899 resultados para Essential Hypertension


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Gene targeting allows precise, predetermined changes to be made in a chosen gene in the mouse genome. To date, targeting has been used most often for generation of animals completely lacking the product of a gene of interest. The resulting "knockout" mice have confirmed some hypotheses, have upset others, but have rarely been uninformative. Models of several human genetic diseases have been produced by targeting--including Gaucher disease, cystic fibrosis, and the fragile X syndrome. These diseases are primarily determined by defects in single genes, and their modes of inheritance are well understood. When the disease under study has a complex etiology with multiple genetic and environmental components, the generation of animal models becomes more difficult but no less valuable. The problems associated with dissecting out the individual genetic factors also increases substantially and the distinction between causation and correlation is often difficult. To prove causation in a complex system requires rigorous adherence to the principle that the experiments must allow detection of the effects of changing only a single variable at one time. Gene targeting experiments, when properly designed, can test the effects of a precise genetic change completely free from the effects of differences in any other genes (linked or unlinked to the test gene). They therefore allow proofs of causation.


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Bibliography: p.234-245.


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1. Previous glucagon receptor gene (GCGR) studies have shown a Gly40Ser mutation to be more prevalent in essential hypertension and to affect glucagon binding affinity to its receptor. An Alu-repeat poly(A) polymorphism colocalized to GCGR was used in the present study to test for association and linkage in hypertension as well as association in obesity development. 2. Using a cross-sectional approach, 85 hypertensives and 95 normotensives were genotyped using polymerase chain reaction primers flanking the Alu-repeat. Both hypertensive and normotensive populations were subdivided into lean and obese categories based on body mass index (BMI) to determine involvement of this variant in obesity. For the linkage study, 89 Australian Caucasian hypertension affected sibships (174 sibpairs) were genotyped and the results were analysed using GENE-HUNTER, Mapmaker Sibs, ERPA and SPLINK (all freely available from http://linlkage.rockefeller. edu/soft/list.html). 3. Cross-sectional results for both hypertension and obesity were analysed using Chi-squared and Monte Carlo analyses. Results did not show an association of this variant with either hypertension (χ2 = 6.9, P = 0.14; Monte Carlo χ2 = 7.0, P = 0.11; n = 5000) or obesity (χ2 = 3.3, P = 0.35; Monte Carlo χ2 = 3.26, P = 0.34; n = 5000). In addition, results from the linkage study using hypertensive sib-pairs did not indicate linkage of the poly(A) repent with hypertension. Hence, results did not indicate a role far the Alu-repeat in either hypertension or obesity. However, as the heterozygosity of this poly(A) repeat is low (35%), a larger number of hypertensive sib-pairs may be required to draw definitive conclusions.


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Obese (BMI ≥ 26 kg/m 2; n = 51) and lean (BMI <26 kg/m 2; n = 61) Caucasian patients with severe, familial essential hypertension, were compared with respect to genotype and allele frequencies of a HincII RFLP of the low density lipoprotein receptor gene (LDLR). A similar analysis was performed in obese (n = 28) and lean (n = 68) normotensives. A significant association of the C allele of the T→C variant responsible for this RFLP was seen with obesity (χ 2 = 4.6, P = 0.029) in the hypertensive, but not in the normotensive, group (odds ratio = 3.0 for the CC genotype and 2.7 for CT). Furthermore, BMI tracked with genotypes of this allele in the hypertensives (P = 0.046). No significant genotypic relationship was apparent for plasma lipids. Significant linkage disequilibrium was, moreover, noted between the HincII RFLP and an ApaLI RFLP (χ 2 = 33, P<0.0005) that has previously shown even stronger association with obesity (odds ratio 19.6 for cases homozygous for the susceptibility allele and 15.2 for het-erozygotes). The present study therefore adds to our previous evidence implicating LDLR as a locus for obesity in patients with essential hypertension.


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Linkage with essential hypertension has been claimed for a microsatellite marker near the angiotensinogen gene (AGT; chromosome 1q42), as has association for the AGT variants M235T, G(-6)A and A(-20)C. To more rigorously evaluate AGT as a candidate gene for hypertension we performed sibpair analysis with multiple microsatellite markers surrounding this locus and using more sophisticated analysis programs. We also performed an association study of the AGT variants in unrelated subjects with a strong family history (two affected parents). For the linkage study, single and multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCRs) and automated genescan analysis were conducted on DNA from 175 Australian Anglo-Celtic Caucasian hypertensives for the following markers: D1S2880-(2.1 cM)-D1S213-(2.8 cM)-D1S251-(6.5 cM)-AGT-(2.0 cM) -D1S235. Statistical evaluation of genotype data by nonparametric methods resulted in the following scores: Single-point analysis - SPLINK, P > 0.18; APM method, P > 0.25; ASPEX, MLOD < 0.28; SIB-PAIR, P > 0. 24; Multipoint analysis - MAPMAKER/SIBS, MLOD < 0.24; GENEHUNTER, P > 0.35. Exclusion scores of Lod -4.1 to -5.1 were obtained for these markers using MAPMAKER/SIBS for a lambda(s) of 1.6. The association study of G(-6)A, A(-20)C and M235T variants in 111 hypertensives with strong family history and 190 normotensives with no family history showed significant linkage disequilibrium between particular haplotypes, but we could find no association with hypertension. The present study therefore excludes AGT in the etiology of hypertension, at least in the population of Australian Anglo-Celtic Caucasians studied.


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Hypertension is a common, modifiable and heritable cardiovascular risk factor. Some rare monogenic forms of hypertension have been described, but the majority of patients suffer from "essential" hypertension, for whom the underlying pathophysiological mechanism is not clear. Essential hypertension is a complex trait, involving multiple genes and environmental factors. Recently, progress in the identification of common genetic variants associated with blood pressure and hypertension has been made thanks to large-scale international collaborative projects involving geneticists, epidemiologists, statisticians and clinicians. In this article, we review some basic genetic concepts and the main research methods used to study the genetics of hypertension, as well as selected recent findings in this field.


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L’analyse spectrale de la fréquence cardiaque, de la pression artérielle systolique, de la pression artérielle diastolique ainsi que de la respiration par la transformée de Fourier rapide, est considérée comme une technique non invasive pour la détermination de l’activité du système nerveux autonome (SNA). Dans une population de sujets normaux volontaires, nous avons obtenu à l’état basal, des oscillations de basses fréquences (0,05-0,15Hz) reliées au système nerveux sympathique autonome et des oscillations de hautes fréquences (0,2Hz) représentant sur les intervalles entre chaque ondes R de l’électrocardiogramme (RR), l’arythmie sinusale respiratoire correspondant à une activité vagale. Nous avons comparé les tests de stimulation du système nerveux sympathique autonome déclenché par le passage de la position de repos (en décubitus dorsal), à la position orthostatique volontaire et le passage de la position de repos à la position orthostatique avec la table basculante à 60o. Nous avons également comparé un groupe normotendu à un groupe hypertendu qui a été soumis au passage du repos à l’orthostation volontaire et pour lesquels nous avons évalué la sensibilité du baroréflexe et la réponse sympathique par la mesure des catécholamines circulantes. Dans un groupe de sujets ayant une hypertension artérielle essentielle, nous avons évalué l’effet de la thérapie hypotensive, par le Trandolapril qui est un Inhibiteur de l’enzyme de conversion (IEC) de l`angiotensine. Dans ce groupe hypertendu, nous avons procédé, en plus de la stimulation sympathique par l’orthostation volontaire, à un exercice isométrique de trois minutes à 30 % de la force maximale. Nous avons également complété notre évaluation par la mesure de la densité de récepteurs ß2 adrénergiques sur lymphocytes et par la mesure des indices de contractilité à l’aide de l’échocardiographie en M mode. Les résultats ont montré, dans les groupes normaux volontaires, dans les deux types de stimulation du système nerveux sympathique par la position orthostatique, une augmentation significative des catécholamines plasmatiques avec une augmentation de la fréquence cardiaque et des basses fréquences de RR, confirmant ainsi que l’on est en état de stimulation sympathique. On observe en même temps une diminution significative des hautes fréquences de RR, suggérant un retrait vagal lors de cette stimulation. On a observé au test de la table basculante six cas d’hypotension orthostatique. On a comparé la position orthostatique volontaire entre le groupe de sujets normaux et le groupe de sujets hypertendus. L’analyse spectrale croisée de RR et de la pression artérielle systolique a permis d’évaluer dans l’hypertension artérielle (HTA), essentielle une sensibilité du baroréflexe atténuée, accompagnée d’une réactivité vagale réduite en présence d’une activité et d’une réactivité sympathique augmentées suggérant une altération sympathovagale dans l’HTA. Dans le groupe de sujets hypertendus traités (Trandolapril 2mg/jour), nous avons identifié un groupe de répondeurs au traitement par le Trandolapril et un groupe de non répondeurs à ce type de thérapie anti-hypertensive. Le groupe répondeur avait un profil hyper-adrénergique avec une hyper-réactivité sympathique, une fréquence cardiaque et des pressions artérielles diastolique et systolique plus élevées au repos. Dans le groupe total traité au Trandolapril, la densité des récepteurs ß2 adrénergiques a doublé, après thérapie, alors que la réactivité des basses fréquences obtenues à l’analyse spectrale a augmenté. Nous avons montré dans notre étude qu’un IECA a pu inhiber le mécanisme facilitateur de l’angII sur les terminaisons nerveuses sympathiques et a permis ainsi de réduire l’hyperactivité sympathique et le mécanisme de « down regulation » des récepteurs ß2 adrénergiques rendant ainsi l’expression de l’influence du SNA post synaptique plus efficace. Dans l’ensemble de nos protocoles cliniques, par l’utilisation de l’analyse spectrale des signaux RR, de la pression artérielle systolique,de la pression artérielle diastolique et de la respiration, nous avons montré que cette technique non invasive permet de décrire et de mieux comprendre les mécanismes physiologiques, physiopathologiques et pharmacologiques reliés au système nerveux autonome et à l’hypertension artérielle essentielle.


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Objectif principal: Il n’est pas démontré que les interventions visant à maîtriser voire modérer la médicamentation de patients atteints d’hypertension peuvent améliorer leur gestion de la maladie. Cette revue systématique propose d’évaluer les programmes de gestion contrôlée de la médicamentation pour l’hypertension, en s’appuyant sur la mesure de l’observance des traitements par les patients (CMGM). Design: Revue systématique. Sources de données: MEDLINE, EMBASE, CENTRAL, résumés de conférences internationales sur l’hypertension et bibliographies des articles pertinents. Méthodes: Des essais contrôlés randomisés (ECR) et des études observationnelles (EO) ont été évalués par 2 réviseurs indépendants. L’évaluation de la qualité (de ce matériel) a été réalisée avec l’aide de l’outil de Cochrane de mesure du risque de biais, et a été estimée selon une échelle à quatre niveaux de qualité Une synthèse narrative des données a été effectuée en raison de l'hétérogénéité importante des études. Résultats: 13 études (8 ECR, 5 EO) de 2150 patients hypertendus ont été prises en compte. Parmi elles, 5 études de CMGM avec l’utilisation de dispositifs électroniques comme seule intervention ont relevé une diminution de la tension artérielle (TA), qui pourrait cependant être expliquée par les biais de mesure. L’amélioration à court terme de la TA sous CMGM dans les interventions complexes a été révélée dans 4 études à qualité faible ou modérée. Dans 4 autres études sur les soins intégrés de qualité supérieure, il n'a pas été possible de distinguer l'impact de la composante CMGM, celle-ci pouvant être compromise par des traitements médicamenteux. L’ensemble des études semble par ailleurs montrer qu’un feed-back régulier au médecin traitant peut être un élément essentiel d’efficacité des traitements CMGM, et peut être facilement assuré par une infirmière ou un pharmacien, grâce à des outils de communication appropriés. Conclusions: Aucune preuve convaincante de l'efficacité des traitements CMGM comme technologie de la santé n’a été établie en raison de designs non-optimaux des études identifiées et des ualités méthodologiques insatisfaisantes de celles-ci. Les recherches futures devraient : suivre les normes de qualité approuvées et les recommandations cliniques actuelles pour le traitement de l'hypertension, inclure des groupes spécifiques de patients avec des problèmes d’attachement aux traitements, et considérer les résultats cliniques et économiques de l'organisation de soins ainsi que les observations rapportées par les patients.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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There is an association between insulin resistance, glucose intolerance, and essential hypertension, but the relation between insulin resistance, glucose intolerance, and hypertension diagnosed during pregnancy is not well understood. Transient hypertension of pregnancy, the new-onset nonproteinuric hypertension of late pregnancy, is associated with a high risk of later essential hypertension and glucose intolerance; thus, these conditions may have a similar pathophysiology. To assess the association between insulin resistance, glucose intolerance, essential hypertension, and subsequent development of proteinuric and nonproteinuric hypertension in pregnancy in women without underlying essential hypertension, we performed a prospective study comparing glucose (fasting, I and 2 hours postglucose load), insulin, glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), and triglycerides levels on routine screening for gestational diabetes mellitus. Women who developed hypertension in pregnancy (n = 37) had higher glycemic levels (fasting, 1 and 2 hours postglucose load) on a 100-gram oral glucose loading test, although only the fasting values showed a statistical significance (p < 0.05), and a significantly higher frequency of abnormal glucose loading tests, two hours after glucose load (>= 140 mg/dL) (p < 0.05) than women who remained normotensive (n = 180). Glucose intolerance was common in women who developed both subtypes of hypertension, particularly preeclampsia. Women who developed hypertension had greater prepregnancy body mass index (p < 0.0001), higher frequency and intensity of acanthosis nigricans (p < 0.0001), and higher baseline systolic and diastolic blood pressures (p <= 0.0001 for both), although all subjects were normotensive at baseline by study design; they also presented lower levels of HDL-C (p < 0.05). However, after adjustment for these and other potential confounders, an abnormal glucose loading test remained a significant predictor of development of hypertension (p < 0.05) and, specifically, preeclampsia (p < 0.01). There was a trend toward higher insulin and homeostasis model assessment-insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) levels in women developing any type of hypertension. When comparing women that remained normotensive to term with those with transient hypertension and preeclampsia, the preeclamptic women were born with lower weight (p < 0.05) and shorter length (p < 0.005); at screening they were older (p < 0.005), showed higher frequency and intensity of acanthosis nigricans (p < 0.0001), had higher prepregnancy BMI (p < 0.0005), as well as higher baseline systolic and diastolic blood pressures (p <= 0.0001 for both). They also showed higher HOMA-IR levels that did not show a statistical significance. When glucose tolerance status was taken in account, an association was found between increasing indexes of hypertension (p < 0.05) and of HOMA-IR (p < 0.05) with the worsening of glucose tolerance. These results suggest that insulin resistance and relative glucose intolerance are associated with an increased risk of new-onset hypertension in pregnancy, particularly preeclampsia, and support the hypothesis that insulin resistance may play a role in the pathogenesis of this disorder.


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Essential, primary, or idiopathic hypertension is defined as high BP in which secondary causes such as renovascular disease, renal failure, pheochromocytoma, hyperaldosteronism, or other causes of secondary hypertension are not present. Essential hypertension accounts for 80-90% of all cases of hypertension; it is a heterogeneous disorder, with different patients having different causal factors that may lead to high BP. Life-style, diet, race, physical activity, smoke, cultural level, environmental factors, age, sex and genetic characteristics play a key role in the increasing risk. Conversely to the essential hypertension, secondary hypertension is often associated with the presence of other pathological conditions such as dyslipidaemia, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes mellitus, obesity and primary aldosteronism. Amongst them, primary aldosteronism represents one of the most common cause of secondary hypertension, with a prevalence of 5-15% depending on the severity of blood pressure. Besides high blood pressure values, a principal feature of primary aldosteronism is the hypersecretion of mineralcorticoid hormone, aldosterone, in a manner that is fairly autonomous of the renin-angiotensin system. Primary aldosteronism is a heterogeneous pathology that may be divided essentially in two groups, idiopathic and familial form. Despite all this knowledge, there are so many hypertensive cases that cannot be explained. These individuals apparently seem to be healthy, but they have a great risk to develop CVD. The lack of known risk factors makes difficult their classification in a scale of risk. Over the last three decades a good help has been given by the pharmacogenetics/pharmacogenomics, a new area of the traditional pharmacology that try to explain and find correlations between genetic variation, (rare variations, SNPs, mutations), and the risk to develop a particular disease.


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Hypertension represents a complex, multifactorial disease and contributes to the major causes of morbidity and mortality in industrialized countries: ischemic and hypertensive heart disease, stroke, peripheral atherosclerosis and renal failure. Current pharmacological therapy of essential hypertension focuses on the regulation of vascular resistance by inhibition of hormones such as catecholamines and angiotensin II, blocking them from receptor activation. Interaction of G-protein coupled receptor kinases (GRKs) and regulator of G-protein signaling (RGS) proteins with activated G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) effect the phosphorylation state of the receptor leading to desensitization and can profoundly impair signaling. Defects in GPCR regulation via these modulators have severe consequences affecting GPCR-stimulated biological responses in pathological situations such as hypertension, since they fine-tune and balance the major transmitters of vessel constriction versus dilatation, thus representing valuable new targets for anti-hypertensive therapeutic strategies. Elevated levels of GRKs are associated with human hypertensive disease and are relevant modulators of blood pressure in animal models of hypertension. This implies therapeutic perspective in a disease that has a prevalence of 65million in the United States while being directly correlated with occurrence of major adverse cardiac and vascular events. Therefore, therapeutic approaches using the inhibition of GRKs to regulate GPCRs are intriguing novel targets for treatment of hypertension and heart failure.


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Renovascular hypertension is due to reduced renal parenchymal perfusion. The correct diagnosis can be difficult. It is important to note that the demonstration of renal artery stenosis in a patient with hypertension does not necessarily constitute renovascular hypertension. Often, clinically nonsignificant and asymptomatic renal artery stenosis are found in patients with essential hypertension, or renal failure of other origin. Renovascular disease is a complex disorder with various clinical presentations. In patients with significant renovascular hypertension plasma renin is increased. For this reason the therapy aims to block the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. Bilateral renal artery stenosis causes renal sodium retention. In this situation a diuretic drug has to be added to the therapy. Endovascular or surgical therapy has to be considered in patients with flash pulmonary edema or fibromuscular dysplasia. The control of cardiovascular risk factors is important.


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Secondary hypertension refers to arterial hypertension due to an identifiable cause and affects ∼5-10% of the general hypertensive population. Because secondary forms are rare and work up is time-consuming and expensive, only patients with clinical suspicion should be screened. In recent years, some new aspects gained importance regarding this screening. In particular, increasing evidence suggests that 24 h ambulatory blood pressure (BP) monitoring plays a central role in the work up of patients with suspected secondary hypertension. Moreover, obstructive sleep apnoea has been identified as one of the most frequent causes. Finally, the introduction of catheter-based renal denervation for the treatment of patients with resistant hypertension has dramatically increased the interest and the number of patients evaluated for renal artery stenosis. We review the clinical clues of the most common causes of secondary hypertension. Specific recommendations are given as to evaluation and treatment of various forms of secondary hypertension. Despite appropriate therapy or even removal of the secondary cause, BP rarely ever returns to normal with long-term follow-up. Such residue hypertension indicates either that some patients with secondary hypertension also have concomitant essential hypertension or that irreversible vascular remodelling has taken place. Thus, in patients with potentially reversible causes of hypertension, early detection and treatment are important to minimize/prevent irreversible changes in the vasculature and target organs.