900 resultados para Epistemic modality
Fusing data from multiple sensing modalities, e.g. laser and radar, is a promising approach to achieve resilient perception in challenging environmental conditions. However, this may lead to \emph{catastrophic fusion} in the presence of inconsistent data, i.e. when the sensors do not detect the same target due to distinct attenuation properties. It is often difficult to discriminate consistent from inconsistent data across sensing modalities using local spatial information alone. In this paper we present a novel consistency test based on the log marginal likelihood of a Gaussian process model that evaluates data from range sensors in a relative manner. A new data point is deemed to be consistent if the model statistically improves as a result of its fusion. This approach avoids the need for absolute spatial distance threshold parameters as required by previous work. We report results from object reconstruction with both synthetic and experimental data that demonstrate an improvement in reconstruction quality, particularly in cases where data points are inconsistent yet spatially proximal.
Tämän pro gradu -lopputyön aiheena on englannin kielen modaalisten apuverbien ns. ydinjoukko: will, would, can, could, shall, should, may, might ja must. Semantiikan kannalta nämä apuverbit ovat erityisen kompleksisia: niiden tulkinnassa on usein huomattavaa monivivahteisuutta, vaikka perinteiset kieliopit antavat ymmärtää niillä olevan kaksi tai kolme toisistaan selkeästi erillään olevaa merkitystä. Ne asettavatkin vieraan kielen oppimisympäristössä erityisiä haasteita. Viimeaikainen kehitys korpuslingvistiikan metodeissa on tuottanut entistä tarkempia kuvauksia siitä, miten modaalisia apuverbejä nykyenglannissa käytetään ja mihin suuntaan niiden kehitys on lyhyenkin ajan sisällä kulkenut. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on ollut verrata näiden uusien tutkimusten tuloksia siihen todellisuuteen, jonka englannin kielen lukiotasoinen oppimateriaali Suomessa opiskelijalle tarjoaa. Lähdin siitä, että opetussuunnitelman vaatima autenttisuus ja kommunikaativisuus kieltenopetuksessa tulisi näkyä tasapuolisena modaalisten apuverbien kohteluna. Alkuperäinen hypoteesini kuitenkin oli, että siinä miten modaalisuus ilmenee autenttisessa ympäristössä ja siinä miten se esitetään oppikirjoissa, on poikkeavuuksia. Lähestymistapani tähän tutkielmaan oli korpuslähtöinen. Valitsin kahdesta lukion kirjasarjasta ne kirjat, joissa modaaliset apuverbit mainittiin eksplisiittisesti. Skannasin jokaisen neljästä eri kirjasta löytyvän (kokonaisen) tekstin ja rakensin näistä aineksista pienen korpuksen. Tästä korpuksesta hain korpusanalyyseihin tarkoitetulla ohjelmalla kaikki lauseet, joissa esiintyi modaalisia apuverbejä. Tämän jälkeen analysoin jokaisen modaalisen apuverbin semanttisesti lauseyhteydessään. Tämän analyysin tuloksena pystyin rakentamaan taulukoita ja vertailemaan tuloksia uusimpien tutkimusten tuloksiin. Tämän tutkielman perusteella poikkeavuuksia on olemassa. Yleisesti ottaen modaalisten apuverbien keskinäinen frekvenssi oli oikean suuntainen: mitään apuverbiä ei ollut käytetty merkittävästi enemmän tai vähemmän kuin mitä viimeaikaisen tutkimuksen valossa olisi suotavaa. Sen sijaan apuverbien semanttisessa jakaumassa oli paikoin suuriakin eroja siinä, mitkä merkitykset oppikirjoissa painottuivat ja mitkä taas nykyenglannissa vaikuttaisivat olevan frekvensseiltään suurempia. Erityisesti can ja must erottuivat joukosta siinä, että oppikirjojen tarjoama kuva niiden käytöstä on päinvastainen kuin mitä voisi odottaa: can-verbin käyttö painottui selvästi tarkoittamaan ’kykyä’ eikä ’mahdollisuutta’, joka nykytutkimuksen valossa on sen pääasiallinen käyttötapa. Toisaalta must tarkoitti aineistossa ylikorostuneesti ’pakkoa’, kun se useimmiten nykyään tarkoittaa yhtä usein ’johtopäätöstä’ kuin ’pakkoa’. Lisäksi ’lupaa’ pyydettiin aineistossa merkillisen harvoin. Tulosten perusteella esitän, että oppikirjojen tekijät yleisellä tasolla luopuisivat kielioppikirjojen luutuneista käsityksistä ja uskaltaisivat altistaa opiskelijat koko modaalisten apuverbien merkityskirjolle.
Models as epistemic artefacts: Toward a non-representationalist account of scientific representation
The present study addressed the epistemology of teachers’ practical knowledge. Drawing from the literature, teachers’ practical knowledge is defined as all teachers’ cognitions (e.g., beliefs, values, motives, procedural knowing, and declarative knowledge) that guide their practice of teaching. The teachers’ reasoning that lies behind their practical knowledge is addressed to gain insight into its epistemic nature. I studied six class teachers’ practical knowledge; they teach in the metropolitan region of Helsinki. Relying on the assumptions of the phenomenographic inquiry, I collected and analyzed the data. I analyzed the data in two stages where the first stage involved an abductive procedure, and the second stage an inductive procedure for interpretation, and thus developed the system of categories. In the end, a quantitative analysis nested into the qualitative findings to study the patterns of the teachers’’ reasoning. The results indicated that teachers justified their practical knowledge based on morality and efficiency of action; efficiency of action was found to be presented in two different ways: authentic efficiency and naïve efficiency. The epistemic weight of morality was embedded in what I call “moral care”. The core intention of teachers in the moral care was the commitment that they felt about the “whole character” of students. From this perspective the “dignity” and the moral character of the students should not replaced for any other “instrumental price”. “Caring pedagogy” was the epistemic value of teachers’ reasoning in the authentic efficiency. The central idea in the caring pedagogy was teachers’ intentions to improve the “intellectual properties” of “all or most” of the students using “flexible” and “diverse” pedagogies. However, “regulating pedagogy” was the epistemic condition of practice in the cases corresponding to naïve efficiency. Teachers argued that an effective practical knowledge should regulate and manage the classroom activities, but the targets of the practical knowledge were mainly other “issues “or a certain percentage of the students. In these cases, the teachers’ arguments were mainly based on the notion of “what worked” regardless of reflecting on “what did not work”. Drawing from the theoretical background and the data, teachers’ practical knowledge calls for “praxial knowledge” when they used the epistemic conditions of “caring pedagogy” and “moral care”. It however calls for “practicable” epistemic status when teachers use the epistemic condition of regulating pedagogy. As such, praxial knowledge with the dimensions of caring pedagogy and moral care represents the “normative” perspective on teachers’ practical knowledge, and thus reflects a higher epistemic status in comparison to “practicable” knowledge, which represents a “descriptive” perception toward teachers’ practical knowledge and teaching.
Background Chronic kidney disease (CKD) leads to a range of symptoms, which are often under-recognised and little is known about the multidimensional symptom experience in advanced CKD. Objectives To examine (1) symptom burden at CKD stages 4 and 5, and dialysis modalities, and (2) demographic and renal history correlates of symptom burden. Methods Using a cross-sectional design, a convenience sample of 436 people with CKD was recruited from three hospitals. The CKD Symptom Burden Index (CKD-SBI) was used to measure the prevalence, severity, distress and frequency of 32 symptoms. Demographic and renal history data were also collected. Results Of the sample, 75.5 % were receiving dialysis (haemodialysis, n = 287; peritoneal dialysis, n = 42) and 24.5 % were not undergoing dialysis (stage 4, n = 69; stage 5, n = 38). Participants reported an average of 13.01 ± 7.67 symptoms. Fatigue and pain were common and burdensome across all symptom dimensions. While approximately one-third experienced sexual symptoms, when reported these symptoms were frequent, severe and distressing. Haemodialysis, older age and being female were independently associated with greater symptom burden. Conclusions In CKD, symptom burden is better understood when capturing the multidimensional aspects of a range of physical and psychological symptoms. Fatigue, pain and sexual dysfunction are key contributors to symptom burden, and these symptoms are often under-recognised and warrant routine assessment. The CKD-SBI offers a valuable tool for renal clinicians to assess symptom burden, leading to the commencement of timely and appropriate interventions.
This work addresses the challenging problem of unconstrained 3D human pose estimation (HPE) from a novel perspective. Existing approaches struggle to operate in realistic applications, mainly due to their scene-dependent priors, such as background segmentation and multi-camera network, which restrict their use in unconstrained environments. We therfore present a framework which applies action detection and 2D pose estimation techniques to infer 3D poses in an unconstrained video. Action detection offers spatiotemporal priors to 3D human pose estimation by both recognising and localising actions in space-time. Instead of holistic features, e.g. silhouettes, we leverage the flexibility of deformable part model to detect 2D body parts as a feature to estimate 3D poses. A new unconstrained pose dataset has been collected to justify the feasibility of our method, which demonstrated promising results, significantly outperforming the relevant state-of-the-arts. © 2013 IEEE.
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