999 resultados para Entropy production


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A general circulation model of intermediate complexity with an idealized Earth-like aquaplanet setup is used to study the impact of changes in the oceanic heat transport on the global atmospheric circulation. Focus is on the atmospheric mean meridional circulation and global thermodynamic properties. The atmosphere counterbalances to a large extent the imposed changes in the oceanic heat transport, but, nonetheless, significant modifications to the atmospheric general circulation are found. Increasing the strength of the oceanic heat transport up to 2.5 PW leads to an increase in the global mean near-surface temperature and to a decrease in its equator-to-pole gradient. For stronger transports, the gradient is reduced further, but the global mean remains approximately constant. This is linked to a cooling and a reversal of the temperature gradient in the tropics. Additionally, a stronger oceanic heat transport leads to a decline in the intensity and a poleward shift of the maxima of both the Hadley and Ferrel cells. Changes in zonal mean diabatic heating and friction impact the properties of the Hadley cell, while the behavior of the Ferrel cell is mostly controlled by friction. The efficiency of the climate machine, the intensity of the Lorenz energy cycle and the material entropy production of the system decline with increased oceanic heat transport. This suggests that the climate system becomes less efficient and turns into a state of reduced entropy production as the enhanced oceanic transport performs a stronger large-scale mixing between geophysical fluids with different temperatures, thus reducing the available energy in the climate system and bringing it closer to a state of thermal equilibrium.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We consider a charged Brownian gas under the influence of external and non-uniform electric, magnetic and mechanical fields, immersed in a non-uniform bath temperature. With the collision time as an expansion parameter, we study the solution to the associated Kramers equation, including a linear reactive term. To the first order we obtain the asymptotic (overdamped) regime, governed by transport equations, namely: for the particle density, a Smoluchowski- reactive like equation; for the particle's momentum density, a generalized Ohm's-like equation; and for the particle's energy density, a MaxwellCattaneo-like equation. Defining a nonequilibrium temperature as the mean kinetic energy density, and introducing Boltzmann's entropy density via the one particle distribution function, we present a complete thermohydrodynamical picture for a charged Brownian gas. We probe the validity of the local equilibrium approximation, Onsager relations, variational principles associated to the entropy production, and apply our results to: carrier transport in semiconductors, hot carriers and Brownian motors. Finally, we outline a method to incorporate non-linear reactive kinetics and a mean field approach to interacting Brownian particles. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this work is to study the features of a simple replicator chemical model of the relation between kinetic stability and entropy production under the action of external perturbations. We quantitatively explore the different paths leading to evolution in a toy model where two independent replicators compete for the same substrate. To do that, the same scenario described originally by Pross (J Phys Org Chem 17:312–316, 2004) is revised and new criteria to define the kinetic stability are proposed. Our results suggest that fast replicator populations are continually favored by the effects of strong stochastic environmental fluctuations capable to determine the global population, the former assumed to be the only acting evolution force. We demonstrate that the process is continually driven by strong perturbations only, and that population crashes may be useful proxies for these catastrophic environmental fluctuations. As expected, such behavior is particularly enhanced under very large scale perturbations, suggesting a likely dynamical footprint in the recovery patterns of new species after mass extinction events in the Earth’s geological past. Furthermore, the hypothesis that natural selection always favors the faster processes may give theoretical support to different studies that claim the applicability of maximum principles like the Maximum Metabolic Flux (MMF) or Maximum Entropy Productions Principle (MEPP), seen as the main goal of biological evolution.


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The present thesis is concerned with the study of a quantum physical system composed of a small particle system (such as a spin chain) and several quantized massless boson fields (as photon gasses or phonon fields) at positive temperature. The setup serves as a simplified model for matter in interaction with thermal "radiation" from different sources. Hereby, questions concerning the dynamical and thermodynamic properties of particle-boson configurations far from thermal equilibrium are in the center of interest. We study a specific situation where the particle system is brought in contact with the boson systems (occasionally referred to as heat reservoirs) where the reservoirs are prepared close to thermal equilibrium states, each at a different temperature. We analyze the interacting time evolution of such an initial configuration and we show thermal relaxation of the system into a stationary state, i.e., we prove the existence of a time invariant state which is the unique limit state of the considered initial configurations evolving in time. As long as the reservoirs have been prepared at different temperatures, this stationary state features thermodynamic characteristics as stationary energy fluxes and a positive entropy production rate which distinguishes it from being a thermal equilibrium at any temperature. Therefore, we refer to it as non-equilibrium stationary state or simply NESS. The physical setup is phrased mathematically in the language of C*-algebras. The thesis gives an extended review of the application of operator algebraic theories to quantum statistical mechanics and introduces in detail the mathematical objects to describe matter in interaction with radiation. The C*-theory is adapted to the concrete setup. The algebraic description of the system is lifted into a Hilbert space framework. The appropriate Hilbert space representation is given by a bosonic Fock space over a suitable L2-space. The first part of the present work is concluded by the derivation of a spectral theory which connects the dynamical and thermodynamic features with spectral properties of a suitable generator, say K, of the time evolution in this Hilbert space setting. That way, the question about thermal relaxation becomes a spectral problem. The operator K is of Pauli-Fierz type. The spectral analysis of the generator K follows. This task is the core part of the work and it employs various kinds of functional analytic techniques. The operator K results from a perturbation of an operator L0 which describes the non-interacting particle-boson system. All spectral considerations are done in a perturbative regime, i.e., we assume that the strength of the coupling is sufficiently small. The extraction of dynamical features of the system from properties of K requires, in particular, the knowledge about the spectrum of K in the nearest vicinity of eigenvalues of the unperturbed operator L0. Since convergent Neumann series expansions only qualify to study the perturbed spectrum in the neighborhood of the unperturbed one on a scale of order of the coupling strength we need to apply a more refined tool, the Feshbach map. This technique allows the analysis of the spectrum on a smaller scale by transferring the analysis to a spectral subspace. The need of spectral information on arbitrary scales requires an iteration of the Feshbach map. This procedure leads to an operator-theoretic renormalization group. The reader is introduced to the Feshbach technique and the renormalization procedure based on it is discussed in full detail. Further, it is explained how the spectral information is extracted from the renormalization group flow. The present dissertation is an extension of two kinds of a recent research contribution by Jakšić and Pillet to a similar physical setup. Firstly, we consider the more delicate situation of bosonic heat reservoirs instead of fermionic ones, and secondly, the system can be studied uniformly for small reservoir temperatures. The adaption of the Feshbach map-based renormalization procedure by Bach, Chen, Fröhlich, and Sigal to concrete spectral problems in quantum statistical mechanics is a further novelty of this work.


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Non-Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics is a broad subject. Grossly speaking, it deals with systems which have not yet relaxed to an equilibrium state, or else with systems which are in a steady non-equilibrium state, or with more general situations. They are characterized by external forcing and internal fluxes, resulting in a net production of entropy which quantifies dissipation and the extent by which, by the Second Law of Thermodynamics, time-reversal invariance is broken. In this thesis we discuss some of the mathematical structures involved with generic discrete-state-space non-equilibrium systems, that we depict with networks in all analogous to electrical networks. We define suitable observables and derive their linear regime relationships, we discuss a duality between external and internal observables that reverses the role of the system and of the environment, we show that network observables serve as constraints for a derivation of the minimum entropy production principle. We dwell on deep combinatorial aspects regarding linear response determinants, which are related to spanning tree polynomials in graph theory, and we give a geometrical interpretation of observables in terms of Wilson loops of a connection and gauge degrees of freedom. We specialize the formalism to continuous-time Markov chains, we give a physical interpretation for observables in terms of locally detailed balanced rates, we prove many variants of the fluctuation theorem, and show that a well-known expression for the entropy production due to Schnakenberg descends from considerations of gauge invariance, where the gauge symmetry is related to the freedom in the choice of a prior probability distribution. As an additional topic of geometrical flavor related to continuous-time Markov chains, we discuss the Fisher-Rao geometry of nonequilibrium decay modes, showing that the Fisher matrix contains information about many aspects of non-equilibrium behavior, including non-equilibrium phase transitions and superposition of modes. We establish a sort of statistical equivalence principle and discuss the behavior of the Fisher matrix under time-reversal. To conclude, we propose that geometry and combinatorics might greatly increase our understanding of nonequilibrium phenomena.


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In a recent paper [1] Reis showed that both the principles of extremum of entropy production rate, which are often used in the study of complex systems, are corollaries of the Constructal Law. In fact, both follow from the maximization of overall system conductivities, under appropriate constraints. In this way, the maximum rate of entropy production (MEP) occurs when all the forces in the system are kept constant. On the other hand, the minimum rate of entropy production (mEP) occurs when all the currents that cross the system are kept constant. In this paper it is shown how the so-called principle of "minimum energy expenditure" which is often used as the basis for explaining many morphologic features in biologic systems, and also in inanimate systems, is also a corollary of Bejan's Constructal Law [2]. Following the general proof some cases namely, the scaling laws of human vascular systems and river basins are discussed as illustrations from the side of life, and inanimate systems, respectively.


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This paper presents several combined agricultural data disaggregation models in order to recover the farms' land uses, the livestock numbers and main crops' productions. The proposed approach estimates incomplete information at disaggregated level through entropy, using an information prior, and generating information for a combined calculation use of data in the estimation of other variables. The models were applied to the region of Algarve, to some rural pilot areas (Salir-Ameixial-Cachopo and Alcoutim) for livestock data, since this data in some Algarve's inland areas is needed for a European forest fire prevention project, and to the agrarian zones in a more complex framework. The results are promising. They were validated, in cross reference to real data, having proven to be valid and reliable. The total error was small and a considerable level of information heterogeneity was recovered. The total error was about 27,9% for the counties' land uses and 21% for the agrarian zones, and for the livestock it was also acceptable. The level of heterogeneity recovered was always higher than 50%, revealing some improvements regarding previous studies.


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This letter argues that the current controversy about whether Wbuoyancy, the power input due to the surface buoyancy fluxes, is large or small in the oceans stems from two distinct and incompatible views on how Wbuoyancy relates to the volume-integrated work of expansion/contraction B. The current prevailing view is that Wbuoyancy should be identified with the net value of B, which current theories estimate to be small. The alternative view, defended here, is that only the positive part of B, i.e., the one converting internal energy into mechanical energy, should enter the definition of Wbuoyancy, since the negative part of B is associated with the non-viscous dissipation of mechanical energy. Two indirect methods suggest that by contrast, the positive part of B is potentially large.


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We study quench dynamics and defect production in the Kitaev and the extended Kitaev models. For the Kitaev model in one dimension, we show that in the limit of slow quench rate, the defect density n∼1/√τ, where 1/τ is the quench rate. We also compute the defect correlation function by providing an exact calculation of all independent nonzero spin correlation functions of the model. In two dimensions, where the quench dynamics takes the system across a critical line, we elaborate on the results of earlier work [K. Sengupta, D. Sen, and S. Mondal, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 077204 (2008)] to discuss the unconventional scaling of the defect density with the quench rate. In this context, we outline a general proof that for a d-dimensional quantum model, where the quench takes the system through a d−m dimensional gapless (critical) surface characterized by correlation length exponent ν and dynamical critical exponent z, the defect density n∼1/τmν/(zν+1). We also discuss the variation of the shape and spatial extent of the defect correlation function with both the rate of quench and the model parameters and compute the entropy generated during such a quenching process. Finally, we study the defect scaling law, entropy generation and defect correlation function of the two-dimensional extended Kitaev model.


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Stars with a core mass greater than about 30 M become dynamically unstable due to electron-positron pair production when their central temperature reaches 1.5-2.0 x 109 0K. The collapse and subsequent explosion of stars with core masses of 45, 52, and 60 M is calculated. The range of the final velocity of expansion (3,400 – 8,500 km/sec) and of the mass ejected (1 – 40 M) is comparable to that observed for type II supernovae.

An implicit scheme of hydrodynamic difference equations (stable for large time steps) used for the calculation of the evolution is described.

For fast evolution the turbulence caused by convective instability does not produce the zero entropy gradient and perfect mixing found for slower evolution. A dynamical model of the convection is derived from the equations of motion and then incorporated into the difference equations.


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As técnicas estatísticas são fundamentais em ciência e a análise de regressão linear é, quiçá, uma das metodologias mais usadas. É bem conhecido da literatura que, sob determinadas condições, a regressão linear é uma ferramenta estatística poderosíssima. Infelizmente, na prática, algumas dessas condições raramente são satisfeitas e os modelos de regressão tornam-se mal-postos, inviabilizando, assim, a aplicação dos tradicionais métodos de estimação. Este trabalho apresenta algumas contribuições para a teoria de máxima entropia na estimação de modelos mal-postos, em particular na estimação de modelos de regressão linear com pequenas amostras, afetados por colinearidade e outliers. A investigação é desenvolvida em três vertentes, nomeadamente na estimação de eficiência técnica com fronteiras de produção condicionadas a estados contingentes, na estimação do parâmetro ridge em regressão ridge e, por último, em novos desenvolvimentos na estimação com máxima entropia. Na estimação de eficiência técnica com fronteiras de produção condicionadas a estados contingentes, o trabalho desenvolvido evidencia um melhor desempenho dos estimadores de máxima entropia em relação ao estimador de máxima verosimilhança. Este bom desempenho é notório em modelos com poucas observações por estado e em modelos com um grande número de estados, os quais são comummente afetados por colinearidade. Espera-se que a utilização de estimadores de máxima entropia contribua para o tão desejado aumento de trabalho empírico com estas fronteiras de produção. Em regressão ridge o maior desafio é a estimação do parâmetro ridge. Embora existam inúmeros procedimentos disponíveis na literatura, a verdade é que não existe nenhum que supere todos os outros. Neste trabalho é proposto um novo estimador do parâmetro ridge, que combina a análise do traço ridge e a estimação com máxima entropia. Os resultados obtidos nos estudos de simulação sugerem que este novo estimador é um dos melhores procedimentos existentes na literatura para a estimação do parâmetro ridge. O estimador de máxima entropia de Leuven é baseado no método dos mínimos quadrados, na entropia de Shannon e em conceitos da eletrodinâmica quântica. Este estimador suplanta a principal crítica apontada ao estimador de máxima entropia generalizada, uma vez que prescinde dos suportes para os parâmetros e erros do modelo de regressão. Neste trabalho são apresentadas novas contribuições para a teoria de máxima entropia na estimação de modelos mal-postos, tendo por base o estimador de máxima entropia de Leuven, a teoria da informação e a regressão robusta. Os estimadores desenvolvidos revelam um bom desempenho em modelos de regressão linear com pequenas amostras, afetados por colinearidade e outliers. Por último, são apresentados alguns códigos computacionais para estimação com máxima entropia, contribuindo, deste modo, para um aumento dos escassos recursos computacionais atualmente disponíveis.


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We calculate the relic abundance of mixed axion/neutralino cold dark matter which arises in R-parity conserving supersymmetric (SUSY) models wherein the strong CP problem is solved by the Peccei-Quinn (PQ) mechanism with a concommitant axion/saxion/axino supermultiplet. By numerically solving the coupled Boltzmann equations, we include the combined effects of 1. thermal axino production with cascade decays to a neutralino LSP, 2. thermal saxion production and production via coherent oscillations along with cascade decays and entropy injection, 3. thermal neutralino production and re-annihilation after both axino and saxion decays, 4. gravitino production and decay and 5. axion production both thermally and via oscillations. For SUSY models with too high a standard neutralino thermal abundance, we find the combined effect of SUSY PQ particles is not enough to lower the neutralino abundance down to its measured value, while at the same time respecting bounds on late-decaying neutral particles from BBN. However, models with a standard neutralino underabundance can now be allowed with either neutralino or axion domination of dark matter, and furthermore, these models can allow the PQ breaking scale f(a) to be pushed up into the 10(14) - 10(15) GeV range, which is where it is typically expected to be in string theory models.