809 resultados para Ethno-cultural community
La légitimité des écoles privées fondées sur un projet religieux ou spirituel fait l’objet de débats épineux tant au Québec qu’ailleurs, depuis plusieurs années (chapitre 1). À la différence des nombreux travaux normatifs déjà produits sur ces questions, cette thèse propose une contribution empirique sur la réalité de certaines de ces écoles à Montréal. Notre objectif général consiste donc à comprendre comment la dimension religieuse ou spirituelle d'écoles privées de groupes ou courants minoritaires (juives, musulmanes, Steiner) se traduit dans les discours et pratiques de l'école. La mise en lien d’écoles abritant des projets éducatifs minoritaires de différentes natures vise par ailleurs à poser un regard plus large sur l’identité, ethnique ou religieuse. Après avoir analysé les trois écoles, nous examinons les différences ou convergences significatives entre elles. Puis, nous tentons de mieux comprendre comment leurs discours et leurs pratiques nous renseignent sur les attentes parallèles relatives à l’éducation en contexte libéral. Nous portons alors attention (chapitre 2) aux interactions entre le curriculum « séculier » et une perspective religieuse ou spirituelle, à la conception de l'autonomie dans la scolarisation, à la formation du citoyen et à la hiérarchisation des valeurs éducatives. En nous inspirant entre autres de Juteau (1999), nous considérons ces écoles comme des « communautés » éducatives. Notre démarche méthodologique (chapitre 3), d’inspiration ethnographique, s’articule autour d'observations participantes en 5e et en 6e année du primaire et en 1re et 2e année du secondaire (environ 3 jours par classe) et à plus de 45 entrevues, menées auprès des enseignants, des directions d’école et des parents d’élèves. Même si notre dispositif ne consiste pas à faire « émerger » une théorie, nous nous inspirons de la méthode de la « théorisation ancrée » pour analyser nos données. Le premier chapitre d’analyse (chapitre 4) illustre d’abord un cas relativement « pur » de communalisation, puisque l’école Steiner produit du spirituel sans forcément se situer dans un rapport de force avec d’autres groupes sociaux. Cela reflète donc comment une lignée identitaire peut être construite grâce à l’enracinement dans une tradition et une mémoire « créées» par l’école. L’école musulmane (chapitre 5) adapte plutôt les références associées à la religion de manière à constituer un « pont » entre la socialisation primaire et celle de la société d’accueil. On constate en effet que la direction et les enseignants de l’école ne réinventent pas la lignée croyante, mais ne la reproduisent pas non plus à l’identique. En ce qui concerne l’école juive (chapitre 6), elle permet surtout d’attester une communauté ethnoreligieuse extérieure. La tradition juive enseignée à l’école, souvent qualifiée de « traditionalisme non religieux » par les acteurs scolaires, présente donc peu de réinterprétations ou de transformations dans ce contexte scolaire. Un dernier chapitre d’analyse (chapitre 7), abordant les trois écoles dans une perspective comparative, met notamment en perspective comment ces trois institutions transmettent une culture identitaire et un style de vie débordant le cadre scolaire, qui englobent les croyances religieuses et/ou spirituelles, mais ne s’y réduisent pas.
Cette thèse s’intéresse à l’influence des facteurs contextuels sur la mise en œuvre et les effets d’une politique de santé maternelle au Burkina Faso. Cette politique nommée la subvention SONU vise à faire augmenter la couverture des accouchements dans les établissements de santé publics en agissant sur l’accessibilité économique des ménages. La thèse propose une évaluation des processus de cette politique. Le cadre d’analyse repose sur des propositions théoriques issues du champ de l’étude des politiques sanitaires (les acteurs et leurs relations de pouvoir) et de l’anthropologie médicale critique (les représentations). L’étude s’est déroulée dans le district sanitaire de Djibo, situé dans la région du Sahel. Il s’agit d’une étude de cas multiples où chaque centre de santé représentait un cas. L’approche méthodologique employée était qualitative. Une enquête de terrain, des entretiens, des groupes de discussion, des observations non participantes et une analyse documentaire ont été les méthodes de collecte de données utilisées. Les résultats préliminaires de l’étude ont été présentés aux parties prenantes. Le premier article évalue l’implantation de cette subvention SONU au niveau d’un district et rend compte de l’influence des rapports de pouvoir sur la mise en œuvre de cette dernière. Les résultats indiquent que toutes les composantes de cette subvention sont mises en œuvre, à l’exception du fond d’indigence et de certaines composantes relatives à la qualité technique des soins telles que les sondages pour les bénéficiaires et l’équipe d’assurance qualité dans l’hôpital du district. Les professionnels et les gestionnaires de la santé expliquent les difficultés dans l’application de politique de subvention par un manque de clarté et de compréhension des directives officielles. Les relations de pouvoir entre les différents groupes d’acteurs ont une influence sur la mise en œuvre de cette politique. Les rapports entre gestionnaires du district et agents de santé sont basés sur des rapports hiérarchiques. Ainsi, les gestionnaires contrôlent le travail des agents de santé et imposent des changements à la mise en œuvre de la politique. Les rapports entre soignants et patients sont variables. Dans certains centres de santé, les communautés perçoivent positivement cette relation alors que dans d’autres, elle est perçue négativement. Les perceptions sur les relations entre les accoucheuses villageoises et les agents de santé sont également partagées. Pour les agents de santé, ces actrices peuvent être de potentielles alliées pour renforcer l’efficacité de la politique SONU en incitant les femmes à utiliser les services de santé, mais elles sont aussi perçues comme des obstacles, lorsqu’elles continuent à effectuer des accouchements à domicile. Les difficultés de compréhension des modalités de remboursement entrainent une rigidité dans les rapports entre agents de santé et comités de gestion. Le deuxième article vise à comprendre la variation observée sur la couverture des accouchements entre plusieurs centres de santé après la mise en œuvre de cette politique SONU. Les facteurs contextuels et plus spécifiquement humains ont une influence sur la couverture des accouchements assistés. Le leadership des agents de santé, caractérisé par l’initiative personnelle, l’éthique professionnelle et l’établissement d’un lien de confiance entre les populations et l’équipe sanitaire expliquent la différence d’effets observée sur la couverture des accouchements assistés après la mise en œuvre de cette dernière. Le troisième article analyse l’usage stratégique des référentiels ethnoculturels par certaines équipes sanitaires pour expliquer l’échec partiel de la politique SONU dans certains centres de santé. La référence à ces facteurs vise essentiellement à normaliser et légitimer l’absence d’effet de la politique sur la couverture des accouchements assistés. Elle contribue également à blâmer les populations. Enfin, le recours à ces référentiels tend à écarter les interprétations socioéconomiques et politiques qui sous-tendent la problématique des accouchements dans les établissements de santé publics. Sur le plan pratique, cette thèse permet de mieux comprendre le processus de mise en œuvre d’une politique de santé maternelle. Elle montre que les dimensions relatives à l’équité et à la qualité des soins sont négligées dans ce processus. Cette recherche met en lumière les difficultés auxquelles sont confrontés les agents de santé dans la mise en oeuvre de cette politique. Elle met également en exergue les facteurs qui expliquent l’hétérogénéité observée sur la couverture des accouchements assistés entre les centres de santé après la mise en œuvre de cette politique. Sur le plan théorique, cette thèse montre l’importance d’identifier les rapports de pouvoir qui s’exercent entre les différents acteurs impliqués dans les politiques sanitaires. Elle rappelle l’influence considérable des facteurs contextuels sur la mise en œuvre et les effets des politiques. Enfin, cette recherche révèle le poids des représentations sociales des acteurs dans la compréhension des effets des politiques. Cette thèse contribue au développement des connaissances dans le champ des politiques publiques sur le plan des thématiques abordées (mise en œuvre, rapports de pouvoir) et de l’approche méthodologique (enquête de terrain) utilisée. Elle participe aussi aux réflexions théoriques sur le concept de leadership des professionnels de la santé en Afrique.
In the shadow of ethno-cultural stereotypes: gender, equity and ethnic relations in Sweden Scientific debates about cultural differences between ”Swedes” and migrants/ethnic minorities in Sweden have fuelled stereotypical categorizations and a socio-cultural demarcation between ”us” and ”them”. The authors argue that this development has underpinned constructions of foreignness. In the light of a critical review of the current debate on honour related violence, the authors discuss – inspired by Georg Simmel’s and Erving Goffman’s classic texts on the stranger, the stigma and the construction of foreignness – alternative understandings of culture and politics of belonging with a focus on gender, agency and identity formation. Formation of cultural and ethnic identity should be related, the authors conclude, to a dynamic interplay between the past and the present. Moreover, the social dimension should be highlighted, in order to avoid a stigmatizing culturalism.
Há tempos a psicologia tem se ocupado de pesquisas com foco no cuidado institucional. Este interesse fez aflorar no campo científico a necessidade de se estudar os ambientes coletivos de cuidado da criança na perspectiva do Nicho Desenvolvimental, onde o ambiente físico e social, as práticas de cuidado comumente adotadas na rotina institucional, além da psicologia dos que cuidam são subsistemas que devem ser entendidos de forma integrada e indissociável. Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar, assim, aspectos do ambiente físico e social, conhecimentos e concepções sobre desenvolvimento infantil, rotinas e práticas de cuidado presentes entre educadores de uma instituição de acolhimento infantil. Fizeram parte do estudo 100 educadores (95% da população) responsáveis pelo cuidado diário a crianças encaminhadas a um espaço de acolhimento infantil. Os educadores responderam ao Knowledge of Infant Development Inventory (KIDI), instrumento composto por 75 questões, dividido em quatro categorias: práticas de cuidado, saúde e segurança, normas e aquisições e princípios do desenvolvimento. Deste universo, foram selecionados 10 educadores, que compuseram as sessões observacionais, com destaque para as rotinas de cuidado na instituição, sendo que o critério principal para essa escolha foi à seleção com base no desempenho obtido no KIDI. Das sessões observacionais foram selecionados momentos em que cada educador esteve envolvido com situações de banho, alimentação, sono e brincadeira. A partir destes relatos foram extraídos episódios que ilustram práticas de cuidado e atividades de rotina na instituição. Os resultados mostram que entre estes profissionais a maioria é mulher (99%), com mais de 35 anos, possui filhos, completou o ensino médio e tem mais de 24 meses de experiência como educador. No que concerne ao resultado da aplicação do instrumento, vê-se que 66% dos educadores acertaram em média 66 questões. Deste modo, apresentaram desempenho superior a 50% de acerto em todas as categorias avaliadas pelo instrumento, entretanto os melhores resultados foram obtidos em assertivas relacionadas às práticas de cuidado (80%) e princípios do desenvolvimento (68%). A escolaridade se apresentou como variável significativa no nível de conhecimento. No que se refere à rotina institucional verifica-se que o espaço conta com um conjunto de normas e regras que são seguidas pelos educadores e crianças, em horários e locais determinados. Observou-se ainda que o conhecimento sobre desenvolvimento infantil se apresenta como variável relevante para a qualidade das interações e do cuidado oferecido à criança, especialmente nas situações de brincadeira e sono. Identificou-se que os educadores alteram a rotina, modificam o ambiente físico e social e adaptam suas práticas de acordo com a demanda e estrutura da situação, visando promover o seu bem estar, mas também o da criança, dando-lhe possibilidade de alterar o ambiente de acordo com seus interesses. Além de proporcionar à criança experiências que resgatam a comunidade cultural ao qual fazem parte. A partir dos resultados encontrados neste estudo, verifica-se o quanto se faz importante conhecer estes espaços enquanto um Nicho de Desenvolvimento que guarda mútua relação entre ambiente, práticas e a psicologia dos cuidadores, e que, portanto devem ser entendidos nas suas diversas dimensões.
[ES] Cada uno de los pueblos negro-africanos presenta un perfil cultural que le hace ser singular y esencialmente semejante a otros, como parte importante de un todo cultural, algunas veces difícil de determinar explícitamente. Los procesos que definían a los negro-africanos experimentaron una acelerada transformación debido al choque cultural que vivieron durante casi cinco siglos de su historia. Este choque debilitó sus estructuras culturales, creando Estados con lenguas extranjeras oficiales, religiones de importación, escuelas desvernacularizadas, etc., y desplazando los tradicionales sistemas sociopolíticos negro-africanos. Esta fuerte aculturación del África negra se ve fortalecida por la dominancia de la cultura exógena, que impide la reconfiguración etnocultural de sus habitantes y sociedades. Este es el gran reto de su futuro: fortalecer sus diversidades y enseñar a sus habitantes a aprender a ser africanos.
The first outcome of this project was a synchronous description of the most widely spoken Romani dialect in the Czech and Slovak Republics, aimed at teachers and lecturers of the Romani language. This is intended to serve as a methodological guide for the demonstration of various grammatical phenomena, but may also assist people who want a basic knowledge of the linguistic structure of this neo-Indian language. The grammatical material is divided into 23 chapters, in a sequence which may be followed in teaching or studying. The book includes examples of the grammatical elements, but not exercises or articles. The second work produced was a textbook of Slovak Romani, which is the most detailed in the Czech or Slovak Republics to date. It is aimed at all those interested in active use of the Romani language: high school and university students, people working with the Roma, and Roma who speak little or nothing of the language of their forebears, The book includes 34 lessons, each containing relevant Romani tests (articles and dialogues), a short vocabulary list, grammatical explanations, exercises and examples of Romani written or oral expression. The textbook also contains a considerable amount of ethno-cultural information and notes on the life and traditions of the Roman, as well as pointing out some differences between different dialects. A brief Romani-Czech phrase book is included as an appendix.
I will attempt to problematize the typologies of nationalism when applied to the Georgian context, particularly in relationship to nationalism of President Mikheil Saakashvili. I will argue that the state-driven nationalism of post-Rose Revolution government was a hybrid form of ethno-cultural and civic which had elements of ethnic particularism towards the Orthodox Church. By reflecting on the growing assistance of Western institutions to Georgia, I will problematize the extent to which the rise of American and European involvement in the region reinforced the perceptions of the “self” and the “other” among the religious elites since the Rose Revolution. By presenting field research data (interviews) gathered in 23 eparchies and perishes with religious clerics in 7 regions of Georgia, I will argue that religious nationalism in Georgia strengthened not in response to but as an outcome of President Saakashvili’s policies towards the church, and partially as a reaction to the growing dissatisfaction with Western institutions working in Georgia and Western governments’ response to the Russo-Georgian War of 2008. By reflecting on empirical material, the paper attempts to problematize an understanding of religious nationalism as a social movement, an instance of cultural autonomy and a source of identity (Friedland 2001). In response, I suggest viewing religious nationalism in post-communist Georgia as medium of material and political interests
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
People manage a spectrum of identities in cyber domains. Profiling individuals and assigning them to distinct groups or classes have potential applications in targeted services, online fraud detection, extensive social sorting, and cyber-security. This paper presents the Uncertainty of Identity Toolset, a framework for the identification and profiling of users from their social media accounts and e-mail addresses. More specifically, in this paper we discuss the design and implementation of two tools of the framework. The Twitter Geographic Profiler tool builds a map of the ethno-cultural communities of a person's friends on Twitter social media service. The E-mail Address Profiler tool identifies the probable identities of individuals from their e-mail addresses and maps their geographical distribution across the UK. To this end, this paper presents a framework for profiling the digital traces of individuals.
According to the 1999 U.S. Census, there were approximately thirty-three million African Americans and approximately 1.8 million non-Hispanic black immigrants in the United States. The 1997 U.S. Census estimated that there were as many as 554,000 foreign-born Haitians and 505,000 foreign-born Jamaicans living in the United States, mainly residing in Florida and New York. The U.S. Census claims that blacks are one of the largest emerging ethnic groups in America constituting at least twelve percent of this country's population. Because of this increase, their specific health beliefs and health care options are increasingly nationally significant. ^ In the present intra-black and inter-ethnic study, two hundred seventy African Americans, Haitian immigrants, and Jamaican immigrants residing in South Florida were quantitatively and qualitatively surveyed in order to investigate their health beliefs and health care options. According to the reviewed literature, the three black ethnic groups researched in this study have not been compared or contrasted before in relation to these beliefs and health care choices. ^ As was discovered by the present research, differing health beliefs and health care options were the cultural products of the ethnic differences of the researched communities. It was expected that differing health beliefs among the researched black groups might indicate disparate patterns of health care utilization of either western or non-western models. Additionally, it was projected that by investigating the health beliefs and the health care options of these emerging black ethnic groups, western health care providers in the United States could become better versed in medically servicing growing ethnically-disparate black populations. The study yielded results about the researched groups that supported major findings in the reviewed literature. The data were reported and examined, and theoretical generalizations from the data were discussed. The most important of these findings was that, within a race, health beliefs and health care options were determined by specific ethno-cultural variables dependent on national origins. ^
Ideas of childhood and citizenship stood at the center of the Soviet Union's empire-building project during the 1920s and 1930s. After the 1917 Revolution the Bolsheviks were faced with the challenge of establishing a new state structure and governing a vast territory inherited from its tsarist predecessor. In the early years of the Soviet project, new leaders enlisted a cadre of professionals tasked with not only creating the norms of childhood and the everyday, but also implementing policies to modernize habits and values of the empire's younger citizens. ^ To understand how children became a prime focus of Soviet imperial and ethno-cultural politics, my dissertation employs discourse analysis and compares the ways in which Soviet imperial policies were implemented in two ethnically different regions: the Buddhist Republic of Kalmykia as the colonial case study and Moscow as the Metropole. The current project examines newspapers, treatises, and inspectors' reports over the span of twenty years. It finds that the Bolsheviks' initial values and discourses in the realm of children's education, health, leisure and nutrition, all which were scientifically designed to transform children into ideal Soviet and modern citizens, changed over time as a result of the competing ideologies among local elites and the challenges they faced while intervening in children's everyday lives. ^ The most significant conclusion in this dissertation reveals that, contrary to previous scholarly arguments, the modernization projects that took place in Moscow and Kalmykia were more similar in the challenges and outcomes that local officials faced when implementing state policies.^
Why and under what conditions have the Kurds become agents of change in the Middle East in terms of democratization? Why did the Kurds' role as democratic agents become particularly visible in the 1990s? How does the Kurdish movement's turn to democratic discourse affect the political systems of Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria? What are the implications of the Kurds' adoption of "democratic discourse" for the transnational aspect of the Kurdish movement? Since the early 1990s, Kurdish national movements in Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria have undergone important political and ideological transformations. As a result of the Kurds' growing role in shaping the debates on human rights and democratization in these four countries, the Kurdish national movement has acquired a dual character: an ethno-cultural struggle for the recognition of Kurdish identity, and a democratization movement that seeks to redefine the concepts of governance and citizenship in Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria. The process transformation has affected relations between the Kurdish movements and their respective central governments in significant ways. On the basis of face-to-face interviews and archival research conducted in Turkey, Iraq and parts of Europe, the present work challenges the current narrative of Kurdish nationalism, which is predominantly drawn from a statist interpretation of Kurdish nationalist goals, and argues instead that the Kurdish question is no longer a problem of statelessness but a problem of democracy in Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria. The main contributions of this work are three fold. First, the research unfolds the reasons behind the growing emphasis of the Kurdish movement on the concepts of democracy, human rights, and political participation, which started in the early 1990s. Second, the findings challenge the existing scholarship that explains Kurdish nationalism as a problem of statelessness and shifts the focus to the transformative potentials of the Kurdish national movement in Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria through a comparative lens. Third, this work explores the complex transnational coordination and negotiations between the Kurdish movements across borders and explains the regional repercussions of this process.
This paper explores the nature of social capital arising from engagement in local festivals and the implications of this for the social sustainability of an emerging destination. Two case studies are developed from a longitudinal research project which investigates local festivals staged in the Hackney Wick and Fish Island area adjacent to Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in East London, UK between 2008 and 2014. This area has been directly affected by extensive development and regeneration efforts associated with the staging of the London 2012 Olympic Games. The two festivals considered here respond to the challenges and opportunities arising for local people as the area changes. One festival aims to foster a sense of community by creating shared experiences and improving communication across diverse groups. The other draws together the cultural community, links them to the opportunities arising as the area emerges as a destination, and attracts visitors. These festivals increase social capital in the area, but its distribution is very uneven. The accrual of social capital exacerbates existing inequalities within the host community, favouring the “haves” at the expense of the “have nots”. There are tensions between the development of social capital and social sustainability in this emerging destination.
We live in times when the search for a citizenship education that can transcend national, ethnical and cultural borders is an important part of educational policy. In times of increased pressure by the European Union on its nation states to provide for nation-transcending democracy, this question becomes crucial for national policymaking in Europe. In this text, Swedish education policy will be taken as a case in point in order to shed light on how this question is being handled in this particular national policy setting. It is argued that the policy’s citizen fostering agenda tends to be counterproductive in the sense that it is still situated in national notions of the relationship between democracy and education, which tend to exclude certain individuals and groups of people on an age-related and (ethno) cultural basis. It is further argued that these excluding features can be related to educational ideas about socialisation. The aim of this text is underlined by suggesting a different way of framing democracy and democratic citizenship education: to increase the potential of education as regards the renewal of democracy and democratic citizenship.
Many immigrants in Sweden have not had the chance to learn to read and write, for various reasons. In Sweden, literacy is a prerequisite to being able to function in the cultural community, and for many immigrants this is the first time that they experience their inability to read and write as a handicap or see themselves as “illiterate”. The aim of this study is to use a socio-cultural, second language and gender approach to describe, analyse and understand how a number of adult, illiterate, immigrant women experience their situation when they are expected to simultaneously learn to speak, read and write Swedish. The study focuses on two literacy groups in two Swedish municipalities. In one of the groups I act as both teacher and researcher. The thesis is a case study of the learning process of five illiterate immigrant women in Sweden. The results are based on interviews, carried out with the help of an interpreter, and observation of teaching and texts ritten by the students. The study is based on the assumption that human learning is an activity that takes place in a cultural community in a social context. When learning a language, the language is simultaneously the tool that facilitates social communication and the object of the learning process. The study shows that cultural communities influence the women in different ways. Gender structures are firmly planted in a patriarchal value system, which means that women are seen as inferior to men, and women are expected to “meet the demands of others”. The women have no time to study at home, as their household duties are prioritised. However, there are subtle indications that there is a wish to change the situation in accordance with Swedish values and norms. This can be seen in the Swedish for Immigrants (SFI) lessons. As they have little contact with Swedes, school is the only arena in which they have a chance to use Swedish. They are positive towards teaching and school as an institution. Here they are able to develop an alternative identity. The study also shows that teaching in the literacy groups is to a great extent based on a technical approach, in which the teacher tries to elicit a correct answer from the students. Social interaction involving contemplation and negotiation is either not included or not prioritised. the women’s experience and knowledge is not made use of. There are,however, occasions when collaborative discussions take place between the teacher and students. On these occasions an exchange of experiences takes place. Learning is based on the students’ own experiences and thoughts. Linguistic concepts gain meaning in the collaborative discussion. Initially the concepts may be unclear, but the group works on them together, adapting and adjusting them until they finally make sense. Finally, I conclude that women immigrants bring their own socio-cultural values and experience to the school situation, which affects their learning process to varying degrees. Furthermore, immigrant women need more time at school, as it is the only arena in which they can spend time on studying and personal development. another conclusion is that the school must become a learning community that recognises the immigrants’ cultures, makes use of the students’ experience and allows the students to participate in collaborative discussions, so that they can develop their ability to speak, read and write Swedish.