988 resultados para Environmental politics
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A Amazônia deixou de ser apenas uma questão regional e nacional, tornandose decisivamente uma questão global. Envolta nas contradições do capitalismo global, tornou-se, ainda alvo de interesses e pressões externas, notadamente pelos recursos estratégicos e vitais que dispõe para a segurança planetária. O Programa Piloto para a Proteção das Florestas Tropicais do Brasil (PPG-7) surge como caso emblemático de inserção da Amazônia num esforço de governança global, processo esse orientado por uma multiplicidade de atores, coalizões e estratégias. Neste sentido, oriundo das lutas socioambientalistas, no plano da sociedade civil brasileira e dos movimentos transnacionais, o PPG-7 foi um componente importante de redefinição das políticas ambientais no Brasil, alargando a esfera pública e contribuindo para a germinação de uma sociedade civil global conectada por redes na Amazônia.
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
Los estudios sobre percepción de riesgos intentan analizar las relaciones afectivas y éticas que una comunidad establece con el ambiente en que vive. Las percepciones ambientales son entendidas como la forma en que cada persona aprecia y valora su entorno. El presente artículo tiene como objetivo analizar la percepción de riesgos naturales en los miembros de la comunidad académica de la Universidad de Alicante. Para evaluar la percepción se aplicaron encuestas. Han sido contestadas 80 encuestas, todas por medio electrónico. Los resultados indican que la percepción de las principales amenazas por fenómenos naturales son: las inundaciones, las sequías y los incendios forestales. Se concluye resaltando la importancia de trabajos que aporten información sobre la percepción ambiental, con el fin de hacer más eficiente la aplicación de políticas ambientales.
Analysis of newspaper reporting on the topic of energy security in eight countries – four from the global North (France, Germany, the UK, and the United States) and four from the global South (China, India, Brazil, and South Africa) – produces no support for the thesis that news is disseminated from core countries to the periphery and semi-periphery. There is an important difference between China and the other three fast-developing countries and a highly asymmetric flow of news not aligned to old core-periphery boundaries. In general, energy security is mainly covered in trade and business outlets and less in newspapers with mass circulation, indicating that the topic is still an elite concern. In some instances, attention has surged at the same time in different countries. But very few of these instances show a homogenous coverage across countries. Despite increasingly globalised media, news is created and consumed at a national level.
400 ppm is an eco-political music video which encapsulates climate crisis and climate justice in three minutes flat. It is an intervention in popular political ecology/economy, aimed at those who are uneasy with the increasingly obvious deterioration of the living systems of which we are an inextricable part.
By the end of the 1970s, contaminated sites had emerged as one of the most complex and urgent environmental issues affecting industrialized countries. The authors show that small and prosperous Switzerland is no exception to the pervasive problem of sites contamination, the legacy of past practices in waste management having left some 38,000 contaminated sites throughout the country. This book outlines the problem, offering evidence that open and polycentric environmental decision-making that includes civil society actors is valuable. They propose an understanding of environmental management of contaminated sites as a political process in which institutions frame interactions between strategic actors pursuing sometimes conflicting interests. In the opening chapter, the authors describe the influences of politics and the power relationships between actors involved in decision-making in contaminated sites management, which they term a "wicked problem." Chapter Two offers a theoretical framework for understanding institutions and the environmental management of contaminated sites. The next five chapters present a detailed case study on environmental management and contaminated sites in Switzerland, focused on the Bonfol Chemical Landfill. The study and analysis covers the establishment of the landfill under the first generation of environmental regulations, its closure and early remediation efforts, and the gambling on the remediation objectives, methods and funding in the first decade of the 21st Century. The concluding chapter discusses the question of whether the strength of environmental regulations, and the type of interactions between public, private, and civil society actors can explain the environmental choices in contaminated sites management. Drawing lessons from research, the authors debate the value of institutional flexibility for dealing with environmental issues such as contaminated sites.
The authors discuss the regulation of rural land use and compensation for property-rights restrictions, both of which appear to have become more commonplace in recent years but also more contested. The implications of contemporary theories in relation to this matter are examined, including: the applicability of new welfare economics; the relevance of the neoclassical theory of politics; and the implications of contemporary theories of social conflict resolution and communication. Examination of examples of Swiss and Australian regulation of the use of rural properties, and the ensuing conflicts, reveals that many decisions reflect a mixture of these elements. Rarely, if ever, are social decisions in this area made solely on the basis of welfare economics, for instance social cost-benefit analysis. Only some aspects of such decisions can be explained by the neoclassical theory of politics. Theories of social conflict resolution suggest why, and in what way, approaches of discourse and participation may resolve conflicts regarding regulation and compensation. These theories and their practical application seem to gain in importance as opposition to government decisions increases. The high degree of complexity of most conflicts concerning regulation and compensation cannot be tackled with narrow economic theories. Moreover, the Swiss and Australian examples show that approaches involving conflict resolution may favour environmental standards.
As the United States and Australia struggle with contemporary crises over competing uses of rapidly depleting natural resources, there are striking parallels between American Indian and Australian Aboriginal communities demanding a place at the management table and offering culturally based understandings of and solutions for the ecosystems at risk. These efforts to integrate indigenous knowledge into mainstream natural resource management are part of larger legal and political debates over land tenure, the locus of control, indigenous self-governance, and holistic ecosystems management.
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Ciências do Ambiente, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia