71 resultados para Erodibility
As formas do relevo podem ser indicadores da variação dos atributos do solo, pois essa variabilidade é causada por pequenas alterações do declive que afetam os processos pedogenéticos bem como o transporte e o armazenamento de água no perfil do solo. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em Catanduva (SP), com o objetivo de caracterizar a variabilidade espacial de atributos do solo e fatores de erosão em diferentes pedoformas sob cultivo de cana-de-açúcar. de acordo com o modelo de Troeh classificou-se as formas do relevo em duas pedoformas, côncava e convexa. Com a utilização de um DGPS levantaram-se as cotas altimétricas, estabelecendo-se uma malha, com intervalos regulares de 50 m, com 270 pontos na pedoforma côncava e 353 pontos na pedoforma convexa, perfazendo um total de 623 pontos, coletados na profundidade de 0,0 - 0,2 m em uma área de 200 ha. em cada ponto da malha foram determinados os atributos químicos do solo, granulometria, espessura do solo e fatores de erosão locais, tais como erosividade (R), erodibilidade (K), fator topográfico (LS), uso e manejo (C), práticas conservacionistas (P), potencial natural de erosão (PNE), perda de solo (A) e risco de erosão (RE). Os dados foram avaliados primeiramente por uma análise estatística exploratória, calculando-se a média, mediana, variância, coeficiente de variação, coeficiente de assimetria, coeficiente de curtose e teste de normalidade. Posteriormente, a dependência espacial foi verificada por meio da técnica de geoestatística utilizando-se semivariogramas. As maiores perdas de solo, risco de erosão e potencial natural de erosão e menor espessura do solo ocorreram na pedoforma convexa, indicando forte dependência espacial com a forma do relevo. A pedoforma côncava proporcionou maior variabilidade espacial, demonstrando que a forma do relevo condiciona padrões diferenciados de variabilidade. A magnitude da variabilidade dos atributos do solo é mais influenciada pela forma do relevo que pela erosão. A espessura do horizonte A+E integrado com a forma do relevo é um indicador de processos erosivos para classe de Argissolos.
A erodibilidade é um fator de extrema importância na caracterização da perda de solo, representando os processos que regulam a infiltração de água e sua resistência à desagregação e o transporte de partículas. Assim, por meio da análise de dependência espacial dos componentes principais da erodibilidade (fator K), objetivou-se estimar a erodibilidade do solo em uma área de nascentes da microbacia do Córrego do Tijuco, Monte Alto-SP, e analisar a variabilidade espacial das variáveis granulométricas do solo ao longo do relevo. A erodibilidade média da área foi considerada alta, e a análise de agrupamento k-means apontou para uma formação de cinco grupos: no primeiro, os altos teores de areia grossa (AG) e média (AM) condicionaram sua distribuição nas áreas planas; o segundo, caracterizado pelo alto teor de areia fina (AF), distribui-se nos declives mais convexos; o terceiro, com altos teores de silte e areia muito fina (AMF), concentrou-se nos maiores declives e concavidades; o quarto, com maior teor de argila, seguiu as zonas de escoamento de água; e o quinto, com alto teor de matéria orgânica (MO) e areia grossa (AG), distribui-se nas proximidades da zona urbana. A análise de componentes principais (ACP) mostrou quatro componentes com 87,4 % das informações, sendo o primeiro componente principal (CP1) discriminado pelo transporte seletivo de partículas principalmente em zonas pontuais de maior declividade e acúmulo de sedimentos; o segundo (CP2), discriminado pela baixa coesão entre as partículas, mostra acúmulo da areia fina nas áreas de menor cota em toda a área de concentração de água; o terceiro (CP3), discriminado pela maior agregação do solo, concentra-se principalmente nas bases de grandes declives; e o quarto (CP4), discriminado pela areia muito fina, distribui-se ao longo das declividades nas maiores altitudes. Os resultados sugerem o comportamento granulométrico do solo, que se mostra suscetível ao processo erosivo devido às condições texturais superficiais e à movimentação do relevo.
Anthropic disturbances in watersheds, such as inappropriate building development, disorderly land occupation and unplanned land use, may strengthen the sediment yield and the inflow into the estuary, leading to siltation, changes in the reach channel conformation, and ecosystem/water quality problems. Faced with such context, this study aims to assess the applicability of SWAT model to estimate, even in a preliminary way, the sediment yield distribution along the Potengi River watershed, as well as its contribution to the estuary. Furthermore, an assessment of its erosion susceptibility was used for comparison. The susceptibility map was developed by overlaying rainfall erosivity, soil erodibility, the slope of the terrain and land cover. In order to overlap these maps, a multi-criteria analysis through AHP method was applied. The SWAT was run using a five year period (1997-2001), considering three different scenarios based on different sorts of human interference: a) agriculture; b) pasture; and c) no interference (background). Results were analyzed in terms of surface runoff, sediment yield and their propagation along each river section, so that it was possible to find that the regions in the extreme west of the watershed and in the downstream portions returned higher values of sediment yield, reaching respectively 2.8 e 5.1 ton/ha.year, whereas central areas, which were less susceptible, returned the lowest values, never more than 0.7 ton/ha.ano. It was also noticed that in the west sub-watersheds, where one can observe the headwaters, sediment yield was naturally forced by high declivity and weak soils. In another hand, results suggest that the eastern part would not contribute to the sediment inflow into the estuary in a significant way, and the larger part of the sediment yield in that place is due to anthropic activities. For the central region, the analysis of sediment propagation indicates deposition predominance in opposition to transport. Thus, it s not expected that isolated rain storms occurring in the upstream river portions would significantly provide the estuary with sediment. Because the model calibration process hasn t been done yet, it becomes essential to emphasize that values presented here as results should not be applied for pratical aims. Even so, this work warns about the risks of a growth in the alteration of natural land cover, mainly in areas closer to the headwaters and in the downstream Potengi River
The processes of occupation and evolution of natural environments as a result of a disorderly process of implementing economic practices agrosilvopastoris play today an important role in the degradation process of changing the landscape and natural resources of the semiarid Northeast. The Serra de Santana has natural elements important to the state of Rio Grande do Norte as the source of the Potengi. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the degree of degradation in the municipality of Cerro Cora - RN. We used satellite images Landsat-5 and census data for the year 2008. The method made use of geotechnology which includes land use, NDVI, rainfall, livestock and erodibility in the evaluation of environmental degradation, as well as satellite images of Landsat TM-5, in the years 1984, 1995 and 2008, letters of NDVI, census data regarding the socioeconomic obtained from IBGE. The results showed that the absolute majority in the municipality of Cerro Cora has a low to medium susceptibility, which together represent 63.92% of the municipality, with a regression of disturbed areas and the areas of agriculture, and a recovery of the areas of Caatinga , coming to occupy currently 92% of the municipal territory. A Geographic Information System is indispensable to environmental monitoring of Cerro Cora / RN
Os modelos matemáticos preditivos da erosão do solo, como a Equação Universal de Perda de Solo (EUPS), são de muita valia no planejamento de uso agrícola da terra. Tal equação, desenvolvida para estimar as perdas médias anuais de solo esperadas em dado local, para determinado sistema de manejo, apresenta como variáveis os fatores erosividade da chuva (R), erodibilidade do solo (K), comprimento do declive (L), grau do declive (S), cobertura e manejo (C) e práticas conservacionistas de suporte (P). Com o objetivo de contribuir para o planejamento conservacionista de uso do solo local, foi estimado, de forma simplificada, o fator erosividade da chuva (R) da EUPS para o município de São Manuel (SP), para uma série pluviométrica contínua de 49 anos de dados de chuva diária. Além disso, foram também calculados o período de retorno, a freqüência de ocorrência dos índices de erosividade anuais e as quantidades máximas diárias das chuvas necessárias para o dimensionamento mais adequado de canais de terraços agrícolas em nível. O valor calculado do fator R foi de 7.487 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 ano-1, esperado ocorrer no local, pelo menos, uma vez a cada 2,33 anos, com uma probabilidade de 42,92 %. Observou-se uma concentração de 81,48 % do valor total deste fator no semestre de outubro a março, indicando que, potencialmente, as maiores perdas anuais de solo por erosão são esperadas neste período. Os valores anuais do índice EI30, esperados para os períodos de retorno de 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 e 100 anos, foram de 7.216, 8.675, 9.641, 10.568, 11.768 e 12.667 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 ano-1, respectivamente. Com relação às quantidades máximas de chuva diária, para os mesmos períodos de retorno, os valores foram de 73, 98, 115, 131, 151 e 167 mm, respectivamente.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This work aimed to study the space behavior of the water erosion in a red-yellow latosol. Then a study was developed in an area with colinon coffee cultivation in an Experimental Farm of Bananal do Norte of INCAPER in Cachoeiro de Itapemirim - ES. Soil samples were obtained from 0,0 to 0,20 m depth in an irregular grid with 109 samples. The analyzed variables were granulometric fractions, erodibility (K), natural erosion potential (PNE), soil loss (A) and erosion risk (RE). All the variables showed space dependency with moderate index of space dependency and similar standard of space distribution. The soil loss is related with the space distribution of the granulometric fractions.
The agricultural unpaved roads are important road structures for the economic and social agricultural development of the Nation, and the erosion provoked by rain water in the road bed and sides are closely related to bad draining, one of the main factors for their degradation. In order to make the draining system adequate, it is necessary to know about erodibility, infiltration capacity of water in the ground and adoption of mechanical slope abatement with grid elevation and water interception. This study presents drainage model through the construction of terraces with gradient transversally associated to the capitation basin in abruptic red dystrophic argisol soils, medium sandy texture, based on slops abatement techniques, elevating the road bed and deviating flow. The grain sized fractions of this ground (sand, silt, clay) and the aggregate stability indicated that this ground, under anthropic action, presents erosive processes resulting in superficial draining with ground hauling, sanding sources and courses of water situation below roads, providing great environmental impacts in the hydric bodies. The reduction of erosion problems in these unpaved roads is in the adoption of measures that intercept waters from the draining of their stream bed itself, as well as pluvial waters comings from adjacent areas of contribution, that are collected and conducted to inlaid terraces and capitation basis.
This study evaluated using of Multicriteria Evaluation in a GIS, specifically by Weighted Linear Combination Method for generation of map of priority areas for forest restoration in the initial part of River Pardo Basin, SP, in order to water resources conservation. Aiming to define criteria and restrictions it was used Participatory Techniques, and the following factors had been selected: proximity of the hydrographic network, proximity of forest cover, slope and erodibility of soil. To calculate the weight to each factor it was used the decision-making process, known as Analytic Hierarchy Analysis, this method consists of a paired comparison of factors to determine the relative importance of each. According to Weighted Linear Combination, the very high priority areas have a more limited spatial distribution, with an apparent concentration around the water bodies, outlining a buffer to the river system. The proximity factor of the hydrographic network, and enables the connection forestry, contributed, along with the factor of proximity to forest cover, so there would be the definition of most of the areas with the highest priority in the basin, which concentrate the largest areas of forest and native riparian areas along the hydrographic.
Soil degradation can be defined as a process that reduces the ability of soil to produce property or services. Thus, the objective was to study the influence of topography and erodibility in the distribution of the chemical attributes of an Alfissol in degraded areas of Gilbués in the State of Piaui, Brazil. In the chosen area a sampling grid of 1 ha was demarcated, with points spaced at 10 x 10 m, and 121 samples were collected at intersections, in 0-0.20 m depth. Each point was georeferenced as a way to demarcate the area and prepare a topography map. For all samples pH, organic matter, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, hydrogen and aluminum were determined. The estimate of erodibility was calculated from the equation proposed by Denardin. Based on the experiment and the results obtained it is concluded that the number of samples used was sufficient to determine the variability of soil in degraded areas of the Gilbués municipality. The discontinuity in the topography of the landscape and erodibility cause a moderate degree of heterogeneity in most chemical properties of the studied soil, establishing specific management zones.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)