994 resultados para Estrogen therapy


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Malignant pleural mesothelioma is an asbestos-related neoplasm with poor prognosis, refractory to current therapies, the incidence of which is expected to increase in the next decades. Female gender was identified as a positive prognostic factor among other clinical and biological prognostic markers for malignant mesothelioma, yet a role of estrogen receptors (ERs) has not been studied. Our goal was to investigate ERs expression in malignant mesothelioma and to assess whether their expression correlates with prognosis. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed intense nuclear ER beta staining in normal pleura that was reduced in tumor tissues. Conversely, neither tumors nor normal pleura stained positive for ER alpha. Multivariate analysis of 78 malignant mesothelioma patients with pathologic stage, histologic type, therapy, sex, and age at diagnosis indicated that FRO expression is an independent prognostic factor of better survival. Moreover, studies in vitro confirmed that treatment with 17 beta-estradiol led to an ER beta-mediated inhibition of malignant mesothelioma cell proliferation as well as p21(CIP1) and p27(KIP1) up-regulation. Consistently cell growth was suppressed by ER beta overexpression, causing a G(2)-M-phase cell cycle arrest, paralleled by cyclin B1 and survivin down-regulation. Our data support the notion that ER beta acting as a tumor suppressor is of high potential relevance to prediction of disease progression and to therapeutic response of malignant mesothelioma patients. [Cancer Res 2009;69(11):4598-604]


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Worldwide, colorectal cancer has a higher incidence rate in men than in women, suggesting a protective role for sex hormones in the development of the disease. Preclinical data support a role for estrogen and its receptors in the initiation and progression of colorectal cancer and establishes that protective effects of estrogen are exerted through ERβ. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in postmenopausal women as well as consumption of soy reduces the incidence of colorectal cancer. In the Women's Health Initiative trial, use of HRT in postmenopausal women reduced the risk of colon cancer by 56% [95% confidence interval (CI), 0.38-0.81; P = 0.003]. A recent meta-analysis showed that in women, consumption of soy reduced the risk of colon cancer by 21% (95% CI, 0.03-0.35; P = 0.026). In this review, using the preclinical data, we translate the findings in the clinical trials and observational studies to define the role of estrogen in the prevention of colorectal cancer. We hypothesize that sometime during the tumorigenesis process ERβ expression in colonocytes is lost and the estrogen ligand, HRT, or soy products, exerts its effects through preventing this loss. Thus, in the adenoma-to-carcinoma continuum, timing of HRT is a significant determinant of the observed benefit from this intervention. We further argue that the protective effects of estrogen are limited to certain molecular subtypes. Successful development of estrogen modulators for prevention of colorectal cancer depends on identification of susceptible colorectal cancer population(s). Thus, research to better understand the estrogen pathway is fundamental for clinical delivery of these agents.


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The ovariectomized (OVX) rat, a preclinical model for studying postmenopausal bone loss, may also be used to study differences in alveolar bone (AB). The objectives of this study were to quantify the differences in AB following estrogen replacement therapy (ERT), and to investigate the relationship between AB structure and density, and trabecular bone at the femoral neck (FN) and third lumbar vertebral body (LB3). Estrogen treated rats had a higher bone volume fraction (BV/TV) at the AB region (9.8% P < 0.0001), FN (12% P < 0.0001), and LB3 (11.5% P < 0.0001) compared to the OVX group. BV/TV of the AB was positively correlated with the BV/TV at the FN (r = 0.69 P < 0.0001) and the LB3 (r = 0.75 P < 0.0001). The trabecular number (Tb.N), trabecular separation (Tb.Sp), and structure model index (SMI) were also positively correlated (P < 0.05) between the AB and FN (r = 0.42, 0.49, and 0.73, respectfully) and between the AB and LB3 (r = 0.44, 0.63, and 0.69, respectfully). Given the capacity of AB to respond to ERT, future preclinical drug/nutritional intervention studies aimed at improving skeletal health should include the AB as a region of interest (ROI).


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La signalisation par l’estrogène a longtemps été considérée comme jouant un rôle critique dans le développement et la progression des cancers hormono-dépendants tel que le cancer du sein. Deux tiers des cancers du sein expriment le récepteur des estrogènes (ER) qui constitue un élément indiscutable dans cette pathologie. L’acquisition d’une résistance endocrinienne est cependant un obstacle majeur au traitement de cette forme de cancer. L’émergence de cancers hormono-indépendants peut est produite par l’activation de ER en absence d’estrogène, l’hypersensibilité du récepteur aux faibles concentrations plasmique d’estrogène ainsi que l’activation de ER par des modulateurs sélectifs. L’activité du ER est fortement influencée par l’environnement cellulaire tel que l’activation de voie de signalisation des facteurs de croissances, la disponibilité de protéines co-régulatrices et des séquences promotrices ciblées. Présentement, les études ont principalement considérées le rôle de ERα, cependant avec la découverte de ERβ, notre compréhension de la diversité des mécanismes potentiels impliquant des réponses ER-dépendantes s’est améliorée. L’activation des voies des kinases par les facteurs de croissance entraîne le développement d’un phénotype tumoral résistant aux traitements actuels. Nos connaissances des voies impliquées dans l’activation de ER sont restreintes. ERα est considéré comme le sous-type dominant et corrèle avec la plupart des facteurs de pronostic dans le cancer du sein. Le rôle de ERβ reste imprécis. Les résultats présentés dans cette thèse ont pour objectif de mieux comprendre l’implication de ERβ dans la prolifération cellulaire par l’étude du comportement de ERβ et ERα suite à l’activation des voies de signalisation par les facteurs de croissance. Nous démontrons que l’activation des récepteurs de surfaces de la famille ErbB, spécifiquement ErbB2/ErbB3, inhibe l’activité transcriptionnelle de ERβ, malgré la présence du coactivateur CBP, tout en activant ERα. De plus, l’inhibition de ERβ est attribuée à un résidu sérine (Ser-255) situé dans la région charnière, absente dans ERα. Des études supplémentaires de ErbB2/ErbB3 ont révélé qu’ils activent la voie PI3K/Akt ciblant à son tour la Ser-255. En effet, cette phosphorylation de ERβ par PI3K/Akt induit une augmentation de l’ubiquitination du récepteur qui promeut sa dégradation par le système ubiquitine-protéasome. Cette dégradation est spécifique pour ERβ. De façon intéressante, la dégradation par le protéasome requiert la présence du coactivateur CBP normalement requis pour l’activité transcriptionnelle des récepteurs nucléaires. Malgré le fait que l’activation de la voie PI3K/Akt corrèle avec une diminution de l’expression des gènes sous le contrôle de ERβ, on observe une augmentation de la prolifération des cellules cancéreuses. L’inhibition de la dégradation de ERβ réduit cette prolifération excessive causée par le traitement avec Hrgβ1, un ligand de ErbB3. Un nombre croissant d’évidences indique que les voies de signalisations des facteurs de croissance peuvent sélectivement réguler l’activité transcriptionnelle de sous-types de ER. De plus, le ratio ERα/ERβ dans les cancers du sein devient un outil de diagnostique populaire afin de déterminer la sévérité d’une tumeur. En conclusion, la caractérisation moléculaire du couplage entre la signalisation des facteurs de croissance et la fonction des ERs permettra le développement de nouveaux traitements afin de limiter l’apparition de cellules tumorales résistantes aux thérapies endocriniennes actuelles.


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Context: Evidence is limited on the effects of different patterns of use of postmenopausal hormone therapy on fracture incidence and particularly on the effects of ceasing use. Objective: To investigate the effect of different patterns of hormone therapy use on fracture incidence. Design, Setting, and Participants: Prospective study of 138737 postmenopausal women aged 50 to 69 years recruited from the UK general population in 19961998 (the Million Women Study) and followed up for 1.9 to 3.9 years (average, 2.8 years) for fracture incidence. Main Outcome Measure: Adjusted relative risk (RR) for incident fracture (except fracture of the fingers, toes, and ribs) in hormone therapy users compared with never users at baseline. Results: A total of 5197 women (3.7%) reported 1 or more fractures, 79% resulting from falls. Current users of hormone therapy at baseline had a significantly reduced incidence of fracture (RR, 0.62; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.58-0.66; P<.001). This protection was evident soon after hormone therapy began, and the RR decreased with increasing duration of use (P=.001). Among current users at baseline the RR of fracture did not vary significantly according to whether estrogen-only, estrogen-progestin, or other types of hormones were used (RR [95% CI], 0.64 [0.58-0.71], 0.58 [0.53-0.64], and 0.67 [0.56-0.80], respectively; P=19), nor did it vary significantly according to estrogen dose or estrogen or progestin constituents. The RR associated with current use of hormone therapy did not vary significantly according to 11 personal characteristics of study participants, including their age at menopause, body mass index, and physical activity. Past users of hormone therapy at baseline experienced no significant protection against fractures (RR, 1.07; 95% CI, 0.99-1.15); incidence rates returned to those of never-users within about a year of ceasing use. Conclusions: All types of hormone therapy studied confer substantial protection against fracture while they are used. This protection appears rapidly after use commences and wears off rapidly after use ceases. The older women are, the greater is their absolute reduction in fracture incidence while using hormone therapy.


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The aim of the study was to verify whether post-menopausal hormone replacement therapy (HRT) modifies autoantibody titers against oxidized low-density lipoprotein (LDL) (anti-LDLoxi), against epitopes of oxidized apolipoprotein B100 and common carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) in these women. Sixty-eight women in pre-menopause (PMW) and 216 in post-menopause (POMW) were recruited; eighty-three had undergone HRT for at least 12 months, where 48 received conjugated estrogens alone (EHRT) and 35 received conjugated estrogen and medroxyprogesterone acetate (CHRT). ELISA was used to determine autoantibodies. Lipoprotein lipase (LPL), hepatic lipase (HL), cholesterol ester transfer protein (CETP) and phospholipid transfer protein (PLTP) activities were assayed by radiometric methods. IMT was measured using Doppler ultrasound. Anti-oxidized LDL and anti-D antibodies increased by 40% (p <= 0.003) and 42% (p <= 0.006), respectively, with menopause. There was a surprising and significant 7% reduction in anti-D2 antibody titers with HRT (p <= 0.050), indicating a positive effect of treatment on the immune response to oxidized LDL. Combined HRT decreased activities of HL and LPL. HRT did not change common carotid IMT, which was increased by 32% as expected after menopause (p <= 0.030). This study describes, for the first time, the protective effect of HRT on decreasing autoantibody titers against oxidized apolipoprotein B in LDL.


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Estrogens exert important physiological effects through the modulation of two human estrogen receptor (hER) subtypes, alpa (hER alpha) and beta (hER beta). Because the levels and relative proportion of hER alpha and hER beta differ significantly in different target cells, selective hER ligands could target specific tissues or pathways regulated by one receptor subtype without affecting the other. To understand the structural and chemical basis by which small molecule modulators are able to discriminate between the two subtypes, we have applied three-dimensional target-based approaches employing a series of potent hER-ligands. Comparative molecular field analysis (CoMFA) studies were applied to a data set of 81 hER modulators, for which binding affinity values were collected for both hER alpha and hER beta. Significant statistical coefficients were obtained (hER alpha, q(2) = 0.76; hER beta, q(2) = 0.70), indicating the internal consistency of the models. The generated models were validated using external test sets, and the predicted values were in good agreement with the experimental results. Five hER crystal structures were used in GRID/PCA investigations to generate molecular interaction fields (MIF) maps. hER alpha and hER beta were separated using one factor. The resulting 3D information was integrated with the aim of revealing the most relevant structural features involved in hER subtype selectivity. The final QSAR and GRID/PCA models and the information gathered from 3D contour maps should be useful for the design or novel hER modulators with improved selectivity.


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The authors examine the most recent research concerning the risks and benefits of oestrogen or combined oestrogen-progestin therapy in postmenopausal women.


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AZEVEDO, George Dantas de et al. Procoagulant state after raloxifene therapy in postmenopausal women. Fertility and Sterility, Estados Unidos, v.84, n.6, p.1680-1684, 2005


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AZEVEDO, George Dantas de et al. Raloxifene therapy does not affect uterine blood flow in postmenopausal women: a transvaginal Doppler study. Maturitas, Amsterdam, v.47, n.3, p.195-200, 2004


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Objective. This study evaluated the influence of estrogen deficiency and its treatment on bone density around integrated implants.Study design. Implants were placed in female rat tibiae. The animals were assigned to 5 groups: control, sham, ovariectomy, estrogen, and alendronate. The control group was humanely killed to confirm integration of the implant. The others were submitted to ovariectomy or sham surgery. Bone density was measured by digital radiographs at 6 points on sides of the implant.Results. The analysis of radiographic bone density revealed estrogen privation had a negative impact only in the cancellous bone. The estrogen group differed significantly ( P <.05) from the ovariectomy and alendronate groups. The alendronate group presented the highest density for all evaluated regions.Conclusion. Ovariectomy caused a decrease in the radiographic bone density in the cancellous region. Estrogen replacement therapy and alendronate were effective treatments in preventing bone mass loss around integrated implants.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objective: This study evaluated the augmentation of venlafaxine with hormone therapy in the treatment of postmenopausal depression. The hormones evaluated were estrogen (0.625 mg) in combination with medroxyprogesterone acetate (2.5 mg) and methyltestosterone (2.5 mg). Design: Seventy-two menopausal women (mean age: 53.6 ± 4.27 years) diagnosed with depression (Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale [MADRS] scores ≥ 20) were treated with venlafaxine and one of the following hormone therapy combinations, in a double-blind regimen: estrogen + medroxyprogesterone + methyltestosterone (group 1, n = 20); estrogen + medroxyprogesterone acetate (group 2, n = 20); methyltestosterone only (group 3, n = 16); and no hormone therapy (group 4, n = 16). Study duration was 24 weeks. Primary efficacy outcome was remission according to the MADRS, whereas secondary efficacy measures included the Clinical Global Impression (CGI), Blatt-Kupperman Index, and Women's Health Questionnaire (WHQ). Results: Forty-eight patients completed the study. All groups showed significant improvement from baseline. Group 3 demonstrated significant improvement on the MADRS compared with placebo (group 4) at weeks 20 (P = 0.048) and 24 (P = 0.030); effect size 8.04 (0.83; 15.26) (P = 0.029), but also had the highest dropout rate. Groups 1 and 3 had significant CGI improvement rates compared with placebo: 42.23% (P = 0.012) and 44.45% (P = 0.08), respectively. There were no differences in the WHQ or BKI scores among the groups. Conclusions: Methyltestosterone 2.5 mg had the highest effect size compared with placebo, but the high dropout rate prevented its efficacy from being determined. Estrogen plus medroxyprogesterone, combined with methyltestosterone or otherwise, demonstrated a trend toward increased efficacy of venlafaxine. Further larger-scale clinical trials are needed to elucidate the findings of this pilot study. © 2006 by The North American Menopause Society.


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The association of genetic polymorphism in the estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) gene and risk for diseases including breast cancer (BC) has been the subject of great interest. Objective: Checking on women with high breast density after menopause, the frequency of the Pvull and Xbal polymorphisms of the ERα gene and the correlation between them and the known risk factors for breast cancer. Method: Observational study with 308 women between 45 and 65 years old with high breast density, without hormonal therapy, menstruation for a year or more, breast and ovarian cancer history. It was characterized in clinical history and physical examination: menarche, menopause, parity, family history of BC, smoking, alcohol intake and body mass index. Results: The allelic and genotypic frequencies for ERα-Pvull and Xbal: p=43.99%; p=56.01%; pp=32.14%; Pp=47.73% and PP=20.13%; X=41.56%; x=58.44%; xx=33.44%; Xx=50.00% and XX=16.56%, respectively. The most frequent risk factors for BC: menarche before 12 years old (35.38%), nulliparity or first child after 28 years old (41.66%), family history of BC (19.16%) and overweight/obesity (62.01%). Conclusion: Allelic and genotypic distribution similar to literature. The risk factors for BC were more prevalent in women with high breast density but without significant associations with these polymorphisms. © 2013 Informa UK Ltd. All rights reserved.