi) e índice de aumento (Aix), biomarcadores séricos, variáveis de teste cardiopulmonar submáximo (caminhada de seis-minutos [tc6m]; consumo de oxigênio [VO2]; equivalente ventilatório de gás carbônico [VE/VCO2 slope]; consumo de O2 por batida [PulsoO2]) e variabilidade da frequência cardíaca (VFC). Resultados No grupo IC, a ED piorou o RHi [de 2,17 (IQR: 1,8-2,5) para 1,72 (IQR: 1,5-2,2); p=0,002], reduziu o VO2 [de 11.0 ± 3.9 para 8.4±2.8ml/Kg/min; p < 0.001], o tc6m [de 243,3±13 para 220,8 ± 14m; p=0,030] e o PulsoO2 [de 8.9 ± 1.0 para 7.8±0.7ml/bpm; p < 0.001]; e aumentou o BNP [de 47,0pg/ml (IQR: 17,3-118,0) para 66,5pg/ml (IQR: 26,5-155,5); p=0,004]. O filtro foi capaz de reduzir a concentração de poluição de 325±31 para 25±6?g/m3 (p < 0,001 vs. ED). No grupo IC, o filtro foi associado com melhora no RHi [2,06 (IQR: 1,5-2,6); p=0,019 vs. ED); aumento no VO2 (10.4 ± 3.8ml/Kg/min; p < 0.001 vs. ED) e PulsoO2 (9.7±1.1ml/bpm; p < 0.001 vs. ED); e redução no BNP [44,0pg/ml (IQR: 20,0-110,0); p=0,015 vs. ED]. Em ambos os grupos, a ED reduziu o Aix, sem efeito do filtro. O uso do filtro foi associado com maior ventilação e reinalação de CO2. Outras variáveis pesquisadas como VE/VCO2 slope e VFC não sofreram influências entre os protocolos. Conclusão A poluição do ar afetou adversamente o desempenho cardiovascular de pacientes com IC. Este é o primeiro ensaio clínico demonstrando que um simples filtrorespiratório pode prevenir a disfunção endotelial, a intolerância ao exercício e o aumento do BNP associados à poluição em pacientes com IC. O uso de máscaras com filtro tem o potencial de reduzir a morbidade associada à IC. Identificador ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT01960920
Objective: In this preliminary study we tested the effect of short-term carbohydrate supplementation on carbohydrate oxidation and walking performance in peripheral arterial disease. Methods: Eleven patients with peripheral arterial disease and intermittent claudication and 8 healthy control subjects completed several weeks of baseline exercise testing, then were given supplementation for 3 days with a carbohydrate solution and placebo. Maximal walking time was assessed with a graded treadmill test. Carbohydrate oxidation during a submaximal phase of this test was measured with indirect calorimetry. At the end of baseline testing a biopsy specimen was taken from the gastrocnemius muscle, and the active fraction of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex activity was determined. Results: Carbohydrate supplementation resulted in a significant increase in body weight and carbohydrate oxidation during exercise in patients with intermittent claudication and control subjects. Maximal walking time decreased by 3% in control subjects, whereas it increased by 6% in patients with intermittent claudication (group X treatment interaction, P < .05). There was a wide range of performance responses to carbohydrate supplementation among patients with claudication (-3%-37%). This effect was greater in poorer performers, and was negatively correlated (P < .05) with muscle pyruvate dehydrogenase complex activity. Conclusion: Preliminary data suggest that carbohydrate oxidation during exercise might contribute to exercise intolerance in more dysfunctional patients with intermittent claudication and that carbohydrate supplementation might be an effective therapeutic intervention in these patients.
In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that walking intolerance in intermittent claudication (IC) is related to both slowed whole body oxygen uptake (Vo(2)) kinetics and altered activity of the active fraction of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDCa) in skeletal muscle. Ten patients with IC and peripheral arterial disease [ankle/brachial index (ABI) = 0.73 +/- 0.13] and eight healthy controls (ABI = 1. 17 +/- 0.13) completed three maximal walking tests. From these tests, averaged estimates of walking time, peak Vo(2) and the time constant of Vo(2) (tau) during submaximal walking were obtained. A muscle sample was taken from the gastrocnemius medialis muscle at rest and analysed for PDCa and several other biochemical variables. Walking time and peak Vo(2) were approx. 50 % lower in patients with IC than controls, and tau was 2-fold higher (P < 0.05). r was significantly correlated with walking time (r = -0.72) and peak Vo(2) (r = -0.66) in patients with IC, but not in controls. PDCa was not significantly lower in patients with IC than controls; however, PDCa tended to be correlated with tau (r = -0.56, P = 0.09) in patients with IC, but not in controls (r = -0.14). A similar correlation was observed between resting ABI and tau (r = -0.63, P = 0.05) in patients with IC. These data suggest that the impaired Vo(2) kinetics contributes to walking intolerance in IC and that, within a group of patients with IC, differences in Vo(2) kinetics might be partly linked to differences in muscle carbohydrate oxidation.
Background: Inflammatory markers are increased in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD) and are hypothesised to play an important part in muscle dysfunction and exercise intolerance. Methods: The Health Aging and Body Composition ( Health ABC) study is a prospective observational cohort of well functioning individuals aged 70 - 79 years. A cross sectional analysis of the baseline data was conducted to examine the association between inflammatory markers and ventilatory limitation, muscle strength, and exercise capacity. These associations were compared in participants with and without obstructive lung disease ( OLD). Results: Of the 3075 participants enrolled in the Health ABC cohort, OLD was identified by spirometric testing in 268 participants and 2005 participants had normal spirometric results. Of the participants with OLD, 35%, 38%, and 27% participants had mild, moderate, and severe OLD, respectively. Participants with OLD had lower quadriceps strength (102.5 Nm v 108.9 Nm, p = 0.02), lower maximum inspiratory pressure (64.7 cm H2O v 74.2 cm H2O, p< 0.0001), higher systemic interleukin (IL)-6 levels (2.6 pg/ml v 2.2 pg/ml, p< 0.0001), and higher C-reactive protein (CRP) levels (3.5 mg/l v 2.5 mg/l, p< 0.0001) than those with normal spirometry. In participants with OLD and those with normal spirometry, forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) was associated with IL-6 ( adjusted regression coefficients (beta) = -5.3 (95% CI -9.1 to -1.5) and -3.1 (95% CI -4.3 to -1.9), respectively). IL-6 and TNF were also associated with quadriceps strength among participants with OLD and those with normal spirometry (beta = -6.4 (95% CI -12.8 to -0.03) and -3.4 (95% CI -5.4 to -1.3), respectively, for IL-6 and beta = -10.1 (95% CI -18.7 to -1.5) and -3.8 (95% CI -7 to -0.6), respectively, for TNF). IL-6, quadriceps strength, and maximum inspiratory pressures were independent predictors of reduced exercise capacity in both groups. Conclusions: In well functioning elderly subjects with or without OLD, IL-6 is associated with reduced FEV1, quadriceps strength, and exercise capacity.
L’hypertension artérielle pulmonaire (HTAP) est une maladie caractérisée par l’augmentation progressive des résistances vasculaires pulmonaires causant une augmentation de la pression artérielle pulmonaire qui mène au décès prématuré des patients. Malgré une amélioration rapide ces dernières années des traitements spécifiques, les patients souffrant d’HTAP demeurent dyspnéiques et intolérants à l’effort. L’atteinte vasculaire pulmonaire est actuellement irréversible. Elle est également la source de plusieurs anomalies au niveau des systèmes cardiovasculaires, ventilatoires et musculaires constituant les principaux déterminants physiologiques de la capacité à l’effort des patients. Cette thèse a investigué différentes facettes de la tolérance à l’effort en HTAP : les différents mécanismes ayant un impact sur l’apport musculaire en oxygène, l’altération des voies de signalisation cellulaire impliquées dans l’angiogenèse musculaire et les mécanismes ayant un impact sur la régulation du débit sanguin et l’oxygénation cérébrale en HTAP. Nous avons premièrement documenté une diminution de l’apport en oxygène aux muscles squelettiques à l’effort des patients en relation avec une diminution de la densité capillaire musculaire. Ce défaut d’angiogenèse corrélait d’ailleurs avec la capacité à l’effort des sujets. Par la suite, nous avons étudié les voies de signalisations cellulaires de l’angiogenèse musculaire. Ces résultats ont permis de démontrer une diminution de l’expression de miR-126, unique aux patients HTAP, qui était responsable de la diminution de la densité capillaire et qui contribuait à leur intolérance à l’effort. De plus, il était possible de moduler in vivo l’expression de miR-126. L’expérimentation in vivo, à l’aide d’un modèle murin d’HTAP, a permis de rétablir l’expression de miR-126, d’augmenter la microcirculation musculaire et d’améliorer la tolérance à l’effort des animaux, ce qui met en lumière le potentiel thérapeutique de l’angiogenèse musculaire pour améliorer la capacité à l’effort en HTAP. Notre dernier projet a démontré que les patients HTAP présentaient une diminution de débit sanguin cérébral. Ce projet a également démontré que les changements de pression artérielle sont moins bien amortis par les vaisseaux cérébraux des patients et que leurs vaisseaux cérébraux étaient moins réactifs aux changements de CO2. Les patients présentaient aussi une augmentation de la sensibilité des chémorécepteurs centraux qui contribuait à augmenter leur ventilation au repos, mais aussi à l’exercice. Finalement, à l’effort, nous avons démontré que le débit sanguin cérébral des patients HTAP était principalement influencé par la pression artérielle alors que chez les sujets sains, le débit sanguin cérébral était influencé principalement par la PETCO2. Nous avons également démontré que les patients HTAP présentaient une diminution progressive de leur oxygénation cérébrale, qui corrélait avec leur capacité à l’effort. Les résultats obtenus au cours de ce doctorat démontrent bien que la capacité à l’effort en HTAP est aussi déterminée par plusieurs anomalies physiopathologiques périphériques.
Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária
McArdle disease is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by inherited deficiency of the muscle isoform of glycogen phosphorylase (or ‘myophosphorylase´), which catalyzes the first step of glycogen catabolism, releasing glucose-1-phosphate from glycogen deposits. As a result, muscle metabolism is impaired, leading to different degrees of exercise intolerance. Patients range from asymptomatic to severely affected, including in some cases limitations in activities of daily living. The PYGM gene codifies myophosphoylase and to date 147 pathogenic mutations and 39 polymorphisms have been reported. Exon 1 and 17 are mutational hot-spots in PYGM and 50% of the described mutations are missense.
The effects of increased training (IT) load on plasma concentrations of lipopolysaccharides (LPS), proinflammatory cytokines, and anti-LPS antibodies during exercise in the heat were investigated in 18 male runners, who performed 14 days of normal training (NT) or 14 days of 20% IT load in 2 equal groups. Before (trial 1) and after (trial 2) the training intervention, all subjects ran at 70% maximum oxygen uptake on a treadmill under hot (35 degrees C) and humid (similar to 40%) conditions, until core temperature reached 39.5 degrees C or volitional exhaustion. Venous blood samples were drawn before, after, and 1.5 h after exercise. Plasma LPS concentration after exercise increased by 71% (trial 1, p < 0.05) and 21% (trial 2) in the NT group and by 92% (trial 1, p < 0.01) and 199% (trial 2, p < 0.01) in the IT group. Postintervention plasma LPS concentration was 35% lower before exercise (p < 0.05) and 47% lower during recovery (p < 0.01) in the IT than in the NT group. Anti-LPS IgM concentration during recovery was 35% lower in the IT than in the NT group (p < 0.05). Plasma interleukin (IL)-6 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha concentrations after exercise (IL-6, 3-7 times, p < 0.01, and TNF-alpha, 33%, p < 0.01) and during recovery (IL-6, 2-4 times, p < 0.05, and TNF-alpha, 30%, p < 0.01) were higher than at rest within each group. These data suggest that a short-term tolerable increase in training load may protect against developing endotoxemia during exercise in the heat.
Background: Ninety percent of cases of diabetes are of the slowly evolving non-insulin-dependent type, or Type 2 diabetes. Lack of exercise is regarded as one of the main causes of this disorder. In this study we analyzed the effects of physical exercise on glucose homeostasis in adult rats with type 2 diabetes induced by a neonatal injection of alloxan. Methods: Female Wistar rats aged 6 days were injected with either 250 mg/ kg of body weight of alloxan or citrate buffer 0.01 M (controls). After weaning, half of the animals in each group were subjected to physical training adjusted to meet the aerobic-anaerobic metabolic transition by swimming 1 h/day for 5 days a week with weight overloads. The necessary overload used was set and periodically readjusted for each rat through effort tests based on the maximal lactate steady state procedure. When aged 28, 60, 90, and 120 days, the rats underwent glucose tolerance tests (GTT) and their peripheral insulin sensitivity was evaluated using the HOMA index. Results: The area under the serum glucose curve obtained through GTT was always higher in alloxan-treated animals than in controls. A decrease in this area was observed in trained alloxan-treated rats at 90 and 120 days old compared with non-trained animals. At 90 days old the trained controls showed lower HOMA indices than the non-trained controls. Conclusion: Neonatal administration of alloxan induced a persistent glucose intolerance in all injected rats, which was successfully counteracted by physical training in the aerobic/anaerobic metabolic transition. © 2008 Mota et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.