290 resultados para Estrelas: Lítio
Uma possível disfunção nos processos intracelulares de transdução de sinais pode estar implicada na fisiopatologia do transtorno bipolar (Soares and Mallinger 2000). Particularmente, a via intracelular do fosfoinositol (PI) pode ser um sitio de disfunção (Soares et al 1997b). Plaquetas, células periféricas, e amostras de cérebro pós-mortem têm sido utilizados como modelos em estudos prévios com o objetivo de investigar esta hipótese. Os achados que emergem destes estudos são consistentes com a hipótese de uma hiperatividade na via do PI na fase maníaca, que pode estar relacionada com a fase do transtorno. Nesta tese de doutoramento está descrita uma série de estudos preliminares que utilizaram um modelo plaquetário para estudar alterações da via do PI em pacientes com transtorno afetivo bipolar, e também em relação ao mecanismo de ação do carbonato de lítio. Utilizando um método para quantificação de fosfoinositois em membrana plaquetária desenvolvido pelo Professor Alan Mallinger e colaboradores na Universidade de Pittsburgh, o passo inicial envolveu o estudo da reprodutibilidade teste/reteste do mesmo, que foi documentada como estando dentro de limites aceitáveis (Soares et al 1999a). Subseqüentemente, conduzimos um estudo preliminar em pacientes bipolares já tratados com monoterapia com o lítio (Soares et al 1999b). Nestes pacientes, alem de estudarmos os níveis de fosfolipídios de membrana comparados com voluntários normais, também estudamos, em colaboração com o Professor Husseini Manji e colaboradores do National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), EUA, os níveis de subespécies especificas de PKC em plaquetas de pacientes bipolares (Soares et al 2000a). Nossos achados principais destes estudos colaborativos sugerem uma redução dos níveis plaquetários de PIP2, concomitantemente com redução seletiva de subespécies especificas de PKC. Como um passo adicional, também estudamos os níveis de fosfoinositois de membrana em indivíduos bipolares na fase depressiva, quando não medicados, que estavam significativamente elevados comparados com voluntários normais (Soares et al 2001). Por último, conduzimos um ensaio clinico aberto com carbonato de lítio em doses terapêuticas em um grupo pequeno de pacientes bipolares, que sugeriu uma diminuição significativa dos níveis de PIP2 após o tratamento (Soares et al 2000b). Estes estudos documentam uma disfunção na via do PI em plaquetas de pacientes bipolares, possivelmente modulada pelo tratamento com o lítio, sugerindo o envolvimento desta via na fisiopatologia do transtorno e no mecanismo de ação do lítio. não se sabe se tais alterações plaquetárias refletem o que se passa nesta via em neurônios humanos in vivo, o que constitui uma limitação importante, em potencial, desta abordagem. No entanto, na falta de metodologia de neuroimagem que permita o estudo destas vias no cérebro de pacientes vivos, o modelo periférico plaquetário é de valia para se começar a fazer inferências sobre o funcionamento desta via em pacientes bipolares. Estudos futuros com amostras maiores de pacientes que possam segui-los em fases diferentes do transtorno e tentar determinar correlações entre alterações nesta via produzidas pelo lítio e os efeitos terapêuticos desta medicação serão de grande valia.
O Marketing de serviços de hotelaria 5 estrelas na cidade de São Paulo. Estudo exploratório. Como os hotéis competem entre si. Principais características dos hotéis, enfoque em algumas das dimensões estratégicas: posição de marca, tecnologia, especialização, preços, localização, qualidade total.
Esta tese apresenta o estudo da população estelar nuclear e extranuclear de uma amostra de galáxias ativas próximas (trinta e sete galáxias Seyfert 2 e vinte e quatro rádio-galáxias); e de uma amostra de controle de galáxias não ativas (onze elípticas: sete lenticulares e dezoito espirais). Foram para isto utilizados espectros óticos de fenda longa com boa razão sinal-ruído obtidos em telescôpios com aberturas de 1;5m a 4m. As regiões amostradas nas extrações correspomlem nas galáxias a 100-2000 parsecs (pc), com um valor mediano de 800 pc. A fim de verificar se existe relação entre a presença de formação estelar recente e a atividade nuclear; foram determinadas as idades das populações estelares da região nuclear e circumnuclear destas galáxias; utilizando o método de síntese espectral. Também foi verificada a infiuência do núcleo ativo sobre a população circunmclear; através do estudo da diluição das larguras equivalentes nucleares em relação àquelas de fora do núcleo. Um dos aspectos mais relevantes do presente estudo é a inclusão de uma amostra de controle de galáxias não ativas em um nÚmero comparável ao de galáxias ativas. O estudo conjunto de uma amostra de controle serviu para quantificar as diferenças obtidas dos espectros - em particular no contínuo e na população estelar das galáxias devido a existência da atividade nuclear. Os principais resultados são os que seguem: Uma grande fração de galáxias Seyfert 2 apresenta formação estelar recente (com idades iguais ou inferiores a 100 milhões de anos), tanto no núcleo quanto fora dele. Por outro lado, as rádio-galáxias em geral são dominadas por populações velhas e de idade intermediária (10 e 1 bilhão de anos); as populações jovens são significativas em apenas 10% destes objetos Em vários aspectos, galáxias Seyfert 2 e rádio-galáxias apresentam características diferentes. As primeiras apresentam resultados da síntese bem mais diversificados do que as últimas; tanto em termos de contribuição das populações de diferentes idades, quanto em relação ao comportamento dos gradientes de população estelar e dos avermelhamentos internos das galáxias. As galáxias Seyfert 2 apresentam uma diversidade de populações bastallte grande; e em geral essas populações são muito diferentes daquelas encontradas em galáxias não ativas lenticulares e espirais. Apesar das rádio-galáxias apresentarem uma pequena diversidade de populações estelares e, aparentemente, populações semelhantes àquelas encontradas em galáxias não ativas elípticas e lenticulares, elas têm populações levemente mais jovens do que as encontradas nas galáxias não ativas, sob a forma de uma contribuição maior da população de 1 bilhão de anos. Nenhuma rádio-galáxia Fanaroff-Riley tipo I apresenta contribuição significativa de populações mais jovem; do que 1 bilhão de anos: enquanto que em uma ou duas rádio-galáxias FRI isso ocorre. Esse resultàdo sugere que existe uma pequena diferença entre a população estelar das rádio-galáxias FRI e FGII estudadas. Essa diferença precisa ser melhor estudada, através de uma amostra de rádio-galáxias maior, para se verificar se não é originada apenas pelo pequeno número de objetos analisados em cada grupo Para as galáxias Seyfert 2, os resultados encontrados são consistentes com um cenário evolutivo 1 onde uma interação provocaria a queda do gás na direção do núcleo provocando um ou mais episódios de formação estelar e iniciando também a atividade nuclear. Enquanto a formação estelar é dominante, as assinaturas da interação são ainda visíveis e o espectro apresenta as características de uma população jovem e linhas de emissão intemediárias entre aquelas de galáxias Seyfert 2 e de galáxias "Starlmrst". A partir do momento em que o episóidio de formação estelar se enfraquece, o espectro passa a ser dominado por características de uma população mais velha e com linhas de emissão típicas de uma galáxia Seyfert. Dentro do cenário acima, a diversidade de populações encontrada pode então ser explicada como sendo devida a diferentes estágios evolutivos da interação; além disso: um outro fator importante parece ser a quantidade de gás disponível; se esta quantidade for muito pequena, pode não ocorrer o disparo de formação estelar. No caso das rádio-galáxias, as interações que teriam originado a atividade nuclear parecem ter ocorrido há mais tempo (1 bilhão de anos atrás para a maioria dos objetos estudados), sugerindo um maior intervalo de tempo entre a interação e o disparo da atividade rádio do que entre a interação e a atividade Seyfert.
Neste trabalho, são discutidos modelos da hadrodinâmica quântica com aproximação de campo médio aplicados a estrelas de nêutrons. O modelo de Walecka define o ponto de partida para desenvolver o modelo de acoplamento derivativo ajustável. A presente dissertação visa a um estudo detalhado sobre a influência dos parâmetros do modelo ajustável no sistema, analisando seus limites, inclusive quando os parâmetros são iguais a zero ou infinito (modelo exponencial). Esta análise tem o propósito de estabelecer um conjunto de parâmetros que defina um modelo que esteja de acordo com as propriedades fenomenológicas tais como módulo de compressão da matéria nuclear, massa efetiva na saturação da matéria nuclear e também algumas propriedades estáticas globais das estrelas de nêutrons como, por exemplo, massa e raio. Estabelecido o modelo a ser considerado, a autora dessa dissertação introduz, como inovação, a compressibilidade hadrônica como função da densidade. Tradicionalmente, determinam-se propriedades da matéria apenas para a densidade de saturação.
The natural gas perform a essential paper, not only in primary sectors of energy, but also in others sectors of economy. The use natural gas will have expansion in Brazil, motivated by governmental decision to increase the participation of this fuel in the Brazilian energy matrix from 4% to 12% up until 2010. in order to reach the objective related to increase the consumption of natural gas in the energy matrix and to propose solutions to attend the electric requirements of heart and refrigeration, using natural gas as primary power plant. This thesis has a main objective to analysis the perception of businessmen of hotel sector about the feasability of investment with micro-cogeneration system by natural gas in their hotel in turistic sector, in Natal/RN. It s show a case for the hotels selected analyzing the actual knowledge of businessmen about alternative of new technology in generation of owner energy. There was make a interview using a standard form researching information about this topic. In this interview has shown 4 (four) canaries for businessmen with different configurations of investment in micro-cogeneration. Two of this canaries uses the project finance like option to make fasible this projects. The resulteis showed who businessmen has insecurity to make decision to put in office alone, or with a local company, and perhaps with a national company to perform for a alternative energy system, justifying, the alone feasability and without information by local businessmen. Apart from that, they are receptive for a option to put in office in micro-cogeneration configured in the settings using project finance
In the present work, we have studied the nature of the physical processes of the coronal heating, considering as basis significant samples of single and binary evolved stars, that have been achieved with the ROSAT satellite. In a total of 191 simple stars were studied, classified in the literature as giants with spectral type F, G and K. The results were compared with those obtained from 106 evolved stars of spectral type F, G and K, which belong to the spectroscopic binary systems. Accurate measurements on rotation and information about binarity were obtained from De Medeiros s catalog. We have analysed the behavior of the coronal activity in function of diverse stellar parameters. With the purpose to better clarify the profile of the stars evolution, the HR diagram was built for the two samples of stars, the single and the binary ones. The evolved traces added in the diagram were obtained from the Toulouse-Geneve code, Nascimento et al. (2000). The stars were segregated in this diagram not only in range of rotational speed but also in range of X-ray flux. Our analysis shows clearly that the single stars and the binary ones have coronal activity controlled by physical process independent on the rotation. Non magnetic processes seem to be strongly influencing the coronal heating. For the binary stars, we have also studied the behavior of the coronal emission as a function of orbital parameters, such as period and eccentricity, in which it was revealed the existence of a discontinuity in the emission of X-rays around an orbital period of 100 days. The study helped to conclude that circular orbits of the binary stars are presented as a necessary property for the existence of a higher level ofX-rays emission, suggesting that the effect of the gravitational tide has an important role in the coronal activity level. When applied the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (KS test ) for the Vsini and FX parameters to the samples of single and binary stars, we could evidence very relevant aspects for the understanding of the mechanisms inherent to the coronal activity. For the Vsini parameter, the differences between the single stars and the binary ones for rotation over 6.3 km/s were really remarkable. We believe, therefore, that the existence of gravitational tide is, at least, one of the factors that most contribute for this behavior. About the X-rays flux, the KS test showed that the behavior of the single and the binary stars, regarding the coronal activity, comes from the same origin
Mira and R Coronae Borealis (R CrB) variable stars are evolved objects surrounded by circumstellar envelopes (CSE) composed of the ejected stellar material. We present a detailed high-spatial resolution morfological study of the CSE of three stars: IRC+10216, the closest and more studied Carbon-Rich Mira; o Ceti, the prototype of the Mira class; and RY Sagitarii (RY Sgr), the brightest R CrB variable of the south hemisphere. JHKL near-infrared adaptive optics images of IRC+10216 with high dynamic range and Vband images with high angular resolution and high depth, collected with the VLT/NACO and VLT/FORS1 instruments, were analyzed. NACO images of o Ceti were also analyzed. Interferometric observations of RY Sgr collected with the VLTI/MIDI instrument allowed us to explore its CSE innermost regions (»20 40 mas). The CSE of IRC+10216 exhibit, in near-infrared, clumps with more complex relative displacements than proposed in previous studies. In V-band, the majority of the non-concentric shells, located in the outer CSE layers, seem to be composed of thinner elongated shells. In a global view, the morphological connection between the shells and the bipolar core of the nebulae, located in the outer layers, together with the clumps, located in the innermost regions, has a difficult interpretation. In the CSE of o Ceti, preliminar results would be indicating the presence of possible clumps. In the innermost regions (.110 UA) of the CSE of RY Sgr, two clouds were detected in different epochs, embedded in a variable gaussian envelope. Based on a rigorous verification, the first cloud was located at »100 R¤ (or »30 AU) from the centre, toward the east-north-east direction (modulo 180o) and the second one was almost at a perpendicular direction, having aproximately 2£ the distance of the first cloud. This study introduces new constraints to the mass-loss history of these kind of variables and to the morphology of their innermost CSE regions
The study of sunspots consistently contributed to a better understanding of magnetic phenomena of the Sun, as its activity. It was found with the dynamics of sunspots that the Sun has a rotation period of twenty-seven days around your axis. With the help of Project Sun-As-A-Star that solar spectra obtained for more than thirty years we observed oscillations of both the depth of the spectral line and its equivalent width, and analysis of the return information about the characteristics of solar magnetism. It also aims to find patterns of solar magnetic activity cycle and the average period of rotation of the Sun will indicate the spectral lines that are sensitive to magnetic activity and which are not. Sensitive lines how Ti II 5381.0 Å stands as the best indicator of the solar rotation period and also shows different periods of rotation cycles of minimum and maximum magnetic activity. It is the first time we observe clearly distinct rotation periods in the different cycles. The analysis also shows that Ca II 8542.1 Å and HI 6562.0 Å indicate the cycle of magnetic activity of eleven years. Some spectral lines no indicated connection with solar activity, this result can help us search for programs planets using spectroscopic models. Data analysis was performed using the Lomb-Scargle method that makes the time series analysis for unequally spaced data. Observe different rotation periods in the cycles of magnetic activity accounts for a discussion has been debated for many decades. We verified that spectroscopy can also specify the period of stellar rotation, thus being able to generalize the method to other stars
Since Michel Mayor and his student Didier Queloz s pioneer announcement, in 1995, of the existence of a planet orbiting the star 51 Peg, up to present date, 695 extrasolar planets orbiting stars of spectral type F, G, K and M have been discovered. A study on the behavior of the total angular momentum of the planetary systems known up to present date becomes relevant when we know that about 98% of the angular momentum of the solar system is associated with the planets, although they represent only 0.15 percent of the mass of the whole system. In this dissertation we study the behavior of stellar angular momentum, orbital angular momentum and total angular momentum in a sample of 282 stars harboring planets, including 40 multiple systems. We observed that planetary systems containing more than one known planet have both higher orbital angular momentum and total angular momentum compared to those who have only one planet. This analysis shows that multiplanet systems tend to have higher momenta, suggesting that the planets in such systems that contribute to the greater portion momenta have been found. Thus, planetary systems with lower values for the momenta represent the best candidates to the discovery of new planets
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
Stellar differential rotation is an important key to understand hydromagnetic stellar dynamos, instabilities, and transport processes in stellar interiors as well as for a better treatment of tides in close binary and star-planet systems. The space-borne high-precision photometry with MOST, CoRoT, and Kepler has provided large and homogeneous datasets. This allows, for the first time, the study of differential rotation statistically robust samples covering almost all stages of stellar evolution. In this sense, we introduce a method to measure a lower limit to the amplitude of surface differential rotation from high-precision evenly sampled photometric time series such as those obtained by space-borne telescopes. It is designed for application to main-sequence late-type stars whose optical flux modulation is dominated by starspots. An autocorrelation of the time series is used to select stars that allow an accurate determination of spot rotation periods. A simple two-spot model is applied together with a Bayesian Information Criterion to preliminarily select intervals of the time series showing evidence of differential rotation with starspots of almost constant area. Finally, the significance of the differential rotation detection and a measurement of its amplitude and uncertainty are obtained by an a posteriori Bayesian analysis based on a Monte Carlo Markov Chain (hereafter MCMC) approach. We apply our method to the Sun and eight other stars for which previous spot modelling has been performed to compare our results with previous ones. The selected stars are of spectral type F, G and K. Among the main results of this work, We find that autocorrelation is a simple method for selecting stars with a coherent rotational signal that is a prerequisite to a successful measurement of differential rotation through spot modelling. For a proper MCMC analysis, it is necessary to take into account the strong correlations among different parameters that exists in spot modelling. For the planethosting star Kepler-30, we derive a lower limit to the relative amplitude of the differential rotation. We confirm that the Sun as a star in the optical passband is not suitable for a measurement of the differential rotation owing to the rapid evolution of its photospheric active regions. In general, our method performs well in comparison with more sophisticated procedures used until now in the study of stellar differential rotation
The interest in the systematic analysis of astronomical time series data, as well as development in astronomical instrumentation and automation over the past two decades has given rise to several questions of how to analyze and synthesize the growing amount of data. These data have led to many discoveries in the areas of modern astronomy asteroseismology, exoplanets and stellar evolution. However, treatment methods and data analysis have failed to follow the development of the instruments themselves, although much effort has been done. In present thesis, we propose new methods of data analysis and two catalogs of the variable stars that allowed the study of rotational modulation and stellar variability. Were analyzed the photometric databases fromtwo distinctmissions: CoRoT (Convection Rotation and planetary Transits) and WFCAM (Wide Field Camera). Furthermore the present work describes several methods for the analysis of photometric data besides propose and refine selection techniques of data using indices of variability. Preliminary results show that variability indices have an efficiency greater than the indices most often used in the literature. An efficient selection of variable stars is essential to improve the efficiency of all subsequent steps. Fromthese analyses were obtained two catalogs; first, fromtheWFCAMdatabase we achieve a catalog with 319 variable stars observed in the photometric bands Y ZJHK. These stars show periods ranging between ∼ 0, 2 to ∼ 560 days whose the variability signatures present RR-Lyrae, Cepheids , LPVs, cataclysmic variables, among many others. Second, from the CoRoT database we selected 4, 206 stars with typical signatures of rotationalmodulation, using a supervised process. These stars show periods ranging between ∼ 0, 33 to ∼ 92 days, amplitude variability between ∼ 0, 001 to ∼ 0, 5 mag, color index (J - H) between ∼ 0, 0 to ∼ 1, 4 mag and spectral type CoRoT FGKM. The WFCAM variable stars catalog is being used to compose a database of light curves to be used as template in an automatic classifier for variable stars observed by the project VVV (Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy) moreover it are a fundamental start point to study different scientific cases. For example, a set of 12 young stars who are in a star formation region and the study of RR Lyrae-whose properties are not well established in the infrared. Based on CoRoT results we were able to show, for the first time, the rotational modulation evolution for an wide homogeneous sample of field stars. The results are inagreement with those expected by the stellar evolution theory. Furthermore, we identified 4 solar-type stars ( with color indices, spectral type, luminosity class and rotation period close to the Sun) besides 400 M-giant stars that we have a special interest to forthcoming studies. From the solar-type stars we can describe the future and past of the Sun while properties of M-stars are not well known. Our results allow concluded that there is a high dependence of the color-period diagram with the reddening in which increase the uncertainties of the age-period realized by previous works using CoRoT data. This thesis provides a large data-set for different scientific works, such as; magnetic activity, cataclysmic variables, brown dwarfs, RR-Lyrae, solar analogous, giant stars, among others. For instance, these data will allow us to study the relationship of magnetic activitywith stellar evolution. Besides these aspects, this thesis presents an improved classification for a significant number of stars in the CoRoT database and introduces a new set of tools that can be used to improve the entire process of the photometric databases analysis
Galactic stellar clusters have a great variety of physical properties that make valuable probes of stellar and galactic chemical evolution. Current studies show a discrepancy between the standard evolutionary models and observations, mainly considering the level of mixing and convective dilution of light elements, as well as to the evolution of the angular momentum. In order to better settle some of these properties, we present a detailed spectroscopic analysis of 28 evolved stars, from the turn-off to the RGB, belonging to the stellar open cluster M67. The observations were performed using UVES+FLAMES at VLT/UT2. We determined stellar parameters and metallicity from LTE analysis of Fe I and Fe II lines between 420 1100 nm. The Li abundance was obtained using the line at 6707.78 ˚A, for the whole sample of stars. The Li abundances of evolved stars of M67 present a gradual decreasing when decreasing the effective temperature. The Li dilution factor for giant stars of M67 with Teff ∼ 4350K is at least 2300 times greater than that predicted by standard theory for single field giant stars. The Li abundance as a function of rotation exhibits a good correlation for evolved stars of M67, with a much smaller dispersion than the field evolved stars. The mass and the age seem to be some of the parameters that influence this connection. We discovered a Li-rich subgiant star in M67 (S1242). It is member of a spectroscopic binary system with a high eccentricity. Its Li abundance is 2.7, the highest Li content ever measured for an evolved star in M67. Two possibilities could explain this anomalous Li content: (i) preservation of the Li at the post turn off stage due to tidal effects, or (ii) an efficient dredge-up of Li, hidden below the convective zone by atomic diffusion occurring in the post turn off stage. We also study the evolution of the angular momentum for the evolved stars in M67. The results are in agreement with previous studies dedicated to evolved stars of this cluster, where stars in the same region of the CM-diagram have quite similar rotations, but with values that indicate an extra breaking along the main sequence. Finally, we analize the distributions of the average rotational velocity and of the average Li abundance as a function of age. With relation to the average Li abundances, stars in clusters and field stars present the same type of exponencial decay law t−β. Such decay is observed for ages lesser than 2 Gyr. From this age, is observed that the average Li abundance remain constant, differently of the one observed in the rotation age connection, where the average rotational velocity decreases slowly with age
Lithium (Li) is the first choice to treat bipolar disorder, a psychiatric illness characterized by mood oscillations between mania and depression. However, studies have demonstrated that this drug might influence mnemonic process due to its neuroprotector, antiapoptotic and neurogenic effects. The use of Li in the treatment of cognitive deficits caused by brain injury or neurodegenerative disorders have been widely studied, and this drug shows to be effective in preventing or even alleviating the memory impairment. The effects of Li on anxiety and depression are controversial and the relationship of the effects of lithium on memory, anxiety and depression remain unknown. In this context, this study aims to: evaluate the effects of acute and chronic administration of lithium carbonate in aversive memory and anxiety, simultaneously, using the plus maze discriminative avoidance task (PMDAT); test the antidepressant effect of the drug through the forced swimming test (FS) and analyze brainderived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expression in structures related to memory and emotion. To evaluation of the acute effects, male Wistar rats were submitted to i.p. administration of lithium carbonate (50, 100 or 200 mg/kg) one hour before the training session (PMDAT) or lithium carbonate (50 or 100 mg/kg) one hour before the test session (FS). To evaluation of the chronic effects, the doses administered were 50 or 100 mg/kg or vehicle once a day for 21 days before the beginning of behavioral tasks (PMDAT and FS). Afterwards, the animals were euthanized and their brains removed and submitted to immunohistochemistry procedure to quantify BDNF. The animals that received acute treatment with 100 and 200 mg/kg of Li did not discriminated between the enclosed arms (aversive and non-aversive) in the training session of PMDAT, showing that these animal did not learned the task. This lack of discrimination was also observed in the test session, showing that the animals did not recall the aversive task. We also observed an increased exploration of the open arms of these same groups, indicating an anxiolytic effect. The same groups showed a reduction of locomotor activity, however, this effect does not seem to be related with the anxiolytic effect of the drug. Chronic treatment with Li did not promote alterations on learning or memory processes. Nevertheless, we observed a reduction of open arms exploration by animals treated with 50 mg/kg when compared to the other groups, showing an anxiogenic effect caused by this dose. This effect it is not related to locomotor alterations since there were no alterations in these parameters. Both acute and chronic treatment were ineffective in the FS. Chronic treatment with lithium was not able to modify BDNF expression in hippocampus, amygdala and pre-frontal cortex. These results suggest that acute administration of lithium promote impairments on learning in an aversive task, blocking the occurrence of memory consolidation and retrieval. The reduction of anxiety following acute treatment may have prevented the learning of the aversive task, as it has been found that optimum levels of anxiety are necessary for the occurrence of learning with emotional context. With continued, treatment the animals recover the ability to learn and recall the task. Indeed, they do not show differences in relation to control group, and the lack of alterations on BDNF expression corroborates this result. Possibly, the regimen of treatment used was not able to promote cognitive improvement. Li showed acute anxiolytic effect, however chronic administration 4 promoted the opposite effect. More studies are necessary to clarify the potential beneficial effect of Li on aversive memory