968 resultados para Epididymal sperm


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The occurrence of a high incidence of sperm tail defects in a male domestic cat resembling the known 'Dag-like' defect is reported. Sperm analyses were performed in ejaculated samples collected by an artificial vagina and in testicular and epididymal sperm cells after castration. The following alterations were observed using transmission electron microscope: heavily coiled sperm tails containing several axonemal units enclosed in the same common cell membrane; aberrations in the axonemal main structure; and swollen and unevenly distributed mitochondria in the midpiece. Abnormal modifications in the mitochondrial sheath were also found in sperm cells retrieved from testes and epididymides. Considering these findings, we can conclude that this is the Dag-like defect, described previously in other domestic species and a testicular origin may be involved. © ISFM and AAFP 2012.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study evaluated the effects of antiandrogen exposure during the prepubertal period on reproductive development and reproductive competence in adults. Male rats were divided into two groups: flutamide, receiving 25 mg/kg/day of flutamide by oral gavage and control, receiving vehicle daily. Dosing continued from PND 21 to 44, and animals were killed on PND 50 or PND 75-80. The epididymis, prostate, vas deferens and seminal vesicle weights were lower in Flutamide group on PND 50, while on PND 80 only seminal vesicle weight was reduced. Fertility assessed by IUI revealed a decrease in the fertility potential in the flutamide-treated adults. Flutamide accelerated sperm transit time through the epididymis, impairing sperm motility and storage. A quantitative analysis of the cauda sperm membrane proteome revealed a few significant changes in protein expression. Thus, exposure to flutamide during the prepubertal period compromises the function of the epididymis along with epididymal sperm quality at adulthood. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Chromatin condensation within the nucleus of developing spermatids involves replacement of histones by transition proteins, which are in turn replaced by protamines. The importance of transition proteins in the complex process of spermiogenesis has, to date, been only speculative. This study sought to investigate the extent to which transition proteins are essential or have redundant functions by characterizing sperm produced in mice expressing all combinations of Tnp-null alleles. Results from breeding trials of 8 weeks duration revealed that, on average, wildtype males produced about 14 offspring whereas TP2 and TP1 single-knockout males produced about 8 and 1 offspring, respectively, demonstrating their subfertility. Genotypes with less than two Tnp wildtype alleles, as well as double-knockout mutants, were completely infertile. Sperm from males with impaired fertility had poor progressive motility, heterogeneous chromatin condensation, incompletely processed protamine 2 and head and tail abnormalities. Generally, as the number of Tnp-null alleles increased so did the severity of abnormalities. However, specific morphological abnormalities were associated with the absence of an individual TP. Studies which sought to identify possible root causes for abnormalities in thiol-rich sperm structures revealed no differences in thiol content or sulfhydryl oxidation status within the nucleus but nuclei and tails from single-knockout mutants were severely disrupted following thiol reduction. Binding of fluorescent dyes to DNA was normal in sperm recovered from caput but abnormal in cauda epididymal sperm from TP1 knockouts and infertile double mutants. Injection of cauda epididymal sperm from double knockouts into oocytes produced very few offspring; however, after injection with testicular sperm, the efficiency was no different from wildtype. These results suggest DNA structural alterations or degradation during epididymal transport of sperm resulting in a diminished capacity of the paternal DNA of these sperm to produce offspring. The overall importance of transition proteins for normal chromatin condensation and production of fertile sperm has been demonstrated. Furthermore, identification of specific morphological abnormalities associated with the absence of an individual transition protein provides new evidence that the proteins are not completely redundant and each fulfills some unique function. ^


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A nerve growth factor (NGF) was isolated from the venom of Chinese cobra (Naja naja ntr a) by ion exchange chromatography, gel filtration and fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC). The N-terminal sequence of 22 amino acid residues was identical with other NGFs previously purified from the venom of the same genus. The NGF monomer molecular weight was estimated to be 13 500 by reducing SDS-PAGE and the isoelectric point was determined to be 7.2 by isoelectric focusing electrophoresis. NGF improved the epididymal sperm motility of male rats and increased the pregnancy rate and fetus number of mated female rats. The serum levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) of male rats administrated NGF + gossypol was lower than that of male rats administrated gossypol. Histological sections of testes and epididymides showed that NGF reduced the destructive effects of gossypol on rat testes. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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Diabetes Mellitus (DM) has been found to have subtle yet profound effects on the metabolic status of the testis, the expression of numerous spermatogenic genes and is associated with increased numbers of sperm with nuclear DNA damage. The precise mechanism causing these detrimental effects remains unknown. The presence of increased levels of the most prominent member (carboxymethyllysine - CML) of the advanced glycation end product adducts and their receptor (RAGE) in the reproductive tract of DM men has provided a new avenue for research. As there are suspicions that the antibiotic (streptozotocin - STZ) employed to induce DM is also capable of causing oxidative stress and DNA damage, we compared CML and RAGE levels in the reproductive tract and sperm nDNA status of STZ mice with the levels in the Ins(2Akita) mouse to determine which more closely mimics the situation described in the human diabetic. CML was observed in the testes, epididymes and sperm of all animals. Sperm from DM mice showed particularly strong CML immunolocalization in the acrosomal cap, the equatorial region and whenever present, cytoplasmic droplets. Although increased, the level of CML on the sperm of the STZ and Ins(2Akita) DM mice did not reach statistical significance. RAGE was present on the developing acrosome and epididymal sperm of all animals and in discrete regions of the epididymes of the DM models. Only the epididymal sperm of the Ins(2Akita) mice were found to have significantly increased (p < 0.0001) nDNA damage. The Ins(2Akita) mouse therefore appears to more accurately reflect the conditions found in the human and, as such, is a more representative model for the study of diabetes and glycation's influence on male fertility.


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El present treball analitza la morfologia espermàtica de l'ejaculat de Sus domesticus, la histologia del conducte epididimari i la qualitat de l'esperma epididimari. El material d'estudi prové de mascles reproductors porcins de les races Landrace i Pietrain, sans i sexualment madurs. La metodologia emprada es basa en l'examen al microscopi òptic (camp dar, contrast de fases i contrast interferencial) i al microscopi electrònic (de rastreig i de transmissió). Per a l'anàlisi estadística de les dades s'ha utilitzat el test de la X2 de Pearson (p<0,01). L'estudi de la morfologia espermàtica de l'ejaculat permet distingir diversos tipus de gàmetes que s'han classificat en tres grups: espermatozoides madurs, espermatozoides immadurs i espermatozoides aberrants, així com algunes cèI.lules somàtiques. L'espermatozoide madur de Sus domesticus és un gàmeta típic de mamífer (format per tres parts: cap, peça de connexió i cua) en que destaquen: la forma oval i plana del cap, el desenvolupament d'una protuberància acrosòmica apical en una de les cares del cap i la presencia dels cossos laminars en la peça de connexió. L'espermatozoide immadur es caracteritza per la presencia de la gota citoplasmàtica, el major desenvolupament de la protuberància acrosòmica apical i per la flexibilitat del cap. Els espermatozoides aberrants es descriuen i classifiquen segons la morfologia externa i la morfologia interna, distingint-se una amplia gama de malformacions que afecten les diverses parts de l'espermatozoide. Les cèl·lules somàtiques presents en l'ejaculat ofereixen les característiques pròpies d'un macròfag i se les ha observat englobant espermatozoides immadurs. L'estudi de l'estructura i la ultraestructura de les tres regions anatòmiques de l'epidídim (caput, corpus i cauda) revela que: a) l'epiteli epididimari és pseudoestratificat amb esterocilis, b) cada regió epididimària presenta uns valors característics en relació al diàmetre intern del conducte, a l'alçada de l'epiteli, a la longitud dels esterocilis i al nombre de cèl·lules somàtiques luminals, i c) l'epiteli epididimari esta format per cinc tipus cel·lulars: les cèl·lules principals, les cèl·lules basals, les cèl·lules dares, les cèl·lules estretes i les cèl·lules basòfiles. Dels resultats obtinguts es pot deduir que: a) aquests cinc tipus cel·lulars es distribueixen al llarg del conducte epididimari de forma no homogènia, b) les cèl·lules basals, les cèl·lules principals, les cèI.Iules dares i les cèl·lules estretes són diversos estadis del desenvolupament d'un mateix tipus cel·lular especialitzat en la secreció i reabsorció cel·lular, i c) les cèl·lules basòfiles són les precursores de les cèl·lules somàtiques luminals. La qualitat de l'esperma procedent de les tres regions de l'epidídim ha estat analitzada a partir dels següents paràmetres espermàtics: vitalitat, resistència osmòtica dels acrosomes, estabilitat cefàlica, morfologia, malformacions i aglutinació. La vitalitat espermàtica disminueix progressivament al llarg del conducte epididimari. La resistència osmòtica dels acrosomes s'assoleix en la regió corporal de l'epidídim. L'estabilitat cefàlica dels espermatozoides és més elevada en les dues primeres regions de l'epidídim que en la regió caudal. Cada regió de l'epidídim es caracteritza per una morfologia espermàtica específica: a) el caput es caracteritza per l'elevat percentatge d'espermatozoides immadurs amb gota citoplasmàtica proximal, b) el corpus es caracteritza per l'elevat percentatge d'espermatozoides immadurs amb gota citoplasmàtica distal, i c) el cauda es caracteritza per l'elevat percentatge d'espermatozoides madurs. S'han estudiat les següents malformacions d'origen epididimari: espermatozoides de cua doblegada per l'anell de Jensen (origen en el cauda), espermatozoides de cua enrotllada i espermatozoides de cues fusionades (origen en el corpus). Els espermatozoides perden la capacitat de doblegar la cua per la peça intermèdia a mesura que avancen pel conducte epididimari. L'aglutinació espermàtica tendeix a augmentar progressivament al llarg del conducte epididimari, si bé, no s'han observat variacions significatives en els diversos tipus d'aglutinació. La maduració epididimaria dels espermatozoides de Sus domesticus és un procés lent i complex, i la qualitat de l'ejaculat depèn de que aquesta maduració hagi estat completa. La presencia en l'esperma ejaculat de formes gamètiques pròpies de l'esperma epididimari és un signe d'una incompleta maduració dels espermatozoides; i, pot considerar-se com un paràmetre indicador d'estrés del mascle reproductor, tant més quant més s'assembli a la morfologia espermàtica de la regió cefàlica de l'epidídim.


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The objective of this study was to determine morphological and functional characteristics of semen retrieved from the feline epididymis before and after cooling. Sixteen adult male cats were orchiectomized. The distal portion of the epididymis and proximal part of the deferent ducts were dissected and squeezed to obtain their content. After centrifugation, the supernatant was removed, sperm were resuspended in a 0.9 mL Tris-fructose-citric acid extender containing 20% egg yolk, aliquoted into three 0.3 mL samples, placed in a refrigerator (4.8 degrees C) and cooled (0.5 degrees C/min). Semen evaluations were performed on four occassions: immediately after epididymal sperm retrieval (TO), and at 24 h (T-1), 48 h (T-2) and 72 h (T-3) after cooling. on each occasion, progressive motility, vigor and sperm morphology were determined. Mean motility and vigor decreased (P < 0.05) between each successive examination. Although the majority of sperm cell damage occurred within the first 24 h, there was a decrease (P < 0.05) in mean percentage of morphologically normal sperm between To and each evaluated time (T-1, T-2, T-3) after cooling, due to an increase in coiled and bent sperm tails. Further studies are needed to evaluate the effects of cooling on the fertilizing capacity of cat epididymal spermatozoa in assisted reproduction programs. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Austroplenckia populnea (Reiss.) Lundell. was selected for this study because it has been shown that some plants from the Celastraceae family have antifertility effects. Twelve adult male rats were treated with hydromethanolic extract made from the leaves, 500 mg/kg/day, orally, for 70 days. Distilled water was administered to the control animals (n = 10). At the end of the experiment, and before killing the rats, their sexual behavior was evaluated. The number of intromissions, latencies to first mount and ejaculation, and first intromission after ejaculation were significantly reduced in the treated group, but the total number of ejaculations did not differ from the control group. The weight and histology of the reproductive organs, sperm production, spermatogenesis, prostate fructose content, cauda epidydimides duct diameter, and sperm morphology were not affected. Sperm concentration in cauda epidydimides was significantly decreased. The results showed that A. populnea has effects on male rat reproduction, affecting the sexual behavior and epididymal sperm concentration. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Objetivou-se com este estudo a identificação de alguns fatores protéicos envolvidos na qualidade funcional dos espermatozóides epididimais (SPZEP) e ejaculados (SPZEJ) de bovinos. Foram avaliadas as características morfofisiológicas e analisado o conteúdo peptídico destas estruturas de 11 animais mestiços Nelore, de 24 a 30 meses de idade. As avaliações morfofisiológicas foram motilidade progressiva (MOT, %), vigor, patologias espermáticas, integridade acrossômica e da cromatina. Foi observado que, os SPZEJ, na média, apresentaram MOT maior do que os SPZEP, 72,3 e 46,4%, respectivamente. Considerando as patologias espermáticas, taxas de defeitos maiores (DEFMAI), menores (DEFMEN) e totais (DEFTOT), houve diferença significativa entre as taxas dos DEFMEN e DEFTOT dos SPZEP e SPZEJ, sendo, em média, 91,1 e 8,5% e 95,4 e 11,8%, respectivamente. As taxas dos DEFMEN e DEFTOT dos SPZEP foram maiores em função da presença de espermatozóides com gotas citoplasmáticas distais. A análise das protéinas dos SPZEP e SPZEJ foi realizada por espectrometria de massa, método MALDI-TOF (matrix -assisted laser desorption/ionization - time of flight), e revelou presença de peptídeos de massa molecular variando de 1,1 a 26,3 kDa nos SPZEJ e de 1,1 a 11,6 kDa nos SPZEP. Foram identificados peptídeos de 10,6 e 13,4 kDa somente nos SPZEJ e de 6,8 kDa somente nos SPZEP. Foi observada relação do peptídeo de massa molecular de 7,4 kDa dos SPZEP e de 4,7 kDa dos SPZEJ, com a MOT Ê 80%, destas estruturas. Os resultados sugerem o envolvimento destes peptídeos nos processos funcionais das células espermáticas do epidídimo e ejaculado. O estudo utilizou o método MALDI/TOF para espectrômetro de massa, para identificar peptídeos em espermatozóides do epidídimo de bovinos, pela primeira vez no País.


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This work employed pregnant rats treated with Solanum lycocarpum unripe fruits (10% in diet) from gestation day (GD) 06 to post-natal day (PND) 07, for the evaluation of the sperm number, daily sperm production and epididymal sperm transit time of the male offspring at PND 60 and PND 90. No differences were observed in the daily sperm production (DSP) and sperm number in the testis of the exposed males at PND 60 and PND 90. Also, no alterations were observed in sperm transit time in the caput epididymis of the exposed males at PND 60 and PND 90. However, a reduced sperm transit time was observed in the corpus/cauda epididymis of the experimental males at PND 90. The last data may explain the reduced sperm number observed in the corpus/cauda epididymis of the experimental male rats at PND 90. These data show that the male rats exposed to S. lycocarpum fruits during gestation did not present alterations in testis sperm production and number, however the sperm transit time through epididymis was impaired, resulting in a decreased number of spermatozoa in epididymis cauda. We conclude that S. lycocarpum may cause imbalance on hypothalamus-pituitary gland axis.


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The possibilities of using the sperm collected from the epididymis have been widely used because the fertilizing capacity sperm preservation and the possibility of using it for wild cats. But in the process of cryopreservation, some studies show a decrease in the quality of the sperm when left under cooling before frozen for some time. This study aimed to assess the quality of the epididymal sperm obtained from domestic cats after cryopreservation using a diluent based on egg yolk and glycerol (Botu-crio®), comparing the morphofunctional characteristics after cooling for 24 hours in a container of semen transport (Botu-tainer®). We use eight cats submitted to elective orchiectomy, aging from eight months, without racial determination, and good nutritional status. These sperm characteristics were: motility, vigor, concentration, membrane integrity and morphology. It has been found, after statistical analysis, that the container of semen was able to maintain sperm viability, even for 24h. We also observed a significant decrease on all parameters after frozen, consequential, probably to thermal stress that occurs in processing. However, the percentage of membrane integrity after thawing shows good employability of the Botu-crio®, which viability is possible to perform in vitro fertilization, requiring higher ratings.