176 resultados para Erskine
White cypress-pine stands typically support sparse densities of shrubs and grasses. The commonly held opinion is that leaching of allelopathic chemical compounds from cypress-pine litter partly facilitates this exclusion. Germination and growth of cypress pine seedlings do not appear to be similarly affected. This study set out to determine whether cypress litter had a differential effect on germination and growth of cypress-pine seedlings and on associated ground-cover species. Glasshouse trials comparing seedling emergence under cypress- and artificial-litter layers were undertaken. Cypress-pine litter did not have an inhibitory effect on the germination or growth of ground-cover species. In most cases, seedling emergence was facilitated by the application of cypress-pine litter due to its ability to increase the water holding capacity of the underlying soil. Cypress litter did not promote growth of its own seedlings over its competitors except on coarse-textured soils where it provided an ameliorative function to water stress due to the soil's reduced water holding capacity. The inhibition of ground-cover species' germination and growth in pure cypress stands was suggested to be the result of high below-ground resource competition due to the pine's expansive root morphology.
INTRODUCTION Functional imaging studies of addiction following protracted abstinence have not been systematically conducted to look at the associations between severity of use of different drugs and brain dysfunction. Findings from such studies may be relevant to implement specific interventions for treatment. The aim of this study was to examine the association between resting-state regional brain metabolism (measured with 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography (FDG-PET) and the severity of use of cocaine, heroin, alcohol, MDMA and cannabis in a sample of polysubstance users with prolonged abstinence from all drugs used. METHODS Our sample consisted of 49 polysubstance users enrolled in residential treatment. We conducted correlation analyses between estimates of use of cocaine, heroin, alcohol, MDMA and cannabis and brain metabolism (BM) (using Statistical Parametric Mapping voxel-based (VB) whole-brain analyses). In all correlation analyses conducted for each of the drugs we controlled for the co-abuse of the other drugs used. RESULTS The analysis showed significant negative correlations between severity of heroin, alcohol, MDMA and cannabis use and BM in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and temporal cortex. Alcohol use was further associated with lower metabolism in frontal premotor cortex and putamen, and stimulants use with parietal cortex. CONCLUSIONS Duration of use of different drugs negatively correlated with overlapping regions in the DLPFC, whereas severity of cocaine, heroin and alcohol use selectively impact parietal, temporal, and frontal-premotor/basal ganglia regions respectively. The knowledge of these associations could be useful in the clinical practice since different brain alterations have been associated with different patterns of execution that may affect the rehabilitation of these patients.
Full Title: Report of the Committee to whom was Referred the Correspondence between Mr. Monroe and Mr. Canning, and between Mr. Madison and Mr. Rose, relative to the attack on the Chesapeake : and also a communication from the President of the United States of the 30 March last, with a letter from Mr. Erskine to the Secretary of State, and a letter from M. Champagny to Gen. Armstrong Printed by R. C. Weightman
One hardcover photo album containing black and white photos. Many of the photos were taken in the St. Catharines area. Included are photos of Port Dalhousie, Port Weller, Niagara Falls, Niagara-on-the-Lake and St. Catharines. There are also photos of Braeside, Ont. and the Ottawa valley. Various local landmarks are included, such as the armoury in St. Catharines, Montebello Park, and Martindale pond. Some of the events captured include a train wreck that occurred in St. Catharines in 1914, the visit of the Governor General to St. Catharines in 1914 (featuring the Carnegie library and Post Office and federal building decorated with flags), and an airplane that crashed into a body of water, possibly a plane from an air training camp in Beamsville during World War I. There are also two photos of champion Niagara district basketball teams, possibly taken in the gymnasium building located behind the former St. Catharines Collegiate building (later Robertson School) on Church Street. One photo includes Norman Byrne, Gladys Ansell, Miriam Marshall, Irene Stoter (?), Mildrerd Houston, A. Gardner, and Madeline Jenner. The other photo includes George Moase, W. Bennett, Norman Byrne, Jack Bain, Mr. Brackenbury, Cyril Merriman, Jim Galway, Harry Erskine, and Roy Carpenter.
Aunque han pasado cinco años desde su aprobación en Estados Unidos para el manejo de los Trastornos del Espectro Autista (TEA), en Colombia el uso de aripiprazol para esta indicación continúa siendo off-label. En este contexto, se ha propuesto la ejecución de una revisión sistemática de la literatura con el fin de conocer la eficacia y seguridad de esta estrategia terapéutica a la luz de la evidencia disponible en el manejo de niños y adolescentes con TEA