1000 resultados para Excitation rates


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Energies and lifetimes are reported for the lowest 136 levels of Fe XIV, belonging to the (1s(2)2s(2)2p(6)) 3s(2)3p, 3s(3)p(2), 3s(2)3d, 3p(3), 3s(3)p(3)d, 3p(2)3d, 3s(3)d(2), 3p(3)d(2) and 3s(2)4l configurations. Additionally, radiative rates, oscillator strengths and line strengths are calculated for all electric dipole (E1), magnetic dipole (M1), electric quadrupole (E2) and magnetic quadrupole (M2) transitions. Theoretical lifetimes determined from these radiative rates for most levels show satisfactory agreement with earlier calculations, a swell as with measurements. Electron impact excitation collision strengths are also calculated with the Dirac atomic R-matrix code (DARC) over a wide energy range up to 260 Ryd. Furthermore, resonances have been resolved in a fine energy mesh to determine effective collision strengths, obtained after integrating the collision strengths over a Maxwellian distribution of electron velocities. Results are listed for all 9180 transitions among the 136 levels over a wide range of electron temperatures, up to 10(7.1) K. Comparisons are made with available results in the literature, and the accuracy of the present data is assessed.


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Radiative rates for electric dipole (E I), electric quadrupole (E2), magnetic dipole (M1), and magnetic quadrupole (M2) transitions among the lowest 60 fine-structure levels of the (1s(2)) 2S(2)2p(5), 2s2p(6), and 2S(2)2p(4)3l configurations of F-like Mo XXXIV have been calculated using the fully relativistic GRASP code. Additionally, collision strengths for transitions among these levels have been computed over a wide energy range below 3200Ry, using the Dirac Atomic R-matrix Code. Resonances have been resolved in a fine energy mesh in order to calculate the effective collision strengths. Results for radiative rates and excitation rates are presented for all transitions, and for collision strengths for transitions from the lowest three levels to the higher lying levels. The accuracy of the present data is assessed to be similar to 20%.


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Energy levels and radiative rates for transitions among the lowest 60 fine-structure levels belonging to the (1s(2)) 2s(2)2p(5), 2s2p(6), and 2s(2)2p(4)3l configurations of F-like Mo XXXIV have been calculated using the fully relativistic GRASP code. Additionally, collision strengths for transitions among these levels have also been computed over a wide energy range below 3200 Ry. using the Dirac Atomic R-matrix Code. Resonances have been resolved in a fine energy mesh in order to calculate the effective collision strengths. Results for radiative rates, collision strengths, and excitation rates are presented for transitions from the lowest three levels to higher lying states. Comparisons with other available results are made, and the accuracy of the present data is assessed. Energy levels are expected to be accurate to within 1%, while other parameters are probably accurate to better than 20%.


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Energy levels and radiative rates for transitions among the lowest 48 fine-structure levels belonging to the (1s(2) 2s(2) 2p (6)) 3s (2)3p (4) , 3s3p(5), 3s (2)3p (3) 3d and 3p(6) configurations of Fe xi have been calculated using the fully relativistic grasp code. Additionally, collision strengths for transitions among these levels have also been computed using the Dirac Atomic R-matrix Code (darc) of Norrington & Grant. Radiative rates and oscillator strengths are tabulated for all allowed transitions among the 48 fine-structure levels, while collision strengths are reported at three energies above thresholds, i.e. 8, 16 and 24 Ryd for a few representative transitions. Furthermore, excitation rates have been calculated in a wide electron temperature range below 5 x 10(6) K, and the contribution of resonances has been included in the threshold regions. Comparisons are made with the earlier available theoretical and experimental rates, and it is concluded that the experimental rates are overestimated by up to a factor of 2.


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Electron-excitation collision strengths have been calculated for transitions between the ten lowest levels of Ca XVII (2sS, 2s2p P, 2s2p P, 2pP 2p D, 2pS ). At high impact energies, where all the channels are open, the calculation was carried out in the LS-coupling approximation by means of the R-matrix method. Transitions between the fine structure levels were then determined by application of a unitary transformation to the LS-coupled K-matrices. At low impact energies, where some of the channels may be closed, an extension of the R-matrix method was employed to take account of relativistic effects directly in the scattering equations. In general, results are in good agreement with recent distorted-wave calculations. Electron-excitation rates are given for a range of electron temperatures.


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This paper discusses one of the major outstanding problems in atomic collision physics, namely the accurate theoretical treatment of electron scattering from open d-shell systems, and explores how this issue has been addressed over recent years with the development of the new parallel R-matrix suite of codes. It focuses on one code in particular - the new parallel R-matrix package PRMAT, which has recently been extended to account for relativistic fine-structure effects. This program facilitates the determination of accurate electron-impact excitation rates for complex open 3d-shell systems including the astrophysically important Fe-peak ions such as Ni II, Fe II and Fe III. Results are presented for collision strengths and Maxwellian averaged effective collision strengths for the optically forbidden fine-structure transitions of Ni II. To our knowledge this is the most extensive calculation completed to date for this ion.


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Context. Absorption or emission lines of Fe II are observed in many astrophysical spectra and accurate atomic data are required to interpret these lines. The calculation of electron-impact excitation rates for transitions among even the lowest lying levels of Fe II is a formidable task for theoreticians.

Aims. In this paper, we present collision strengths and effective collision strengths for electron-impact excitation of Fe II for low-lying forbidden transitions among the lowest 16 fine-structure levels arising from the four LS states 3d(6)4s D-6(e), 3d(7) F-4(e), 3d(6)4s D-4(e), and 3d(7) P-4(e). The effective collision strengths are calculated for a wide range of electron temperatures of astrophysical importance from 30-100 000 K.

Methods. The parallel suite of Breit-Pauli codes are utilised to compute the collision cross sections for electron-impact excitation of Fe II and relativistic terms are included explicitly in both the target and the scattering approximation. 100 LS or 262-jj levels formed from the basis configurations 3d(6)4s, 3d(7), and 3d(6)4p were included in the wavefunction representation of the target, including all doublet, quartet, and sextet terms. Collision strengths for a total of 34191 individual transitions were computed.

Results. A detailed comparison is made with previous theoretical works and significant differences were found to occur in the effective collision strengths, particularly at low temperatures.


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Astrophysics is driven by observations, and in the present era there are a wealth of state-of-the-art ground-based and satellite facilities. The astrophysical spectra emerging from these are of exceptional quality and quantity and cover a broad wavelength range. To meaningfully interpret these spectra, astronomers employ highly complex modelling codes to simulate the astrophysical observations. Important input to these codes include atomic data such as excitation rates, photoionization cross sections, oscillator strengths, transition probabilities and energy levels/line wavelengths. Due to the relatively low temperatures associated with many astrophysical plasmas, the accurate determination of electron-impact excitation rates in the low energy region is essential in generating a reliable spectral synthesis. Hence it is these atomic data, and the main computational methods used to evaluate them, which we focus on in this publication. We consider in particular the complicated open d- shell structures of the Fe-peak ions in low ionization stages. While some of these data can be obtained experimentally, they are usually of insufficient accuracy or limited to a small number of transitions.


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Accurate determination of electron excitation rates for the Fe-peak elements is complicated by the presence of an open 3d-shell in the description of the target ion, which can lead to hundreds of target state energy levels. Furthermore, the low energy scattering region is dominated by series of Rydberg resonances, which require a very fine energy mesh for their delineation. These problems have prompted the development of a suite of parallel R-matrix codes. In this work we report recent applications of these codes to the study of electron impact excitation of Ni III and Ni IV.


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New R-matrix calculations of electron impact excitation rates in Ca XV are used to derive theoretical electron density diagnostic emission line intensity ratios involving 2s(2)2p(2)- 2s2p(3) transitions, specifically R-1 = I(208.70 Angstrom)/I(200.98 Angstrom), R-2 = I(181.91 Angstrom)/I(200.98 Angstrom), and R-3 = I(215.38 Angstrom)/I(200.98 Angstrom), for a range of electron temperatures (T-e = 10(6.4)-10(6.8) K) and densities (Ne = 10(9)-10(13) cm(-3)) appropriate to solar coronal plasmas. Electron densities deduced from the observed values of R-1, R-2, and R-3 for several solar flares, measured from spectra obtained with the Naval Research Laboratory's S082A spectrograph on board Skylab, are found to be consistent. In addition, the derived electron densities are in excellent agreement with those determined from line ratios in Ca XVI, which is formed at a similar electron temperature to Ca XV. These results provide some experimental verification for the accuracy of the line ratio calculations, and hence the atomic data on which they are based. A set of eight theoretical Ca XV line ratios involving 2s(2)2p(2)-2s2p(3) transitions in the wavelength range similar to140-216 Angstrom are also found to be in good agreement with those measured from spectra of the TEXT tokamak plasma, for which the electron temperature and density have been independently determined. This provides additional support for the accuracy of the theoretical line ratios and atomic data.


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Recent R-matrix calculations of electron impact excitation rates for transitions among the 2s(2)2p(2), 2s2p(3) and 2p(4) levels of Fe XXI are used to derive theoretical electron density (N-e) sensitive emission-line ratios involving 2S2(2)p(2)-2s2p(3) transitions in the similar to 98-146 Angstrom wavelength range. A comparison of these with observations from the PLT tokamak plasma, for which the electron density has been independently determined, reveals generally very good agreement between theory and experiment, and in some instances removes discrepancies found previously. The observed Fe XXI ratios for a solar flare, obtained with the OSO-5 satellite, imply electron densities which are consistent, with discrepancies that do not exceed 0.2 dex. In addition, the derived values of N-e are similar to those estimated for the high-temperature regions of other solar flares. The good agreement between theory and observation, in particular for the tokamak spectra, provides experimental support for the accuracy of the present line-ratio calculations, and hence for the atomic data on which they are based.


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Recent R-matrix calculations of electron impact excitation rates among the 3s(2)3p(4) levels of Cl II are used to derive the nebular emission-line intensity ratios R-1=I(6161.8 Angstrom)/I(8578.7 Angstrom) and R-2=I(6161.8 Angstrom)/I(9123.6 Angstrom) as a function of electron temperature (T-e) and density (N-e). The ratios are found to be very sensitive to changes in T-e but not N-e for densities lower than 10(5) cm(-3). Hence, they should, in principle, provide excellent optical T-e diagnostics for planetary nebulae. The observed values of R-1 and R-2 for the planetary nebulae NGC 6741 and IC 5117, measured from spectra obtained with the Hamilton echelle spectrograph on the 3 m Shane Telescope, imply temperatures in excellent agreement with those derived from other diagnostic lines formed in the same region of the nebula as [Cl II]. This provides some observational support for the accuracy of the [Cl II] line ratio calculations and hence the atomic data on which they are based. The [Cl II] 8578.7 and 9123.6 Angstrom lines are identified for the first time (to our knowledge) in a high-resolution spectrum of the symbiotic star RR Telescopii, obtained with the University College London Echelle Spectrograph on the 3.9 m Anglo- Australian Telescope. However, the 6161.8 Angstrom feature is unfortunately too weak to be identified in the RR Telescopii observations, consistent with its predicted line strength.


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Recent R-matrix calculations of electron impact excitation rates in Ni XII are used to derive the emission line ratios R-1 = I(154.17 Angstrom)/I(152.15 Angstrom), R-2 = I(152.95 Angstrom)/I(152.15 Angstrom) and R-3 = 1(160.55 Angstrom)/I(152.15 Angstrom). This is the first time (to our knowledge) that theoretical emission line ratios have been calculated for this ion. The ratios are found to be insensitive to changes in the adopted electron density (N-e) when N-e greater than or equal to 5 x 10(11) cm(-3), typical of laboratory plasmas. However, they do vary with electron temperature (T-e), with for example R-1 and R-3 changing by factors of 1.3 and 1.8, respectively, between T-e = 10(5) and 10(6) K. A comparison of the theoretical line ratios with measurements from the Joint European Tents (JET) tokamak reveals very good agreement between theory and observation for R-1, with an average discrepancy of only 7%. Agreement between the calculated and experimental ratios for R-2 and R-3 is less satisfactory, with average differences of 30 and 33%, respectively. These probably arise from errors in the JET instrument calibration curve. However, the discrepancies are smaller than the uncertainties in the R-2 and R-3 measurements. Our results, in particular for R-1, provide experimental support for the accuracy of the Ni XIII line ratio calculations, and hence for the atomic data adopted in their derivation.


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R-matrix calculations of electron impact excitation rates among the 2s(2)2p(2) P-3, D-1, S-1, and 2s2p(3) S-5 levels of N II are presented. These results are used in conjunction with other recent calculations of electron impact excitation rates and Einstein A-coefficients for N II to derive the emission-line ratio: ratio diagrams and where (R-1, R-2) (R-1, R-3), where R-1 = I(5756.2 Angstrom)/I(6549.9 + 6585.2 Angstrom), R-2 = I(2143.5 Angstrom)/I(6549.9 + 6585.2 Angstrom), and R-3 = I(2139.7 Angstrom)/I(6549.9 + 658.2 Angstrom), for a range of electron temperatures (T-e = 5000-20,000 K) and electron densities (N-e = 10(2)-10(7) cm(-3)) appropriate to gaseous nebulae. These diagrams should, in principle, allow the simultaneous determination of T-e and N-e from measurements of the [N II] lines in a spectrum. Plasma parameters deduced for a sample of gaseous nebulae, using observational data obtained from ground-based telescopes plus the International Ultraviolet Explorer and Hubble Space Telescope satellites, are found to show generally excellent internal consistency and to be in good agreement with the values of T-e and N-e estimated from other line ratios. These results provide observational support for the accuracy of the theoretical ratios and hence the atomic data adopted in their derivation. Theoretical ratios are also presented for the infrared line pair R-4 = I(122 mum)/I(205 mum), and the usefulness of R-4 as an electron density diagnostic is briefly discussed.


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Recent R-matrix calculations of electron impact excitation rates in N-like Si VIII are used to derive theoretical emission line intensity ratios involving 2s(2)2p(3)-2s2p(4) transitions in the 216 -320 Angstrom wavelength range. A comparison of these with an extensive dataset of solar active region, quiet- Sun, sub-flare and off-limb observations, obtained during rocket flights of the Solar EUV Research Telescope and Spectrograph (SERTS), indicates that the ratio R-1 = I(216.94 Angstrom)/I(319.84 Angstrom) may provide a usable electron density diagnostic for coronal plasmas. The ratio involves two lines of comparable intensity, and varies by a factor of about 5 over the useful density range of 10(8)-10(11) cm(-3). However R-2 = I(276.85 Angstrom)/I(319.84 Angstrom) and R-3 = I(277.05 Angstrom)/I(319.84 Angstrom) show very poor agreement between theory and observation, due to the severe blending of the 276.85 and 277.05 Angstrom lines with Si VII and Mg VII transitions, respectively, making the ratios unsuitable as density diagnostics. The 314.35 Angstrom feature of Si VIII also appears to be blended, with the other species contributing around 20% to the total line flux.