102 resultados para Epistolary
W artykule został przeanalizowany dyskurs bałkański XX wieku z kolonialnego i postkolonialnego punktu widzenia. Pierwsza część przybliża geopolityczny stosunek do Bałkanów,The Balans in the Gaze of Western Travellers (2004) jako przykłady korygującego wobec istniejących dotychczas reprezentacji i wyobrażeń Bałkanów. skupia się jednak nie tylko na nazwie geograficznej Półwysep Bałkański, lecz przede wszystkim na figuratywnym i metaforycznym języku, bazującym na stereotypach i negatywnych „etykietkach” Bałkanów, takich jak: „beczka prochu”, obszar „zadawnionej nienawiści”, „zderzenie cywilizacji”, „strefa rozłamu”, europejskie „jądro ciemności”, „dzika Europa”, „jeszcze- nie” Europa. Ten stosunek opiera się na opozycji My-Oni z kolonialnego, punktu widzenia Zachodu. W drugiej części tekstu zostaje przeprowadzona analiza trzech utworów prozatorskich autorstwa wybitnych pisarzy z Bałkanów – chorwacki dyskurs literacki jest reprezentowany przez Miroslava Krležę w opowiadaniu W Dreźnie. Mister Wu San Pej interesuje się problemem serbsko-chorwackim (1924), serbski dyskurs przedstawia Ivo Andrić w opowiadaniu List z roku 1920 (1946), natomiast bośniacki – Nenad Veličković i jego powieść epistolarna Sahib. Impresje z depresji (2001). Te trzy dyskursy z różnych przełomowych dla Jugosławii okresów pokazują, że pisarze chętnie sięgali po figurę „Obcego”, by uwypuklić problemy związane z własną złożoną, często zwielokrotnioną tożsamością. Ostatnia część akcentuje nowe, postkolonialne podejście do problemu Bałkanów – uczestniczą w nim wybitni naukowcy pochodzący z tego regionu, którzy zrobili kariery w Europie Zachodniej i USA. W tej części zostają zaprezentowane trzy fundamentalne dla tego problemu książki – studium Marii Todorowej (Bułgarka) Imagining the Balkans (1997), monografia Vesny Bjelogrlić-Goldsworthy (Serbka) Inventing Ruritania: The Imperializm of the Imagination (1998) oraz antropologiczna książka Božidara Jezernika (Słoweniec) Wild Europe.
Women's contribution to literature is no arbitrary or artificial distinction. However much the reformer may welcome, or the conservative lament, the growth of a harmonious sharing of ideals between men and women, that growth has been a hard-fought struggle. It has been an escape from a prison, which, when it did not entirely shut out the greater world, at least enclosed a little world of education meant for women, literature adapted to the supposed limitations of their intellect, and a course of action prescribed by the other sex. To show how the literary efforts of women developed and justified their claims to free activity is the purpose of this thesis.
This article uses women's letter-writing from the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries to explore the home as a site of female intellectual endeavour. Far from representing a static backdrop to the action of domestic life, the home played a dynamic role in women's experiences of the life of the mind and shaped the ways in which women thought and wrote. Letters were penned in dining rooms, parlours and closets, by firesides, and on desks and laps. In their letters, women projected images of themselves scribbling epistles to friends in order to maintain their mental intimacy. Space was both real and imagined and the physical realities of a hand-written and hand-delivered letter gave way to the imaginative possibilities brought by networks of epistolary exchange and the alternative spaces of creative thought. By reinstating the home more fully in the history of female intellectual experience, a more nuanced view of the domestic arena can be developed: one that sees the home not as a site of exclusion and confinement, but as a space for scholarship and exchange.
This chapter examines the ramifications of continental travel and associated epistolary communication for English poets of the period. It argues that recourse to neo-Latin, the universal language of diplomacy, served not only to establish a sense of shared space—linguistic, cultural, generic—between England and the continent, but also to signal self-conscious differences (climatic, geographical, historical, political) between England and her continental peers. Through an investigation of a range of ‘performances’ on stages that were ‘academic’, poetic, autobiographical, and epistolographic, it assesses the central role of neo-Latin as a language that underwent a series of textual itineraries. These ‘itineraries’ manifest themselves in a number of ways. Neo-Latin as a shared linguistic medium can facilitate, and quite uniquely so, intertextual engagement with the classics, but now ancient Rome, its language, its mythology, its hierarchy of genres, are viewed through a seventeenth-century lens and appropriated by poets in both England and Italy to describe contemporary events, whether personal, or political. Close examination of the neo-Latin poetry of Milton and Marvell reveals, it is argued, a self-fashioning coloured by such textual itineraries and interchanges. The absorption and replication of continental literary and linguistic methodologies (the academic debate; the etymological play of Marinism; the hybridity of neo-Latin and Italian voices) reveal in short a linguistic and textual reciprocity that gave birth to something very new.
Nomadic Narratives, Visual Forces explores issues, questions, and problems emerging in the analysis of epistolary and visual narratives. This book focuses in particular on Gwen John's letters and paintings. It offers an innovative theoretical approach to narrative analysis by drawing on Foucault's theory of power, Deleuze and Guattari's analytics of desire, and Cavarero's concept of the narratable self. Furthermore, it examines the use of letters as documents of life in narrative research and highlights the dynamics of spatiality in the constitution of the female self in art. This study brings together theoretical insights that emerge from the analysis of life documents - some of them previously unpublished - combining innovative research with specific methodological suggestions on doing narrative analysis.
In this article, I consider the importance of epistolary narratives in the interface of autobiography and politics. In doing this, I read the letters of Fannia Mary Cohn, a Jewish immigrant worker, trade union activist and ardent labour organizer in the garment industry in the USA in the first half of the twentieth century. Cohn was a prolific writer and political activist and left a rich body of labour literature, but never wrote an autobiography or a diary or journal. It is in her letters to her comrades and friends in the labour movement that short autobiographical stories erupt and it is on such stories across her correspondence that this article focuses. The analysis is informed by Hannah Arendt’s theorization of narratives in their interrelation with politics and history. Drawing on a rich body of feminist literature around the relational self, what I argue is that an Arendtian reading of epistolary narratives is a useful analytical tool in understanding gendered politics in the diverse histories of the labour movement.
Isolationism and neutrality are two of the recurrent themes in the study of the history of the U.S. foreign policy in the interwar years. The trauma of the Great War, which had swept away 130.000 U.S. lives and had cost $30 billion, had led public opinion to strongly oppose any involvement with European affairs. Besides, the urgent need for economic recovery during the dismal years of the Great Depression did not leave Roosevelt much room for manoeuvre to influence international events. His positions regarding the intentions of the Fascist states remained, at best, ambivalent. These facts notwithstanding, about 2800 U.S. citizens crossed the Atlantic and rushed in to help democratic Spain, which was on the verge of becoming one more hostage in the hands of the Fascism. They joined the other British, Irish and Canadian volunteers and formed the XV International Brigade. 900 Americans never returned home. This alone should challenge the commonly held assumption that the American people were indifferent to the rise of the Fascist threat in Europe. But it also begs other questions. Considering the prevailing isolationist mood, what really motivated them? With what discursive elements did these men construct their anti Fascist representations? How far did their understanding of the Spanish democracy correspond to their own American democratic ideal? In what way did their war experience across the Atlantic mould their perception of U.S. politics (both domestic and foreign)? How far did the Spanish Civil War constitute one first step towards the realization that the U.S. might actually be drawn into another international conflict of unpredictable consequences? Last but not the least, what ideological, political and cultural complicity existed between the men from the English-speaking battalions? In order to unearth some of the answers, I intend to examine their letters and see how these men recorded the historical events in which they took part. Their correspondence emerged from the desire to prove their commitment to a common cause and spoke of a common war experience, but each letter, in its uniqueness, ends up mirroring not only the social and political background of each individual fighter, but also his own particular perspective of the war, of world politics and of the Spanish people. We shall see how these letters differ and converge and how these particular accounts weave, as in an epistolary novel, a larger-than-life narrative of outrage and solidarity, despair and hope.
Ce mémoire a pour toile de fond Philadelphia à la fin du dix-huitième siècle et couvre les périodes de la Révolution américaine et les débuts de la République. Trois thèmes s’y entrelacent: la culture matérielle, la sociabilité, et l’agentivité des femmes. Ces trois thèmes sont explorés au travers de Elizabeth Willing Powel, une femme éduquée faisant partie de l’élite de Philadelphie, et des moyens avec lesquels elle s’auto-projetait auprès de la société au travers l’environnement matériel de sa maison – la Powel House – and au travers de sa correspondance. Elizabeth Powel était reconnue pour son intelligence, son art de la conversation et ses qualités d’hôtesse. Ce projet explore les interactions entre une femme de l’élite et son environnement matériel durant les périodes révolutionnaires et postrévolutionnaires. Le but est d’observer comment la culture matérielle représentait des positions sociales, culturelles et politiques. Ce mémoire observe les interactions sociales et les façons dont Elizabeth Powel se représente en société par une analyse de sa correspondance, analyse qui porte une attention particulière aux discours de Elizabeth sur les questions du rôle des femmes en société, de l’éducation des femmes. Enfin, ce mémoire explore comment la culture matérielle et l’écriture épistolaire étaient des vecteurs d’agentivité pour Elizabeth, des moyens de participer aux important changements qui transformaient la société américaine de la fin du dix-huitième siècle.
Depuis les Lettres de Madame de Sévigné à sa fille, la pratique épistolaire permet à la mère et à la fille d’entretenir un lien à distance. Outre la valeur communicative à l’origine de ce lien, l’espace de la lettre fait intervenir le moi de l’épistolière dans le mouvement de l’écriture. Cette particularité est propice à l’élaboration d’une image propre aux buts recherchés de la correspondance en adoptant une rhétorique qui crée un effet sur la destinataire incitée à répondre, à prendre position, à construire une image de soi par le biais de l’échange épistolaire. Une forme de littérarité se manifeste dans ce genre de lettres comme nous le démontrons à propos des Lettres à sa fille (1916-1953) de Colette. L’étape de la maternité constitue une fatalité redoutée ou refusée pour certaines femmes qui connaissent un amour tardivement, voire jamais. Colette s’inscrit dans cette lignée de mères atypiques en refusant le rôle maternel pour consacrer sa vie à sa carrière d’écrivaine. Elle entretient néanmoins pendant trente-sept ans une correspondance avec sa fille, Colette de Jouvenel, afin de satisfaire à la représentation sociale voulant que la mère soit religieusement dévouée à son enfant. Mère physiquement absente la plupart du temps, Colette construit un éthos épistolaire qui oscille entre garder sa fille près d’elle grâce aux mots tout en maintenant la distance physique et sentimentale avec celle qui doit trouver sa place dans la correspondance. Colette se défile, mais s’impose aussi par son omniprésence dans l’univers de son enfant en témoignant d’une sévérité propre à sa posture d’auteure. Le déploiement de cette facette de l’écrivaine dans l’échange épistolaire à priori privé est rendu possible en raison du statut générique de la lettre : de fait, l’écriture épistolaire favorise, non seulement un rapport de soi à l’autre, mais également de soi à soi à travers divers effets spéculaires. L’étude de l’éthos maternel nous amène à nous interroger finalement sur l’éthos de la jeune fille contrainte de se construire dans une relation de dépendance avec l’image de la sur-mère.
Ce mémoire a pour objet d’étude les échanges épistolaires entre Robert Choquette et Louis Dantin, Alfred DesRochers et, dans une moindre mesure, Claude-Henri Grignon, Émile Coderre et Albert Pelletier. Les lettres en question, qui n'ont jamais été publiées, sont conservées pour l’essentiel dans le Fonds d'archives Robert-Choquette, qui n’est accessible aux chercheurs que depuis 2006. L'objectif de cette étude est de mesurer la voix et la part de Robert Choquette au sein des réseaux littéraires des années vingt et trente. La première partie du premier chapitre de ce mémoire est essentiellement théorique; la position de la lettre au sein de l'œuvre d'un écrivain, la constitution, par les lettres, d'un réseau littéraire ainsi que les rapports entre destinateur et destinataire y sont définis. Par la suite, les échanges épistolaires entre Choquette et ses correspondants sont examinés afin de mettre en lumière les rapports de force exploités dans ce réseau. Cette étude, qui se base sur un corpus de lettres rédigées entre 1927 et 1943, montre également l'évolution des ambitions poétiques du poète. Dans le but d'observer l'empreinte des correspondants de Choquette sur son projet littéraire, les deuxième et troisième chapitres du mémoire sont consacrés à l'analyse de ses recueils Metropolitan Museum et Suite marine. L'étude des échanges spécifiques portant sur ces deux œuvres expose une transformation quant au choix des images utilisées par Choquette pour se représenter, ainsi que l'évolution de ses attentes envers ses destinataires.
This work starts from the principle that the word humanism has been currently used to advocate certain behaviors or ways of acting which had been constituted for more than 2500 years, mainly in what refers to the most basic human values, which are clearly validated without any questioning. Humanism has been seen continually as a stone of civility touch. Thus, in 1999, the philosopher Peter Sloterdijk presented a conference in Baviera entitled Rules for the Human Zoo, whose subtitle was clear that it dealt with an answer to Martin Heidegger s text Letter on Humanism, basically showing that civility is necessarily bound to human domestication. So, the present work is split in three chapters. The first one aims to set the cultural and metaphysical bases of humanism. The second one will adopt an approach about what we will call epistolary humanism and its corollaries. Besides, in the third chapter, we will compose theoretical statements to the Heideggerian criticism against humanism and the post humanist contemporary proposition, as well as about the anthropotechnics. We can state that these two elements are considered as anthropological fundamentals of humanism and post humanism, and by understanding their mentioned historical relationship from their biological and ontological assumptions. Therefore, this work, which has been presented here, when it tries to map humanism under the theoretical influence of Sloterdijk, it distinguishes itself precisely by realizing the coherence with which he aims at diagnosing the directions of the contemporary humanism
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC
Pós-graduação em História - FCHS
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)