928 resultados para Epithelial Tissues
INTRODUÇÃO: O gene bcl-2 codifica uma proteína envolvida no processo de controle da apoptose. Inicialmente descrito em linfomas e posteriormente em tecidos epiteliais, sua expressão é freqüentemente encontrada em carcinomas de mama, associada a fatores de prognóstico favorável. Como a punção aspirativa por agulha fina (PAAF) tem sido utilizada como um método confiável na investigação de carcinomas de mama, acessamos a expressão de bcl-2 em material assim obtido e correlacionamos sua positividade com o grau histológico, avaliado em material cirúrgico correspondente, das respectivas pacientes, seguindo a classificação de SBR (Scarff, Bloom e Richardson). OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a expressão de bcl-2 em PAAF e correlacionar com grau histológico. METODOLOGIA: A positividade do bcl-2 foi analisada, por imunocitoquímica, em 118 casos consecutivos de PAAF e correlacionada com grau histológico em material cirúrgico correspondente, segundo classificação de SBR. RESULTADOS: A positividade para bcl-2 foi encontrada em 77 de 118 casos de PAAF (65,25%) e foi inversamente proporcional ao grau histológico (84,37%, p = 0,0022). CONCLUSÃO: A expressão de bcl-2 em PAAF correlaciona-se com fator de bom prognóstico. O índice de positividade encontrado, assim como a correlação inversa com grau histológico, está de acordo com dados publicados previamente. O fácil e rápido manejo do material obtido por PAAF permite a aplicação de técnicas complementares, de maneira confiável, como demonstra este estudo. A positividade do bcl-2 correlacionada com baixo grau histológico, assim como com outros fatores de bom prognóstico, pode, no futuro, proporcionar informação preditiva e prognóstica para pacientes candidatas a tratamento quimioterápico neo-adjuvante.
Protein A containing Staphylococcus aureus was used to develop a coagglutination (COA) test for the detection and typing of foot and mouth disease virus (FMDV) O, A and C serotypes in infected cells and tissues. Different batches and amounts of guinea pig anti-FMDV sera were assessed to optimize the preparation of COA conjugates. The sensitivity and specificity of the COA Test for the detection of FMDV O, A and C serotypes and heterologous viruses was also characterized. Comparison between the COA Test and complement fixation test for the detection and typing of FMDV obtained from extracts of tongue epithelial tissues from infected cattle revealed high agreement in the results and indicated a potential application of the COA Test for the direct diagnosis of viruses.
Mammary tumors are among the most common neoplasia of canine females. The occurrence of metastasis may be detected by proteic markers. Among them, exist the E-cadherin, a member of cadherin family known for its important role in the regulation of intercellular adhesion in epithelial tissues. Studies suggest that E-cadherin may function as a tumor and invasion suppressor molecule. Cadherin activity is regulated by multiple mechanisms, including interaction with other proteins such as catenins. In this review, the authors approach the cadherin family and other related adhesion proteins including its function, physiopathology and potential use as marker for diagnosis and prognosis of canine mammary tumors.
Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
As células-tronco adultas (CTA) são células multipotentes e não especializadas encontradas na medula óssea, no sangue periférico, na córnea, na retina, no cérebro, no músculo esquelético, na polpa dental, no fígado, no pâncreas, no epitélio da pele, no sistema digestivo, no cordão umbilical e na placenta. Estas células podem se renovar e reproduzir indefinidamente e, sob certos estímulos, se transformar em células especializadas de diferentes tecidos ou órgãos. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo a obtenção de CTA a partir de tecido epitelial de roedores silvestres de espécies diferentes (Oecomys concolor - um exemplar fêmea, Proechimys roberti - dois exemplares machos, Hylaeamys megacephalus - dois exemplares machos). A metodologia para isolamento e cultivo in vitro de amostras do tecido epitelial foi estabelecida, a partir de protocolos já descritos, avaliando aspectos morfológicos, estabilidade genômica, contagem e análise da viabilidade celular, potencial clonogênico e indução de diferenciação em osteócitos, condrócitos e adipócitos. Todas essas análises foram feitas pós-criopreservação das culturas. As CTA foram caracterizadas como população homogênea de células que proliferam in vitro, como células aderentes à superfície do plástico, tendo morfologia semelhante a fibroblastos e formato fusiforme, com alta taxa de crescimento e proliferação celular por várias passagens sucessivas, onde a autorrenovação celular foi avaliada por ensaios clonogênicos. Na análise para examinar a estabilidade genômica na P3, todas as amostras apresentaram cariótipo com número diplóide normal e estável. A metodologia empregada nos ensaios para diferenciação das CTA em linhagens osteogênica, condrogênica e adipogênica, apresentou resultados satisfatórios, onde as células mostraram a marcação desejada através das colorações Alizarin Red S, Alcian Blue e Oil Red O, respectivamente. Todas as amostras testadas apresentam capacidade de proliferação e diversidade de diferenciação, sendo potencialmente fornecedores de CTA provenientes da pele e podendo ser utilizados como organismos modelos de estudos em CT.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Odontologia - FOAR
An increasing number of genes required for mitochondrial biogenesis, dynamics, or function have been found to be mutated in metabolic disorders and neurological diseases such as Leigh Syndrome. In a forward genetic screen to identify genes required for neuronal function and survival in Drosophila photoreceptor neurons, we have identified mutations in the mitochondrial methionyl-tRNA synthetase, Aats-met, the homologue of human MARS2. The fly mutants exhibit age-dependent degeneration of photoreceptors, shortened lifespan, and reduced cell proliferation in epithelial tissues. We further observed that these mutants display defects in oxidative phosphorylation, increased Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), and an upregulated mitochondrial Unfolded Protein Response. With the aid of this knowledge, we identified MARS2 to be mutated in Autosomal Recessive Spastic Ataxia with Leukoencephalopathy (ARSAL) patients. We uncovered complex rearrangements in the MARS2 gene in all ARSAL patients. Analysis of patient cells revealed decreased levels of MARS2 protein and a reduced rate of mitochondrial protein synthesis. Patient cells also exhibited reduced Complex I activity, increased ROS, and a slower cell proliferation rate, similar to Drosophila Aats-met mutants.
Abstract Background The main focus of several studies concerned with cancer progression and metastasis is to analyze the mechanisms that allow cancer cells to interact and quickly adapt with their environment. Integrins, a family of transmembrane glycoproteins, play a major role in invasive and metastatic processes. Integrins are involved in cell adhesion in both cell-extracellular matrix and cell-cell interactions, and particularly, β1 integrin is involved in proliferation and differentiation of cells in the development of epithelial tissues. This work aimed to investigate the putative role of β1 integrin expression on survival and metastasis in patients with breast invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC). In addition, we compared the expression of β1 integrin in patients with ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). Methods Through tissue microarray (TMA) slides containing 225 samples of IDC and 67 samples of DCIS, β1 integrin expression was related with several immunohistochemical markers and clinicopathologic features of prognostic significance. Results β1 integrin was overexpressed in 32.8% of IDC. In IDC, β1 integrin was related with HER-2 (p = 0.019) and VEGF (p = 0.011) expression and it had a significant relationship with metastasis and death (p = 0.001 and p = 0.05, respectively). Kaplan-Meier survival analysis showed that the overexpression of this protein is very significant (p = 0.002) in specific survival (number of months between diagnosis and death caused by the disease). There were no correlation between IDC and DCIS (p = 0.559) regarding β1 integrin expression. Conclusions Considering that the expression of β1 integrin in breast cancer remains controversial, specially its relation with survival of patients, our findings provide further evidence that β1 integrin can be a marker of poor prognosis in breast cancer. Virtual slides The virtual slide(s) for this article can be found here: http://www.diagnosticpathology.diagnomx.eu/vs/6652215267393871
Smad7 ist eine inhibitorische Komponente der TGF-β- bzw. Activin-Signalweiterleitung und erfüllt eine wichtige Aufgabe bei deren Regulation. So führt eine konstitutive Überexpression von Smad7 in epithelialen Geweben zum Auftreten verschiedener Phänotypen, wie embryonaler bzw. perinataler Letalität, Hyperproliferation der Epidermis und Thymusatrophie. Auch die Entwicklung der T-Zellen im Thymus und epithelialer Anhangsgebilde wie z.B. von Haaren und Zähnen wird dadurch beeinträchtigt. In dieser Arbeit sollte nun in der adulten Maus der Effekt einer Überexpression von Smad7 in epithelialen Geweben untersucht werden. Zu diesem Zweck wurde ein, auf dem Cre/loxP-Prinzip beruhendes Transgensystem verwendet (K5-Smad7-tg und K14-creERT2), welches eine konditionell-induzierte Überexpression von Smad7 in epithelialen Zellen der adulten Maus erlaubte. Die so gezüchteten doppeltransgenen Tiere wiesen keine signifikanten Veränderungen gegenüber ihren wildtyp bzw. einfachtransgenen Geschwistertieren auf. Die Überexpression von Smad7 in epithelialen Geweben der adulten Maus zu einem Auftreten verschiedenster veränderter Phänotypen der Haut und deren Anhänge, sowie der Schneidezähne. Bei diesen Tieren konnte auch ein signifikanter Körpergewichtsverlust und eine Erhöhung der Mortalitätsrate beobachtet werden, welche sich im Verlauf nach erfolgter Rekombination einstellte. Weitere Analysen zeigten signifikante Veränderungen in der Haut und im Thymus. So konnte in der Haut eine Erhöhung der Proliferationsrate epidermaler Zellen, eine reduzierte Expression von Smad3 und im Thymus Veränderungen in der Gesamtzahl der lebenden T-Zellen und deren Differenzierung beobachtete werden. Mit dieser Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, daß die Hemmung der Signalweiterleitung der TGF-β-Superfamilie, speziell von TGF-β und Activin, zu verschiedenen morphogenetischen Defekten der Haut und deren Anhänge, der Zähne und der T-Zellentwicklung im Thymus führt.
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is required for the synthesis of collagen, carnitine, catecholamine and the neurotransmitter norepinephrine. Vitamin C also plays an important role in protection against oxidative stress. Transporters for vitamin C and its oxidized form dehydroascorbate (DHA) are crucial to keep vitamin concentrations optimal in the body. The human SLC23 family consists of the Na(+)-dependent vitamin C transporters SVCT1 (SLC23A1) and SVCT2 (SLC23A2) and the orphan transporter SVCT3 (SLC23A3). Phylogenetically, the SLC23 family belongs to the nucleobase-ascorbate transporter family although no specificity for nucleobases has yet been demonstrated for the human members of this family. In fact, the SVCT1 and SVCT2 transporters are rather specific for ascorbic acid. SVCT1 is expressed in epithelial tissues such as intestine, where it contributes to the maintenance of whole-body ascorbic acid levels, whereas the expression of SVCT2 is relatively widespread either to protect metabolically active cells and specialized tissues from oxidative stress or to deliver ascorbic acid to tissues that are in high demand of the vitamin for enzymatic reactions. DHA, the oxidized form of ascorbic acid is taken up and distributed in the body by facilitated transport via members of the SLC2/GLUT family (GLUT1, GLUT3, and GLUT4). Although, the main focus of this review is on the SLC23 family of ascorbic acid transporters, transporters of DHA and nucleobases are also briefly discussed for completeness.
The large family of chemoattractant cytokines (chemokines) embraces multiple, in part unrelated functions that go well beyond chemotaxis. Undoubtedly, the control of immune cell migration (chemotaxis) is the single, unifying response mediated by all chemokines, which involves the sequential engagement of chemokine receptors on migrating target cells. However, numerous additional cellular responses are mediated by some (but not all) chemokines, including angiogenesis, tumor cell growth, T-cell co-stimulation, and control of HIV-1 infection. The recently described antimicrobial activity of several chemokines is of particular interest because antimicrobial peptides are thought to provide an essential first-line defense against invading microbes at the extremely large body surfaces of the skin, lungs, and gastrointestinal-urinary tract. Here we summarize the current knowledge about chemokines with antimicrobial activity and discuss their potential contribution to the control of bacterial infections that may take place at the earliest stage of antimicrobial immunity. In the case of homeostatic chemokines with antimicrobial function, such as CXCL14, we propose an immune surveillance function in healthy epithelial tissues characterized by low-level exposure to environmental microbes. Inflammatory chemokines, i.e., chemokines that are produced in tissue cells in response to microbial antigens (such as pathogen-associated molecular patterns) may be more important in orchestrating the cellular arm in antimicrobial immunity.
Transporters for vitamin C and its oxidized form dehydroascorbic acid (DHA) are crucial to maintain physiological concentrations of this important vitamin that is used in a variety of biochemical processes. The human SLC23 family consists of the Na(+)-dependent vitamin C transporters SVCT1 (encoded by the SLC23A1 gene) and SVCT2 (SLC23A2) as well as an orphan transporter SVCT3 (SLC23A3). Phylogenetically, the SLC23 family belongs to the nucleobase-ascorbate transporter (NAT) family, although no nucleobase transport has yet been demonstrated for the human members of this family. The SVCT1 and SVCT2 transporters are rather specific for ascorbic acid, which is an important antioxidant and plays a crucial role in a many metal-containing enzymes. SVCT1 is expressed predominantly in epithelial tissues such as intestine where it contributes to the supply and maintenance of whole-body ascorbic acid levels. In contrast to various other mammals, humans are not capable of synthesizing ascorbic acid from glucose and therefore the uptake of ascorbic acid from the diet via SVCT1 is essential for maintaining appropriate concentrations of vitamin C in the human body. The expression of SVCT2 is relatively widespread, where it serves to either deliver ascorbic acid to tissues with high demand of the vitamin for enzymatic reactions or to protect metabolically highly active cells or specialized tissues from oxidative stress. The murine Slc23a3 gene encoding the orphan transporter SVCT3 was originally cloned from mouse yolk sac, and subsequent studies showed that it is expressed in the kidney. However, the function of SVCT3 has not been reported and it remains speculative as to whether SVCT3 is a nucleobase transporter.