993 resultados para Escherichia coli -- chemistry -- genetics


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Campylobacter jejuni has a general N-linked protein glycosylation system that can be functionally transferred to Escherichia coli. In this study, we engineered E. coli cells in a way that two different pathways, protein N-glycosylation and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) biosynthesis, converge at the step in which PglB, the key enzyme of the C. jejuni N-glycosylation system, transfers O polysaccharide from a lipid carrier (undecaprenyl pyrophosphate) to an acceptor protein. PglB was the only protein of the bacterial N-glycosylation machinery both necessary and sufficient for the transfer. The relaxed specificity of the PglB oligosaccharyltransferase toward the glycan structure was exploited to create novel N-glycan structures containing two distinct E. coli or Pseudomonas aeruginosa O antigens. PglB-mediated transfer of polysaccharides might be valuable for in vivo production of O polysaccharides-protein conjugates for use as antibacterial vaccines.


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A novel acceptor substrate for galactosyltransferase was synthesized containing GlcNAcalpha-pyrophosphate, covalently bound to a hydrophobic phenoxyundecyl moiety (GlcNAc alpha-O-PO(3)-PO(3)-(CH(2))(11)-O-Phenyl). The new substrate was used to develop an assay for a galactosyltransferase activity from Escherichia coli strain VW187 that is involved in lipopolysaccharide synthesis and has not been studied by others. We showed that Gal was transferred from UDP-Gal to the novel acceptor substrate. This was a significant improvement over our previous preliminary assays of the enzyme using endogenous substrate, and showed that these synthetic substrates are useful for assaying enzymes that utilize lipid-bound substrates in O-chain synthesis in Gram-negative bacteria.


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During O antigen lipopolysaccharide (LPS) synthesis in bacteria, transmembrane migration of undecaprenylpyrophosphate (Und-P-P)-bound O antigen subunits occurs before their polymerization and ligation to the rest of the LPS molecule. Despite the general nature of the translocation process, putative O-antigen translocases display a low level of amino acid sequence similarity. In this work, we investigated whether complete O antigen subunits are required for translocation. We demonstrate that a single sugar, GlcNAc, can be incorporated to LPS of Escherichia coli K-12. This incorporation required the functions of two O antigen synthesis genes, wecA (UDP-GlcNAc:Und-P GlcNAc-1-P transferase) and wzx (O-antigen translocase). Complementation experiments with putative O-antigen translocases from E. coli O7 and Salmonella enterica indicated that translocation of O antigen subunits is independent of the chemical structure of the saccharide moiety. Furthermore, complementation with putative translocases involved in synthesis of exopolysaccharides demonstrated that these proteins could not participate in O antigen assembly. Our data indicate that recognition of a complete Und-P-P-bound O antigen subunit is not required for translocation and suggest a model for O antigen synthesis involving recognition of Und-P-P-linked sugars by a putative complex made of Wzx translocase and other proteins involved in the processing of O antigen.


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The Escherichia coli MarA protein mediates a response to multiple environmental stresses through the activation or repression in vivo of a large number of chromosomal genes. Transcriptional activation for a number of these genes has been shown to occur via direct interaction of MarA with a 20-bp degenerate asymmetric "marbox" sequence. It was not known whether repression by MarA was also direct. We found that purified MarA was sufficient in vitro to repress transcription of both purA and hdeA. Transcription and electrophoretic mobility shift experiments in vitro using mutant promoters suggested that the marbox involved in the repression overlapped the -35 promoter motif and was in the "backward" orientation. This organization contrasts with that of the class II promoters activated by MarA, in which the marbox also overlaps the -35 motif but is in the "forward" orientation. We conclude that MarA, a member of the AraC/XylS family, can act directly as a repressor or an activator, depending on the position and orientation of the marbox within a promoter.


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Serine acetyltransferase (SAT) catalyzes the first step of cysteine synthesis in microorganisms and higher plants. Here we present the 2.2 Angstrom crystal structure of SAT from Escherichia coli, which is a dimer of trimers, in complex with cysteine. The SAT monomer consists of an amino-terminal alpha-helical domain and a carboxyl- terminal left-handed beta-helix. We identify His(158) and Asp(143) as essential residues that form a catalytic triad with the substrate for acetyl transfer. This structure shows the mechanism by which cysteine inhibits SAT activity and thus controls its own synthesis. Cysteine is found to bind at the serine substrate site and not the acetyl-CoA site that had been reported previously. On the basis of the geometry around the cysteine binding site, we are able to suggest a mechanism for the O-acetylation of serine by SAT. We also compare the structure of SAT with other left-handed beta-helical structures.


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Organisms generally respond to iron deficiency by increasing their capacity to take up iron and by consuming intracellular iron stores. Escherichia coli, in which iron metabolism is particularly well understood, contains at least 7 iron-acquisition systems encoded by 35 iron-repressed genes. This Fe-dependent repression is mediated by a transcriptional repressor, Fur ( ferric uptake regulation), which also controls genes involved in other processes such as iron storage, the Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle, pathogenicity, and redox-stress resistance. Our macroarray-based global analysis of iron- and Fur-dependent gene expression in E. coli has revealed several novel Fur-repressed genes likely to specify at least three additional iron- transport pathways. Interestingly, a large group of energy metabolism genes was found to be iron and Fur induced. Many of these genes encode iron- rich respiratory complexes. This iron- and Fur-dependent regulation appears to represent a novel iron-homeostatic mechanism whereby the synthesis of many iron- containing proteins is repressed under iron- restricted conditions. This mechanism thus accounts for the low iron contents of fur mutants and explains how E. coli can modulate its iron requirements. Analysis of Fe-55-labeled E. coli proteins revealed a marked decrease in iron- protein composition for the fur mutant, and visible and EPR spectroscopy showed major reductions in cytochrome b and d levels, and in iron- sulfur cluster contents for the chelator-treated wild-type and/or fur mutant, correlating well with the array and quantitative RT-PCR data. In combination, the results provide compelling evidence for the regulation of intracellular iron consumption by the Fe2+-Fur complex.


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Ferritins are nearly ubiquitous iron storage proteins playing a fundamental role in iron metabolism. They are composed of 24 subunits forming a spherical protein shell encompassing a central iron storage cavity. The iron storage mechanism involves the initial binding and subsequent O-2-dependent oxidation of two Fe2+ ions located at sites A and B within the highly conserved dinuclear "ferroxidase center" in individual subunits. Unlike animal ferritins and the heme-containing bacterioferritins, the Escherichia coli ferritin possesses an additional iron-binding site (site C) located on the inner surface of the protein shell close to the ferroxidase center. We report the structures of five E. coli ferritin variants and their Fe3+ and Zn2+ (a redox-stable alternative for Fe2+) derivatives. Single carboxyl ligand replacements in sites A, B, and C gave unique effects on metal binding, which explain the observed changes in Fe2+ oxidation rates. Binding of Fe2+ at both A and B sites is clearly essential for rapid Fe2+ oxidation, and the linking of Fe-B(2+) to Fe-C(2+) enables the oxidation of three Fe2+ ions. The transient binding of Fe2+ at one of three newly observed Zn2+ sites may allow the oxidation of four Fe2+ by one dioxygen molecule.


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Salmonella are closely related to commensal Escherichia coli but have gained virulence factors enabling them to behave as enteric pathogens. Less well studied are the similarities and differences that exist between the metabolic properties of these organisms that may contribute toward niche adaptation of Salmonella pathogens. To address this, we have constructed a genome scale Salmonella metabolic model (iMA945). The model comprises 945 open reading frames or genes, 1964 reactions, and 1036 metabolites. There was significant overlap with genes present in E. coli MG1655 model iAF1260. In silico growth predictions were simulated using the model on different carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous, and sulfur sources. These were compared with substrate utilization data gathered from high throughput phenotyping microarrays revealing good agreement. Of the compounds tested, the majority were utilizable by both Salmonella and E. coli. Nevertheless a number of differences were identified both between Salmonella and E. coli and also within the Salmonella strains included. These differences provide valuable insight into differences between a commensal and a closely related pathogen and within different pathogenic strains opening new avenues for future explorations.


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Heat-labile toxins (LTs) have ADP-ribosylation activity and induce the secretory diarrhea caused by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) strains in different mammalian hosts. LTs also act as adjuvants following delivery via mucosal, parenteral, or transcutaneous routes. Previously we have shown that LT produced by human-derived ETEC strains encompass a group of 16 polymorphic variants, including the reference toxin (LT1 or hLT) produced by the H10407 strain and one variant that is found mainly among bacterial strains isolated from pigs (LT4 or pLT). Herein, we show that LT4 ( with six polymorphic sites in the A (K4R, K213E, and N238D) and B (S4T, A46E, and E102K) subunits) displays differential in vitro toxicity and in vivo adjuvant activities compared with LT1. One in vitro generated LT mutant (LTK4R), in which the lysine at position 4 of the A subunit was replaced by arginine, showed most of the LT4 features with an similar to 10-fold reduction of the cytotonic effects, ADP-ribosylation activity, and accumulation of intracellular cAMP in Y1 cells. Molecular dynamic studies of the A subunit showed that the K4R replacement reduces the N-terminal region flexibility and decreases the catalytic site crevice. Noticeably, LT4 showed a stronger Th1-biased adjuvant activity with regard to LT1, particularly concerning activation of cytotoxic CD8(+) T lymphocytes when delivered via the intranasal route. Our results further emphasize the relevance of LT polymorphism among human-derived ETEC strains that may impact both the pathogenicity of the bacterial strain and the use of these toxins as potential vaccine adjuvants.


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Many of the important changes in evolution are regulatory in nature. Sequenced bacterial genomes point to flexibility in regulatory circuits but we do not know how regulation is remodeled in evolving bacteria. Here, we study the regulatory changes that emerge in populations evolving under controlled conditions during experimental evolution of Escherichia coli in a phosphate-limited chemostat culture. Genomes were sequenced from five clones with different combinations of phenotypic properties that coexisted in a population after 37 days. Each of the distinct isolates contained a different mutation in 1 of 3 highly pleiotropic regulatory genes (hfq, spoT, or rpoS). The mutations resulted in dissimilar proteomic changes, consistent with the documented effects of hfq, spoT, and rpoS mutations. The different mutations do share a common benefit, however, in that the mutations each redirect cellular resources away from stress responses that are redundant in a constant selection environment. The hfq mutation lowers several individual stress responses as well the small RNA-dependent activation of rpoS translation and hence general stress resistance. The spoT mutation reduces ppGpp levels, decreasing the stringent response as well as rpoS expression. The mutations in and upstream of rpoS resulted in partial or complete loss of general stress resistance. Our observations suggest that the degeneracy at the core of bacterial stress regulation provides alternative solutions to a common evolutionary challenge. These results can explain phenotypic divergence in a constant environment and also how evolutionary jumps and adaptive radiations involve altered gene regulation.


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The pst operon of Escherichia coli is composed of five genes pstS, pstC, pstA, pstB and phoU, that encode a high-affinity phosphate transport system and a negative regulator of the PHO regulon. Transcription of pst is induced under phosphate shortage and is initiated at the promoter located upstream of the first gene of the operon, pstS. Here, we show by four different technical approaches the existence of additional internal promoters upstream of pstC, pstB and phoU. These promoters are not induced by Pi-limitation and do not possess PHO-box sequences. Plasmids carrying the pst internal genes partially complement chromosomal mutations in their corresponding genes, indicating that they are translated into functional proteins.


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Substrate inhibition by ATP is a regulatory feature of the phosphofructokinases isoenzymes from Escherichia coli (Pfk-1 and Pfk-2). Under gluconeogenic conditions, the loss of this regulation in Pfk-2 causes substrate cycling of fructose-6-phosphate (fructose-6-P) and futile consumption of ATP delaying growth. In the present work, we have broached the mechanism of ATP-induced inhibition of Pfk-2 from both structural and kinetic perspectives. The crystal structure of Pfk-2 in complex with fructose-6-P is reported to a resolution of 2 angstrom. The comparison of this structure with the previously reported inhibited form of the enzyme suggests a negative interplay between fructose-6-P binding and allosteric binding of MgATP. Initial velocity experiments show a linear increase of the apparent K(0.5) for fructose-6-P and a decrease in the apparent k(cat) as a function of MgATP concentration. These effects occur simultaneously with the induction of a sigmoidal kinetic behavior (n(H) of approximately 2). Differences and resemblances in the patterns of fructose-6-P binding and the mechanism of inhibition are discussed for Pfk-1 and Pfk-2, as an example of evolutionary convergence, because these enzymes do not share a common ancestor.


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The 4.5S RNA molecule of Escherichia coli is essential to cell viability. It has been shown that depletion of this molecule inhibits protein synthesis, induces the heat shock response, and generally slows cell growth. The molecule has also been implicated in protein secretion, as in cells depleted of 4.5S RNA, an unsecreted precursor to ?-lactamase accumulates (pre-?-lactamase). A role in protein secretion is further supported by structural similarities with the 7S RNA molecule of eukaryotic SRP, specific binding to SRP54, and its homolog in E. coli, P48, and the ability of 7S RNA from certain archaebacteria to suppress 4.5S RNA depletion. In this study I have utilized strains with mutant forms of the 4.5S RNA genes in order to study the effect of altered 4.5S RNA on cell physiology. These strains have their mutant 4.55 RNA under the control of the tryptophan synthetic operon. Decreased growth rates, inhibited cell division, and altered protein synthesis all result from these mutations.


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Branching enzyme catalyzes the formation of alpha-1,6 branch points in either glycogen or starch. We report the 2.3-Angstrom crystal structure of glycogen branching enzyme from Escherichia coli. The enzyme consists of three major domains, an NH2-terminal seven-stranded beta-sandwich domain, a COOH-terminal domain, and a central alpha/beta-barrel domain containing the enzyme active site. While the central domain is similar to that of all the other amylase family enzymes, branching enzyme shares the structure of all three domains only with isoamylase. Oligosaccharide binding was modeled or branching enzyme using the enzyme-oligosaccharide complex structures of various alpha-amylases and cyclodextrin glucanotransferase and residues were implicated in oligosaccharide binding. While most of the oligosaccharides modeled well in the branching enzyme structure, an approximate 50degrees rotation between two of the glucose units was required to avoid steric clashes with Trp(298) of branching enzyme. A similar rotation was observed in the mammalian alpha-amylase structure caused by an equivalent tryptophan residue in this structure. It appears that there are two binding modes for oligosaccharides in these structures depending on the identity and location of this aromatic residue.