955 resultados para Escrita - Aprendizagem


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Aims: the aims of this study were to compare and to characterize the fine, sensory and perceptive function performance and handwritten quality between students with learning difficulties and students with good academic performance. GII, GIII and GIV: 96 students with learning difficulties, and groups GV, GVI, GVII, GVIII: 96 good academic performance. The students were submitted to evaluation of fine motor, sensorial and perception functions and handwriting evaluation under dictation. Results: the results show that the students with learning difficulties from 1st to 3rd grade had lower performance on tests of fine motor, sensory and perceptive function compared to the students with good academic performance in the same grade; the students from 4th grade, both groups, did not show changes on fine motor sensory and perceptive function; and only the students of GII showed disgraphya. Conclusions: the results presented in this study suggest that the qualitative aspects of fine motor, sensory and perceptive skills reflect the integrity and maturity of central nervous system and can probably play an important role in early diagnosis of development disorders and consequently prevent academic disorders such as handwriting performance.


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This study aims to characterize and to compare the students writing difficulties from 1st to 4th grades of public education. The study included 80 students divided into GI (20 students from 1st grade), GII (20 students from 2nd grade), GIII (20 students from 3rd grade) and GIV (20 students from 4th grade). The procedure applied was the Assessment of Learning Difficulties in Writing. The results revealed a median learning difficulty in students of GI (greater average of errors in writing). The increasing of schooling determine a decrease of the average of these errors from GI to GIV. The study revealed that the students are still in a process of construction and appropriate of the writing system, since the average of writing errors decreased as the school level increased.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This work aims describe, through a phenomenological approach to qualitative research, which are the contributions of reading and writing of texts from different contexts for learning mathematics. For this purpose, we developed activities involving reading, writing and math in classes in the 6th grade of elementary school to a state school Guaratinguetá. These activities constituted the research data as part of the fieldwork. We analyzed the data following the procedures of this phenomenological research which they are described by Bicudo (1994, 2000, 2011), Fini (1994) and Machado (1994). We base our study on reading, writing and mathematics in Nacarato (2009), Lopes (2009), Smole (2000) and Fonseca (2005), among others. In the analysis, we seek to clarify how meaningful situations of different contexts, helping to develop skills in reading, writing and interpretation of the student, which in turn help the students at understanding mathematics. After the analysis of data, we named the two open categories: Difficulty of Expression and Communication Facilities. The interpretation of categories allows us to understand that there is, by individuals, a communicative intention that is expressed in the texts


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Mastering reading and writing brings itself social, cultural political, economic, cognitive and linguistic consequences to the learner. Soon, those who do not acquire that knowledge are excluded from the sphere of literate society. Considering this, the objective of this study was to discuss the relation between learning to read and write and in this sense, think about academic performance of students/ children, and to discusses the conceptual advances in literacy area of the permanent necessity to transport them to the teaching practice starting with questions about knowledge, attitudes and pedagogical interventions necessary for literacy teachers and that can serve as a basis for directing the training processes of teachers and to a better understanding of school performance.


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Written language is a form of communication between humans and, as is not acquired naturally, needs educational interventions systematized to be learned. However, the teaching of writing is still mechanically imposed on the student, and could make use of other features such as games and plays. As a result, this research we analyze the writing development of phases, the psychic functions present in its development and the construction of a paradigm games and games that can be used as auxiliary tools in the teaching of writing. We describe the operation of each and identify how they can be used in the classroom. The survey was conducted through a qualitative approach of empirical type. The data concluded that these instruments are not used in class and often writing has no social relevance for the child. We also conclude that some usage scenarios of play occurred among children, are not used for didactic purposes as an example of sign-symbol relationship by teachers to teach writing


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The aim of this paper is to gather research information and studies posted about the importance of social environment in the development of symbolic systems on children. Languages verbal, visual and written are interrelated representation systems, although each one has its own characteristics and elements. The objective of this paper is to elucidate the importance of linking the various existing types of language and therefore the importance of a coordinate approach also in the teaching-learning situations of these systems. The work also intends to disclose how thin is the line that separates writing of drawing, both of them as representative systems. As well as to show how visual information and language are intrinsically linked as thought happens by the connections between them. The work includes the report of an activity with Japanese ideograms done in the author's teacher's training at formal education. It also approaches pictographic, creative and poetic aspects of ideograms that brings up new ways of thinking and representing symbolically just like the methods of artistic language


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The aim of this paper is to gather research information and studies posted about the importance of social environment in the development of symbolic systems on children. Languages verbal, visual and written are interrelated representation systems, although each one has its own characteristics and elements. The objective of this paper is to elucidate the importance of linking the various existing types of language and therefore the importance of a coordinate approach also in the teaching-learning situations of these systems. The work also intends to disclose how thin is the line that separates writing of drawing, both of them as representative systems. As well as to show how visual information and language are intrinsically linked as thought happens by the connections between them. The work includes the report of an activity with Japanese ideograms done in the author's teacher's training at formal education. It also approaches pictographic, creative and poetic aspects of ideograms that brings up new ways of thinking and representing symbolically just like the methods of artistic language


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Relatório final apresentado para a obtenção do grau de mestre em ensino do 1.º e 2.º ciclos do ensino básico


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Relatório final apresentado para a obtenção do grau de mestre em ensino do 1.º e 2.º ciclos do ensino básico


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Este trabalho pretende descrever e interpretar a Prática de Ensino Supervisionada no âmbito das práticas de Ensino Aprendizagem no domínio da Expressão e Comunicação no Primeiro Ciclo do Ensino Básico. O objetivo principal deste estudo, é verificar algumas características do método observado e implementado ao longo Prática de Ensino Supervisionada na aprendizagem da leitura e da escrita. Como tal, o trabalho apresenta e discute as práticas que, na PES, tiveram o objetivo de desenvolver as capacidades cognitivas e intelectuais dos alunos neste campo. O presente trabalho é considerado um estudo qualitativo, na área da aprendizagem da Língua Portuguesa onde o grupo de alunos estudado, tinha como base a Cartilha Maternal João de Deus de forma adaptada. Nesta perspetiva, dinamizaram-se atividades cujo objetivo incidia na aprendizagem da leitura e escrita. Algumas das dificuldades, que se manifestam nas escolas, poderiam ser ultrapassadas se as metodologias abrangessem os princípios básicos que orientam a linguagem oral. A compreensão do impacto, que os diferentes métodos de leitura e escrita provocam, colocam a quem aprende, algumas questões relevantes relativamente à forma como se ensina e na relação com a capacidade de aprender a ler e escrever. A competência para ler e escrever não é considerada uma aprendizagem inata, por necessitar de um ensino sistematizado e consistente para que esta competência seja alcançada. Durante o período de iniciação da aprendizagem da leitura e escrita os alunos utilizam estratégias de substituição, isto é, substituem uma palavra que lhes seja desconhecida por uma que se adapte ao contexto. Sendo que, no fim do primeiro ano de escolaridade, muitos alunos já deixaram de utilizar as ditas estratégias de substituição, passando a dominar as estratégias que envolvem o uso de relações entre ortografia e o sistema fonético.


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Google Docs (GD) is an online word processor with which multiple authors can work on the same document, in a synchronous or asynchronous manner, which can help develop the ability of writing in English (WEISSHEIMER; SOARES, 2012). As they write collaboratively, learners find more opportunities to notice the gaps in their written production, since they are exposed to more input from the fellow co-authors (WEISSHEIMER; BERGSLEITHNER; LEANDRO, 2012) and prioritize the process of text (re)construction instead of the concern with the final product, i.e., the final version of the text (LEANDRO; WEISSHEIMER; COOPER, 2013). Moreover, when it comes to second language (L2) learning, producing language enables the consolidation of existing knowledge as well as the internalization of new knowledge (SWAIN, 1985; 1993). Taking this into consideration, this mixed-method (DÖRNYEI, 2007) quasi-experimental (NUNAN, 1999) study aims at investigating the impact of collaborative writing through GD on the development of the writing skill in English and on the noticing of syntactic structures (SCHMIDT, 1990). Thirtyfour university students of English integrated the cohort of the study: twenty-five were assigned to the experimental group and nine were assigned to the control group. All learners went through a pre-test and a post-test so that we could measure their noticing of syntactic structures. Learners in the experimental group were exposed to a blended learning experience, in which they took reading and writing classes at the university and collaboratively wrote three pieces of flash fiction (a complete story told in a hundred words), outside the classroom, online through GD, during eleven weeks. Learners in the control group took reading and writing classes at the university but did not practice collaborative writing. The first and last stories produced by the learners in the experimental group were analysed in terms of grammatical accuracy, operationalized as the number of grammar errors per hundred words (SOUSA, 2014), and lexical density, which refers to the relationship between the number of words produced with lexical properties and the number of words produced with grammatical properties (WEISSHEIMER, 2007; MEHNERT, 1998). Additionally, learners in the experimental group answered an online questionnaire on the blended learning experience they were exposed to. The quantitative results showed that the collaborative task led to the production of more lexically dense texts over the 11 weeks. The noticing and grammatical accuracy results were different from what we expected; however, they provide us with insights on measurement issues, in the case of noticing, and on the participants‟ positive attitude towards collaborative writing with flash fiction. The qualitative results also shed light on the usefulness of computer-mediated collaborative writing in L2 learning.


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O presente Relatório surge da realização do projeto de Mestrado em Educação Especial – Domínio Cognitivo-Motor e apresenta a investigação realizada com o objetivo de comparar os resultados da adoção de estratégias diferenciadas na resolução de fichas de trabalho específicas: apoiada por um docente de educação especial, em comparação com a realização autónoma, seguida de correção e feedback imediatos. Recorreu-se a um desenho quasi-experimental, com pré-teste, intervenção e pós-teste, centrado numa diversidade de instrumentos e técnicas de recolha e análise dos dados (triangulação dedados/metodológica). Na fase de pré-teste participaram 60 alunos de três turmas do 1.º ano do 1.º CEB, que realizaram fichas de trabalho destinadas a avaliar competências específicas de Português e Matemática. Na fase de intervenção selecionaram-se os alunos de duas turmas – sendo a terceira o “grupo decontrolo” – que apresentaram os resultados mais baixos e procedeu-se à execução de um programa de intervenção baseado na realização de novas tarefas de resolução de exercícios segundo uma das metodologias referidas em cada grupo. Após a intervenção procedeu-se à aplicação de novos instrumentos de avaliação em todas as turmas/grupos para conhecer e comparar os níveis de desempenho dos alunos participantes (tendo como referência os seus pares na turma e o grupo de controlo).Os resultados obtidos evidenciam progressos consideráveis em cada um dos grupos experimentais, da fase de pré-teste para o pós-teste, o que aponta para a eficácia da intervenção realizada, quer por meio da resolução de fichas de trabalho de forma autónoma, seguida de feedback e correção, quer por meio do acompanhamento e apoio do docente de educação especial durante a realização das tarefas. O nível de progressão atingido foi mais acentuado nesta última modalidade. Por outro lado, os dois grupos experimentais reduziram as diferenças de desempenho em relação aos respetivos grupos de pares (restantes alunos da turma). O grupo que contou com apoio evidencia resultados mais próximos dos grupos de referência. A opinião dos docentes de cada uma das turmas também confirma uma melhoria nas aprendizagens dos alunos intervencionados.