56 resultados para Evangelists.


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Originally published (London, 1675) as Antiquitates apostolicae ... as a continuation of Antiquitates christianae by Jeremy Taylor. Later editions published with numerous variations in title.


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A presente pesquisa visa investigar as identidades e formas espaciais cambiantes produzidas pelo movimento emergente underground cristão. Situados dentro de um campo mais vasto ao qual estão ligados os evangélicos e jovens de outras redes de afinidade estética , o movimento agrega diferentes grupamentos e manifestações religiosas, identitário-culturais que, a despeito de suas distinções visuais, musicais, rituais e bíblico-doutrinárias, estão unidos por uma causa, na verdade um Ideal: levar Cristo a todas as culturas juvenis urbanas que, historicamente, são alvos de preconceito e negligência por parte das igrejas tradicionais católicas ou protestantes. Assim, configuram heterotopias do sagrado que revelam as novas tendências de identificação, filiação e ritualização religiosas, assim como as novas práticas de compromisso assumidas por estes jovens subversivos que, pela ideia de militância comunitária, lutam simbolicamente contra o institucionalismo, o marketing selvagem e a impessoalidade que dominam o cenário cristão atual, bem como buscam respostas, pela via da cultura, para as inquietações, radicalismos e outros distúrbios de uma Nova Era pós-secular, onde a geografia do sagrado faz-se imanente nos indivíduos, e onde a territorialidade não se restringe mais aos templos e ao controle de autoridades eclesiásticas. Um panorama desse tipo permite compreender como os cristãos emergentes configuram lugares religiosos e itinerários simbólicos para, simultaneamente, reabastecer a fé e alcançar os cativos do Mundo.


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The thesis traces the interaction of the Goroka Valley people with European and coastal New Guinean intruders during the pacification stage of contact and change. In this 15 year period the people moved from a traditional subsistence culture to the threshold of a modern, European-influenced technological society. The contact experiences of the inhabitants of the Valley and the outsiders who influenced them are examined, using both oral and documentary sources. A central theme of this study is the attempts by Europeans and their coastal New Guinean collaborators to achieve the pacification of a people for whom warfare has been described as 'the dominant orientation'. The newcomers saw pacification as being inextricably linked with social, economic and religious transformation, and consequently it was pursued by patrol officers, missionaries and soldiers alike. Following an introductory chapter outlining the pre-contact and early-contact history of the Goroka Valley people, there is a discussion of the causes of tribal fighting in Highlands communities and two case studies of violent events which, although occurring beyond the Goroka Valley, had important consequences for those who lived within its bounds. The focus then shifts to the first permanent settlement of the agents of change -initially these were coastal New Guinean evangelists and policemen - and their impact on the local people. A period of consolidation is then described, as both government and missions established a permanent 'European presence in the Valley'. This period was characterised by vigorous pacification coupled with the introduction of innovations in health and education, agriculture, technology, law and religion. The gradual transformation of Goroka Valley society as a result of the people's interaction with the newcomers was abruptly accelerated in 1943, when many hundreds of Allied soldiers occupied the Valley in anticipation of a threatened Japanese invasion. Village life was disrupted as men were conscripted as carriers and labourers and whole communities were obliged to grow food to assist the Allied war effort. Those living close to military airfields-and camps were subject to Japanese aerial attacks and the entire population was exposed to an epidemic of bacillary dysentery introduced by the combatants. However the War also brought some positive effects, including paradoxically, the almost total cessation of tribal fighting, the construction of an ail-weather airstrip at Goroka which ensured its future as a town and administrative and commercial centre, and the compulsory growing of vegetables, coffee, etc, which laid the foundations for a cash economy and material prosperity. The final chapter examines the aftermath of military occupation, the return of civil administration and the implementation of social and economic policies which brought the Goroka Valley people into the rapid-development phase of contact. By 1949 Gorokans were ready to channel their aggressive energies into commercial competitiveness and adopt a cash-crop economy, to accept the European rule of law, to take advantage of Western innovations in medicine, education, transport and communications, to seek employment opportunities at home and in other parts of the country and to modify their primal world view with European religious and secular values. A Stone Age people was in process of being transformed into a modern society.


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The apostle St. John impacted on Irenaeus through Policarpus from Smyrna. It is possible to track down distinctive aspects of the fourth Evangelist’s though by researching the work of the Bishop of Lyon, mainly in reference to his emphasis on the incarnation and on hissoteriology, which emphasises the individual relationship between the believer and God. We attempt to trace similarities between the Lugdunensis’s deep realism and that of the one which is considered by the tradition as the last eyewitness of the incarnated Verb. We will start from an analysis of the historical bond which links Irenaeus to John, and follow some of the main lines of his writings.


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Sedulio recurre con cierta frecuencia en su Carmen Paschale a las imágenes alegóricas o simbólicas para interpretar determinados sucesos bíblicos. En este trabajo se estudia el uso y función de la alegoría en dicho poema latino y en su versión prosificada, Opus Paschale. Se presta especial atención a determinados pasajes del Carmen Paschale relativos a la simbología del número: los tres regalos de los tres Reyes Magos, los cuatro brazos de la cruz en la que Jesús fue crucificado, los cuatro evangelistas y los Doce Apóstoles


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Sedulio recurre con cierta frecuencia en su Carmen Paschale a las imágenes alegóricas o simbólicas para interpretar determinados sucesos bíblicos. En este trabajo se estudia el uso y función de la alegoría en dicho poema latino y en su versión prosificada, Opus Paschale. Se presta especial atención a determinados pasajes del Carmen Paschale relativos a la simbología del número: los tres regalos de los tres Reyes Magos, los cuatro brazos de la cruz en la que Jesús fue crucificado, los cuatro evangelistas y los Doce Apóstoles


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Sedulio recurre con cierta frecuencia en su Carmen Paschale a las imágenes alegóricas o simbólicas para interpretar determinados sucesos bíblicos. En este trabajo se estudia el uso y función de la alegoría en dicho poema latino y en su versión prosificada, Opus Paschale. Se presta especial atención a determinados pasajes del Carmen Paschale relativos a la simbología del número: los tres regalos de los tres Reyes Magos, los cuatro brazos de la cruz en la que Jesús fue crucificado, los cuatro evangelistas y los Doce Apóstoles


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Includes prefaces to 1st. and 3rd. English editions.


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"Published under the under the auspices of the Cincinnati Angelini Missionary Society."