53 resultados para Eulophidae
近年来南美斑潜蝇(Liriomyza huidobrensis Blanchard)在云南爆发成灾,严重为害蔬菜、花卉及部分粮食作物,已对云南省的农业构成了巨大威胁。目前在防治工作中虽已投入了大量的人力、物力,但因对该虫的基本生物学特性缺乏了解,使得防治工作存在较大的盲目性。在世界范围内,南美斑潜蝇是一种危险性害虫。在国外,对南美斑潜蝇的生物学研究做过一些工作,但在国内未见任何研究报道。作者开展本项研究是想了解该虫的生物生态学问题,为探讨其成灾机制提供基础,同时也期望为该虫的综合防治提供科学依据。运用室内饲养观察、组织切片及显微分析、营养成分分析及野外调查等方法,作者研究了昆明地区南美斑潜蝇的生物生态学特性及其与寄主植物的关系。研究结果如下:1、南美斑潜蝇在云南省分布区域包括8个地、州,70余个县,发生面积约72万亩。其为害的寄主植物涉及41个科近300种。较喜好的寄主有蚕豆、繁缕、菠菜、生菜、满天星、芹菜、莴笋、黄瓜、菜豆等。2、成虫大部分于上午羽化,雄虫羽化时间稍早一些,雌性比为1.07:1。羽化后第二天是求偶与交配高峰期,大部分交配在上午进行。雌虫羽化后2-5天取食量较多,在满天星上日平均取食孔数为60个,总产卵量为140粒,第13天产卵量最多。成虫在10:00-12:00和14:00-16:00有两个活动高峰期,且下午活动盛于上午。雌成虫寿命为5-21天,平均为14天,雄成虫寿命为3-7天,平均为5天。3、雄虫在求偶过程中用腿节摩擦腹部磨擦器以吸引雌虫交配,在较高的种群密度下,雄虫在交配过程中表现出较强的攻击性。雌虫在取食和产卵之前用跗节、产卵器和喙上的感受器对寄主的适合度进行探查和评估。4、南美斑潜蝇卵、幼虫及蛹的发育临界低温分别为6.6、7.2及4.6 ℃,有效积温分别为50.5、84.2和182.2日度。昆明地区的气候条件有利于南美斑潜蝇的存活,南美斑潜蝇在昆明地区可全年发生,发生代数为16代。5、保护地内南美斑潜蝇成虫的高峰期出现在4月、5月、7月和8月。南美斑潜蝇的发生受温度、降雨、农药、作物种植等多种因素的影响。6、南美斑潜蝇的寄生蜂有两种寄生类型,一种是从南美斑潜蝇的幼虫中发育和羽化,另一种是寄生南美斑潜蝇幼虫,从南美斑潜蝇蛹中羽化。前者包括:姬小蜂科(Eulophidae)的潜蝇姬小蜂Pediobius mitsukurii和豌豆潜蝇姬小蜂Diglyphus isaea。后者为离颚茧蜂亚科(Dacnusaina)的潜蝇离颚茧蜂Dacnusa sp.。7、寄主叶片的组织结构影响南美斑潜蝇的寄主选择性,叶片表皮外壁较厚,栅栏组织和海绵组织的紧密度程度较高将对南美斑潜蝇的取食和产卵以及幼虫在叶肉内的取食和发育形成阻碍作用。其中,叶片表皮外壁厚度对雌虫寄主选择性的影响程度最大,幼虫的发育则更多地受到栅栏组织的紧密程度和海绵组织的紧密程度制约。叶片表皮外壁的厚度,栅栏组织和海绵组织的紧密程度应作为作物抗南美斑潜蝇的重要特征。8、叶片蛋白质和氮的含量与南美斑潜蝇的寄主适合度正相关性显著,蛋白质和氮含量高的寄主叶片适合南美斑潜蝇的存活。植物叶片蛋白质和氮的含量可作为一种潜在的抗性因素而加以利用。9、云南适宜南美斑潜蝇生长繁殖的气候条件和丰富的寄主植物资源是造成该虫在云南大发生的两大环境因素,人类的经济活动加剧了该虫的扩散和泛滥成灾。当前在南美斑潜蝇种群数量大,为害严重时药剂防治作为一种快速有较的防治方法是必要的,但长期单一使用,会使害虫抗药性增加。因此,对南美斑潜蝇的防治,应建立自然抑制体系。这就需要同时进行农业和生物防治,建立综合防治体系。以上研究结果不仅有助于认识南美斑潜蝇种群的基本生物学特性、而且有助于理解南美斑潜蝇在云南爆发成灾的过程,进而为制定科学的防治策略和综合防治实践提供了依据。
Since 2004 several studies have been carried out in order to identify the main insect species that usually inhabiting the olive ecosystem. The field trials have taken place in two olive groves, one situated in Olhão and the other one in Loulé, both in Algarve and also under Integrated Pest Management (IPM). The sampling techniques used differ according to their purpose (sticky traps, pheromone traps, pitfall traps and samples of aerial parts of the trees such as inflorescences, leaves, fruits and branches). Results showed that the main insect pests of olive tree in southern Portugal were the olive fruit fly Bactrocera oleae Gmelin (Diptera: Tephritidae) and the olive moth Prays oleae Bernard (Lepidoptera: Hyponeumetidae). Other insect pests were also found in our olive groves namely the olive psyllid Euphyllura olivina Costa (Homoptera: Psyllidae), the olive dark beetle Phloeotribus scarabaeoides Bernard (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), the mediterranean black scale Saissetia oleae (Olivier) (Homoptera: Coccidae) and the olive thrip Liothripes oleae Costa (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae). Concerning the auxiliary insects that were found in our olives groves they belong to the following orders and families: Diptera (Syrphidae), Coleoptera (Carabidae, Coccinelidae and Staphylinidae), Hemiptera (Anthocoridae and Miridae), Neuroptera (Chrysopidae) and Hymenoptera (Braconidae, Encyrtidae, Eulophidae, Formicidae and Trichogrammatidae).
One of the most common bee genera in the Niagara Region, the genus Ceratina (Hymenoptera: Apidae) is composed of four species, C. dupla, C. calcarata, the very rare C. strenua, and a previously unknown species provisionally named C. near dupla. The primary goal of this thesis was to investigate how these closely related species coexist with one another in the Niagara ~ee community. The first necessary step was to describe and compare the nesting biologies and life histories of the three most common species, C. dupla, C. calcarata and the new C. near dupla, which was conducted in 2008 via nest collections and pan trapping. Ceratina dupla and C. calcarata were common, each comprising 49% of the population, while C. near dupla was rare, comprising only 2% of the population. Ceratina dupla and C. near dupla both nested more commonly in teasel (Dipsacus sp.) in the sun, occasionally in raspberry (Rubus sp.) in the shade, and never in shady sumac (Rhus sp.), while C. calcarata nested most commonly in raspberry and sumac (shaded) and occasionally in teasel (sunny). Ceratina near dupla differed from both C. dupla and C. calcarata in that it appeared to be partially bivoltine, with some females founding nests very early and then again very late in the season. To examine the interactions and possible competition for nests that may be taking place between C. dupla and C. calcarata, a nest choice experiment was conducted in 2009. This experiment allowed both species to choose among twigs from all three substrates in the sun and in the shade. I then compared the results from 2008 (where bees chose from what was available), to where they nested when given all options (2009 experiment). Both C. dupla and C. calcarata had the same preferences for microhabitat and nest substrate in 2009, that being raspberry and sumac twigs in the sun. As that microhabitat and nest substrate combination is extremely rare in nature, both species must make a choice. In nature Ceratina dupla nests more often in the preferred microhabitat (sun), while C. calcarata nests in the preferred substrate (raspberry). Nesting in the shade also leads to smaller clutch sizes, higher parasitism and lower numbers of live brood in C. calcarata, suggesting that C. dupla may be outcompeting C. calcarata for the sunny nesting sites. The development and host preferences of Ceratina parasitoids were also examined. Ceratina species in Niagara were parasitized by no less than eight species of arthropod. Six of these were wasps from the superfamily Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera), one was a wasp from the family Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera) and one was a physogastric mite from the family Pyemotidae (Acari). Parasites shared a wide range of developmental strategies, from ichneumonid larvae that needed to consume multiple Ceratina immatures to complete development, to the species from the Eulophidae (Baryscapus) and Encyrtidae (Coelopencyrtus), in which multiple individuals completed development inside a single Ceratina host. Biological data on parasitoids is scarce in the scientific literature, and this Chapter documents these interactions for future research.
Cette étude vise à comparer l’histoire évolutive des parasitoïdes du genre Horismenus (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) à celle de leurs hôtes bruches (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) et plante hôte (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivée dans le contexte d’agriculture traditionnelle, au sein de son centre de domestication Mésoaméricain. Nous avons analysé la structure génétique de 23 populations de quatre espèces de parasitoïdes au Mexique, en utilisant un fragment du gène mitochondrial COI afin de les comparer aux structures précédemment publiées des hôtes bruches et du haricot commun. Nous avons prédit que les structures génétiques des populations d’hôtes (bruches et plante) et de parasitoïdes seraient similaires puisque également influencées par la migration entremise par l’humain (HMM) étant donnée que les parasitoïdes se développent telles que les bruches à l’intérieur des haricots. Compte tenu des stratégies de manipulation reproductive utilisées par l’alpha-protéobactérie endosymbionte Wolbachia spp. pour assurer sa transmission, la structure génétique des populations de parasitoïdes inférée à partir du génome mitochondrial devrait être altérée conséquemment à la transmission conjointe des mitochondries et des bactéries lors de la propagation de l’infection dans les populations de parasitoïdes. Les populations du parasitoïde H. missouriensis sont infectées par Wolbachia spp. Tel que prédit, ces populations ne sont pas différenciées (FST = 0,06), ce qui nous empêche d’inférer sur une histoire évolutive parallèle. Contrairement aux bruches, Acanthoscelides obtectus et A. ovelatus, la HMM n'est pas un processus contemporain qui influence la structure génétique des populations du parasitoïde H. depressus, étant donné la forte différenciation (FST = 0,34) qui existe entre ses populations. La structure génétique observée chez H. depressus est similaire à celle de sa plante hôte (i.e. dispersion aléatoire historique à partir d'un pool génique ancestral très diversifié) et est probablement le résultat d’un flux génique important en provenance des populations de parasitoïdes associées aux haricots spontanées à proximité des champs cultivés. L’étude de l’histoire évolutive intégrant plusieurs niveaux trophiques s’est avérée fructueuse dans la détection des différentes réponses évolutives entre les membres du module trophique face aux interactions humaines et parasitaires, et montre la pertinence d’analyser les systèmes écologiques dans leur ensemble.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivos avaliar a dinâmica populacional e registrar a diversidade de moscas-das-frutas (Diptera: Tephritoidea) em cultivares de pessegueiro Tropical, Talismã, Aurora 2, Aurora 1, Dourado 2 e Doçura 2, enxertadas sobre os porta-enxertos 'Okinawa' e Umê, em Presidente Prudente-SP. Foram realizadas as correlações da dinâmica populacional com a temperatura e a precipitação, e também a infestação com as características químicas dos frutos, Sólidos Solúveis e Acidez Titulável. No período de julho de 2004 a dezembro de 2006, a dinâmica populacional de moscas-das-frutas foi obtida através de coletas semanais de moscas-das-frutas em armadilhas McPhail, e a incidência foi determinada através da coleta de 30 frutos/planta/cultivar. O delineamento estatístico adotado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com cinco repetições. Ceratitis capitata foi predominante nas cultivares de pessegueiros estudadas. Não foi observada correlação significativa entre população de moscas-das-frutas e as variáveis de temperatura e precipitação, e sólidos solúveis e ácidez titulável. Entre as cultivares de pêssego, Aurora 2 apresentou maior infestação por C. capitata, da ordem de 22 e 23% nos anos 2004 e 2006, respectivamente. Também foi registrada a incidência de Neosilba spp. em frutos de pêssego. Doryctobracon areolatus (Braconidae), Tetrastichus giffardianus (Eulophidae) e Pachycrepoideus vindemmiae (Pteromalidae) foram recuperados de pupários de Tephritidae.
O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a influência de plantas invasoras na abundância de himenópteros parasitoides associados a uma cultura de coqueiro anão verde, no Município de Linhares, ES. Para a captura dos insetos foram utilizadas armadilhas tipo Möericke, de cor amarela, em duas áreas, uma mantida roçada e outra com a presença de plantas invasoras. em cada área foram instaladas seis armadilhas ao nível do solo, distanciadas entre si por 22,5 m. As amostragens, semanais, foram realizadas entre março de 2008 e fevereiro de 2009. Foram coletados 19.861 himenópteros parasitoides dos quais 70,8% ocorreram na área com plantas invasoras e 29,2% na roçada. As famílias mais frequentemente coletadas foram Diapriidae, Scelionidae, Ceraphronidae, Eulophidae, Mymaridae, Encyrtidae e Ichneumonidae; as demais famílias apresentaram frequencias relativas inferiores a 3%. As plantas invasoras presentes na área foram Ageratum conyzoides L., Bidens pilosa L., Emilia sanchifolia (L.) DC., Sonchus oleraceus L. (Asteraceae), Alternanthera tenella Colla (Amaranthaceae), Commelina benghalensis L. (Commelinaceae), Ipomoea sp. (Convolvulaceae), Euphorbia hirta L. (Euphorbiaceae), Cassia hirsuta L., Desmodium barbatum (L.), Indigofera hirsuta L. (Fabaceae), Sida sp. (Malvaceae), Borreria verticillata (L.) (Rubiaceae), Lantana camara L. e Stachytarphetta cayenensis (Rich.) M. Vahl (Verbenaceae); para algumas delas há relatos na literatura como fornecedoras de recursos alimentares e suplementares para a sobrevivência de himenópteros parasitoides.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The construction of ecological life tables is a useful tool to understand the population dynamics of insects in the field. In this work, ecological life tables were developed for Phyllocnistis citrella (Stainton) in an orchard of Citrus sinensis situated in Santa Rita do Passa Quatro, Sao Paulo State, during 2002. The occurrence of generation overlay in the field was avoided by obtaining the eggs from infestation on young citrus plants (Citrus limonia) kept under controlled conditions. The samples were taken every other day and the number of live, dead, predated and parasitized individuals were recorded. The occurrence of arthropod predators was determined through visual search on the plants of the orchard. The key factors of mortality acting on P.citrella populations were: pupae parasitism caused by Ageniaspis citricola (Logvinovskaya), action of uncertain factors on prepupae and predation of 3rd-instar larvae. The most abundant arthropod predators belonged to the families Formicidae, Chrysopidae, Coccinellidae, Reduviidae e Araneae. In two of five generations of P. citrella, approximately 4% of A. citricola pupae were hyperparasitized by Galeopsomyia fausta (LaSalle) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae).
This is the first record of Acanthoscelides schrankiae Horn, feeding in seeds of Mimosa bimucronata (DC.) Kuntze. We investigated the pattern of oviposition and seed exploitation by A. schrankiae, and the distribution of mature fruits and seed predation in the inflorescences. We also compared the percentage of predated seeds, the total dry weight of fruits and non-predated seeds, the percentage of aborted seeds, and the percentage of non-emergent insects, among different quadrants of the M. bimucronata canopy. To determine the occurring species, the emergence of bruchids and parasitoids was observed in the laboratory, resulting altogether, only in individuals of A. schrankiae and Horismenus sp. (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) species, respectively. Mean number of fruits produced in the median region of inflorescence was significantly higher than in the inferior and superior regions, and the frequencies (observed and expected) of predated and non-predated seeds differed among the different regions of inflorescence. Females of A. schrankiae laid their eggs on fruits, and larvae, after emergence, perforated the exocarp to reach the seeds. Most fruits presented one to three eggs and only one bruchid larva was observed in each seed. The highest value of the rate number of eggs/fruit and the highest percentage of predated seeds were recorded in April. Dry weight of fruits (total) and seeds (non-predated), proportions of predated seeds, seed abortions, and non-emergent seed predators, were evenly distributed in the canopy.
In this paper a new parasitoid Megastigmus Dalman, 1820 (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Torymidae: Megastigminae) species was described in the subgenus Torymus, associated with the gall-forming Leptocybe invasa Fisher & La Salle (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) in eucalypt plantations in Brazil.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)