43 resultados para Erysiphe pisi
La caléndula (Calendula officinalis) es una planta herbácea utilizada por sus hermosas flores amarillas o naranjas en borduras, jardinería y como flor de corte. Está ampliamente difundida en el mundo, no sólo por la belleza de sus flores o por su uso en la cosmética sino por ser resistente, de fácil cultivo y poco exigente en condiciones ambientales. En Mendoza es muy empleada como ornamental y todos los años es afectada por una enfermedad denominada oídio. En Argentina se mencionan como agentes etiológicos del oídio diversas especies del género Erysiphe y Oidium erysiphoides, pero no se había descripto la forma teleomórfica sino hasta 1991 en Corrientes y Córdoba, cuando fue citada como Sphaerotheca fusca. En 2004, en Mendoza, se produjo un intenso ataque de oídio sobre esta especie floral y al estudiar la pulverulencia típica de la enfermedad se observaron cuerpos negros, lo que motivó el estudio etiológico de la enfermedad en dicha provincia. Se muestrearon ejemplares de caléndula afectados procedentes de distintos orígenes. En laboratorio se realizaron observaciones y estudios morfométricos que permitieron reconocer Podosphaera fusca (=Sphaerotheca fusca) como agente responsable del oídio de la caléndula en Mendoza.
Dado que las formas circulares se encuentran en innumerables representaciones simbólicas de la cultura material que ha dejado el ser humano a su paso, y se encuentran en diferentes tiempos, espacios y culturas, en este trabajo se aborda el tema del simbolismo de estas formas circulares y del círculo en particular, analizando cada una de sus partes constitutivas y lo que ellas simbolizan como manifestaciones y símbolos de una realidad trascendente. Moray, un yacimiento arqueológico ubicado en el Área Andina, construido según la forma de los círculos concéntricos, es el ejemplo tomado como construcción circular. Se abordan, además, temas afines que tienden a ampliar la exposición del tema central, como son el de los de espacios sagrados, los templos escalonados y la cosmovisión indígena americana.
Fil: Pisi de Catalini, Marta.
A compatible interaction between a plant and a pathogen is the result of a complex interplay between many factors of both plant and pathogen origin. Our objective was to identify host factors involved in this interaction. These factors may include susceptibility factors required for pathogen growth, factors manipulated by the pathogen to inactivate or avoid host defenses, or negative regulators of defense responses. To this end, we identified 20 recessive Arabidopsis mutants that do not support normal growth of the powdery mildew pathogen, Erysiphe cichoracearum. Complementation analyses indicated that four loci, designated powdery mildew resistant 1–4 (pmr1–4), are defined by this collection. These mutants do not constitutively accumulate elevated levels of PR1 or PDF1.2 mRNA, indicating that resistance is not simply due to constitutive activation of the salicylic acid- or ethylene- and jasmonic acid-dependent defense pathways. Further Northern blot analyses revealed that some mutants accumulate higher levels of PR1 mRNA than wild type in response to infection by powdery mildew. To test the specificity of the resistance, the pmr mutants were challenged with other pathogens including Pseudomonas syringae, Peronospora parasitica, and Erysiphe orontii. Surprisingly, one mutant, pmr1, was susceptible to E. orontii, a very closely related powdery mildew, suggesting that a very specific resistance mechanism is operating in this case. Another mutant, pmr4, was resistant to P. parasitica, indicating that this resistance is more generalized. Thus, we have identified a novel collection of mutants affecting genes required for a compatible interaction between a plant and a biotrophic pathogen.
Previously we reported that oxalate oxidase activity increases in extracts of barley (Hordeum vulgare) leaves in response to the powdery mildew fungus (Blumeria [syn. Erysiphe] graminis f.sp. hordei) and proposed this as a source of H2O2 during plant-pathogen interactions. In this paper we show that the N terminus of the major pathogen-response oxalate oxidase has a high degree of sequence identity to previously characterized germin-like oxalate oxidases. Two cDNAs were isolated, pHvOxOa, which represents this major enzyme, and pHvOxOb', representing a closely related enzyme. Our data suggest the presence of only two oxalate oxidase genes in the barley genome, i.e. a gene encoding HvOxOa, which possibly exists in several copies, and a single-copy gene encoding HvOxOb. The use of 3′ end gene-specific probes has allowed us to demonstrate that the HvOxOa transcript accumulates to 6 times the level of the HvOxOb transcript in response to the powdery mildew fungus. The transcripts were detected in both compatible and incompatible interactions with a similar accumulation pattern. The oxalate oxidase is found exclusively in the leaf mesophyll, where it is cell wall located. A model for a signal transduction pathway in which oxalate oxidase plays a central role is proposed for the regulation of the hypersensitive response.
Surface signaling plays a major role in fungal infection. Topographical features of the plant surface and chemicals on the surface can trigger germination of fungal spores and differentiation of the germ tubes into appressoria. Ethylene, the fruit-ripening hormone, triggers germination of conidia, branching of hyphae, and multiple appressoria formation in Colletotrichum, thus allowing fungi to time their infection to coincide with ripening of the host. Genes uniquely expressed during appressoria formation induced by topography and surface chemicals have been isolated. Disruption of some of them has been shown to decrease virulence on the hosts. Penetration of the cuticle by the fungus is assisted by fungal cutinase secreted at the penetration structure of the fungus. Disruption of cutinase gene in Fusarium solani pisi drastically decreased its virulence. Small amounts of cutinase carried by spores of virulent pathogens, upon contact with plant surface, release small amounts of cutin monomers that trigger cutinase gene expression. The promoter elements involved in this process in F. solani pisi were identified, and transcription factors that bind these elements were cloned. One of them, cutinase transcription factor 1, expressed in Escherichia coli, is phosphorylated. Several protein kinases from F. solani pisi were cloned. The kinase involved in phosphorylation of specific transcription factors and the precise role of phosphorylation in regulating cutinase gene transcription remain to be elucidated.
Some plans numbered as plates.
The necrotrophic fungal pathogen Fusarium pseudograminearum (F. pseudograminearum) causes crown rot disease (CR) in wheat. This host-pathogen interaction has not been studied previously at the molecular level. In this study. using real-time quantitative PCR, the expression of 26 selected wheat genes was examined 1, 2 and 4 days after inoculation of wheat seedlings of the CR susceptible cultivar Kennedy and the partially field-resistant cultivar Sunco. Reproducible induction of eight defence genes consisting of PR1.1, PR2 (beta,1-3 glucanase), PR3 (chitinase), PR4 (wheativin), PR5 (thaumatin-like protein). TaPERO (peroxidase), PR10 and TaGLP2a (germin-like) was observed. These genes were induced in both cultivars, however. some genes were induced more rapidly in Sunco than in Kennedy. MJ treatment also induced the above pathogen responsive defence genes in both cultivars while benzo(1,2,3)thiadiazole-7-carbothionic acid S-methyl ester (BTH) treatment weakly induced them in Kennedy only. Similarly. treatment with MJ before inoculation significantly delayed the development of necrotic symptoms for 2 weeks in both wheat cultivars, while BTH pre-treatments delayed symptom development in Kennedy only. The chemically induced protection, therefore, correlated with induction of the F. pseudograminearum-responsive genes. These results support the emerging role of jasmonate signalling in defence against necrotrophic fungal pathogens in monocots and future manipulation of this pathway may improve CR resistance in wheat. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Soybean crop is substantially important for both Brazilian and international markets. A relevant disease that affects soybeans is powdery mildew, caused by fungus Erysiphe diffusa. The objective of this master’s thesis was to analyze physiological changes produced by fungicides in two greenhouse-grown soybean genotypes (i.e., Anta 8500 RR and BRS Santa Cruz RR) naturally infected with powdery mildew. A complete randomized block design was used with six replications in a 2x5 factorial arrangement. Treatments consisted of applications of Azoxystrobin, Biofac (fermented solution of Penicillium sp.), Carbendazim or Picoxystrobin fungicides, and a Control (no fungicide application). Three applications were performed in the experimental period, and each eventually represented a period of data collection. Gas exchanges, chlorophyll content, fluorescence of chlorophyll a and disease severity were measured twice a week. Dry grain mass production was measured at the end of the experiment. Areas under progression curve of variables were submitted to both ANOVA and Tukey’s test at 5% significance. Treatments Azoxystrobin, Biofac and Picoxystrobin had higher photosynthetic rates than Control in the second period, with genotype Anta having higher rate than Santa Cruz. Biofac had higher transpiration rate than Control in the second period, while Biofac and Picoxystrobin had higher figures in Santa Cruz in the third period. Carbendazim had greater stomatal conductance in Anta, whilst Azoxystrobin, Biofac and Picoxystrobin had greater values than Carbendazim in Santa Cruz. Biofac and Picoxystrobin had greater intercellular CO2 concentration in Santa Cruz. Azoxystrobin and Picoxystrobin had greater instantaneous water use efficiency than Control, with Anta being more efficient than Santa Cruz. Biofac and Picoxystrobin had greater intrinsic water use efficiency in Anta, while Carbendazim increased efficiency in Santa Cruz. Azoxystrobin, Biofac and Picoxystrobin had greater carboxylation efficiency than Control in the second period, with Anta being more efficient than Santa Cruz. Azoxystrobin and Biofac had greater contents of chlorophylls a, b and a+b than Control in the second period. Azoxystrobin had greater effective quantum yield than Control and Picoxystrobin. All treatments faced increasing disease severity over time, with Anta being less resistant than Santa Cruz. As for production, data showed that: (1) Santa Cruz was more productive than Anta, having the greatest dry grain mass with Carbendazim, and (2) Anta’s lower disease severity did not translate into higher productions. In conclusion, strobilurins (Azoxystrobin and Picoxystrobin) and Biofac performed similarly as to their physiological effects on soybeans; however, these effects did not lead to increased dry grain mass by the end of the experiment.
Widespread flooding in June 2013 caused damage costs of €6 to 8 billion in Germany, and awoke many memories of the floods in August 2002, which resulted in total damage of €11.6 billion and hence was the most expensive natural hazard event in Germany up to now. The event of 2002 does, however, also mark a reorientation toward an integrated flood risk management system in Germany. Therefore, the flood of 2013 offered the opportunity to review how the measures that politics, administration, and civil society have implemented since 2002 helped to cope with the flood and what still needs to be done to achieve effective and more integrated flood risk management. The review highlights considerable improvements on many levels, in particular (1) an increased consideration of flood hazards in spatial planning and urban development, (2) comprehensive property-level mitigation and preparedness measures, (3) more effective flood warnings and improved coordination of disaster response, and (4) a more targeted maintenance of flood defense systems. In 2013, this led to more effective flood management and to a reduction of damage. Nevertheless, important aspects remain unclear and need to be clarified. This particularly holds for balanced and coordinated strategies for reducing and overcoming the impacts of flooding in large catchments, cross-border and interdisciplinary cooperation, the role of the general public in the different phases of flood risk management, as well as a transparent risk transfer system. Recurring flood events reveal that flood risk management is a continuous task. Hence, risk drivers, such as climate change, land-use changes, economic developments, or demographic change and the resultant risks must be investigated at regular intervals, and risk reduction strategies and processes must be reassessed as well as adapted and implemented in a dialogue with all stakeholders.
Afin d’améliorer nos pratiques agricoles dans le contexte d’une agriculture durable, plusieurs agents de lutte biologique (ALB) ont été développés, testés et sont maintenant utilisés dans le monde pour combattre les pertes de rendements causées par les maladies. Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei ( Bgh) est l’agent pathogène responsable du blanc de l’orge et peut réduire les rendements de cette culture jusqu’à 40%. Un champignon épiphyte, Pseudozyma flocculosa, a été découvert et identifié en 1987 en association étroite avec le blanc du trèfle. Les chercheurs ont alors remarqué que ce champignon exhibait une forte activité antagoniste contre le blanc en détruisant les structures de l’agent pathogène. Suite à d’autres travaux, il est apparu que ce comportement antagoniste était dirigé contre tous les membres des Erysiphales et semblait lié à la synthèse d’un glycolipide antifongique soit la flocculosine. Toutefois, on n’est toujours pas parvenus à associer l’efficacité de l’ALB avec la production de ce glycolipide. Ces observations suggèrent que d’autres facteurs seraient impliqués lorsque les deux protagonistes, l’ALB et le blanc, sont en contact. L’objectif principal de ce projet était donc de chercher d’autres mécanismes moléculaires pouvant expliquer l’interaction P. flocculosa-blanc et orge, en faisant une analyse transcriptomique complète des trois protagonistes en même temps. L’interaction tripartite a été échantillonnée à différents temps suivant l’inoculation de P. flocculosa sur des feuilles d’orge présentant déjà une intensité de blanc d’environ 50%. Les échantillons de feuilles prélevés ont ensuite été utilisés pour l’extraction de l’ARN qui ont été ensuite transformés en ADNc pour la préparation des librairies. Cinq répliquats ont été effectués pour chaque temps et le tout a été séquencé à l’aide de séquençage par synthèse Illumina HiSeq. Les séquences obtenues (reads) ont ensuite été analysées à l’aide du logiciel CLC Genomics Workbench. Brièvement, les séquences obtenues ont été cartographiées sur les trois génomes de référence. Suite à la cartographie, les analyses d’expression ont été conduites et les gènes exprimés de façon différentielle ont été recherchés. Cette étape a été conduite en portant une attention particulière aux gènes codant pour un groupe de protéines appelées CSEP pour “candidate secreted effector proteins” qui seraient possiblement impliquées dans l’interaction tripartite. Parmi les protéines exprimées de façon différentielle en présence du blanc ou en absence de ce dernier, nous avons pu constater que certaines CSEP étaient fortement exprimées en présence du blanc. Ces résultats sont prometteurs et nous offrent une piste certaine pour l’élucidation des mécanismes impliqués dans cette interaction tripartite.
O lodo de esgoto, atendendo as exigências ambientais, apresenta potencial para disposição em solos agrícolas. Sua incorporação altera as propriedades químicas, físicas e biológicas do solo, pois é rico em macro e micronutrientes e matéria orgânica. Estas alterações podem proporcionar benefícios como aumento da disponibilidade de nutrientes às culturas, indução de supressividade a fitopatógenos habitantes do solo e de resistência às doenças da par te aérea. Por outro lado, pode influenciar negat ivamente o equilíbrio biológico e químico no solo, devido à presença de contaminantes. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da incorporação de lodo de esgoto ao solo sobre a severidade de oídio (Erysiphe diffusa) e na supressividade a Rhizoctonia solani e a Macrophomina phaseolina da soja (Glycine max) . Para tanto, foram ut i l izados solos que receberam quat ro aplicações (1999 a 2001) sucessivas de lodos de esgoto originários das Estações de Tratamento de Esgoto de Barueri e de Franca, SP, nas concent rações de 0, 1, 2, 4 e 8 vezes (0N a 8N) a dose de N recomendada para a cultura do milho. Os estudos com oídio foram real izados em casa de vegetação com inoculação natural em dois cultivos sucessivos de soja. Também foi estudado o efeito de substrato produzido com 0%, 2,5%, 5% 10%, 15% e 20% de lodo de Franca sobre a emergência de plântulas e sobre a severidade de oídio da soja em três e dois ciclos, respectivamente. Nos estudos com R. solani e M. phaseol ina, os solos foram ar t i ficialmente infestados com os patógenos e posteriormente cultivados com soja por dois ciclos, sendo avaliado o tombamento e a severidade das doenças. A aplicação de lodo de esgoto no solo aumentou a atividade eliciadora de fitoalexinas em soja e a sever idade do oídio foi inversamente proporcional às concentrações do lodo, tanto no estudo com o solo de campo, como com o subst rato obt ido com o lodo de Franca. A emergência das plântulas de soja, nos três cultivos, foi inversamente proporcional à concent ração do lodo de Franca, sendo totalmente inibida na concent ração de 20%. Nos estudos com R. solani não foram observados efeitos da apl icação do lodo da ETE de Franca sobre o tombamento e a sever idade. No pr imei ro cul t ivo a resposta ao tombamento foi quadrática para o lodo Barueri , sendo que ocorreu aumento nas concentrações de 1N e 2N, e redução na concentração 4N. No segundo cultivo ocorreu aumento nos índices de tombamento de plantas em relação ao primeiro, com resposta quadrática para o lodo Barueri, mas com ponto de inflexão mínimo na concentração de 1N, sendo que para a concentração 8N o tombamento foi semelhante à testemunha. A severidade da doença no colo das plantas manteve a mesma resposta quadrática para o lodo de Barueri nos dois cultivos, com ponto de máximo na dose 4N. Para M. phaseolina a incidência da doença foi inversamente proporcional à concent ração do lodo de Franca. Dessa forma, os resultados não permitem conclusão sobre a indução de supressividade à R. solani e M. phaseolina.