968 resultados para Environmental variation


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RESUMO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar caracteres genéticos, fenotípicos e ambientais relacionados aos componentes de produção e caracteres agromorfológicos de girassol em três núcleos rurais do Distrito Federal. Os experimentos foram conduzidos nas áreas experimentais da Embrapa Cerrados, Planaltina, DF, Embrapa Produtos e Mercado, Recanto das Emas, DF e na Fazenda Agua Limpa, da Universidade de Brasília. Através dos resultados obtidos, foram verificadas diferenças significativas entre os genótipos de girassol nos três núcleos rurais do Cerrado para todas as características agronômicas avaliadas. Ainda, baixos coeficientes de variação ambiental para quase todas as características, exceto para o tamanho de capitulo, indicaram boa precisão experimental e altos valores de herdabilidade, coeficientes de variação genéticos e acurácia evidenciaram condições favoráveis à seleção dos materiais para as características agronômicas avaliadas. ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to assess genetic, phenotypic and environmental characteristics related to agro-morphological traits of sunflower in three rural centers of Distrito Federal. The experiments were conducted at the experimental areas of Embrapa Cerrados, Planaltina, DF, Embrapa Produtos e Mercado, Recanto das Emas, DF e na Fazenda Agua Limpa, da Universidade de Brasília. Through the obtained results, were verified significate genotypic differences of sunflower at the three rural centers of Brazilian Savannah for all traits evaluated. In addition, low coefficients of environmental variation for almost all trait, except the head size, indicate good experimental precision and high values of heritability, genetic variation and accuracy showed favorable conditions to selecting materials for the agronomic traits evaluated.


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A committee of the Mars Exploration Program Analysis Group (MEPAG) has reviewed and updated the description of Special Regions on Mars as places where terrestrial organisms might replicate (per the COSPAR Planetary Protection Policy). This review and update was conducted by an international team (SR-SAG2) drawn from both the biological science and Mars exploration communities, focused on understanding when and where Special Regions could occur. The study applied recently available data about martian environments and about terrestrial organisms, building on a previous analysis of Mars Special Regions (2006) undertaken by a similar team. Since then, a new body of highly relevant information has been generated from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (launched in 2005) and Phoenix (2007) and data from Mars Express and the twin Mars Exploration Rovers (all 2003). Results have also been gleaned from the Mars Science Laboratory (launched in 2011). In addition to Mars data, there is a considerable body of new data regarding the known environmental limits to life on Earth—including the potential for terrestrial microbial life to survive and replicate under martian environmental conditions. The SR-SAG2 analysis has included an examination of new Mars models relevant to natural environmental variation in water activity and temperature; a review and reconsideration of the current parameters used to define Special Regions; and updated maps and descriptions of the martian environments recommended for treatment as “Uncertain” or “Special” as natural features or those potentially formed by the influence of future landed spacecraft. Significant changes in our knowledge of the capabilities of terrestrial organisms and the existence of possibly habitable martian environments have led to a new appreciation of where Mars Special Regions may be identified and protected. The SR-SAG also considered the impact of Special Regions on potential future human missions to Mars, both as locations of potential resources and as places that should not be inadvertently contaminated by human activity. Key Words: Martian environments—Mars astrobiology—Extreme environment microbiology—Planetary protection—Exploration resources. Astrobiology 14, 887–968.


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OBJECTIVE/BACKGROUND: Many associations between abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) and genetic polymorphisms have been reported. It is unclear which are genuine and which may be caused by type 1 errors, biases, and flexible study design. The objectives of the study were to identify associations supported by current evidence and to investigate the effect of study design on reporting associations.

METHODS: Data sources were MEDLINE, Embase, and Web of Science. Reports were dual-reviewed for relevance and inclusion against predefined criteria (studies of genetic polymorphisms and AAA risk). Study characteristics and data were extracted using an agreed tool and reports assessed for quality. Heterogeneity was assessed using I(2) and fixed- and random-effects meta-analyses were conducted for variants that were reported at least twice, if any had reported an association. Strength of evidence was assessed using a standard guideline.

RESULTS: Searches identified 467 unique articles, of which 97 were included. Of 97 studies, 63 reported at least one association. Of 92 studies that conducted multiple tests, only 27% corrected their analyses. In total, 263 genes were investigated, and associations were reported in polymorphisms in 87 genes. Associations in CDKN2BAS, SORT1, LRP1, IL6R, MMP3, AGTR1, ACE, and APOA1 were supported by meta-analyses.

CONCLUSION: Uncorrected multiple testing and flexible study design (particularly testing many inheritance models and subgroups, and failure to check for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium) contributed to apparently false associations being reported. Heterogeneity, possibly due to the case mix, geographical, temporal, and environmental variation between different studies, was evident. Polymorphisms in nine genes had strong or moderate support on the basis of the literature at this time. Suggestions are made for improving AAA genetics study design and conduct.


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O conhecimento de mecanismos de genómica funcional tem sido maioritariamente adquirido pela utilização de organismos modelo que são mantidos em condições laboratoriais. Contudo, estes organismos não reflectem as respostas a alterações ambientais. Por outro lado, várias espécies, ecologicamente bem estudadas, reflectem bem as interacções entre genes e ambiente mas que, das quais não existem recursos genéticos disponíveis. O imposex, caracterizado pela superimposição de caracteres sexuais masculinos em fêmeas, é induzido pelo tributilestanho (TBT) e trifenilestanho (TPT) e representa um dos melhores exemplos de disrupção endócrina com causas antropogénicas no ambiente aquático. Com o intuito de elucidar as bases moleculares deste fenómeno, procedeu-se à combinação das metodologias de pirosequenciação (sequenciação 454 da Roche) e microarrays (Agilent 4*180K) de forma a contribuir para um melhor conhecimento desta interacção gene-ambiente no gastrópode Nucella lapillus, uma espécie sentinela para imposex. O trancriptoma de N. lapillus foi sequenciado, reconstruído e anotado e posteriormente utilizado para a produção de um “array” de nucleótidos. Este array foi então utilizado para explorar níveis de expressão génica em resposta à contaminação por TBT. Os resultados obtidos confirmaram as hipóteses anteriormente propostas (esteróidica, neuroendócrina, retinóica) e adicionalmente revelou a existência de potenciais novos mecanismos envolvidos no fenómeno imposex. Evidência para alvos moleculares de disrupção endócrina não relacionados com funções reprodutoras, tais como, sistema imunitário, apoptose e supressores de tumores, foram identificados. Apesar disso, tendo em conta a forte componente reprodutiva do imposex, esta componente funcional foi a mais explorada. Assim, factores de transcrição e receptores nucleares lipofílicos, funções mitocondriais e actividade de transporte celular envolvidos na diferenciação de géneros estão na base de potenciais novos mecanismos associados ao imposex em N. lapillus. Em particular, foi identificado como estando sobre-expresso, um possível homólogo do receptor nuclear “peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma” (PPARγ), cuja função na indução de imposex foi confirmada experimentalmente in vivo após injecção dos animais com Rosiglitazone, um conhecido ligando de PPARγ em vertebrados. De uma forma geral, os resultados obtidos mostram que o fenómeno imposex é um mecanismo complexo, que possivelmente envolve a cascata de sinalização envolvendo o receptor retinoid X (RXR):PPARγ “heterodimer” que, até à data não foi descrito em invertebrados. Adicionalmente, os resultados obtidos apontam para alguma conservação de mecanismos de acção envolvidos na disrupção endócrina em invertebrados e vertebrados. Finalmente, a informação molecular produzida e as ferramentas moleculares desenvolvidas contribuem de forma significativa para um melhor conhecimento do fenómeno imposex e constituem importantes recursos para a continuação da investigação deste fenómeno e, adicionalmente, poderão vir a ser aplicadas no estudo de outras respostas a alterações ambientais usando N. lapillus como organismo modelo. Neste sentido, N. lapillus foi também utilizada para explorar a adaptação na morfologia da concha em resposta a alterações naturais induzidas por acção das ondas e pelo risco de predação por caranguejos. O contributo da componente genética, plástica e da sua interacção para a expressão fenotípica é crucial para compreender a evolução de caracteres adaptativos a ambientes heterogéneos. A contribuição destes factores na morfologia da concha de N. lapillus foi explorada recorrendo a transplantes recíprocos e experiências laboratoriais em ambiente comum (com e sem influência de predação) e complementada com análises genéticas, utilizando juvenis provenientes de locais representativos de costas expostas e abrigadas da acção das ondas. As populações estudadas são diferentes geneticamente mas possuem o mesmo cariótipo. Adicionalmente, análises morfométricas revelaram plasticidade da morfologia da concha em ambas as direcções dos transplantes recíprocos e também a retenção parcial, em ambiente comum, da forma da concha nos indivíduos da F2, indicando uma correlação positiva (co-gradiente) entre heritabilidade e plasticidade. A presença de estímulos de predação por caranguejos estimulou a produção de conchas com labros mais grossos, de forma mais evidente em animais recolhidos de costas expostas e também provocou alterações na forma da concha em animais desta proveniência. Estes dados sugerem contra-gradiente em alterações provocadas por predação na morfologia da concha, na produção de labros mais grossos e em níveis de crescimento. O estudo das interacções gene-ambiente descritas acima demonstram a actual possibilidade de produzir recursos e conhecimento genómico numa espécie bem caracterizada ecologicamente mas com limitada informação genómica. Estes recursos permitem um maior conhecimento biológico desta espécie e abrirão novas oportunidades de investigação, que até aqui seriam impossíveis de abordar.


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Sediments are the reserve of environmental variation and analysis gives the diverse nature of the environmental chemical pattern. Present attempt provides an insight on the biogeochemistry (BGC) of sediment in selected stations of Kerala coast, India. Sampling along the Kerala coast was done during May – June 2009 in cruise no: 267 of Fishery and Oceanographic Research Vessel, Sagar Sampada. Eleven samples were collected from four stations - Cape, Trivandrum, Kollam and Cochin. Study of organic matter (OM) is significant as it exerts a strong control on the diagenic alterations in the sediment. Samples were analyzed for their Texture; OM- Protein, Carbohydrate, Tannin and lignin, Lipid; Trace metal; Total phosphorus and CHN. Among the eleven analyzed sediment, sample from Cochin station has high clay (>30%) and silt (>40%) content. The rest of the stations showed elevated amount of sand content. Generally the investigation reveals an inverse relation between lipid with other OM- Protein, Carbohydrate, Tannin and lignin. The order of relative distribution of OM were Protein > Carbohydrate > Tannin and Lignin > Lipid. High concentration of trace metal, Fe was found at Kollam and Cochin. Trace metal concentration was directly related to OM distribution. But C/N and Fe/P ratios were inversely related to OM and trace metal.


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Larvae of the pine beauty moth Panolis flammae (Denis & Schiffermuller) were reared in sleeve cages on five different seed origins (provenances) of pole stage Pinus contorta in the field in each of four years from 1985 to 1988. Survival varied significantly between the years. In those years when survival was high, significant differences between tree provenance were not found. However, between provenance significant differences were found in larval weight and stage of development. In the years when survival was low, the results seen in good years were reversed. Significant differences attributable to provenance were found but these were not reflected in significant differences between larval weight or development. In addition, there was a significant correlation between the proportion surviving and larval weight, which was not the case in those years where larval survival was high. The results are discussed in light of the pest status of P, flammea in Britain and in view of current silvicultural policies. The use of trees resistant to insect attack as part of an integrated pest management programme is highlighted and the need to coordinate laboratory and field studies so as to control for environmental variation discussed.


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This paper presents a neuroscience inspired information theoretic approach to motion segmentation. Robust motion segmentation represents a fundamental first stage in many surveillance tasks. As an alternative to widely adopted individual segmentation approaches, which are challenged in different ways by imagery exhibiting a wide range of environmental variation and irrelevant motion, this paper presents a new biologically-inspired approach which computes the multivariate mutual information between multiple complementary motion segmentation outputs. Performance evaluation across a range of datasets and against competing segmentation methods demonstrates robust performance.


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Eight new species of the spider genus Chrysometa Simon, 1894 (Araneae, Tetragnathidae) are described and illustrated. Chrysometa nubigena n. sp., C. waikoxi n. sp., C. petrasierwaldae n. sp., C. santosi n. sp., C. yanomami n. sp., C. candianii n. sp., C. lomanhungae n. sp., and C. saci n. sp. Those species were collected in a study on the diversity of spider communities along altitudinal gradients in Brazilian Amazonia. C. saci was captured at the Serra do Tapirapeco (Barcelos), while all the other species are from the Pico da Neblina (Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira), the highest mountain in Brazil. We provide new records for C. boraceia, C. flava, C. guttata, C. minuta and C. opulenta, and we describe the male of C. minuta for the first time. We also present the first results on the diversity and altitudinal distribution of the species of Chrysometa at the Pico da Neblina and Serra do Tapirapeco. We sampled the first locality at six different elevations, and obtained 336 specimens distributed in 12 species. Richness and abundance, as well as relative importance peaked at the highest sites sampled (2,000 and 2,400 m). The three most abundant species showed a segregated distribution, being dominant or exclusively distributed in different altitudes. At the Serra do Tapirapeco, sampling at four different elevations up to 1200 m, we only obtained 40 individuals divided in four species, and there was no clear relation to altitude. Most of the new species were found at mid and high altitude sites, while species from lower altitude sites represented widespread species. The comparison with other neotropical spiders inventories highlights the high diversity recorded at Pico da Neblina, which could be assigned to the large environmental variation covered in this work and to the sampling of high-altitude environments. Inventories in the Andean region and other information in the literature also seem to support the association of Chrysometa with high altitude environments.


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Animal traits differ not only in mean, but also in variation around the mean. For instance, one sire’s daughter group may be very homogeneous, while another sire’s daughters are much more heterogeneous in performance. The difference in residual variance can partially be explained by genetic differences. Models for such genetic heterogeneity of environmental variance include genetic effects for the mean and residual variance, and a correlation between the genetic effects for the mean and residual variance to measure how the residual variance might vary with the mean. The aim of this thesis was to develop a method based on double hierarchical generalized linear models for estimating genetic heteroscedasticity, and to apply it on four traits in two domestic animal species; teat count and litter size in pigs, and milk production and somatic cell count in dairy cows. The method developed is fast and has been implemented in software that is widely used in animal breeding, which makes it convenient to use. It is based on an approximation of double hierarchical generalized linear models by normal distributions. When having repeated observations on individuals or genetic groups, the estimates were found to be unbiased. For the traits studied, the estimated heritability values for the mean and the residual variance, and the genetic coefficients of variation, were found in the usual ranges reported. The genetic correlation between mean and residual variance was estimated for the pig traits only, and was found to be favorable for litter size, but unfavorable for teat count.


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* 1
Environmental variation influences food abundance and availability, which is reflected in the reproductive success of top predators. We examined maternal expenditure, offspring mass and condition for Weddell seals in 2 years when individuals exhibited marked differences in these traits.
* 2
For females weighing 355 kg there was a positive relationship between maternal post-partum mass (MPPM) and lactation length, but below this there was no relationship, suggesting that heavier females were able to increase lactation length but lighter females were restricted to a minimum lactation period of 33 days.
* 3
Overall, females were heavier in 2002, but in 2003 shorter females were lighter than similar-sized females in 2002 suggesting that the effects of environmental variability on foraging success and condition are more pronounced in smaller individuals.
* 4
There was no relationship between MPPM and pup birth mass, indicating pre-partum investment did not differ between years. However, there was a positive relationship between MPPM and pup mass gain. Mass and energy transfer efficiency were 10·2 and 5·4% higher in 2002 than 2003, which suggests costs associated with a putatively poor-resource year were delayed until lactation.
* 5
Heavier females lost a higher proportion of mass during lactation in both years, so smaller females may not have been able to provide more to their offspring to wean a pup of similar size to larger females.
* 6
MPPM had only a small influence on total body lipid; therefore, regardless of mass, females had the same relative body composition. Females with male pups lost a higher percentage of lipid than those with female pups, but by the end of lactation female pups had 4·5% higher lipid content than males.
* 7
It appears that for Weddell seals the consequences of environmentally induced variation in food availability are manifested in differences in maternal mass and expenditure during lactation. These differences translate to changes in pup mass and condition at weaning with potential consequences for future survival and recruitment.


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Consistent individual differences in behaviour, termed personality, are common in animal populations and can constrain their responses to ecological and environmental variation, such as temperature. Here, we show for the first time that normal within-daytime fluctuations in temperature of less than 3°C have large effects on personality for two species of juvenile coral reef fish in both observational and manipulative experiments. On average, individual scores on three personality traits (PTs), activity, boldness and aggressiveness, increased from 2.5- to sixfold as a function of temperature. However, whereas most individuals became more active, aggressive and bold across temperature contexts (were plastic), others did not; this changed the individual rank order across temperatures and thus altered personality. In addition, correlations between PTs were consistent across temperature contexts, e.g. fish that were active at a given temperature also tended to be both bold and aggressive. These results (i) highlight the importance of very carefully controlling for temperature when studying behavioural variation among and within individuals and (ii) suggest that individual differences in energy metabolism may contribute to animal personality, given that temperature has large direct effects on metabolic rates in ectotherms.


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Animals respond to environmental variation by exhibiting a number of different behaviours and/or rates of activity, which result in corresponding variation in energy expenditure. Successful animals generally maximize efficiency or rate of energy gain through foraging. Quantification of all features that modulate energy expenditure can theoretically be modelled as an animal energetic niche or power envelope; with total power being represented by the vertical axis and n-dimensional horizontal axes representing extents of processes that affect energy expenditure. Such an energetic niche could be used to assess the energetic consequences of animals adopting particular behaviours under various environmental conditions. This value of this approach was tested by constructing a simple mechanistic energetics model based on data collected from recording devices deployed on 41 free-living Magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus), foraging from four different colonies in Argentina and consequently catching four different types of prey. Energy expenditure was calculated as a function of total distance swum underwater (horizontal axis 1) and maximum depth reached (horizontal axis 2). The resultant power envelope was invariant, irrespective of colony location, but penguins from the different colonies tended to use different areas of the envelope. The different colony solutions appeared to represent particular behavioural options for exploiting the available prey and demonstrate how penguins respond to environmental circumstance (prey distribution), the energetic consequences that this has for them, and how this affects the balance of energy acquisition through foraging and expenditure strategy.


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Many animals use extended phenotypes to attract mates, but the availability of suitable resources in the environment can affect the size and form of these signals, with unknown consequences for honest signalling. In some populations of the great bowerbird, Ptilonorhynchus nuchalis, males arrange decorations by size, with smaller decorations placed closer to the bower entrance than larger decorations. This may create a more even background pattern from the female's viewpoint within the bower than if decorations were arranged randomly. Males show consistent, individual variation in the size-distance gradient, which could reflect variation among males in the cognitive skills needed to arrange decorations. We examined whether individual consistency in gradient characteristics is related to a male's skill at decoration arrangement or the types of decorations at bowers. We paired 18 males and switched bower decorations between pairs. We measured gradient characteristics before switching and 4 and 8 days after switching. Gradient characteristics after switching were related to those of the bower from which decorations were received, not to those of the male's own bower before switching. Gradient characteristics were also related to the types of decorations received, including bones and snail shells. These results suggest that variation among males in the size-distance gradient is explained by differences in the availability of decorations at bowers, not the cognitive skills required to arrange decorations. Although variation in gradient characteristics could indicate the male's ability to locate and transport particular decorations, it could also reflect local availability of objects, with no relationship to male quality.


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Most species of long-distance migratory birds put on energy stores to fuel their travels. However, recent studies have highlighted the potential costs associated with carrying too much fuel, either through increased predation risk or decreased flight efficiency. Consequently, it is now widely accepted that migratory birds should carry optimal rather than maximum fuel loads. Information from 372 garganey (Anas querquedula) ringed and recaptured at least once during the same spring in the Camargue, southern France, was used to document fuelling rates of individual ducks in relation to environmental variation and individual variation in condition. On average, garganey added very little fuel stores in the Camargue (mean gain per day = 0.33 g, less than 0.5% of mean body-mass in total over an average stay of 5 days). Fuelling rates were negatively correlated with body mass at capture, but it cannot be excluded that this pattern was a statistical artefact. Given their body-mass at ringing, garganey could potentially still fly long distances when they stop in the Camargue. It is therefore likely that the aim of their stay in southern France is more for resting than refuelling, a finding that may have implications for the proper management of stop-over sites.