895 resultados para European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing


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There is evidence that contact with the natural environment and green space promotes good health. It is also well known that participation in regular physical activity generates physical and psychological health benefits. The authors have hypothesised that ‘green exercise’ will improve health and psychological well-being, yet few studies have quantified these effects. This study measured the effects of 10 green exercise case studies (including walking, cycling, horse-riding, fishing, canal-boating and conservation activities) in four regions of the UK on 263 participants. Even though these participants were generally an active and healthy group, it was found that green exercise led to a significant improvement in self-esteem and total mood disturbance (with anger-hostility, confusion-bewilderment, depression-dejection and tension-anxiety all improving post-activity). Self-esteem and mood were found not to be affected by the type, intensity or duration of the green exercise, as the results were similar for all 10 case studies. Thus all these activities generated mental health benefits, indicating the potential for a wider health and well-being dividend from green exercise. Green exercise thus has important implications for public and environmental health, and for a wide range of policy sectors.


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Agroforestry is considered nowadays as a sustainable form of land management that is being promoted by different global institutions like FAO and its Global Alliance Smart Climate Agriculture to mitigate and adaptate to Climate change. The European Commission through the protection of landscape features, greening and Rural Development Programs is promoting the essential presence of woody vegetation across Europe, but in a way that is difficult to recognize by farmers. AGROFE and AGFORWARD projects are both demonstrating the important value of Agroforestry at European level, which together with EURAF are pushing European Commission to include measures enhancing Agroforestry. However, there is a need of a European Agroforestry Strategy that recognizes the drawbacks of Agroforestry to be implemented at European level. This strategy should include the main mechanisms to show farmers how to implement it and at the same time to get funded for the important ecosystem services that they provide when implementing agroforestry. AGFORWARD project has identified the main agroforestry practices in Europe, highlighting silvopasture, but showing the importance that others forms of agroforestry have to play like homegardens with multipurpose trees, or the adequate improvement of fallow lands where woody vegetation can enhance the levels of organic matter in the soil if adequately managed. AGFORWARD also shows the lack of information of the real implementation of agroforestry practices like forest farming, in spite of the important productive and ecosystem benefits it provides. EURAF through the participation in the different civil dialogue groups (CAP, Direct Payments and Greening, Forestry and Cork, Organic Farming, Arable, Environment and Climate Change and Rural Development) has included and promoted agroforestry within the European Agenda. The role of Agroforestry has been also enhanced in the Groups of experts of European Structural and Investments funds and as part of the European Network for Rural Development and its derived groups: innovation, evaluation and CLLD/LEADER. EURAF is pleased to announce that Agroforestry will be discussed as part of a focus group of the European Innovation Partnership, so, apply and join the group. This book represents the lastest findings on agroforestry in Europe, integrating the participation of researchers but also policy makers and farmers and farmers' associations. It was a pleasure for EURAF to integrate all this needed knowledge to be disseminated at European levels. On behalf of EURAF, I wish all of you a successful meeting and invite you to strengthen agroforestry within the different European Union countries when you go back home. Rosa Mosquera-LOSADA President of EURAF


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In recent years, with the development of techniques in modern molecular biology, it has become possible to study the genetic basis of carcinogenesis down to the level of DNA sequence. Major advances have been made in our understanding of the genes involved in cell cycle control and descriptions of mutations in those genes. These developments have led to the definition of the role of specific oncogenes and tumour suppressor genes in several cancers, including, for example, colon cancers and some forms of breast cancer. Work reported from our laboratory has led to the identification of a number of candidate genes involved in the development of non-melanotic skin cancers. In this chapter, we attempt to further explain the observed (phenomic) alterations in metabolic pathways associated with oxygen consumption with the changes at the genetic level.


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O presente relatório caracteriza a ação política e a perspetiva social da Junta de Freguesia de São Domingos de Benfica, categorizando-o em cinco eixos de intervenção, analisando a sua eficácia e abrangência no período entre 2005 e 2011. No primeiro eixo, focado na ação na infância e juventude, inclui-se o Programa de Promoção de Competências Pessoais e Sociais, o Gabinete de Apoio à Criança e ao Jovem, os Encontros para Pais, a Comissão de Proteção de Crianças e Jovens, as Atividades de OTL do Espaço Jovem e os Programas de Férias. Das respostas para os adultos, no segundo eixo, fazem parte dois gabinetes de apoio aos munícipes1 com perturbações de comportamento aditivo e vítimas de violência doméstica, incluindo-se ações de prevenção e sensibilização. Para a população idosa temos o terceiro eixo e salienta-se o Programa de Envelhecimento Ativo e Saudável, as Atividades de OTL, nomeadamente o Programa de Férias para a população Sénior e as visitas e passeios histórico-culturais. A família e a qualidade das relações familiares são um aspeto de grande importância, por isso temos o quarto eixo que tem o acompanhamento psicossocial, apoio a famílias carenciadas e o projeto de apoio às famílias junto de bairros isolados da freguesia. Finalmente, o quinto e último eixo refere-se a um movimento de integração das várias entidades da freguesia designado por Comissão Social de Freguesia que pretende desenvolver projetos orientados para o apoio à comunidade. Este relatório terminará com uma reflexão crítica relativamente à evolução do trabalho desenvolvido na ação social desde 2005 até 2011.


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Generally, the magnitude of pollutant emissions from diesel engines is ultimately coupled to the structure of fuel molecules. The presence of oxygen, level of unsaturation and the carbon chain length of respective molecules influence the combustion chemistry. It is speculated that increased oxygen content in the fuel may lead to the increased oxidative potential (Stevanovic, S. 2013). Also, upon the exposure to UV and ozone in the atmosphere, the chemical composition of the exhaust is changed. The presence of an oxidant and UV is triggering the cascade of photochemical reactions as well as the partitioning of semi-volatile compounds between the gas and particle phase. To gain an insight into the relationship between the molecular structures of the esters, their volatile organic content and the potential toxicity of diesel exhaust particulate matter, measurements were conducted on a modern common rail diesel engine. This research also investigates the contribution of atmospheric conditions on the transfer of semi-volatile fraction of diesel exhaust from the gas phase to the particle phase and the extent to which semi-volatile compounds (SVOCs) are related to the oxidative potential, expressed through the concentration of reactive oxygen species (ROS) (Stevanovic, S. 2013)...


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Population ageing is one of the major challenges of the 21st century and societies need to optimize opportunities for active ageing. This thesis explored how the built environment impacts the mobility and participation within the community. A combination of person-based GPS tracking and in-depth interviews was used to collect data on transportation use and engagement in activities of older people living within Brisbane. It showed that the built environment has a strong impact on mobility. To enable healthy and active ageing modern communities need to overcome car dependency and provide mobility options that are tailored towards older people’s needs.


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This paper summarizes the state of affairs of European research on ageing and work. After a close inspection of the age construct, an overview is presented of research in four areas: the relationship between age and HR-policies, early retirement, age and performance/employability, age and health/well-being. The overview results in a research agenda on work and ageing and in recommendations for practice.


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Seldom have studies taken account of changes in lifestyle habits in the elderly, or investigated their impact on disease-free life expectancy (LE) and LE with cardiovascular disease (CVD). Using data on subjects aged 50+ years from three European cohorts (RCPH, ESTHER and Tromsø), we used multi-state Markov models to calculate the independent and joint effects of smoking, physical activity, obesity and alcohol consumption on LE with and without CVD. Men and women aged 50 years who have a favourable lifestyle (overweight but not obese, light/moderate drinker, non-smoker and participates in vigorous physical activity) lived between 7.4 (in Tromsø men) and 15.7 (in ESTHER women) years longer than those with an unfavourable lifestyle (overweight but not obese, light/moderate drinker, smoker and does not participate in physical activity). The greater part of the extra life years was in terms of "disease-free" years, though a healthy lifestyle was also associated with extra years lived after a CVD event. There are sizeable benefits to LE without CVD and also for survival after CVD onset when people favour a lifestyle characterized by salutary behaviours. Remaining a non-smoker yielded the greatest extra years in overall LE, when compared to the effects of routinely taking physical activity, being overweight but not obese, and drinking in moderation. The majority of the overall LE benefit is in disease free years. Therefore, it is important for policy makers and the public to know that prevention through maintaining a favourable lifestyle is "never too late".


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Paracoccidioidomycosis patients present an antigen-specific Th1 immunosuppression. To better understand this phenomenon, we evaluated the interleukin (IL)-12 pathway by measuring IL-12p70 production and CD3(+) T cell expression of the IL-12 receptor (IL-12R)beta1/beta2 chains, induced with the main fungus antigen (gp43) and a control antigen, from Candida albicans (CMA). We showed that gp43-induced IL-12p70 production and IL-12Rbeta2 expression were significantly decreased in acute and chronic patients as compared to healthy subjects cured from PCM or healthy infected subjects from endemic areas. Interestingly, the healthy infected Subjects had higher gp43-induced IL12p70 production and beta2 expression than the cured subjects. The addition of a neutralizing anti-IL-10 antibody to the cultures increased IL12p70 levels and beta2 expression in acute and chronic patients to levels observed in Cured subjects. Conversely, addition of the cytokine IL-10 strongly inhibited both parameters in the latter group. In conclusion, we have shown that paracoccidioidomycosis-related Th1 immunosuppression is associated with down-modulation of the IL-12 pathway, that IL-10 may participate in this process, and that patients cured from paracoccidioidomycosis may not fully recover their immune responsiveness. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Given the asymmetry in the levels of development and capacity which exist between the EU and CARIFORUM States, the architects of the CARIFORUM-European Union (EU) Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA)1 anticipated the need for review and monitoring of the impacts of implementation. Article 5 and other provisions in the Agreement therefore specifically mandate that monitoring be undertaken to ensure that the Agreement benefits a wide cross-section of the population in member countries. The paper seeks to provide a preliminary assessment of the impact of the EPA on CARIFORUM countries. In so doing, it highlights some critical information and implementation gaps and challenges that have emerged during the implementation process. The analysis however, is restricted to goods trade. The services sector will be the subject of a separate report. The paper draws on a combination of quantitative and qualitative analyses. While the paper undertakes a CARIFORUM-wide analysis for the most part, five CARIFORUM member states including Barbados, Dominican Republic, Guyana, Saint Kitts and Nevis and Saint Lucia are examined more closely in some instances. These economies were selected by virtue of economic structure and development constraints, as a representative subset of CARIFORUM, which comprises the CARICOM membership as well as the Dominican Republic.